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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊傑翔 Unknown Date (has links)
In this study we examine the notion of applicability of cointegration statistical arbitrage in Taiwan stock, electronic and financial index future. We form the trading pairs by construction the cointegration relation pairs in the same industry and the same type of business. The basic concept we applied in this way is that market neutral, and contrarian investment. We execute three different kind of pairs. They are individual stock vs. stock pairs, Finance Sector Index Futures and financial stocks, and Electronic and Finance Sector Index Futures vs. Electronic and Financial stock portfolio. The results from the three different kind of combination are all showing the feasibility. of our statistical model.


羅君昱, Lo, Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文利用計量經濟之共整合模型來進行台灣股票市場的股票配對交易可行性分析,主要方法是界定目標資產與模擬資產,並當目標資產與模擬資產間偏離長期均衡關係時,即買進低估的資產,放空高估之資產,靜待它們回到長期之均衡關係,並藉此賺取兩者資產價格收斂的報酬。 本論文研究對象為台灣五十指數成份股,經Engle-Granger共整合檢定及篩選β值兩步驟之結果,共計6組配對股票符合篩選標準。資料區間參數經檢定為20天及240天資料較為穩定,並截取2003年1月至2006年5月之間6組配對股票每日收盤資料進行績效回測,其結果如下:經扣除交易成本後,20天資料之投資報酬率普遍較低,有3組配對平均年報酬率為負值,最佳配對為台達電/鴻海,平均年報酬率6.36%。另外一組240天資料投資報酬率較高;有4組平均年報酬率在2%以上,最佳配對為仁寶/廣達,平均年報酬率高達14.58%。若將6組配對平均分配投入資金組成投資組合,分析發現20天資料之平均年報酬率為0.78%,240天資料之平均年報酬率為2.44%。顯示短天期20天資料回測結果較不具投資吸引力。 依據本研究之實證結果,針對改善套利績效有以下幾點建議: (一) 持有配對股票庫存高之法人機構或自然人可降低投入資金,適合發展股票配對交易以提高統計套利之報酬率。 (二) 深入探討進出場之門檻策略,尋找最佳化參數。 (三) 挑選夏普指標值高者以減少投資組合的配對組數改善整體績效。 (四) 利用槓桿交易提高報酬率,並留意風險控管以免過度擴張信用。 此種統計套利策略屬於市場中立(market neutral)策略,可以為專業投資機構發展出績效穩定但相對風險較低的投資方式,在未來若國內法規允許的情況下,統計套利將適合產壽險公司、政府基金、私募基金、校務基金等許多專業機構將此策略納入其投資策略之一環。

統計套利在台灣市場之理論與實證 / Theory and Empirical Research on Statistical Arbitrage in Taiwan Market

黃杏愉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是為了瞭解統計套利中的配對交易策略是否可運用於台灣股票市場,並驗證此策略在台灣股市之獲利性及可行性,統計套利的優點很多,可以降低投資風險及提高投資交易獲利的機會,是一個能獲取超額絕對報酬率的交易策略。本研究並不考慮兩檔配對股票的任何基本因素變化或事件因素導向所產生的套利機會,只使用統計模型且考慮如股票間投資報酬率之相關性係數等研究方法,並扣除交易成本。 在實證部份,台灣五十成分股之金融產業表現都能達到不錯的結果。電子產業部分,其長期來看是會回到均衡的,所以績效表現也都能如預期般有良好的表現。電信業三雄不管任兩組配對也都能獲得穩定之報酬。最後,傳產業中部分表現差強人意,未來或許可利用其他模型來找尋其適合配對之模型。

分析師樣本公司之因子模型 : 台灣市場實證分析 / Factor model of analyst forecasting companies : an empirical analysis of Taiwan market

阮彥勳, Juan, Yen Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
研究使用2000~2016年台灣證券交易所1887家公司,包含所有上下市櫃分析師預測公司,分析師預測資料除研究常用之盈餘預測外,亦將營收、毛利與毛利率等預測項目納入研究,此外加入額外因子,如:規模因子、淨值市價比因子、系統性風險因子、非流動性因子等進行多因子研究,使用Fama and French(1992)之Fama Macbeth迴歸模型,進行時間序列與橫斷面迴歸測驗,檢驗各因子之有效性,最終依據各績效評估因子決定出最適之投資組合,並附上各因子組合之權益曲線與績效。 實證結果發現,在台灣分析師樣本公司中,分析師歧異度、短期動能與長期動能三因子的影響較為顯著,分析師預期歧異度較高的公司未來預期報酬相對低於分析師預期歧異度較低的公司,而短期動能與長期動能較強的公司相較於短期動能與長期動能較弱的公司,擁有較高之未來預期報酬,以此三因子構建之投資組合,在2000~2016年間夏普值達0.78;而Fama and French使用的三因子在此樣本空間解釋力並不顯著,非流動性因子亦不顯著。 / This paper used the 1887 companies in Taiwan from 2000 to 2016, including all the analysts forecasting listed and delisted companies in either exchange market or over-the-counter market. The data of analyst’s prediction not only used the earnings forecast, but also revenue, gross profit and gross profit forecast in this research. In addition, other factors such as size factor, B/M factor, systemic risk factor, non-liquidity factor were used in this study. This paper used the Fama Macbeth regression model, which contains both time series and cross section Regression test, test the effectiveness of each factor, and ultimately based on the performance factor to determine the optimal portfolio, and finally obtain the equity curve and performance of the combination with various factors. The empirical results show that the analyst's earning dispersion, short-term momentum and long-term momentum three factors are more significant in the analyst forecasting companies in Taiwan. Companies with higher degree of earning prediction dispersion have relatively lower return in the future, and companies with higher short-term momentum and long-term momentum have a higher expected return. Build a portfolio with the three factor in 2000~2016 could obtain 0.88 Sharpe ratio! Neither Fama and French three factors nor non-liquidity factor in this sample space is significant.

