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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

華語繪本教學設計與實施 ─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例 / Instructional Design and Implementations of A Chinese Picture Book:A Study of “I Recall…In Time With You”

廖敏華, Liao, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
繪本為華語學習者學習華語的教材之一,透過繪本的趣味性、圖像與文字之間的連結,來提升學習者的學習動機,也使得語言教材更加豐富、生動,亦期能讓學習者理解繪本中的文化知識等,讓學習者不只學習到語言,也能夠培養多元的文化觀念及內涵。 本研究為「華語繪本教學設計與實施─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例」,研究對象為臺北某大學華語文中心之中高級華語學習者。研究目的有二,一為發展繪本於成人華語選修課之教學設計;二為探討繪本於成人華語選修課之教學成效。教學設計以此繪本為主要教材,並自行編寫課堂講義,以作為教學實施時的教材輔助,編寫原則以劉珣(2000)所提出的教材編寫特性為依據。本文以ADDIE模式之五大步驟,包括分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑,作為本研究之課程設計模型,並採用行動研究、訪問與問卷調查法,以影音資料、課堂日誌、問卷與訪談等研究工具來作為評估教學成效與修正教學之依據。 研究結果如下:一為教學設計方面,本研究採用ADDIE教學設計模式作為課程設計模式,有助於使教學更加系統化,另外,在應用繪本於華語教學,需考量幾點,包括故事主題、學習者的語言程度是否與繪本相符合、教學者是否能掌握繪本意涵、輔助繪本之教材設計;二為教學成效方面,繪本教學能提升教師活用不同材料來進行華語教學,並能夠增進學習者的語言技能、學習動機與對於文化觀念的認知等層面。 本研究以繪本應用於成人華語教學,來提升學習者的華語學習動機,並使學習者能夠理解繪本中的語言、文化和圖片意涵,希望本研究能夠提供日後繪本應用於華語教學之相關建議及幫助。

建構論之超文本(Hypertext)教學設計研究 / The application of constructivism on Hypertext mediated instructional design

許惠美, Hsu, Hui-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共涵蓋三個主要的學科領域:學習理論、媒體與教學設計。其焦點在於透過對於建構論、超文本以及教學設計的剖析,勾勒出本研究題目所揭示之「建構論之超文本教學設計」。在理論上藉由文獻分析的方式,分析詮釋理論的內容,此外在應用上提供一個簡單的教學模型,做為理論上的實踐。 本研究首先透過對於媒體的探討,重申近來做為教學科技的媒體不僅式侷限於以往傳輸資訊的功能,此外更進一步協助學習者監控、調節認知活動,並使得學習者主動投身於深度的資訊處理過程,當媒體能夠符合以上的敘述時,其本身即是一種認知工具(cognitive tool),而超文本即具備這樣的潛能。認知工具是必須奠基於建構論的基礎上,才能夠有效地促進學習,因此在學習理論上進一步廓清建構在哲學知識論及學習理論上的意涵,做為從事教學設計時的理論基礎。之後,從教學設計的歷史發展,澄清建構論教學設計之適當性問題,主要從 Merrill 等人所倡導之第二代教學設計,與建構論教學設計之衝突上著手,並且從一個教學者的立場提出建構式教學應有的策略及其可能的限制。最後提出一個教學系統的雛形以供未來發展之用。 / The research contains three main subject matters; they are learning theory, medium and insturctional design. By analyzing constructivism, hypertext and instructional design, the researcher wants to make the topic clear, the application of constructivism on hypertext mediated instructional design. Concerning the research methods, the researcher adopts document analysis to analyze and interpret the thesis. In addition, a simple instructional model is provided for the realization of theory.

