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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

網格運算在證券業之應用研究 / The Application Study of Grid Computing on Security Industry

劉繕源, Liu,Shan- Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
證券市場商品種類、參與者及交易方式既多且複雜,在實際交易中,常形成系統尖峰負載,但硬體設備往往無法適時進行調配。本研究利用網格計算技術,提供一個在商業環境中可行及可用性的驗證。 驗證程序,首先建構網格計算環境,再者進行驗證項目測試,最後結論與建議。步驟先採IBM公司所提供中介軟體(Middleware)- IBM Grid ToolBox V3-進行測試,惟系統因軟、硬體版本問題無法安裝成功;再採用另一中介軟體-IBM WebSphere Extend(WebSphere XD)-多次調整軟、硬體版本後,建構完成測試環境。為測試不同廠牌之硬體是否可以在相同之網格環境中正常運作,分別採用IBM及HP各四部刀鋒伺服器為硬體架構。本研究測試驗證項目共計兩項,第一項測試網格技算解決硬體調配問題;第二項測試網格計算解決交易尖峰負載量問題。經測試驗證,第一項部份,分別以手動及自動之動態調整測試,WXD系統確實可依服務負載來動態調整可用Node來服務,亦即,網格技術可用來解決硬體調配問題。第二項部份,經模擬進行需長時間計算之批次工作(Batch Job),觀察是否由多部主機同時分工運算完成整個計算工作,WXD系統確實可在系統部份Node失效後,其他Node仍可保持其服務之水準,與一般網路Load Balance設計,盲目的將服務負載導向存在之伺服器,在部份硬體失效後,可能會導致整體系統當掉之情形,驗證網格技術是較符合企業實務運作之要求。 / There are a lot of complicated type of merchandize, investors and trading methods on security market. It is often the prime cause of transaction peak load and hardware resource allocation problem. This research utilizes grid computing technology to offer a feasible and usable verification in business environment. The verification procedure, at first, build and construct the grid computing environment; moreover, the project is tested and conclusion and suggestion is made, finally. The step adopts IBM middleware, IBM Grid ToolBox V3, first. The system is unable to install successfully because of the edition question of the software and hardware. And then adopt another IBM middleware, IBM WebSphere Extend (WebSphere XD). After adjusting the software and hardware edition many times, we build and construct the testing environment. In order to test the different factories hardware that can normal operate in the same grid computing environment, this study adopts four server of IBM and HP respectively. There are two test items in this research. The first test wants to solve the allocation problem of hardware. The second test wants to solve the problem of transaction peak load. The first part, test with manual and automatic dynamic adjustment separately. We find WXD system can adjust idle Node dynamically in accordance with serve load. The second part, the test uses batch job which need to calculate for a long time and observe whether the whole calculation can finish by dividing the work operation for many host computers at the same time. We also prove that WXD system can really keep the level of its service while some Node systems lose efficiency. In a word, according to the traditional Load Balance design, system will lead its peak load to other server after some hardwares lose its efficiency, but it may cause the whole system to shot down. From this study, we prove that grid computing technology is comparatively conforms to the requirement of enterprise's practice operation.

智慧型行動裝置物聯網化全球網格地震速報系統 / The Global Grid Earthquake Rapid Alert System Using Smart Mobile Devices as IoT Devices

楊偉智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討目前地震警報機制的現況與問題,另外設計一套快速有效、成本低廉並且能夠容易擴展為全球性服務的地震速報系統,並研擬其可執行的商業模式以期使該系統得以長期運作與經營。 目前人類科技仍無法預測地震發生,而世界上遭受地震威脅地區的先進國家皆已花費大量經費佈建地震預警系統,而民間亦開發了許多以開放資料為基礎的地震警報手機軟體,其目標都是在地震發生之後的最短時間內,將地震警報傳送給即將受到地震影響地區的人們,以期降低因為地震所造成之生命財產傷害。然而目前已經問世的成熟技術或是已經上線運作的地震預警系統,其警報開始運作之反應時間多為數十秒至分鐘等級,往往無法達到提早告警的效果。 本文所提出的方法,乃運用目前全世界已經相當普及的智慧型行動裝置與4G行動網路,建構一個全球性的地震速報網,以期將地震預警反應時間縮短至數秒鐘。其相關之技術原理已有少數國內外團隊或個人進行理論研究與技術驗證,然而如何使該技術原理轉化成為一項可執行的系統與服務,取決於推廣方式與長期經營的能力。本文針對其可能之商業模式亦做了研究與建議,以作為全球地震速報網之建置執行參考。

以知識為本的協同文件管理之研究—以政府電子檔案管理為例 / Research and Development on Architecture for Knowledge-based Collaborative Record Management-—on Example of National Records and Archives