中國證券市場上的上證50ETF與滬深300ETF之間的統計套利研究 / The study of statistical arbitrage between SSE50 ETF and CSI300 ETF on the China’s security market

邵玲玉, Shao, Ling Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以在中國大陸證券市場上交易量最大,流動性最好的兩隻指數型ETF——華夏上證50ETF(SH510050)和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF(SH510300),為一個配對組合,進行統計套利。本文先簡要配對交易的實質和常用方法,以及這一策略目前在全球市場和中國大陸市場上的應用和研究狀況。而後又介紹了這兩隻ETF的標的物——上證50指數和滬深300指數,並闡明為何選取這兩個指數相關的ETF作為統計套利的原因。 接著,分析了華夏上證50ETF和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF的相關性,從這兩隻ETF的相關性出發,建立共振合模型,並建立一階誤差修正模型對兩隻ETF的短期非均衡狀態進行補充。在此基礎上設定交易規則進行模擬交易。同時我們還在文中後續探討了交易成本和止損點的設置情況。 經過模擬交易,我們發現在一個標準差為開倉閾值的情況下出現的套利機會非常少且收益率較低。因此我們修改交易規則,來探討模型存在的問題,發現當將開倉閾值設為價差序列兩個標準差時,交易次數沒有增加,但收益率有所好轉。當將開倉閾值設為移動平均數和移動標準差,交易次數明顯增加,但收益率並沒有好轉。為進一步驗證上述結論,我們通過樣本外資料進行測試,發現與上述結果一致。此外,我們還通過延長時間序列的方式增加樣本量,得到結果也與上述一致。在用高頻資料交易結果不理想的情況下,我們採用了兩隻ETF的日收盤價格序列建立統計模型和模擬交易,發現在這種情況下,存在套利空間,但第一和第二種策略的套利機會較少,第三種策略套利機會相較前兩種策略要多得多。 分析上述結果產生的原因,主要原因有二:第一,在採用高頻資料的時候,模型的殘差項標準差較小,也就意味著該模型的偏離程度不高,因此套利空間較小。第二,這一配對組合所建立的模型其ECM項係數均非常小,也就意味著模型的長期穩定對時間序列的短期波動影響很小,因此出現的套利機會非常少。 此外,在此說明的是本文所採用的樣本資料為華夏上證50ETF和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF在2016年7月1日到2016年10月31日每十分鐘的高頻交易價格資料,資料來源為中國大陸的WIND資料庫。 / This essay uses Huaxia SSE50 ETF (Code: SH510050) and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF (Code: SH510300), the two ETFs with the largest trading volume and the best liquidity in the China’s security market, as a pair for statistical arbitrage. Firstly, we introduce the definition of the strategy—pair trading, and its current application in the global and China’s mainland stock market. Then, the essay presents the underlying assets of the two ETFs, SSE50 Index and CSI300 Index, and explains why we choose the two ETFs for statistical arbitrage. Secondly, we analyze the correlation between Huaxia SSE50 ETF and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF, and build the co-integration model based on the correlation. Meanwhile, we establish the first-order error correction model to supplement the short-term imbalance of the two ETFs. On this basis, we set trading rules for simulated transaction. Moreover, we consider trading costs and stop-loss points in this article. After simulated trading, we find that both the trading time and the return are not good enough when we set a standard deviation as the threshold. So we modify trading rules, using the two standard deviations and moving standard deviation as thresholds, but it still doesn’t work. In order to further verify the above conclusion, we change the sample data by adding two times of the original and using the daily closing price, and it reveals that when we use the daily closing price to trade, the yield is better than the high-frequency trading price. There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, the standard deviation of the model’s residual is so little that the arbitrage space is small. Second, the coefficients of ECM is too little, which means the long-term stability of the model has little effect on the short-term volatility of the time series, thus leading to fewer arbitrage chances. In addition, the data used in the article are from the Wind Database in China.

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