《酉陽雜俎》神異僧人敘事與教學設計之研究 / The Research of the miraculous monks in "Youyang zazu" and a teaching plan

戴欣怡 Unknown Date (has links)
﹝唐﹞段成式《酉陽雜俎》被清代《四庫全書總目提要》譽為自唐以來「小說之翹楚」。在編纂形式及創作觀念上,此書表現了「奇、幻和博」三種特徵:段成式本著與當時喜奇好異的相同撰作旨趣,故所記者多為新奇怪異之事;並運用不同的敘事角度,對佛教教義及僧人形象做了多種的描寫,其中又以高僧的神異與佯狂表現記載最為豐富。 本論文研究主題:在神異高僧方面,以一行為主題,進行「互文性」的分析;在佯狂主題方面,則以凸顯瘋癲表演後所涵攝之意義的僧人形象為主。從雜記《酉陽雜俎》、正史《舊唐書》及僧傳《宋高僧傳》不同屬性的文本中,發掘出三個文本不同的敘事聲音,各自承載著所要表達的敘事意涵;就佯狂的宗教層面觀察,此主題具有擴充宗教人物內涵、展現遊戲神通及破除執著的用意。此外,與教學相關的主題亦配合《酉陽雜俎》的神異敘述及互文性特色,採用有效閱讀教學策略。透過《酉陽雜俎》神異故事的學習單,讓學生了解小說中的伏筆、段落和結構的獨特安排,落實理論與教學相合的教案設計。

華語繪本研究與教學-以華語成人學習者為例 / Research in Picture Books for Adults in Learning Chinese as a Second Language

石伊婷, Shih, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
學習語言主要目的為「溝通」及「運用」,如何使學習者習得更貼近母語者的應答習慣是教學者所關心的。研究顯示「圖像」不但可以幫助學習者在閱讀的過程中理解內容,進而延伸思考、融會貫通,更可以激發自我語言表達能力。然而台灣目前使用繪本於教學主要的對象為華裔青年或新移民配偶及其子女為主。因此,本文主要探討如何運用華語繪本於海外成人華語課程。本研究透過大量的文獻回顧探討中英教學中的繪本教學發展、教學理論與教學法、第二語言學習教材與挑選繪本評量標準,以此建立本文之理論架構,同時依據此架構規劃教學設計並執行。除此之外,也根據第二語言教學理論及挑選繪本之標準,建立一套運用於華語課程的繪本選取與評定原則。研究結果顯示繪本運用於成人華語課堂中不僅可以使得課程更加多元化,更可以透過不同的教學素材來延伸教學活動。研究者亦由6T教學法中讓學習者根據6T各項目進行回饋。回饋結果除了在任務及思緒的部分仍需要修正之外,整體來說,學生對於繪本運用於語言課堂有非常正面的看法。然而受到繪本文本詞彙之限制,較多的繪本是適合中級程度以上的學生使用。本研究一共分析了26本繪本,共得出26個主題,主題則以友情、成長、夢想、創意居多。最後參考了許多學術論述之後,制訂了繪本選取評定標準,評定表共分成教學、心理及藝術三個層面來說明,最後共得出50項標準供學界參考。研究者亦於文末提出了未來使用繪本於教學之研究建議。 / The main purpose of learning the language is to communicate and to use it. Therefore, language teacher concern more on how assisting the learners to use the language according to the native speaker’s habits. Research shows that ‘Picture’ can help to improve learner’s ability to understand the content while reading, which can trigger further critical thinking and ultimately mastering the ability to develop their own learning process. However, the use of picture books for teaching Chinese especially in Taiwan nowadays are limited only to the class of overseas Chinese learners, foreign spouses and their children. Hence, the main purpose of this research will be discussing on how to apply the picture book in adult Chinese language course abroad. The method of this research is based on a great amount of literature review on both teaching Chinese and English language using picture books, teaching method theory and pedagogy, second language acquisition material evaluation and criteria on selecting picture book. Afterthen through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on using picture book in language course. Besides, this research also intend to create an evaluation framework on how to select picture book in Chinese as a second language course. The result has shown using picture book in the adult Chinese language course can create more diverse classroom activates by applying different teaching materials in the class. The author has also conducted an after-class survey to understand learner’s learning condition. Overall, picture book as a class material receives a very positive feedback. Under the vocabulary restriction from the picture book, a lot of picture book is more suitable for intermediate level students only. Apart from above mentioned, this research also analyzed in total 26 picture books, and received 26 themes. The themes include friendship, growth, dream and creativity. Also this research has drawn up the framework of selecting the picture book for Chinese language learning class. This framework achieved in total 47 entries with three aspects, teaching, psychology and artistry. At the end of the research, there’s also suggestion for the further studies.

