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新進基層特考女警工作適應之研究 / Work adjustment for new entry-level female police officers recruited through civil service special examination for entry-level police officers胡雅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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軍軍的工作故事-一位幼教所畢業生工作經驗之研究 / The working experience of a graduate with a master degree of early childhood education蘇育吟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究,每次訪談內容皆錄音、轉譯之後由受訪者再確認,並參考Colaizzi 的資料分析步驟,探究受訪者工作經驗之本質。
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日間照顧服務社會工作員工作適應之初探 / The Exploration of Work Adjustment of the Social Workers in the Adult Day Care Centers李琪, Li, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,日照社工員的工作職責和角色繁瑣,實際上日照社工員已扮演一名日間照顧服務方案管理者的角色。由於適應是個體解決困境的歷程,日照社工員面臨的工作困境包括角色困境、工作成效有限及團隊合作不順暢等問題,使社工員產生挫折和離職的念頭;而日照社工員心目中的工作適應是個動態的過程、也是平衡的狀態,即社工員的努力能否與機構的期待達成平衡。良好的工作適應展現在三個面向:(1)日照社工員的工作表現;(2)工作滿意度高;及(3)願意工作下去並發現工作的意義;其中適應良好的日照社工員應有的工作表現,包含:(1) 不會將負面情緒帶給個案;(2)在時限內完成份內工作,並追求創新;(3)幫助團隊運作順利,並與團隊成員相處融洽。
本研究亦發現「日照社工員和工作場域之間的一致性」是影響其工作適應的核心機制,即日照社工員和工作場域能否滿足彼此的要求和期待;而日照社工員和工作場域之間的一致性可為兩種類型:(1)個體的工作表現、專業知能與特質能否滿足工作環境的要求;(2)工作環境能否滿足個體的工作需求,例如工作理念、學習機會、成就感和親和等需求。而日照社工員因應工作困境所發展出來的適應策略包括:(1)做中學,包括調整工作計畫、參與教育訓練、觀摩其他日照單位、搜尋相關文獻和媒體資訊;(2)尋求社會支持,例如督導的工具性支持,及同儕/同僚的工具性和情感性支持;(3)溝通,例如向他人說明自己的工作期待和能力限制;(4)妥協,譬如接受社福界工作量龐大的事實及不同專業的文化,以及放下對社工專業角色的堅持。最後,研究者綜合上述研究發現進行深入討論,並提出數項針對未來社會工作教育和實務之建議。 / The adult day care service has been introduced by the government and scholars for twenty years and has become part of the community care. However, related research on the adult day care service in Taiwan mainly focuses on the operating cost analysis, the application, and the benefits. It lacks the exploration of the quality of the adult day care center from the perspective of human resources management, not to mention the discussion about the workforce of social worker.
Reflecting on my internship, I find out that the working environment challenges the proficiency and tenacity of the social workers of the adult day care center. Hence, I start from the work adjustment theory. The research purposes are as follows,
(1) to understand the responsibility and the role function of the social workers of the adult day care center
(2) to delineate the work predicament of the social workers of the adult day care center, and to further explore the meaning of “the work adjustment” to them
(3) to analyze the mechanism and the factors that influences the work adjustment of the social workers of the adult day care center
(4) to find out the work adjustment strategy that the social workers of the adult day care center adopt
This paper finds out that the work and the role of the social workers of the adult day care center is miscellaneous and complicated. In fact, they play the role of the organizers of the adult day care service. This paper finds out that the work and the role of the social workers of the adult day care center is miscellaneous and complicated. In fact, they play the role of the organizers of the adult day care service. Because adjustment is a process of problem solving, the predicament the social workers of the adult day care center face includes role difficulties, the unsatisfied work accomplishment, and the problem with teamwork. All these problems may result in their frustration and resignation. Besides, the work adjustment for them is a dynamic process. That is, whether the social worker’s effort can meet with the expectation of the day care center.
A positive work adjustment is showed in three dimensions:
(1) The performance of the social workers of the adult day care center
(2) Job satisfaction
(3) The willingness to continuing working and finding out its meaning
The performance a good social worker of the adult day care center should have includes,
(1) Do not bring negative emotions to the case
(2) Finish the job within limited time and pursue innovation
(3) Help the team to process smoothly and get along with team members well
This paper also finds out that “the correspondence between the social workers of the adult day care center and the work field” is the crucial mechanism that influences the work adaptation. That is, whether the social workers of the adult day care center and the work field can meet with each other’s requirements and expectations. There are two categories of the correspondence between them
(1) whether the individual’s work performance, professional knowledge, and characters can satisfy the requirements of working environment
(2) whether the working environment can satisfy the need of the individual, such as the work ethic, learning opportunity, the sense of achievement, and friendship
The adjustment strategies the social workers of the adult day care center develop to meet the work predicament includes
(1) Leaning by doing, which includes the adjustment of working plan, attending education training, observing and emulating other daycare centers, and searching for related literature and media information
(2) Appealing for social support, such as the instrumental support of supervision, and the instrumental and emotional support from their peers
(3) Communication, such as explaining to other people their own work expectation and the limitation of their ability
(4) Compromise, such as accepting the big workload of social work and the different professional cultures, and abandon the insistence upon the professional role of a social worker
Finally, I will analyze these findings and provide several suggestions to the social work education and application in the future.
