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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門初一學生的一元一次方程應用題錯誤概念之研究 / Study of misconception on word problems of linear equations of one variable among Grade Seven students in Macao

樊惠玲 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

國小英語教師對於台灣現行國小英語教科書之評析 / An evaluation of the current elementary english textbooks: Teachers’ perspectives

劉珊汝, Liu, Shan Ju Unknown Date (has links)
九年一貫課程實施以來,國小英語教育起初由五年級開始進行,許多國小英語教材陸續送審上市;三年後改由國小三年級開始實施正式英語教學後,各出版社無不積極改編、增編教科書以因應政策之改變,也因此,舉凡國內或進口之英語教材,版本相當繁多。 本研究旨在調查台灣現行國小英語教科書之使用現況、國小英語教師使用這些教材後的評鑑與建議以及國小英語教科書之選用情形。首先以問卷及訪談調查法針對全國國小英語教師進行研究,從而了解國小英語教師使用教材的意見;主要探討的為: (1) 國小英語教師對所使用之英語教材在整體方面、課本、習作、教師手冊以及輔助教具等五大部分進行評析;(2) 國小英語教師使用教材時之困難與建議;(3) 國小英語教科書之選用狀況。 研究對象為全國共兩百三十九位英語教師,根據問卷調查以及訪談結果所做的資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1.英語教師對於所使用之審定版教材,整體看來各版本之間並無顯著之 差異。而針對教材之課本內容,翰林版本教材在「字彙透過有意義、 真實的情境加以介紹及練習」該項目之評析結果優於康軒版,而另兩 版之教材在此評比項目無顯著之表現。 2.不論是何版本,大多數英語教師不滿意於學生習作與教師手冊。 3.大多數英語教師不論在使用何種版本教材,所遇到之最大之困難在於學 生英語程度差異太大。 4.對於選用教材所秉持之各項標準,英語教師們認為其重要性依序為出版 社服務態度、教材主題多樣性、活動設計、符合課程綱要及其編輯理 念、字彙量之多寡、文法之難易、出版社之規模與信譽、教師手冊以及 出版社是否舉辦教師研習及師訓活動。 5.各校英語教科書評選委員主要由英文老師組成,然而大多數學校評選教 科書時並未採用任何評選指標。 6.評選流程大致為瀏覽各版本教科書、邀請出版商舉辦說明會以及英語教 師評選之會議。 / Since 2001 when English education was introduced into elementary schools, all the publishers in Taiwan have been required to compile the appropriate textbooks for the elementary school students in a very short time. As a result, there are a great variety of teaching materials available on the market. Thus, textbook selection becomes crucial for elementary schools. In response to this situation, this study aims to survey teachers’ evaluation and selection of the elementary English textbooks by using questionnaires and conducting interviews. The study focuses mainly on the following issues: (1) teachers’ evaluation of the elementary English textbooks, including students’ books, workbooks, teachers’ manuals and the teaching aids,(2) problems teachers encounter when using those textbooks, and (3) the selection of the textbooks. The subjects are 239 elementary English teachers across Taiwan. In the survey, four versions of textbooks are observed, compared and evaluated by the respondents of the questionnaires. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1. Among the four textbooks in use, there is no significant difference between each version in     overall evaluation, except that the content of the textbook published by Hanlin is superior to that published by Kang Hsuan in terms of providing the meaningful and realistic learning situation in vocabulary learning and practices. 2. Most English teachers are dissatisfied with the students’ workbook and teacher’s manual. 3. A great diversity of students’ English proficiency levels is the greatest problem teachers encountered when using all those textbooks. 4. The service and attitude of the publishers is seen as the most important criterion for selecting the materials. 5. In most schools, textbooks are selected mainly by English teachers, but no checklists or criteria are used in selecting the textbooks. 6. The common procedure of selecting the textbook is a browse of the materials, an introduction seminar held by the publishers, and then a meeting for the decision of textbook selection.

九年一貫英語讀寫能力指標反映至國民中學英語科習作之研究 / A study on reading and writing competence indicators of the grades 1-9 English curriculum in junior high school english workbooks

王羿婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
教育部明訂,九年一貫能力指標應作為教科書編輯者編撰課本、習作之依據。透過教科書,學生可期望習得能力指標所標示的能力。台灣國中英語教學現場中,習作常作為學生的回家作業,所以能力指標如何呈現在習作上可影響學生能力習得的結果;然而,目前相關研究仍顯不足,因此,本研究採用九年一貫國中英語讀寫能力指標,分析目前最為廣用的一套國中英語習作。另外,本研究也針對第一線國中英語教師進行團體訪談,以了解教師對習作和能力指標的看法。 本研究的結果總結如下: 1. 14條指標中,只有3項在習作中有超過10%的練習題目(推論字義文意;了 解文章主旨大意;合併、改寫及造句);然而卻有8項指標在習作中的練 習題少於1.5%。 2. 針對被強調的3項指標,訪談教師同意這些能力的確需要被強調,只不過習 作的練習題仍顯不足。 3. 針對被忽略的8項指標,教師認為有些能力(例:查字典)對學生來說並非最 重要,因此習作缺乏此類練習是可以接受的;不過,某些能力(例:看懂圖 表標示)因為和學生的日常生活息息相關,理應出現在習作裡;而部分難度 較高的指標(例:寫一個段落)可編為自由選擇(optional)的習題,讓程度 較高的學生有更多練習的機會。 根據研究結果,研究者對教育決策者、教科書編輯、及英語教師提出數點 建議。 / The competence indicators (CI) listed in the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines are regulated as the principles for private publishers to compile teaching materials—textbooks and student workbooks. Through these teaching materials, it is expected that students can acquire the competences stipulated in the curriculum guidelines. Student workbooks, especially in Taiwan’s junior high school English classrooms, are used as a main source for students’ homework. Therefore, how the CIs are incorporated into the workbooks can affect students’ acquirement of the competences. Nonetheless, little research has been done on analysis of English workbooks based on competence indicators. This study, therefore, aimed to analyze a most popular set of junior high school English workbooks based on the Grades 7-9 reading and writing competence indicators. To gain more in-depth insights, a focus group interview with in-service teachers was later conducted to explore teachers’ views on the workbooks and competence indicators. The results of the present study are summarized as follows. 1.Of the 14 CIs, only three were emphasized (to guess meanings of words and reading passages; to understand main ideas; and to combine, change, and make sentences), each taking up more than 10% of the workbook exercises. However, there were up to eight CIs that were neglected, each taking up less than 1.5% of the workbook exercises. 2.As for the three emphasized CIs, the teacher interviewees agreed that the emphasis was necessary, but the practice in the workbooks were still insufficient for their students. 3.As for the eight neglected CIs, the teachers considered that: (1) lack of practice on some CIs, such as to use a dictionary, was acceptable, for these skills were impractical for their students; (2) some practices, such as to fill out forms, should have be included into the workbooks because they were related to students’ daily lives; (3) certain practices, such as to write a simple paragraph, could be designed as optional workbook exercises for high achieving students to master more advanced skills. Finally, some suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.