網路教學資源應用於國中教師教學歷程之研究—以新竹地區為例 / Investigation of Junior High School Teacher’s Teaching Process Apply Instructional Resource on Internet:Take the Junior High School Teachers in Hsinchu for Example

陳儒瑩, Chen, Ru Ying Unknown Date (has links)
中小學教育改革,走向領域主題的統整,創新教學與評量模式,並注重學習者需求,因此國中教師的教材教法,勢必有所改變,為了提升廣度與深度,教師多尋求網路資源來增加自己教學的多樣化。所以擔任知識傳遞者與課程設計者的國中教師,對於網路資源的選擇與應用,將影響學習成效甚鉅。是故,國中教師的搜尋、選擇、轉化、應用、評估等教學設計歷程,即為本研究探討的主要部分。 本研究透過半結構式深度訪談法,訪談新竹縣市內曾參與資訊教學相關比賽並獲獎的國中教師、或實際應用網路資源於教學中的國中教師、與擔任資訊組長之國中教師,共15位。以瞭解國中教師對於網路教學資源的需求動機、尋求行為與應用經驗。 研究發現:教師認為網路教學資源的特性有助於建構教師之課程認知,營造教學情境,與提升學生思維能力,故樂意將其應用到教學歷程中。依教學任務、任教科目與職責業務之不同而有不同的用途,最常使用的類型依序為:影片、學習單、圖片、測驗題、音訊檔和教案。教師多利用搜尋引擎、影音平台、教育資源網站和資料庫進行查詢。而上級交派、參與研習、自由軟體、同儕分享為教師取得網路教學資源的方式。教師多選用具教育性、完善性、啟發性的資源,偏好以學生需求為主,亦需考量教學目標與個人風格。 網路教學資源需經教師轉換語言、調整難易度、凸顯教育意義、再製外在形式,與創新加值後才可應用,教師多搭配行動學習、專題學習、情境學習、合作學習與互動學習等策略模式,多應用於準備活動與綜合活動之中,且使用時間不會超過整節課的三分之一。教師遭遇問題主要來自授課時間有限,其餘困難皆可透過教學設計予以調整。 最後建議:(一)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與資訊與教學設計之研習,多透過線上平台推廣數位教材,宣導各校利用彈性時間開發資訊使用課程。(二)網路資源設計者應設計符應國中學生之生活情境與身心發展狀況,並以學科架構為主,以供教師彈性應用。(三)國中教師應加強資訊知能與課程知識整合之教學設計能力,並參與專業社群,與同儕共同開發適用之教材教法。 關鍵字:網路教學資源;教學設計;資訊整合;教學情境

中高級華語電影教學設計 / Instructional design in Chinese Language teaching through Chinese films for high-intermediate level students

周韋伶, Chou, Wei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
華語電影作為一種真實的教學材料,提供了自然的華語語言資源,並且能夠增強學習者動機與教學成效,然而過去關於此議題的論文研究大多缺乏實際教學驗證,故本篇論文的目的在於,針對中高級華語學習者,以華語電影進行教學設計,並進行教學實施,探究如何應用電影使學生提升聽說能力。本研究採用發展研究法以及調查研究法,結合理論探討與實際狀況分析,發展出符合本研究教學目標之課程設計。首先從兩大方面綜觀過去的研究,一為影片教學的相關理論,指出影片教學之立論與特色,並歸納影片應用於語言教學中的優勢,再探究其應用於教學中的設計理論與教學模式。第二部份則探究電影應用於華語教學上的成果,統整出教學特點、選擇電影的原則以及教學流程等重點。接著,基於以上研究基礎,以ARCS動機理論與ASSURE教學模式為本研究教學架構設計與實踐步驟之參考,設計電影教學課程與活動。課程實施後,以問卷與訪談方式調查課程實施成效、了解學習者的評估與反饋,並結合研究者自身觀察紀錄進行分析與討論。本研究教學實施普遍獲得學習者肯定,認為課程設計符合其學習興趣:學習口語詞彙與表達以及提升聽說能力,兼具實用性與趣味性。根據本研究教學實施,得出幾項研究成果:一、課程設計發展模式 二、教學目標訂定之依據 三、教學實施與驗證。最後,綜合討論成果,作為未來相關教學研究之參考與建議。 / The purpose of the study is to design and implement a Chinese Language curriculum with the use of Chinese films to high-intermediate level students, with the primary gaol of enhancing students’ listening and speaking skills whilist also increasing Chinese colloquial knowledge. The main method used in this paper is known as development research. It provides a model for instructional design; questionnaires and interview research are also adopted for gathering students’ reviews following the proposed teaching implementations. The emphasis of this study lies in examing the model for developing instructional design in teaching via Chinese films by implementing two teaching demonstrations and providing criteria for setting teaching objectives. The results of the two teaching implementations indicate that Chinese movies are valuable and practical teaching materials in spoken Chinese and it is important to incorporate the teaching activities in sequence into the class. Moreover, students’ enjoy the interesting and productive learning evironment. The study findings may serve as a reference for further research on relative Chinese teaching curriculum design.

