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多國公司創新網絡構形與網絡管理機制之探討 / Exploring the configuration of MNCs' innovation networks and network management mechanisms曾淑婉 Unknown Date (has links)
總結而言,與過去的研究相較,本論文的研究系絡涵蓋權益關係與非權益關係的組織間網絡,能更完整的探索多國公司創新網絡的全貌。本論文的研究發現對於多國公司創新網絡成員組成及網絡管理機制,也提供了理論與實務上的建議。此外,本論文採取兩種分析單位研究創新網絡,發現以專案網絡為分析單位能更深入探索創新網絡之內涵。故建議後續研究者以專案網絡為分析單位,進行網絡管理相關研究。 / Multinational corporations (MNCs) can innovate with external organizations by forming innovation networks. Previous studies focus more on the motives or outcomes of innovation networks but pay less attention to configurations of innovation networks such as the members involved. Taking the perspective of an MNC, in this thesis we explore how innovation networks are configured and how these networks are managed.
The thesis consists of two studies using multiple cases study approach. The first study explores the configuration of firm-based innovation networks. We provide a typology of different forms of firm-based networks, with one axis representing degree of R&D subsidiaries joining innovation activities. The other axis represents the extent of external firms joining innovation activities. Through in-depth interviews, we find that degree of technical diversification, product diversification and internationalization will affect forms of firm-based innovation networks. MNCs adopt multiple mechanisms to manage networks. The forms of innovation networks will influence extent of formal mechanisms adopted.
The second study explores the configuration of project-based innovation networks. We also provide a typology of different forms of project-based networks, with one axis representing number of subsidiaries joining innovation project. The other axis represents the number of external firms joining innovation project. We find that importance of projects, newness of projects and complexity of technology will affect forms of project-based networks. MNCs usually manage innovation networks by selecting members of project-networks and dividing the scope of cooperating with members.
Comparing with past research, the context of this thesis contains of internal (equity based) and external (non-equity based) networks. These findings make contributions to the literature on MNCs’ innovation network by advancing our understanding about the configuration of innovation networks. Furthermore, we suggest some mechanisms for MNCs to manage networks. Some practitioners as managers and R&D leaders can draw useful implications from this study.
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公共網絡管理:臺北市政府戶政業務跨機關服務傳遞協力合作網絡實證研究 / Collaborative Public Management: the Empirical Study of Interagency Service DeliveryNetwork on the Household Registration Services in Taipei City Government謝俊義 Unknown Date (has links)
跨機關服務協力合作網絡的有效形成,在官僚體制漸漸無法發揮績效的情況下,更顯得重要。為了探討在機關間協力合作的種種問題,本研究以公共網絡管理文獻建構跨機關間協力合作的模型。公共網絡管理的文獻,主要在探索公共管理者的行為與角色,以及機關間的協力合作行為,如何貢獻於服務傳遞協力合作網絡績效,而這兩個研究問題,也存在於本論文的觀察單位-臺北市政府戶政業務之中。資料來源主要是以問卷方式調查臺北市政府負責戶政業務戶政人員的主觀認知性資料。研究方法則是透過描述性統計、相關係數、信度考驗、確認性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)、迴歸分析、迴歸診斷與結構方程式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)。
本研究的問卷抽樣數共524份,有效問卷為338份,回收率為64.5%。在統計分析上,無論在因素負荷量、信度考驗、迴歸模型解釋比率,以及結構方程式的模型適配度皆符合或接近標準。而多元迴歸分析(OLS)與結構方程式(SEM)亦顯示機關之間的資源分享與協助並無助於戶政服務傳遞協力協力合作網絡間的績效,這也解釋部分理論文獻對協力協力合作網絡過於樂觀的質疑。本研究亦發現網絡管理文獻所建構的特定因素如核心機關(民政局)的協調,以及策略與結構的協調與整合是有助於戶政服務傳遞協力協力合作網絡績效。在研究貢獻上,期許檢驗研究問題與研究假設,以及這些規範性理論應用至政府實務的深度。 / The efficient formation for interagency service delivery network is comparatively important when the bureaucracy falis to make it well in public affairs. This research employs the literatures of public network management to construct the model of interagency collaborations. Two research are discussed in public network management and our research with the observed unit of the household registration of Taipei City Government: how the behaviors and roles of public network managers and collaborative behaviors among public agencies contribute to the network performance of interagency service delivery network. The data sources are draw from subjective perceptive data of public managers and public administrators who response for household registration services in Taipei City Government. The research method employs descriptive statistics, correlations, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, regressive dignosis and structural equation model.
The response rates in this research are 64.5%(338/524). In statistics, the the factor loadings, reliability, R2 for the regression model, and the goodness of the fit for structural equation model(SEM) also show that the resources-sharing among the agencies does not benefit the netwotk performance in household service-delivery network, which doubt the celebratory viewpoints from some public network management literatures. This research also finds some factors such as the coordination of network core administrative agency (the Bureau of Civil Affairs), the integration and coordination of strategies and structures, are helpful for network performance in collaborative network of household service-delivery network. For the contributions of research, this research expects to examine our research questions and research hypotheses and then applies these normative theories to the depths of government practices.
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