探討空間記憶之神經行為機制 / Investigation of the Neurobehavioral Mechanisms Underlying Spatial Memory

林建佑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以神經毒素ibotenic acid破壞不同尾核區域以及鋰鹽去價值程序為操弄變項,觀測此兩種實驗操弄對於大鼠之迷津行為之影響,進而探討標誌系統之行為內涵及神經機制。實驗所採用的作業為線索學習作業以及自我中心作業,分別代表標誌系統下的線索導引策略及體位導向策略。實驗一及實驗二在於檢驗尾核功能缺損對於大鼠迷津行為之影響,從探測嘗試發現大鼠在線索學習的行為表現需依賴砂紙線索的導引,而在自我中心作業之行為則不以環境刺激為依據(實驗一A、二A),顯示大鼠在各迷津作業的行為符合標誌系統的運作原則。神經機制之操弄結果顯示在記憶習得階段,尾核破壞之受試在線索學習作業上的表現並沒有顯著變差,尾核功能缺損並未導致學習的延宕或阻斷,其進步的速度仍與控制組相同(實驗一B)。相較於線索學習作業,尾核破壞之受試在自我中心作業上的表現則明顯變差,幾乎沒有進步的趨勢(實驗二B)。而在記憶保持階段,不管是線索學習作業或自我中心作業之表現皆會因尾核破壞而顯著變差(實驗一C、二C)。實驗三及實驗四則利用鋰鹽去價值程序降低食餌之誘因價值,觀測大鼠行為有無相對應改變。結果發現去價值程序的操弄只會影響到大鼠在自我中心作業的行為表現(實驗四),而不影響其在線索學習作業之行為(實驗三)。由此可知,兩種迷津作業所形成的記憶表徵是不同的,自我中心學習歷程會將增強物表徵在聯結單位中,而線索學習之習得歷程則不會。綜合上述實驗結果,標誌系統下確實有兩個不同空間行為機制,一個為線索導引策略,另一個為體位導向策略,雖皆受到尾核的調節,但調節的程度是不同的。不管是記憶習得或保持階段,尾核在體位導向策略的運作中皆扮演重要的角色,而在線索導引策略只參與了記憶保持歷程的運作。另外,兩個空間行為機制在學習內涵上也不盡相同,以線索導引策略為依據之空間行為會形成刺激反應(S-R)的聯結型態,而以體位導向策略為依據之空間行為則會形成反應及增強物(R-S*)聯結。 / This study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of taxon system of spatial memory through manipulating lesions of subareas in the caudate nucleus by ibotenic acid and lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced reward devaluation. With respect to behavioral measurement in an eight-arm radial maze, a cue learning task and an egocentric task were used for testing the guidance and orientation hypotheses of taxon system, respectively. Data from probing procedures showed that the performance of rats in the cue learning task was impaired when the cue was removed, but the performance in the egocentric task was not affected by changing the context (Experiments 1A and 2A). These results indicate that behavior reactions in two tasks are corresponding to those two operational principles of taxon system. In terms of the acquisition, deficits were significantly produced by the lesion of the dorsomedial caudate on egocentric task, while the ibotenate lesions did not affect cue learning task (Experiments 1B and 2B). For retention test, the performances in both cue learning and egocentric tasks were impaired by dorsomedial caudate lesion, no such impairment was observed from dorsolateral and posterolateral caudate lesions (Experiments 1C and 2C). In the third and fourth experiments, LiCl devaluation procedure was employed to lower the reward value of the bait in the maze. This manipulation significantly impaired the performance of egocentric task but not that of the cue learning task. These results indicate that the memory representations in the two tasks used in the present study are different. The memory representation in the egocentric task contains the reinforcer, whereas that in the cue learning task is not necessarily relevant to the reinforcer. In conclusion, the guidance and orientation hypotheses can be differentiated as behavioral mechanisms existing in the taxon system of spatial memory. Although the caudate nucleus is critically important for the operation of both hypotheses, the degrees of this brain site to get involved are different. The caudate nucleus participates in the acquisition and retention of orientation hypothesis, but only in the retention of guidance hypothesis. In addition, behavioral performance of the spatial memory using guidance hypothesis is based on forming the association of stimulus and response (S-R), while that using orientation hypothesis is based on forming the association of response and reinforcer (R-S*).

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