華語遠距混成式之課程模式構建與教學實施 / An action research and lesson model construction of Mandarin distance learning in a blended learning context

蔡雨芹, Tsai, Yu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
需求高度時間彈性、學習時數低的華語成年學習者漸增,對混成遠距教學的需求增加,然而網路科技輔助的工具繁多,功能多樣而混雜。本研究蒐集各種科技輔助數位教學工具,運用其平台的多媒體、計時、評分、社群互動、角色對話、語音識別等功能,針對這類學習時數少、高度需求時間彈性的華語學習者,創造出高互動性的非同步學習活動,以提升學生動機、趣味及溝通意願,與同步教學相輔相成。並以ADDIE模式,進行教學實驗,透過觀察、訪談、課程錄影以及測驗,分析此教學設計模式及活動的學習體驗,並總結最能有效鼓勵學習動機的遠距教學模式設計。 本研究結果發現,在非同步學習活動設計中,若能提升學生的自主學習願望、細部經營遠距的人際互動方式,並關注回饋機制的設計,並運用同步課程在科技問題、學習內容上輔助非同步的學習活動,如此能有效調動學習者的學習動機。提升自主學習願望的方式包含運用競爭心理、社交願望,並透過資源整合增加學生感知的活動學習效率。在遠距人際互動方面,需仔細經營互動氣氛,提供恰當的工具,在回饋機制的設計上,關注獎勵的間隔時間、及回饋的即時性。 / There are more and more adult learners who require time flexibility for Mandarin learning. The demand for distant learning has increased. There are various online technological tools to assist learning, however, the features on the various websites are often disorganized. This study collects different kinds of technology assisted digital learning websites, and applies their features - such as multimedia players, timers, scoring systems, social interaction, role playing, and speech recognition - into Mandarin teaching. It is designed for adult learners who have fewer learning hours and require time flexibility to learn Mandarin. It aims to create asynchronous learning activities, with high interaction, in order to increase students’ motivation, interest, and communication willingness along with synchronous lessons. It applies the ADDIE model for systematic instructional design and concludes with the most efficient distance lesson model that could best encourage students’ motivation. It draws conclusions from the students’ interview about their learning experience, the teacher’s observations during the lessons, and from the recordings of the experimental lessons. The study result reveals the keys to foster motivation in distance Mandarin lessons: raising learner autonomy, undertaking distant social interaction, focusing on the design of a feedback mechanism, and utilizing synchronous lessons to help solve their learning or technical problems during asynchronous self-learning time. Making good use of students’ tendency for competition, willingness to socialize, and increasing the students’ awareness of learning efficiency, effectively fosters motivation for self-learning in distance Mandarin lessons.

