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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

英語教師身份認知的掙扎:一位英語教師的敘事探究 / Language Teacher Identity as a Site of Struggle for Recognition: A Narrative Understanding of an English Teacher’s Identity Construction

朱家鈺, Chu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文透過敘事探究的方式,探討一位補教業英文老師之身份認知與建構。經由半 結構訪談、分析此教師社群網站發表之文章,以及筆者之研究筆記,本論文意圖呈現補教英語老師之身份認知與建構,是一段持續掙扎、探索進而取得認同(recognition)的過程。 經由分析、探討此個案的人生經驗與自我敘述後,本研究發現,教師遭逢之人、事、物,以及言談敘述背後所隱含的思維與價值,皆影響教師之自我身份認知與建構。教師在教學歷程中,往往具有多重的身分認同選項(不論此選項是教師堅信或是外在加諸),這些身分認同的差異選項可能相互牴觸,並由於自身內部之認知與外部價值思維的衝突,進而引發一連串的「不被認同」(misrecognition and misacknowledgment)。本研究呈現出過去英語師資培育之相關研究往往忽略教師個人身分認同選項的現象,因此,如何敘述、協調個人的身分認同選項與衝突,並應用於英語師資的培養與自我調適,是本論文著眼 之處。 透過本論文之研究,亦希望提供英語師資培育課程不同的視野。第一,相關課程如 何透過介紹不同言談思維價值,使教師能夠適當運用多種身分認同選項;第二 ,如何 將敘事概念融入相關課程,協助教師解讀其教學中遭遇之人、事、物之關係與衝突,並 進一步思考對教師本身之影響。

教師專業知識及其課堂教學之研究:以三位台灣地區國小英語教師為例 / A Case study on three Taiwanese elementary school english teachers’ professional knowledge and its influence on their classroom practices

黃佩萱, Huang, Pei Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討三位國小英語教師的專業知識及其課堂教學,並分析影響其知識及教學的因素。透過個案研究的方式,本研究呈現了國小英語教師的課堂教學,其中探討了其教學如何受教學專業知識的影響並探索了形成教學專業知識的來源。 本研究採取質性的研究方法,研究過程採取訪談,教學觀察,文件分析等主要資料蒐集來源,為期約兩個月。資料的涵蓋層面包括:(1)班級經營 (2) 課程教學 (3) 形成知識的來源。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三位教師專業知識的異同:(1) 各個教師對自己的教學觀點如何 (2) 各個教師如何受其工作場域的影響 (3)各個教師的知識來源如何形成。 本研究根據以上議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以期能作為英語師資培育人員,英語教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the professional knowledge and its influence on classroom practices of elementary school English teachers. Cross cases analysis was conducted to examine the differences and similarities of three subject teachers concerning their professional knowledge, classroom practices and derived sources of knowledge. Qualitative approach was adopted to look into the professional knowledge of three elementary school English teachers in Taipei. The data was collected through interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. In this study, the knowledge of three teachers was presented in the following areas: (1) classroom management, (2) enactment of curriculum (3) sources of teacher’s knowledge. Based on the above information, this study discussed the qualitative differences of knowledge of three teachers under two dimensions: (1) how the teachers perceived their teaching (2) how the teachers responded to their working contexts. As for sources of teacher’s knowledge, three factors were discussed: (1) learning experiences (2) teaching experiences (3) contextual factors. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions based on the study results are presented mainly for teacher educators and English teachers.

國中英語教師教學意見調查之研究 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about in Junior High School