賴盈汝, Lai, Ying-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
電子化作業為我政府作業營運揭開新的序幕,身為政府知識基礎之檔案管理,其多項電子化作業亦已步上軌道。而隨著典藏量不斷擴充與資訊技術快速的更迭,檔案的長期可讀取性成為電子檔案管理的瓶頸。因此,現代化電子檔案管理主要願景,即為善用資訊技術,建立穩定且具可擴充性之基礎架構,發展合乎時代需求之運作模式(Business Model),以促進檔案長久保存,增進檔案處理效能,確保知識永續利用。 由國內外經驗發現,資訊平台間流程與資訊元件間之互通性即為架構互通性之關鍵點。因此本研究採用Zachman Framework為框架,分析資訊元件、流程與地點等檔案協同作業系統之關聯元件,以符合上述需求;於流程部分,本研究綜合美國與澳洲等電子檔案管理工作發展與知識管理之現行模型,提出「以知識為本之電子檔案管理作業流程螺旋」,以提升典藏文件之知識辨識、擷取與利用效率。 於架構部分,本研究則基於美國NARA提出之重要儲存技術架構-「以知識為本之網格(Knowledge-based GRIDs)(簡稱知識網格)」,綜合參考聯合國UN/CEFACT提出之「ebXML協同作業框架」,據以建立「以知識為本的協同文件管理技術框架與作業模型:KPC框架」,以期於分散式文件管理的基礎上,實現檔案管理系統間之作業互通性。後續並針對我政府電子檔案管理作業進行框架分析,以為系統建構之參考建議。 / Based on its e-Government project, ROC government is stepping in a new stage of routine services. Record management that serves as the basis of government knowledge management, are transferring into digital manner to enhance the efficiency and the convenience of the related services. Regarding the explosive increase of record volume and emerging of information technology, the Long-Term Accessibility of preserved material become a crucial issue on e-record management. Aiming at keeping and managing files through long period, as well as to facilitating record with knowledge inside, a stable, scalable infrastructure and the underlying business model for manipulating information becomes the very important task for knowledge management within e-government field. It is found interoperability between processes and between information is the key point of such interoperable information architecture. Therefore, this research applies Zachman Framework as an approach to investigate the required information, processes, and locations and further the IT architect for such a system as described above. Integrating existing models on Knowledge Management and related Record Management works done in USA (so-called Knowledge-based Grids by NARA) and Australia, this research carries out the "Knowledge-based Record Management Spiral" to enhance the recognition, acquirement, and utilization of archive knowledge. Based on the aforementioned architect, this thesis combines the experiences from "Knowledge-based GRIDs" of SDSC and "ebXML Collaboration Framework" by UN/CEFACT, and then coins a blueprint for the "Knowledge-based Preservation and Collaboration Framework"(KPC Framework), The KPC Framework can be applied by archivists or archival designers to model the collaboration activities in digital archive domain. Last but not the least, this framework is employed to build a trial model for Taiwan’s governmental e-record management and a validation on the feasibility of this model is also done by means of informal test.

利用GPS觀測量構建台灣南部地區網格式電離層模型 / A Study on Grid-Based Ionosphere Modeling of Southern Taiwan Region Using GPS Measurements

吳相忠, Wu,Shiang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
電離層延遲為精密GPS定位及導航的主要誤差來源之一,為了減弱電離層延遲對GPS定位及導航的影響,可以利用雙頻GPS觀測量構建即時的區域電離層模型,以提供即時的電離層延遲誤差改正參數,修正因電離層延遲效應造成的定位及導航誤差。 本研究以台灣地區雙頻GPS觀測量,採用相位水準技術估算全電子含量(TEC)、修正的單站演算法估計各GPS衛星及接收儀之L1/L2差分延遲及以UNSW網格式演算法構建區域的電離層模型。並進而求得適合台灣南部地區網格式電離層模型之較佳網格大小及探討使用那些內政部衛星追蹤站的觀測資料,便可有效建立台灣地區的電離層模型。 / The ionospheric delay is one of the main sources of error in precise GPS positioning and navigation. The magnitude of the ionospheric delay is related to the Total Electron Content (TEC) along the radio wave path from a GPS satellite to the ground receiver. The TEC is a function of many variables, including long and short term changes in solar ionising flux, magnetic activity, season of the year, time of day, user location and viewing direction. A dual-frequency GPS receiver can eliminate (to the first order) the ionospheric delay through a linear combination of L1 and L2 observables. However, the majority of civilians use low-cost single-frequency GPS receivers that cannot use this option. Consequently, it is beneficial to estimate ionospheric delays over the region of interest, in real-time, in support of single-frequency GPS positioning and navigation applications. In order to improve real-time regional ionosphere modelling performance, a grid-based algorithm is proposed. Data from the southern Taiwan region GPS network were used to test the ionosphere modelling algorithms. From the test results described here, it is shown that the performance of real-time regional ionosphere modelling is improved significantly when the proposed algorithm is used.

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