專題導向式電腦輔助學習策略在國小自然科教學上的應用 / Computerized Project-Based Learning for Elementary Science Education

趙金婷, Chao, Jing-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何設計以建構主義為基礎的專題導向式VR學習環境,並進一步藉由教學實驗探討運用此VR學習環境能否提升學童的學習效果,以及配合「配對合作」、「引導輔助」策略之應用,是否能提升VR學習環境輔助學習之效果。最後,則藉由晤談之分析,瞭解學童經過教學後仍存在哪些錯誤概念,並藉由不同學習環境及不同學習成就學童心理模式之比較,進一步推論影響學童概念之因素,期能提供教學者及後續研究者之參考。 本研究兼採發展學習軟體、準實驗研究法、問卷調查法及晤談法。首先設計並製作「地球的運動VR學習環境」。並選取台南市進學國小三個班級125名學童為對象,進行兩週之教學實驗。隨後進行紙筆測驗立即後測,並於四週後進行延宕後測。此外,在教學後依據學習成就及學習環境,分別選取12名學童參與晤談,以瞭解其心理模式。根據研究所獲得的資料,本研究之主要結論如下: 1. 本研究之VR學習環境有助於學童地球的運動相關概念之學習,然而仍有部分設計未達理想。整體而言,建構式虛擬實境學習環境之設計是值得發展的方向。 2. VR學習環境配合引導策略之應用,有助於學童之立即學習,對於問題層次較為抽象的專題報告,也有較好的效果。但在保留學習以及問題架構較明顯的專題報告中,是否給予輔助則無明顯差異。 3. 在地球的運動VR學習環境中,配對學習的效果並未優於個別學習。同時也沒有證據顯示配對學習的過程中,產生增進學習效果的互動過程。 4. 在VR學習環境中,採自由探索方式的學童有較正向的「學習經驗」和「互動經驗」。 5. 不同學習成就的學童其地球的運動相關概念有著極大的差異,一些容易受到直覺觀念影響的錯誤觀念,即使經過教學也很難改變。 6. 課本平面教材在傳達具有空間性質的概念時,易使學童誤解,有必要發展3D空間性質的教材。 根據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以供教育行政單位、國小自然科教師、電腦輔助教學軟體發展者以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this dissertation were (1) to design and develop an innovative VR-based learning environment to teach "the motion of the earth" for the 6th grade students, (2) to investigate the effects after two weeks' instruction of VR-based learning environment on students’ learning achievements, which include different cognitive levels and different content areas, (3) to investigate the effects of cooperative dyads and provide guidance within the VR-based learning environment, (4) to analyze what factors may influence on the conceptual knowledge about the earth for sixth graders through interviews. Research approaches of this study included designing a computer-based learning environment, quasi-experiment, questionnaire survey and structured interview. The VR-based learning environment was designed through the processes of literature review, objective analysis, and content analysis. The evaluation of the VR learning environment was conducted through questionnaire surveying 12 experts and 76 students of the 6th grade to elicit their general opinions. This study employed quasi-experimental design to experiment on 3 classes of 125 students from Tainan Jying-Shyue elementary school. Two classes participated in VR learning environment. The members of the two classes were grouped by heterogeneous mixed-ability dyads or individual learning. The members of one of the VR groups learned through the guidance of worksheets; the students of the other VR group explored the environment by themselves. The third class was a control group whose members learned in traditional model based learning environment. After two weeks' instruction, all subjects accepted the test of the unit of "the motion of the earth" and retest after 4 weeks. 12 subjects attending interviews were selected from 125 students by different test achievements and different groups for the analytic framework. Through the design and evaluation of the VR world and the results from quantitative measure and interview data, the results were as follows: 1. We were gaining insights into the virtual reality's potential and limitations for learning. Constructivist VR-based learning environment is a new direction in the future. 2. Students learning by VR learning environment through guidance performed significantly better on the posttest than the other groups. Whether provided guidance or not, students learning by VR outperformed on test after 4 weeks than traditional learning environment. 3. There were no interaction effects between cooperative dyads and other factors. Cooperative dyads had no effect on test achievement in this study. 4. Students exploring the VR environment by themselves had more positive " learning experience" and "interactive experience" toward the environment than those learned through guidance. 5. Students with different achievement levels held extremely different mental models of the earth. The native conceptual knowledge of the earth was difficult to replace even after instruction. 6. The incorrect mental models concerned 3D concepts held by students were ineffectively corrected by the 2D textbooks. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are then made for related educational administration institution, researchers, instructional designers and elementary teachers.

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