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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大學生對科學新聞報導之理解與詮釋 / A study of undergraduates' understanding and interpretation of science news

王怡琄 Unknown Date (has links)
科學議題是大眾每日生活中不可或缺的訊息類型,它可能大至科學政策的討論,或小至個人決定是否選用某項產品的生活細節當中。然而大眾對科學訊息的接近與使用,多侷限在對媒體訊息的依賴,並以新聞報導為主。因此,大眾如何理解與詮釋新聞媒體中的科學訊息,便是探討大眾與科學傳播中重要的環節。大學生處於正式進入社會場域,並離開以學習為主之校園生活的預備階段,是探討科學教育及媒體訊息傳播都十分重要的角色,因此本文以大學生為研究對象,討論了大學生對科學新聞報導的理解與詮釋互動,以及其所展現的科學素養表現。 本研究發現受訪大學生對科學報導的詮釋展現了六種詮釋態度。分析與其詮釋表現相關的因素,「科學新聞文本」對受訪者的詮釋影響展現在三個層面:學生對「科學」本身所採取的態度、報導主題的性質以及報導論述的方式。而「讀者本身的差異」,包括科系、所學背景,特別是高中所學以及科學性通識課程之修習,以及媒體使用習慣等,對受訪大學生的理解與詮釋也產生影響。 此外,受訪大學生在對科學新聞報導的詮釋上共享特定的詮釋策略,包括慣用「自身所學」(主修科系)作為詮釋報導的主要基模與互動內容;對教化(教師及專家權威)及同儕論述的信任;以及以網路為主的媒體使用習慣。而受訪大學生在理解及詮釋科學新聞時所展現的科學素養方面,整體而言主要僅呈現對科學報導知識層面的理解,例如對特定概念、科學過程及方法的認識;但同時也展現對科學報導一定的批判及懷疑態度。本研究亦進一步提出對科學報導產製及科學教育未來發展之建議,期待國內在未來能擁有一個更好的科學傳播環境。

從新聞中的偽科學報導看大學生的科學素養與媒體識讀能力 / Scientific literacy and media literacy: how college students believe pseudoscience in news

王貞懿, Wang, Chen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
科學傳播領域投入大量的心思探討科學素養與媒體識讀能力對於閱聽眾的重要性,一方面是因為閱聽眾有基本的科學素養才足以理解新聞報導中的科學或科技知識,另一方面,透過媒體管道接觸訊息,閱聽人應該要有基本的媒體識讀能力,也就是對於媒體內容能有獨立思考與批判的能力,但卻忽略了媒體中偽科學內容的存在與閱聽眾本身的偽科學信念對於傳播可能的影響與阻礙,這是過去文獻中不曾考量的現象,有鑑於此,本研究綜合探討目前大學生的科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念的程度,科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念之間的關係,以及媒體使用對其偽科學新聞辨識能力的影響。 本研究於台灣北、中、南、東四地區抽樣調查共1190名大學生,研究結果顯示,大學生在科學素養與媒體識讀能力的表現普通,相信偽科學的程度也不低;而就不同的偽科學信念主題來說,大學生較無法辨識以商業為主題的偽科學。本研究也發現科學素養與媒體識讀能力呈現正相關,與偽科學信念間無顯著相關,而媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念則呈負相關。同時,媒體時間接觸越長的人,其偽科學信念越高,特別是電視的影響最深。在控制多重可能影響的基本背景變項後發現,媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念為解釋偽科學新聞辨識能力的有力變項,本研究論文最後針對這些發現作進一步的討論與建議。 / The current study explores the roles of scientific literacy and media literacy in how people understand or believe the pseudoscientific content in news. Scientific literacy has been considered as an important concept in science communication research for it may explain how well people are able to understand the knowledge in news content, while media literacy is the ability of an audience to think independently and critically of the information provided by media. Past students, however, have not yet suggested a complete picture of how scientific literacy and media literacy together influence audiences’ processing of science news. Past studies have also not yet widely explored pseudoscience in media or its impact on audiences. Pseudoscience subjects such as astrology and medical quackery can be easily found in media content today, even news, with exaggerated or unproved claims. It remains unknown how publics receive such media information, particularly since audiences have preexisting beliefs relevant to these pseudoscience subjects that would be influential. Thus, the present study is aimed to depict the relationship of science literacy and media literacy in reading pseudoscientific news with consideration of audiences’ pseudoscientific beliefs. A survey on college students in Taiwan was conducted with a nation-wide stratified sample of 1190. The results first showed that college students are at mediate levels of scientific literacy and media literacy, and the scores of their pseudo-scientific beliefs are not low, particularly on the pseudoscientific subjects that have a marketing theme or a commercial purpose. The findings also showed that scientific literacy is positively related to media literacy and not significantly related to pseudoscientific beliefs; media literacy is negatively related to pseudo-scientific beliefs. In addition, the study found that media use is positively related to pseudoscientific beliefs; especially the viewing of television. Hierarchical regression analyses further showed that media literacy and pseudo-scientific beliefs have significant effects on how pseudoscience content in news is believed. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies are discussed at the end.