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身心障礙者工作條件及工作適應問題之研究:以臺北市身心障礙者庇護工場為例鄧慧鈴 Unknown Date (has links)
以前的身心障礙者可能都被關在家裡,常遭家庭放棄、社會排擠,因而較無與人際互動,也較沒社交生活,我們看不到他們,但隨著時代進步,去麵包店買麵包的時候,看到智障的喜憨兒,去加油站加油看到顏障的加油員,在電視上看到視障歌手,聽廣播聽到肢障的播音員,去便利商店有您辨識不出來的精障收銀員等,當身心障礙者在臺北市政府「ENJOY 臺北餐廳」端出香醇濃郁咖啡,捷運古亭站為每一位匆忙上班族做出每一份健康美味的早餐,在陽光汽車美容中心將充滿污垢的車子變成金光閃閃的豪華房車,從他們眼裡看到了希望,覺得自己是個有用的人。首善之區的臺北市,各項促進身心障礙者就業服務機制迅速發展中,政府積極投注心力讓身心障礙者站出來,求得一技之長,自給自足,謀得工作,他們就在您的身邊工作了。
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行政機關新進成員工作適應問題之研究賴瑞涵, Lai, Rui-Han Unknown Date (has links)
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臺北地方法院女法警勤務特性與調適方向 / A Research on the Characteristics and Adaptation of Judicial Policewomen Duty System in Taipei District Court黃姿云, Huang, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
一、 法警勤務之工作性質包括工作危險性、工作專業性、工作自主性、角色衝突性、機動性、體力與強制性。
二、 女法警之勤務工作分配,從早期傾向被安排內勤,轉為與男法警一樣共同輪值送達、執行、警衛、值庭等勤務事項。
三、 女法警之條件與特質包括必須融入團隊、具備一定體力、高EQ溝通能力、膽大心細等。
四、 女法警勤務調適部分,生理上必須面對深夜值班熬夜導致睡眠不足的問題;心理上則是須調適面對人犯之心理恐懼。
五、 解決之道,落實教育訓練協助女法警融入職場、增加團隊認同感,並建造友善空間設備。 / In recent years, the gender limit of the Judicial Police Exam has been cancelled due to the current of gender mainstreaming; as a result, the number of judicial policewomen is on the increase .In the above background, I have interviewed with some judicial police about their service, and analyzed the characteristics of the duty system through qualitative research, hoping to find the problems in the judicial policewomen’s service and the adaptation.
The followings are the results of my research:
1. The characteristics of the judicial police’s duty include hazards of work, job specialization, job autonomy, role conflict, mobility, physical strength and compulsion.
2. The service allocation of Judicial Policewomen has been transformed to be the same with judicial policemen’s, inclusive of delivery, execution, security and court monitoring.
3. Characteristics that are necessary for Judicial Policewomen include good teamwork spirit, physical strength, communication with high emotional quotient, bravery and chariness.
4. When it comes to adjusting to the service, judicial policewomen have both physical and mental problems. The former is facing sleep deprivation due to midnight shift, and the latter is the fear to confront criminals.
5. The followings may be the solution: Implementing training courses helping judicial policewomen to merge into the work team, enhancing sense of identity in the group, and establishing friendly space and equipment.
