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克服組織認同衝突—網絡策略、組織認同與合作間關係之研究 / Overcoming orgaiizational identity conflicts – the relations hip among network strategy, organizational identity, and cooperation吳紹慈 Unknown Date (has links)
組織認同衝突嚴重影響著組織的生存。可惜的是,過去研究多著重於探討組織認同衝突所帶來的影響與嚴重性,但卻較少提及衝突雙方該如何解決此問題。在本論文中,我觀察一個被購併進集團的公司,如何運用網絡策略去培養更多與集團內其他成員相容的價值,同時保存與發展了獨特的價值,進而幫助個案公司跳脫認同衝突的困境並成功整合進集團。為了呼應個案研究之發現,我以一個集團企業做為研究情境,搜集資料並進行實證研究,我發現當一家公司同時具備高整合與高差異化的組織認同時,可得到較多與集團內其他成員合作的機會。此外,在集團網絡中佔據邊陲掮客網絡位置的成員,較有可能培養出高整合與高差異化之組織認同,進而得到較多的合作。本論文亦於結尾提供研究意涵與未來研究方向。 / Identity conflicts can seriously endanger an organization’s survival. Extant studies emphasize the consequences of identity conflicts but not how conflicting parties extricate themselves from this trap. I investigate how an acquired firm uses network strategies to develop more integrating values and distinctive values, resolve identity conflicts, and successfully integrate into the group. To echo these qualitative findings, in my empirical study in the setting of a business group, I found that firms with high identity integration and high identity differentiation have more chances to cooperate with other group members. In addition, peripheral brokers are more likely to achieve high identity integration and high identity differentiation, and further have more cooperation. Implications and future research directions are also provided.
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單打獨鬥或合縱連橫? 國內外環境與人權組織倡議路徑的選擇李偲瑋, Li, Sih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
透過文獻分析及深度訪談瞭解組織倡議及發展,深入體會國際非政府組織在臺灣倡議遇到的困難,以及國內非政府組織面對這些問題的兩難,本研究結論,以跨國倡議網絡策略為主軸予以建議,非政府組織之間必須要有溝通的管道,避免資訊不對稱以及產生誤解,減少延誤倡議工作進行的最佳時機點,政府對於外國團體在臺灣人民團體法適應的問題及限制以及外國人在台工作的法規也應該有所彈性或裁量空間,才能開啟更多讓世界看見臺灣的可能性。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship between local and international nongovernment organizations on human rights and environmental advocacy issues. To understand these problems and difficulties, research involved conducting in-depth interviews with workers of local and international nongovernment organizations. The purpose of the research is to find out the reasons to explain the problems of the relationship and know how to solve. The thesis concludes with suggestions about how to best develop the transnational advocacy network strategies of Taiwan in the future.
As a nation without global recognition of its national status, Taiwan faces with the difficulty of participating international affairs. Through transnational advocacy network including the strategies of symbolic, information, leverage, accountability politics, these NGOs compel the government to make changes. As a result, Taiwan has a greater opportunity to be a contributor in global public affairs.
The result of the research is to clarify the relationship, strengths, and weaknesses between local and international nongovernment organizations to cope with the challenges they experience with each other. In conclusion, there are four main suggestions below: 1) Make sure information is communicated across international and local advocacy. 2) Do the things right at the right time. 3) Make a big difference with leverage politics. 4) Focus on the importance of accountability and self-discipline when nongovernmental organizations face international affairs.
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