台灣地區大學生媒介使用、科學素養與科學態度之相關研究 / Media use, scientific literacy and attitude toward science among college students in Taiwan

張云慈, Chang, Yun-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
在過去幾十年間,科學素養備受國內外學者重視,提升國民的科學素養程度不但被多國政府納入國家重點施政方針,相關調查與具體的教育措施亦成為研究者的關注焦點。大眾媒體向來是一般閱聽眾接觸科學資訊最常見的管道,因此如何讓科學知識能普及於一般民眾,甚至讓非專業人士也能對科學有正面評價並支持科學發展,便成為科學工作者傳遞科學資訊的挑戰。針對民眾科學知識與科學素養的相關研究,近十多年來在國外幾乎不曾間斷。然若回顧台灣本地文獻,大規模的科學素養或科學態度調查則較少出現。為彌補此一研究缺漏,本文擬以全台灣地區的大學在學生為調查對象,透過科學問卷設計,進行全國大學生科學素養與科學態度調查,同時將媒介使用與人口變項納入分析之中,以期了解彼此間的相互關係。 本研究透過隨機抽樣,抽出十一所分別位於台灣北、中、南、東的大專院校,於民國九十八年六月間進行問卷調查與回收,最後共取得1838份有效問卷,以統計軟體SPSS中的t檢定與階層迴歸分析後,研究發現如下:一、在新聞媒介使用上,大學生接觸網路頻率最高,電視次之,報紙與雜誌殿後;二、在科學素養方面,男性、就讀理工組相關科系、念公立大學、在班上成績較佳的學生,有較好的科學素養程度;科學態度與科學素養則無顯著相關;三、除了電視新聞與電視科學內容接觸外,其他種類的媒介使用對科學素養並無顯著影響;四、本研究發現,收看電視的頻率越高,科學素養越低落,且無論新聞或科學節目皆然;五、在控制住所有可能的影響因素後,影響科學素養最有力的變項分別為「公私立大學」、「就讀科系」與「班上成績」,顯示學校教育與過去學習背景是影響台灣地區大學生科學素養程度的最主要因素。 / Over the past decades, a growing number of studies have focused on public scientific literacy and tried to examine it. Public familiarity with basic scientific concepts and principles has been proposed as essential for effective decision-making both in personal daily life and national policy. Quantitative and qualitative studies of the public understanding of science have been conducted in many countries. Those studies have provided valuable insights into to what extent that citizens may have understood important scientific concepts, and furthermore, into the ways in which they seek and use scientific knowledge and how they think about science. There were only few science literacy related studies conducted in Taiwan. Up till now, no representative and population-based study in Taiwan. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the level of scientific literacy of college students in Taiwan and to explore the relationships between media use, scientific literacy and the attitude toward science. This study conducted a national survey among college students in Taiwan. One thousand eight-hundred and thirty-eight students participating in this study from June 1, 2009 to June 22, 2009. As expected, male, public university students, majoring science and technology, with better academic performance, will have higher levels of scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is negative related to the frequency of watching television, whether news or scientific programs, which suggests TV programs in Taiwan do not provide quality science contents to audiences. After controlling for a range of socio-demographic variables, it is found that public or private university, major, and academic performance have significant effects on college students’ scientific literacy. Findings indicated that educational variables affect the level of scientific literacy of Taiwanese undergraduates the most.

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