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網路企業品牌形象之研究—以Web 2.0網站為例何少天 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的興起,公司已能在虛擬的網路環境中提供顧客產品與服務,因此企業品牌形象探討之焦點,逐漸由實體環境轉移至虛擬環境中。然而,網際網路的環境亦不斷地改變,Web 2.0的到來改變了廠商與顧客之間原有的關係。
因此,本研究採用de Chernatony & Christodoulides (2004) 的品牌建構理論以及Davies, Da Silva & Roper (2003) 的企業聲望鏈為基礎,考量Web 2.0網站之特性,以及網站服務品質之相關文獻與量表,歸納出五種品牌屬性,並採用Davies, Chun, Da Silva & Roper (2004) 的企業特性指標 (Corporate Character Scale) 來衡量網路企業品牌形象,最後利用結構方程模式以驗證本研究之假說。
本研究對象以提供Web 2.0服務的無名小站為例,使用便利抽樣法進行抽樣,共計回收377份有效問卷。研究結果發現:
1. 透過結構方程模式的二階模型分析,發現Web 2.0網站所包含的網路企業品牌形象為和藹可親、冒險精神、稱職能力、時髦別緻與不拘禮節等五種人格特性。其中,和藹可親對網路企業品牌形象最具解釋力,其次則為不拘禮節。
2. 使用簡易、隱私安全、顧客關懷、系統穩定與實用滿足等五種品牌屬性均會對網路企業品牌形象產生正面影響。其中又以包含Web 2.0特性之實用滿足對其影響最為顯著。此一結果顯示,除了實體與虛擬環境的差異外,在網路環境中也應考量Web 1.0與Web 2.0環境的特性與差異。
3. 網路企業品牌形象會對滿意度有直接且正面之影響,且須透過滿意度作為中介,進而對忠誠度產生間接的正面影響。
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網路企業評價—以亞馬遜網路商店為例詹韻如, Chan, Yun-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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網路企業自律機制對消費者信任影響之研究:隱私保護及交易安全認知觀點潘兆娟, Pan,JJ,joujuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果包含三部份,分別為自律機制(信賴標章、承諾規範、網路評比)與消費者保護(資訊隱私保護認知、交易安全保護認知)之關係、消費者保護與消費者信任之關係、自律機制與消費者信任之關係;最後提出五項管理意涵,包括網路企業得到消費者信任之重要因素及關鍵因素、網路企業如何建立專屬的自律機制及消費者保護機制、進而發展值得信賴的網路購物環境。 / The objective of this article is to study on what a complete self-regulatory mechanism of an internet business is, The article also explore if the existing online self-regulatory mechanisms including trustmarks, commitments and rankings are able to get trust of consumers, in order to let consumers recognize their personal data and security of online transactions being protected, thus consumers are able to trust the internet business they deal with? Which of the above existing self-regulatory mechanisms is more capable to get trust of consumers?
Even though limited literatures focus on the impact of online self-regulatory mechanisms to trust of consumers, by methodology of literature reviews, quantitative research and case studies, this article not only contributes to internet businesses with limited resources and brand awareness, but also contributed to those internet businesses, under a framework of regulations, management and technology, willing to get trust of consumers. There are also hypotheses to testify relationships between online self-regulatory mechanisms, consumer protection (of personal data and security for online transactions) and trust of consumers.
After reviews on literatures of various self-regulatory mechanisms, internet data privacy, transactional security, consumer protection, trust of consumers, this article proposes a research framework including 3 main hypotheses, 3 independent variables, 2 intermediary variables, 1 dependent variables and their operational model. To testify the hypotheses, this article collected 717 samples of survey around the island and 10 case studies. Utilizing multiple regressions and related statistics analyses, most of the hypotheses are supported. Comparing with 3 dimensions of transactional process, self-regulatory mechanisms and consumer protection, 10 cases are found similar to the testing result of hypotheses, but also remained spaces of improvement.
At last, this article concludes with 5 managerial implications, including key successful factors and critical factors to get trust of online consumers, how to build a proprietary self-regulatory and a consumer protection mechanisms, thus to set up a complete trustworthy online shopping environment.
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