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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

負面口碑影響機制:自我構念之調節與歸因模式之中介效果 / The Influence Mechanism of N-WOM: The Moderating Effect of Self-Construal and Mediating Effect of Attributing Pattern

陳靜, Chen, Jing Unknown Date (has links)
行銷業者對負面口碑的負面影響已有所共識,它可能直接影響消費者對其產品或服務的知覺價值判斷,進而影響產品評價及購買行為。過往研究將負面口碑區分為理由型和情感型兩類,同時,負面口碑中所包含的訊息可能為產品或服務的主要或次要因素,因而在重要程度上存在差異。此外,考慮到消費者決策情境的不同,本研究以為自己或他人做選擇的方式喚起個體的短期自我構念,探討個體特徵在負面口碑對消費者態度與行為傾向影響過程中的調節效果。另,消費者在處理負面口碑時,可能會對其產生原因進行歸納推理,且存在歸因於產品或服務和口碑產製者兩種認知路徑,不同的歸因模式進而又會影響消費者的產品評價、購買意願等面向。因此,本研究旨在探討負面口碑訊息類型如何影響消費者的態度與行為傾向,並考量負面口碑重要程度和自我構念的調節作用,以及在此過程中歸因模式的可能中介效果。 本研究通過內容分析法在實務場域觀察負面口碑訊息類型,初步探討負面口碑訊息類型與產品評價之間的關係。其後,以兩個實驗設計驗證研究假設,實驗一為2(負面口碑訊息類型:理由型vs.情感型)×2(負面口碑重要程度:主要因素vs.次要因素)的二因子受試者間設計,實驗二則為2(負面口碑訊息類型:理由型vs.情感型)×2(負面口碑重要程度:主要因素vs.次要因素)×2(自我構念:獨立型vs.互依型)的三因子組間設計。研究發現:(一)相較於情感型負面口碑,理由型負面口碑對消費者態度與行為傾向的影響更為顯著。(二)負面口碑重要程度具顯著干擾作用,亦即,當負面口碑重要程度為主要因素時,理由型評論所產生的訊息可信度顯著高於情感型評論。(三)在負面口碑訊息類型、負面口碑重要程度對訊息可信度的影響過程中,歸因模式具有顯著的中介效果。(四)自我構念與負面口碑訊息類型具有交互作用,並連同負面口碑重要程度存在三階交互效果。本研究期望通過負面口碑影響機制理論模型的提出與驗證,對負面口碑傳播效果研究有所貢獻,同時,在實務上為行銷業者管理負面口碑提供參考。


湯俊章, Tang,Jiunjang Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,我國對其出口值每年皆有百分之十以上的成長率,歐洲市場的重要性不言可喻,但國內學術界對歐洲消費者的研究則屈指可數。造成此現象原因有二,首先是過去台灣對歐洲市場的重視程度不比中、美、日。其次則為歐洲資料取得不易,即使是二手資料都無相關獲取管道,這跟台灣大部分的留外歸國師資有很大的關係,相較於美、中、日,學者對歐洲的連結關係較弱。但隨著國內赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸起,提供國內學術界另一瞭解歐洲市場的機會。因此,該如何利用此機會,以化解實務界對歐洲消費者不瞭解的窘境,已成為當務之急。 本研究首先從過去跨文化研究中個人與集體主義分類開始,延伸至單一文化體下個人的獨立與互賴自我構念與消費者思考模式的差異。推論出個人主義下的消費者傾向使用系統式的思考模式,並且大部分的人皆具有獨立的自我構念;而集體主義下的消費者則傾向使用簡則式的思考模式,並且大部分的人皆具有互賴的自我構念。但由於獨立、互賴自我構念與系統、簡則式思考可並存於單一文化體之下,因此,本研究在單一文化體下探討這些關係是否依然存在。此外,消費者使用的思考模式將決定其獲取資訊的來源與方式。對於不同的思考方式所做的購買決策若產生失誤時,消費者本身所習慣採用的思考模式與當次的消費價值將如何影響消費者的購後失調,則為本研究欲探討的另一課題。 經過驗證後發現在探討個人自我構念與思考模式的關係部分,北歐文化體制下的挪威消費者的獨立自我構念與系統式思考相關,而互賴自我構念則與簡則式思考相關,這項結論支持了在單一文化體之下此關係仍然存在。此外,在探討思考模式對購後失調的影響方面,習慣於使用簡則式思考的消費者,在面對功能性消費時會產生較低的購後失調,而對於享樂性消費,則會產生較高的購後失調。但是系統式思考並不會對購後失調產生顯著的影響,此點則與一般認為愈理性決策的人失調程度愈低的常識相違背。 最後,本研究從研究結論中,提出數點可事先降低消費者購後失調的策略建議與方案,做為實務界能有效降低補償失調消費者的成本,並提昇消費者的再購率的執行方法。而對某些無法補償失調消費者的交易型產業而言,這樣的策略建議更是其唯一降低消費者購後失調的著力點。 / The importance of the European market goes without saying. After the establishment of the European Union, Taiwan’s export value to the European market increased over 10% every year, but the domestic academia are still few in studying about this topic. Two reasons cause this phenomenon. First of all, compared to entering Chinese, American and Japanese markets, European markets were the last choice in the past. Secondly, it is difficult to obtain European material, even second-hand material, because most of Taiwan’s scholars, who have mostly studied in America or Japan, have relatively weak relationships with European academic circles. However, with the number of exchange students going to Europe rising, this offers domestic academia a chance to access the European market. Hence how to utilize this trend of exchange students to Europe to dissolve the awkward situation of having an unknown European market has already become the academia’s top priority. This research extends from the difference between Individualism and Collectivism, one of the cross-cultural dimensions, to the difference between independent and dependent self-construct of consumers in a culture. Consumers under individualism incline to use the systemic thinking style and most of them own independent self-construct; consumers under collectivism incline to use the hedonic thinking style and most of them own dependent self-construct. Independent and dependent self-construct and systemic and hedonic thinking style can coexist in a single cultural body, so this research wants to know if the relationships among these variables still exist under the same single culture. In addition, the thinking style that consumers use decides the sources of information that consumers adopt. Hence, another issue this research wants to discuss is about how the consumers’ thinking style relates to their post-purchasing dissonance at their unsatisfied consumption. To utilize the chance of exchanging student to Norway, the research regards consumers in Oslo, Norway as the research sample through the questionnaire investigation. The total amount of issues is 813 among which the amount of 688 was retrieved, and the count of effective samples is 355. The research finds that independent construct correlates with systemic thinking style and dependent construct correlates with hedonic thinking style under the cultural system in the north of Europe. This conclusion has supported that this relation under the single cultural body still exists. In addition, consumers, who are accustomed to the hedonic thinking style, will bring lower post-purchasing dissonance under functional consumption, but higher post-purchasing dissonance under hedonic consumption. However, systemic thinking style has no significant influence on post-purchasing dissonance and this point violates the common sense that rational thinking will bring lower dissonance. Finally, this research develops some advice from the study’s conclusion to reduce consumer’s post-purchasing dissonance and to raise the rate of repurchasing in hopes to decrease the cost of business compensating unsatisfied consumers.