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機構外籍看護工工作條件與工作適應問題之研究-以臺北縣越南籍看護工為例徐幗美 Unknown Date (has links)
機構照護人力外籍勞工化之情形已普遍出現於國內大小型之養護機構,而這群服務於機構之外籍看護工處於語言不通及繁重工作壓力之雙重障礙下,工作適應程度是否良好則攸關著照護品質。在時間及人力限制下,本研究選擇以機構越南籍看護工為研究對象。 / 本研究探討之主題為:一、機構外籍看護工之目前工作條件;二、人口學變項對機構外籍看護工之工作適應影響;三、機構外籍看護工之跨文化工作適應差異;四、機構所提供之勞動條件、管理方式及福利事項情形對外籍看護工之工作適應影響;五、不同機構類別所提供之工作環境是否不同,進而影響外籍看護工之適應情形。研究設計方面,除了對機構越南籍看護工進行問卷調查,最後回收140份有效樣本外,並針對五家機構之負責人員進行深度訪談,以充實研究內容。 / 研究結果發現,適用勞動基準法之機構外籍看護工,僅僅只有基本薪資15840元一項,合乎勞動基準法第21條之最低工資保護,其餘之工作條件根本遠不如該法所規定之基本保障。其次,機構越南籍看護工的年齡、教育程度及是否借款來臺工作等3項個人背景,以及中文程度、海外工作經驗與來臺時間等3項跨文化因素,在工作適應上確有顯著差異。再者,機構所提供之勞動條件、管理方式及福利措施,對外籍看護工之工作適應有顯著影響。最後,醫療保健服務機構之越南籍看護工,其工作適應程度優於社會福利服務機構之越南籍看護工。
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參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 / A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service黃佳琦, Huang, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 / The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows:
1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects.
2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired.
3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect.
4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects.
5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”.
According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions:
1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience.
2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members.
3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces.
4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment.
The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice.
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外籍專業人士在台工作及其相關權益之探討--以外籍英語教師為例 / White-Collar Foreign Workers in Taiwan: A Preliminary Research賴加華, Lai, Nancy Unknown Date (has links)
在方法上,本研究自2007 年3 月25 日起至2007 年4 月22 日止,為期約一
個月,總共9 位對象進行訪談,包括7 位外籍教師和2 位本國籍雇主。而本研究
一、 來台前:
(一) 促使外籍人才向外流動的推力多為個人因素決定,而非原生國存在就業困
(二) 網際網路的連結與社會網絡的關係,成為外籍專業人士獲得台灣工作機會
(三) 本國籍雇主在招募外籍專業人士的過程中會因為地理因素而產生風險。
(四) 勞委會實施單一窗口制度之後,申請與引進外國專技人員過程所花費的時
(一) 生活上
(二) 工作上
1. 受訪的外籍教師對於自身在台工作權益的瞭解有限。
2. 國內聘用外籍教師的制度較為被動,無充足誘因吸引海外人才來台。
3. 整體而言,引進外籍教師須先顧及本籍英語教師資格任用制度,且聘用
4. 目前台灣的學術研究環境因為資源分配和地區發展不均,造成城鄉英語
1. 獲得豐富的國外工作經驗對於受訪的外籍英語教師將來回原生國的生
2. 台灣人熱情且友善的態度讓人留下好印象,可能成為外籍英語教師回
國家的連結更為密切,有助於國家經濟和國際形象的發展。 / This research wants to probe into the three phases (before, during, and after) of
foreign professionals working in Taiwan, so as to understand the working
communication in Taiwan that foreign professionals use, their working situation and
living adaptation during in Taiwan, their career plans in the future, and the opinions of
employees and employers on related regulations.
This research uses the method of having interviews with the foreign English
teachers and native employers. From March 2007 to April 2007, 7 foreign English
teachers and 2 native employers were conducted. The main findings of this research
are as below:
I. Before coming to Taiwan:
1. Explore life experience is the reason that most foreign English teachers want to
find a job out of original country.
2. The connection of internet and relation of social network become the most
important factors for foreign professional skills about acquiring the information
of work opportunity, and solving the daily lives problems in Taiwan.
3. Because of distance, it causes risk factors through Taiwanese employers recruit
foreign English teachers.
4. There still have the spaces to improve the transaction cost spent in foreign
professionals importing and applying procedure after CLA implementing the
“Single Window” program.
II. Staying in Taiwan:
1. In Living:
a. In general, foreign English teachers in these interviews are satisfied with the
living environment in Taiwan.
b.Disappointedly, there is a blemish which is the English condition in Taiwan not
good enough, and there are no bilingual instruction in many public places
facilities, documents, and products.
2. In Work:
a. There are limitation for foreign English teachers to know about their own work
rights and interests in Taiwan.
b. The NSC system in attracting foreign professionals tends to be passive, there is
not enough attractiveness.
c. In general, we should consider native English teachers’ work rights and then
introduces the foreign teacher. There is a great positive benefit to our development
in promote English ability.
d. There are some problems existing in the environment of scholarly research in
Taiwan recently which are the unbalance of the resources distribution and
disproportion of region development.
III. Future plan:
1. Acquiring the foreign work experience is very important for these foreign English
teachers living and works in original country finally.
2. Taiwanese friendship and enthusiasm may become one of the factors that make
foreign English teachers come again.
To sum up, this research suggests that we government should emphasize more
on the integration of related departments to indeed implement “Single Window”
system, keep on improving our international condition, and strengthen the work
connection between the West and Taiwan, all of the above will help promoting
Taiwanese economic development and international image.
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