黃馨葆, Janet Huang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要在調查國中英語教師對於教學方面的意見,其內容包含以下六個部分:一、探討語言學的內涵與研究範圍。二、探討語言學習理論的基礎。三、介紹語言教學的發展。四、介紹語言測驗的重要性。五、了解教具與教學資源的種類。六、建議與結論。 本研究以台北市國民中學英語教師為調查對象,在學校方面抽出20所國民中學,發出200份問卷,回收167份,回收率83.5%,有效問卷151份。調查工具採自編之「國中英語教師教學意見調查」問卷。研究中所採用的統計方法包括次長分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採SPSS for windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 在英語教師應接受的專業訓練方面:超過90%的國中英語教師認為英語教師應接受語言學的訓練,而其中以語言發展史與語音學為最重要的範圍。 二、 在各種英語教學方法中以溝通、口說教學法最受國中英語教師的重視。值得注意的是默示教學法、暗示教學法這類新式的教學法只有不到六成的英語教師覺得重要,這有可能是因為有多數的英語教師不了解其意涵,且此兩種教學法在現行的國中英語教學上有其施行的困難。 三、 在教學技巧上,現行國中英語教師認為教導學生學習會話與造句的技巧最重要。 四、 在語言測驗方面,現行國中英語教師認為聽力與發音的測驗最重要。 五、 在教具與教學資源上,現行國中英語教師認為使用圖片與黑板、戲劇來教學是重要的。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程及實證調查之分析結果,針對有關單位與 國中英語教師、未來研究提出以下建議: 對於有關單位的建議: 一、 釐清英語教學的目的及其在中學教育的地位。 二、 實施英語教學的內容,宜將聽、說、讀、寫四種技能列為平常地位來設計課程與教材。 三、 提供充分的教具與教學資源。 四、 採用合宜的入學測驗,導正正確的英語教學。 五、 具有彈性的英語課程內容與授課時數。 六、 籌劃真正實用的英語師資培養課程及提供足夠進修管道。 對於國中英語教師的建議: 一、 教師應建立終身學習的信念。 二、 授課時所採用的教學教法須與教學理論配合。 三、 採用合宜學習評量的方式。 對於未來研究的建議: 一、 本研究採量化之研究,未能再深入了解英語教學的現況,建議可再採深度訪談或觀察的方式來進行研究。 二、 研究對象方面,建議可將研究對象擴大至台灣省英語教師的研究。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 語言學的意義與研究範圍 第二節 語言習得理論 第三節 英語教學法的介紹 第四節 英語測驗的重要 第五節 英語教學與視聽教育工具 第三章 研究方法 第一節 調查研究的架構 第二節 調查對象與樣本之選取 第三節 調查研究工具的編製 第四節 調查研究的實施過程 第五節 調查研究資料的統計處理 第四章 調查結果的分析與討論 第一節 對於教師應接受的教學訓練的調查結果 第二節 對於各種英語教學法看法的調查結果 第三節 對於各種教學技巧看法的調查結果 第四節 對於英語測驗的看法的調查結果 第五節 對於使用教具看法的調查結果 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about teaching in Junior High School Abstract The main purpose of this study are to explore junior high school teachers' opinions about teaching. It contains six parts: First, the study explores the content of Linguistics. Second, the study explores the basic theories of language learning. Third, the study introduces the development of language teaching. Forth, the study introduces the importance of language exams. Fifth, the study wants to understand the kinds of teaching resources. Six, the conclusions and suggestions. Objectives of the study include public junior high school English teachers in Taipei City. 20 schools have been sampled and 200 copies of the questionnaires dispatched. 151 copies of effective samples are actually acquired. Data of questionnaires statistic packaging software "SPSS for windows". Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follow: 1.The professional training about English teachers: Over than 90% of English teachers think that an English teacher should accept the training of linguistics. Most important parts of linguistics are Phonetics and the history of language development. 2.Most of the junior high school English teachers think that communicative language teaching method, and audio-lingual method are most important teaching methods to teach English in junior high school. 3.Most of the English teachers think that the most important teaching skills is how to teach conversation and sentence-making. 4.The junior high school English teachers think that the listening exam is the most important part of language exams. 5.The junior high school English teachers think it important to use blackboard, drama to teach English. According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered: 1. As to the educational authorities, they should (1) Make sure that status of English in junior high school education. (2) Design the textbook with the equality of four skills, the content contains: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. (3) Offer enough teaching resources. (4) Adopt suitable entrance examination. (5) Design flexible class. 2. As to the teacher: (1) The teachers should have the faith to learn as old as one can. (2) The teachers should use suitable teaching method. (3) The teachers should adopt suitable exams. 3. As to further study: (1) They can enlarge the samples. (2) The can use another way understand the truth of English teaching in junior high schools.

國中英語教師班級經營效能量表之編製 / The measurement of classroom management efficacy for English teachers in junior high schools

