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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

網路教學資源應用於國中教師教學歷程之研究—以新竹地區為例 / Investigation of Junior High School Teacher’s Teaching Process Apply Instructional Resource on Internet:Take the Junior High School Teachers in Hsinchu for Example

陳儒瑩, Chen, Ru Ying Unknown Date (has links)
中小學教育改革,走向領域主題的統整,創新教學與評量模式,並注重學習者需求,因此國中教師的教材教法,勢必有所改變,為了提升廣度與深度,教師多尋求網路資源來增加自己教學的多樣化。所以擔任知識傳遞者與課程設計者的國中教師,對於網路資源的選擇與應用,將影響學習成效甚鉅。是故,國中教師的搜尋、選擇、轉化、應用、評估等教學設計歷程,即為本研究探討的主要部分。 本研究透過半結構式深度訪談法,訪談新竹縣市內曾參與資訊教學相關比賽並獲獎的國中教師、或實際應用網路資源於教學中的國中教師、與擔任資訊組長之國中教師,共15位。以瞭解國中教師對於網路教學資源的需求動機、尋求行為與應用經驗。 研究發現:教師認為網路教學資源的特性有助於建構教師之課程認知,營造教學情境,與提升學生思維能力,故樂意將其應用到教學歷程中。依教學任務、任教科目與職責業務之不同而有不同的用途,最常使用的類型依序為:影片、學習單、圖片、測驗題、音訊檔和教案。教師多利用搜尋引擎、影音平台、教育資源網站和資料庫進行查詢。而上級交派、參與研習、自由軟體、同儕分享為教師取得網路教學資源的方式。教師多選用具教育性、完善性、啟發性的資源,偏好以學生需求為主,亦需考量教學目標與個人風格。 網路教學資源需經教師轉換語言、調整難易度、凸顯教育意義、再製外在形式,與創新加值後才可應用,教師多搭配行動學習、專題學習、情境學習、合作學習與互動學習等策略模式,多應用於準備活動與綜合活動之中,且使用時間不會超過整節課的三分之一。教師遭遇問題主要來自授課時間有限,其餘困難皆可透過教學設計予以調整。 最後建議:(一)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與資訊與教學設計之研習,多透過線上平台推廣數位教材,宣導各校利用彈性時間開發資訊使用課程。(二)網路資源設計者應設計符應國中學生之生活情境與身心發展狀況,並以學科架構為主,以供教師彈性應用。(三)國中教師應加強資訊知能與課程知識整合之教學設計能力,並參與專業社群,與同儕共同開發適用之教材教法。 關鍵字:網路教學資源;教學設計;資訊整合;教學情境

藝術數位圖書館推廣利用之研究—以國立臺灣藝術大學圖書館為例 / A Study of Library Resources Application on Digital Arts Library — A Case Study of the National Taiwan University of Arts Library

曾聖峰, Tseng, Sheng-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的演進與網際網路的發展,使得知識的生產、保存與傳播,產生了革命性的變化。各類強調多元、即時、便利、互動的全球資訊網,正逐漸成為各級教育機構所倚重的教學資源。在大學教育面臨科技進化、社會變遷等結構性的影響,而必須順應時勢,大幅進行改革之際;大學圖書館自然也必須在資訊服務的方法與模式上,加以因應改進,才能滿足教師與學生在研究、教學的資訊需求。 本研究探討數位圖書館、數位博物館等網路教學資源與網路教學、線上學習之相關議題;並從臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」系統推廣利用的角度,探討大學圖書館配合大學教學與研究所需,整合學習環境、建置網路教學資源系統之可行模式與效益分析,以做為臺藝大後續規劃網路教學資源系統及其他同類型學術機構推動類似計畫之參考。 第一章說明研究動機、目的,並提出研究問題。第二章說明數位圖書館、數位博物館、網路教學的內涵與國內外發展概況,並說明臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」專案計畫發展與系統功能。第三章說明研究方法、範圍與限制、深度訪談對象之產生方式、研究實施步驟。第四章根據深度訪談內容,提出綜合分析。第五章根據研究結果提出結論,並針對臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」系統推廣及網路教學資源服務發展與利用推廣,分別提出未來發展建議。 / The evolutions of information science and technology and the developments of the Internet cause the revolutionary changes in production, preservation and dissemination for knowledge. Each kind of World Wide Web emphasizes diversification, immediateness, convenience, and interaction, and have gradually become the education resources for all levels of education organizations. When universities face the fundamental influences with technical evolutions and social transitions, and keep up with the current situation, to carry on reforms with great exertion, the university libraries also must improve their effectiveness in the information service methods and the patterns to satisfy information needs for teachers and students in the activities of research and teaching. This research discusses the related issues about the digital library, the digital museum, the web-based instruction, and e-learning and investigate on the basis of the reinforcement for promotion and utilization of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" implemented by National Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA) Library, the feasible models and effectiveness analysis for university libraries integrate learning environment and the establishment of the online education resources system according to the needs of universities in teaching and research, so as to be useful reference for NTUA to design online education resources system and for other academic organizations as the impetus to similar projects in the future. The first chapter shows the research motivation, purposes and brings up the research questions. The second chapter explains the meanings and universal developments of the digital library, the digital museum, and the web-based instruction and illustrates the developments and system functions of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library. The third chapter explains the research methods, limitations, the selection of respondents for in-depth interviews, and stages of the study. The fourth chapter presents the conclusions of the interview notes. In the end, the fifth chapter brings up conclusions based on the results of this research and offers the suggestions for the future growth according to the promotion of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library and services of online education resources.

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