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績效評估的方法最後將取決於績效評估的目的與績效模糊性高低二者所構成的組合。亦即,績效評估的目的若為價值創造,則應較重視員工才能;績效評估的目的若為價值延續,則應較重視員工的工作行為與工作成果。而當績效模糊性較低時,宜採用明確化績效評估方法;反之,當績效資料糢糊性較高時,宜採用數量化績效評估方法。 / Contingency view represents the indispensable strategy for businesses to survive in the changeable environment. However, not much such view is found in the literature of employee performance appraisal. This study not only reviews the literature of performance appraisal with contingency view but also developed a contingency framework of employee performance appraisal by summarizing related analysis, including competitive advantage, performance criteria, performance ambiguity and appraisal methods, as well as a case study. The framework suggests that the performance appraisal system should be designed in a top-down sequence from organizational strategy to human resource strategy, performance appraisal system and appraisal methods based on the strength of competitive advantage.
As the competitive advantage is weak, strong and stable, the organization should adopt the strategy of advantage building, advantage accumulation and advantage maintenance strategy respectively. The human resource strategy then should be exploration, exploitation and profit strategy. Under different human resource strategies, the performance appraisal system should vary to fit different purposes. That is, the performance criteria should focus on individual competence, working behavior and outcome to achieve the purposes of value creation and value continuation. The appraisal methods will finally depend on the combination between the purposes of performance appraisal and the degree of performance ambiguity. While competence should be focused when appraisal purpose is value creation, working behavior and outcome are focused when appraisal purpose is value continuation. The qualification-oriented method is appropriate as the degree of performance ambiguity is low. On the contrary, quantification-oriented method is appropriate as the degree of performance ambiguity is high. / 表目錄 三
圖目錄 四
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法與流程 6
1.4 研究範圍 7
1.5 論文架構 10
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1 權變觀點在員工績效評估的研究 12
2.2 競爭優勢與策略配合 16
2.2.1 競爭優勢 16
2.2.2 策略配合 17
2.3 員工績效評估制度 21
2.3.1 績效效標 22
2.3.2 績效評估之目的 23
2.3.3 績效資料的特性 25
2.4 員工績效評估方法 27
第三章 個案探討 29
3.1 個案公司及產業概述 29
3.2 實地訪談說明 31
3.3 績效評估制度 31
3.4 績效評估實施概況 33
3.5 個案公司分析 37
3.5.1 A公司之組織策略與人力資源策略 37
3.5.2 A公司之績效評估制度與績效評估方法 39
第四章 員工績效評估設計之權變架構 42
4.1 組織策略配適之人力資源策略 42
4.2 人力資源策略配適之績效評估制度 45
4.3 績效評估制度配適之績效評估方法 47
4.4 績效評估設計之權變架構 52
第五章 結論與意涵 55
5.1 結論 55
5.1.1 理論基礎 55
5.1.2 個案討論 56
5.1.3 權變架構 57
5.2 管理意涵 58
5.3 研究限制 60
5.4 後續相關研究 61
5.4.1人力資源管理領域之其它主題 61
5.4.2績效評估策略之其它相關議題 62
參考文獻 64
中文部分 64
英文部分 65
附錄 72
附錄一:深度訪談大綱 72
附錄二:A公司績效考核表 75
發表論文期刊收錄證明 …77
表2.1 權變觀點在績效評估的研究情形……………………………15
表2.2 不同績效效標的資料特性…………………………………………26
表3.1 A公司之組織策略、人力資源策略與績效評估制度…………...41
表4.1 不同競爭優勢下之人力資源策略…………..………………….…45
表4.2 績效評估設計之權變架構…………………………………………54
圖1.1 研究流程圖 8
圖1.2 論文架構 10
圖2.1 組織策略、人力資源策略與員工績效評估制度的關係……………….19
圖2.2 績效評估的制定過程……………………………………………………19
圖3.1 A公司績效評估的流程…………….…………………………………….34
圖4.1 績效評估制度配適之績效評估方法……………………………………49
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