林悅平, Lin, Yueh Ping Unknown Date (has links)
「班級經營」為教師專業知能中的主要項目之一,既有研究指出了許多班級經營的指標或向度,大多以少數人理論、教學經驗或教室觀察為研究依據,而未有一致性的量化指標,本研究以實務界的角度出發,分析胡悅倫(2007)在教師甄詴口詴現場所蒐集的853道「班級經營」相關詴題,以重新建構班級經營的專業能力指標,藉此編製一份國中英語教師班級經營效能量表,作為教師專業評量之輔助工具。 研究顯示,班級經營包括五大主要項目:(1)班級實務、(2)和諧的人際互動、(3)課堂管理、(4)多元化班級經營、(5)英語教學品質。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下七點結論: 一、本研究自編量表教師效能之效標關聯效度達0.797,英語教學成果之效標關聯效度達0.605,雙尾檢定達.01的顯著水準,表示本研究自編量表可測得所欲測之特質。 二、本研究自編量表各分量表與總量表的相關介於0.86~0.95之間,顯示本研究自編量表具有良好的內在一致性。 三、研究各分量表之Cronbach’s α係數介於0.686~0.929之間,且在內部一致性團體對照法之t考驗中,各題高低分組之差異皆達顯著水準,顯示本研究具有可接受的合理信度。 四、驗證性因素分析顯示,本量表之模式為合理適配,五個分量表「班級實務、和諧的人際互動、課堂管理、多元化班級經營、英語教學品質」彼此顯著相關,且背後可萃取一個更高階的潛在因素—班級經營效能。 五、判別分析Hit Ratio值為0.86,代表本研究自編班級經營效能量表能有效區別出高效能與低效能之英語教師。 六、不同性別、年齡、學歷背景、特教背景、英語教學研習時數、服務年資、導師年資、導師態度之英語教師,其班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)女性之英語教學品質顯著優於男性; (二)年紀較長、服務年資、導師年資較資深者之班級經營效能各量表皆顯 著優於年紀輕、服務與導師年資較資淺者; (三)一般大學畢業之教師,其班級實務優於師範大學畢業者; (四) 有基礎特教背景之教師,其班級人際互動顯著優於無特教背景者; (五)參加較多次英語研習之教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於參加較少 次者; (六)越喜歡瑝導師之英語教師,其班級經營各量表表現越優異,且導師態度 可預測11.5%的班級經營效能。 七、不同學校地區、班級人數、每週授課節數之班級,其英語教師之班級經營效能有顯著差異,包括以下數點: (一)台北縣之英語教師,其班級經營各量表皆顯著優於台北市英語教師; (二)人數在21~35人之班級,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理皆顯著優於人數 35人以上之班級; (三)每週授課節數在3~4節最佳,其教師之人際互動、課堂管理、多元化班 級經營皆顯著高於7節以上之班級;而每週授課5~6節之班級,其教師 之人際互動、課堂管理亦顯著優於7節以上之班級,但多元化班級經營 則顯著低於3~4節者。 根據上述結論,本研究提供五點建議:(1)班級教師應正視班級內學生的多樣性、(2)班級經營的各影響面向皆應受到重視、(3)本量表可作為英語教師增進班級經營效能之參考、(4)教師應不斷自我精進、(5)學校班級應控制班級人數與每週上課節數。 / "Classroom management" is a main dimension of teacher’s professional knowledge. Most dimensions that former researches demonstrated are based on educational theories, teaching experience and classroom observation from few researchers. Therefore, this study goes from a practical perspective. By analyzing 853 classroom management related items, which were collected from junior high school teacher selection interviews, a measurement of classroom management of English teachers in junior high school can be made as an effective tool for evaluating teacher’s professional knowledge. Classroom management can be organized into five dimensions, including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management, English teaching quality. According to the study, there are seven findings as follows: (1) The criterion-related validity of this research for teacher efficacy is up to 0.797, and for English learning achievement up to 0.605. It reaches .01 level of significance under 2-tailed test, which shows the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement can examine the attributes that we want to find out. (2) The correlative coefficient of the sub-scales and the scale from 0.86 to 0.95 shows very good coefficient value and good internal consistency of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement. (3) The subscale of internal consistency Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement ranges from 0.686 to 0.929. According to the t-test of internal consistency group comparison, the high score group and low score group reaches a significant difference. The two result shows reasonable reliability of the measurement. (4) The model confirmatory factory analysis shows that the model of this study is reasonably fit, with five dimensions including classroom practice, harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management and English teaching quality. We can even extract one latent variable from the five dimensions—classroom management efficacy. (5) The hit ratio value of discriminant analysis is 0.86, which shows that using this self-establishment classroom management efficacy measurement, we can distinguish high efficacy English teachers from low efficacy English teachers. (6) The junior high school English teachers’ background demography including gender, age, educational background, special education background, English teaching improvement courses, teaching age, class teacher age, and class teacher attitude reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) Females’ teaching quality is better than males’ (b) Those with older age, longer teaching age, longer class age are better in all subscales than others. (c) Those graduated from normal university are better in class practice than others. (d) Those with basic special education are better in harmonious relationship among students, parents and teachers than others. (e) Those who attend more English teaching improvement courses are better in all subscales than others. (f) Those who are more willing to be class teachers are better in all subscales than others. The class teacher attitude can expect classroom management efficacy by 11.5%. (7) The junior high school background demography including school location, class scale, course number within one week reach a significant difference, which shows as the following: (a) English teachers in Taipei County are better in all subscales than English teachers in Taipei City. (b) English teachers with classes of 21~35 students are better in harmonious relationship and classroom discipline, than English teachers with classes of more than 21~35 students. (c) English teachers with 3~4 courses for one class within one week are better in harmonious relationship, classroom discipline, diversified classroom management than others. Building on the above results, this study made the following four suggestions: (1) class teachers should pay more attention to the diversity within students; (2) all dimensions of classroom management should be taken seriously; (3) this measurement is an effective reference and tool for English teachers; (4) teachers should always keep learning and improving; (5) student number within one class and course number within one week should be moderately limited to a proper one.