自我構念、自我監控及思考模式對自我表達產品之購買意願 / Customers' self construal and self-control effect on the purchase of self-expressive products

李宜安, Lee, Yi An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由人格特質出發,觀察消費的思考途徑所產生的效果。研究的對象主要分成單人與朋友陪伴,經由網路進行問卷調查,影響消費者行為的幾個重要因素及心理機制。更明確的說,本研究由個人層次著手,直接探討獨立/互賴自我構念的人格特質在思考模式上的差異,並且藉由思考途徑,推出個人對產品價值需求上的關係。 接續研究朋友的影響,將其視為「捷思式線索」,探討消費者在友人的陪伴之下,是否形成對產品形象購買意願上的改變。「捷思式線索」顧名思義即為能供消費者透過簡單決策影響消費者判斷之變數。而這樣的線索,可能會導致獨立自我構念者的消費者轉向捷思式的思考途徑而反向改變原本對產品形象與自我形象一致性的消費習慣。 本研究由捷思式-系統式訊息處理模型推論:在朋友的陪同之下,獨立自我構念者同時會進行捷思式之訊息處理途徑。運用便捷快速的捷思式線索作為判斷與決策之基礎下,將對形象一致性的效果差距較不明顯,甚至可能出現追求與自身人格特質相反的產品需求。 下一步本研究以自我監控為調節變數,探討自我監控的人格特質為個人對社會情境做調適的行為模式。面對有朋友陪伴的情境,高度自我監控者會調適自己的行為,亦之,只有在社會情境提供過少的線索的情況之下,高度自我監控者的表現出最原始的自己。因此獨自購物時,表現應如上述所預期。但當高自我監控者與朋友相約一同消費,對於社會的適切性相對有較迫切的需求,而會根據朋友的性格或相處方式而注意或調適自己的行為;相反地,低自我監控者對是否符合社會適切性感到不關心,傾向表達自我內心的真正的感受,依據原本的思考途徑做選擇,而不會因為身旁的友人而刻意調整自己的行為。 本研究發現互賴自我的消費者對自我表達產品的需求會因為消費者本身是否為高自我監控者而受到影響。若能採用心理測試工具,相信可準確發現不同自我構念及自我監控的消費者對自我表達產品的歸因基礎,並以此結果對消費者的選擇做更符合需求的預測。 關鍵字: 自我構念、思考模式、自我監控 / Social influences play a persuasive role when it comes to spending. Previous research has shown that friends help shape our affects, behavior and cognitions (Argo, Dahl, and Machanda 2005; Ratner and Kahn 2002). Thus, the presence of an accompanying friend might to an extent influence the original consumption due the course that consumers have the opportunity and the motivation to conform to the expectation that their friends have in them (Funder and Colvin 1988; Stinson and Ickes 1992). To date, researchers have studied many social characteristics to which the presence of a friend determines the consumer’s purchase. Across studies show that friends can influence consumers’ purchase intentions in a positive way by providing information in reducing perceived risk (Urbany, Dickson and Wilkie 1989). Further on, studies demonstrates that the mere presence of a friend might cause agentic (oppose to communal) shoppers to spend more (Kurt, Inman and J.Argo 2010). Based on preceding studies, we implement experiments to first determine which factors with the influence of social presence matters, followed by studying how they change the way we perceive information and eventually lead to purchase intentions of either self or non-self expressive products. Study 1, measuring the orientations by the effect of the social environment ( ie, presence vs. absence of a friend). Study 2 used self-monitoring as moderator. In the findings, this research shows that independent construct is correlated with systemic thinking while dependent construct is related to both thinking style. It was unpredicted the way dependent construal person thought, and the results was therefore insignificantly related to the types of product chosen. With friends, however, findings show that systemic thinking has no effect on buying self-effective products when it comes to co-consumption. On the other hand, customers that are accustomed to heuristic thinking bring out higher willingness to buy self-expressive products.

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