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冷戰後中共對中亞地區能源政策 / Chinese enery policy toward central asia after cold war吳建霆, Wu, Jin Ting Unknown Date (has links)
然而新疆維吾爾自治區位於中共西北部地處,自古以來就是中共向西開放的重要門戶,有長達5,600公里的邊境線,惟新疆少數民族乃未停息的宗教不安問題,一直是北京及中亞最可能的潛在引爆點。為維持中共新疆地區社會穩定、經濟健康發展、民族團結、邊防鞏固及維護和保持新疆社會大局穩定,因此中共對新疆境內分離份子的態度(新疆境內有42﹪維吾爾族人),自然是中共關切所在。因此中共於新疆地區執行各項維穩及反恐任務,來抑制少數伊斯蘭教激進份子的東突厥斯坦獨立運動思潮,來達到其穩定內部社會秩序、並藉由與國際間的反恐合作持續在反恐建設上加強作為,鞏固政權及確保經由陸路運輸的石油氣管道安全,是當前對新疆最重要及緊迫的任務;其發展對中共的能源安全戰略、擴大與中亞、南亞的能源合作、保持邊疆穩定具有十分重要價值,使得新疆作為中共石油資源戰略接替區的戰略地位更加明朗。 / While energy consumption rises significantly with the rapid economic growth, China becomes self-insufficient in all kinds of fossil fuel, such as oil and natural gas, except coal, and depends more and more on imported resources, accordingly. China exports its energy resources from the Middle East mostly, however, stable supply from this area cannot be promised. First of all, many oil-producing countries in the Middle East suffer from regime transitions; secondly, the problem of pirate in the offshore Somalia and the Gulf of Aden cannot be overcome, and it would be highly inconvenient if the sea lines through the Strait of Malacca were interrupted. Therefore, China began to construct the first gas interstate pipeline in Central Asia, which starts from Turkmenistan, central Uzbekistan, southern Kazakhstan, and enters China through the border city in Xinjian Uyghur Autonomous region, Horgos. Until mid-April 2014, this pipeline has delivered 50 billion cbm natural from Central Asia to China. However, this region, located in the Northwest China with 5,600 borderline, has been a disturbing issue for China because of conflict among ethnic and religious minorities and Chinese people. In order to maintain the stability in the economy, society and diverse ethnics in the border, China practices several policies, such as stabilization and counter-terrorism, to suppress the independence activity by Islamic extremists in Uyghuristan. Additionally, is important for China to secure the pipeline through Central Asia and the local governance by counter-terrorism with international cooperation. Therefore, Xinjian has strategic value for China regarding energy security, not just for the resource access to Central Asia, but also for the cooperation in South Asia.
Central Asia, energy security, land pipeline, stabilization in Xinjian
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看不見的維穩:中國群體性事件的媒介框架與話語 / Invisible Stability Maintenance: Framing mass incidents in Chinese market-oriented media陳宇, Chen, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去20餘年來,在「穩定壓倒一切」的思維邏輯下,中國特色的維穩體系顯著擴張,預示中國正步入維穩國家。維穩體系主要是處理改革、發展與穩定的關係,目的無外乎鞏固中共韌性威權。然而,既往學者從媒介控制角度研究中共威權統治,往往聚焦於改革與發展,漠視已成社會常態的維穩。本研究旨在彌補這一不足,並希望以群體性事件為觀察對象,檢視市場化媒體與維穩之間的統合與衝突。依框架包裹取徑,本文歸納出高壓維穩、開明維穩、官民互動、為民維權四種媒介框架與話語。研究結果發現,面對群體性事件,媒體分別扮演了黨國喉舌、監督者和公眾利益代言人的角色;媒介框架呈現出多元化特徵,但框架並非固定不變,相反潛藏著動態變化的可能;多元衝突的框架實際可以整合到更宏觀的信任與擁護政府的框架中。本研究的另一重要發現是,在嚴格新聞管制之下,媒體最常見的框架建構是開明維穩,表明市場化媒體服從維穩需要仍是主流。這一研究結果在一定程度上解釋了市場化媒體如何鞏固中共威權統治。 / Over the past two decades, the systematic stability maintenance apparatus has expanded dramatically under the logic of “stability overrides everything”, which indicates that China is turning into a security state. The operation of Stability Maintenance mainly deals with the relationship between reform, development and stability. The purpose is nothing less than strengthening the CCP’s resilient authoritarianism. However, Stability Maintenance has been ignored when researchers who study China’s authoritarian rule from the perspective of media control paid much attention to the reform and development. Choosing mass incidents as case study, this paper aims to cover the shortage mentioned above, and examines the relationship between market-oriented media and Stability Maintenance. By taking framing package approach, this paper showed that mass incidents were framed as one of the following: coercion, enlightened coercion, official-civil interaction, and legal rights safeguarding. This study found that market-oriented media played different roles as party-state mouthpiece, supervisors and spokesperson for the public interest. It also showed that the pluralistic frames of mass incidents actually can be integrated into a broader pro-government frame. More important, enlightened coercion became the most common frame under tight news censorship. It indicated that market-oriented media subjected to the necessity of Stability Maintenance is still the mainstream for media coverage on mass incidents. To a certain extent this result explained how market-oriented media sustain the CCP’s authoritarian rule.
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