外籍專業人士在台工作及其相關權益之探討--以外籍英語教師為例 / White-Collar Foreign Workers in Taiwan: A Preliminary Research

賴加華, Lai, Nancy Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討外籍專業人士來台工作的三個階段(來台前、來台工作期間與 未來規劃),藉以瞭解外籍專業人士選擇來台工作的管道,在台期間工作狀況與 生活適應情形,未來的職涯規劃,以及勞雇雙方對我國相關規定的評價和看法, 以瞭解台印間的交流情形與狀況。 在方法上,本研究自2007 年3 月25 日起至2007 年4 月22 日止,為期約一 個月,總共9 位對象進行訪談,包括7 位外籍教師和2 位本國籍雇主。而本研究 主要發現為: 一、 來台前: (一) 促使外籍人才向外流動的推力多為個人因素決定,而非原生國存在就業困 難。 (二) 網際網路的連結與社會網絡的關係,成為外籍專業人士獲得台灣工作機會 資訊,以及在台期間解決日常生活問題的重要因素。 (三) 本國籍雇主在招募外籍專業人士的過程中會因為地理因素而產生風險。 (四) 勞委會實施單一窗口制度之後,申請與引進外國專技人員過程所花費的時 間與交易成本仍有改進空間。 二、在台期間: (一) 生活上 1.受訪的外籍教師表示在台灣的生活很安全,適應情形良好。 2.英語溝通與國際化生活環境的確會成為外籍教師在台工作的困擾。 (二) 工作上 1. 受訪的外籍教師對於自身在台工作權益的瞭解有限。 2. 國內聘用外籍教師的制度較為被動,無充足誘因吸引海外人才來台。 3. 整體而言,引進外籍教師須先顧及本籍英語教師資格任用制度,且聘用 外師也需要一通盤原則,對提升我國英語環境才有正面效益。 4. 目前台灣的學術研究環境因為資源分配和地區發展不均,造成城鄉英語 環境落差較大,外師應盡速引進至資源缺乏的地區。 三、未來規劃: 1. 獲得豐富的國外工作經驗對於受訪的外籍英語教師將來回原生國的生 活與工作相當有幫助。 2. 台灣人熱情且友善的態度讓人留下好印象,可能成為外籍英語教師回 流台灣工作服務的因素之一。 最後,本研究建議政府應該注重各相關部會的整合,以及繼續改善我國國際 化環境,加強外籍專業人士與我國勞動市場的供需媒合機制,促使我國與各歐美 國家的連結更為密切,有助於國家經濟和國際形象的發展。 / This research wants to probe into the three phases (before, during, and after) of foreign professionals working in Taiwan, so as to understand the working communication in Taiwan that foreign professionals use, their working situation and living adaptation during in Taiwan, their career plans in the future, and the opinions of employees and employers on related regulations. This research uses the method of having interviews with the foreign English teachers and native employers. From March 2007 to April 2007, 7 foreign English teachers and 2 native employers were conducted. The main findings of this research are as below: I. Before coming to Taiwan: 1. Explore life experience is the reason that most foreign English teachers want to find a job out of original country. 2. The connection of internet and relation of social network become the most important factors for foreign professional skills about acquiring the information of work opportunity, and solving the daily lives problems in Taiwan. 3. Because of distance, it causes risk factors through Taiwanese employers recruit foreign English teachers. 4. There still have the spaces to improve the transaction cost spent in foreign professionals importing and applying procedure after CLA implementing the “Single Window” program. II. Staying in Taiwan: 1. In Living: a. In general, foreign English teachers in these interviews are satisfied with the living environment in Taiwan. b.Disappointedly, there is a blemish which is the English condition in Taiwan not good enough, and there are no bilingual instruction in many public places facilities, documents, and products. 2. In Work: a. There are limitation for foreign English teachers to know about their own work rights and interests in Taiwan. b. The NSC system in attracting foreign professionals tends to be passive, there is not enough attractiveness. c. In general, we should consider native English teachers’ work rights and then introduces the foreign teacher. There is a great positive benefit to our development in promote English ability. d. There are some problems existing in the environment of scholarly research in Taiwan recently which are the unbalance of the resources distribution and disproportion of region development. III. Future plan: 1. Acquiring the foreign work experience is very important for these foreign English teachers living and works in original country finally. 2. Taiwanese friendship and enthusiasm may become one of the factors that make foreign English teachers come again. To sum up, this research suggests that we government should emphasize more on the integration of related departments to indeed implement “Single Window” system, keep on improving our international condition, and strengthen the work connection between the West and Taiwan, all of the above will help promoting Taiwanese economic development and international image.

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