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美國食品暨藥物管理局藥物核准的宣告效果 / Announcement Effect of Drug Approvals by FDA丁秀文, Ting, Hsiu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以事件研究法,討論美國食品暨藥物管理局在核准新藥上市的宣告效果。結果顯示在宣告日當天,各藥廠的異常報酬沒有顯著改變,但在宣告日的前五十天交易日可以觀察到顯著的累計異常報酬,根據美國食品暨藥物管理局的審核新藥流程以及學術性期刊對於新藥的臨床實驗數據探討,亦或是新聞對於新藥療效的提前揭露,推測皆會影響事件日之前的股價反應。進一步根據會計資料的觀察,新藥的核准上市,對於藥廠的營收雖沒有顯著改變,仍可以看出有增加的趨勢。最後,諸多新聞指出分析師對於新藥的審核過程中可以取得此藥物是否會通過美國食品暨藥物管理局的內線消息,結果顯示約有41%的分析師可以準確預測藥物是否可以通過,或許跟製藥業不同於其他產業的流程導致內線消息流出有關。 / In this paper, we use event-study to estimate the stock price changes of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decisions on new products for pharmaceutical companies. We find that FDA decisions have insignificant effects in all countries on the drug approval date. The insignificant price changes accompanying FDA announcements approval suggest that drug results have leaked to the market. It is quite possible that the results of advisory are open to public and advisory committee are held before FDA approval, advisory committee can be viewed as important news source of drug approval. After the drug approved by the FDA, the new drugs may bring additional income to the companies. Although the accounting data are insignificant at five percent significant level, we still can peek that the companies with new approval drug have their EPS increase. Besides, 41% of analyst rates the performance of next quarter better than actual EPS at that time. The reason can be the access of undisclosed information about successful approval of new drugs.
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藥物創新的區域分佈: 基於1996-2010年美國上市新藥的實證研究文詩雅 January 2014 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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重返迷幻異域—現象學視閾中的狂喜身體陳秉澤 Unknown Date (has links)
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2006-2011年我國中藥與西藥不良反應頻度和强度的回顧性比較研究 / Comparative study of frequency and intensity of adverse drug reactions between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine : a systematic review, 2006-2011 in China阮貞 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用連婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
在統計分析的部分,從各個不同的角度來探討上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用現象,包括病患的基本資料,如:性別、年齡…,就醫行為,如:就醫月份、就分,開藥行為,如:開藥日份、開藥品項;至於 資料採礦分析的部分,則是利用C5.0決策樹,來找出高危險群;最後,針對整體中最容易產生高危險交互作用的藥物組,對其藥效、藥物機轉…等做說明。 / Drug interactions, to a lesser extent, could cause side effects or reduce the drug efficiency, to a greater extent, is life-threatening or could lead to fatality. This issue deserves the attention from the medical personnel and us, the users. The prescription practice in Taiwan more often than not gives out relatively high doses of medications than those of the practice in North America. Consequently the risk of having drug interactions increases respectively. If we could bring the attention of the related party into this alarming situation with the supporting statistical numbers, then hopefully we could set off the stage for a better medical treatment in Taiwan.
We used the data from National Health Insurance database, selecting data only on the patients contracting respiratory system disease which sit for the largest portion in the database. We examine the data using statistical and data mining techniques in an attempt to extract the data on drug interactions and turn the number into useful information for the benefit of all related parties.
In light of the statistical analysis, we have in depth analysis of the drug interactions on medications used in upper respiratory tract from different perspective such as patient’s record which includes age, the frequency in seeing the physician, details on drug prescription. As for the analysis, data mining technique used is C5.0 decision tree in determining the group at risk for getting the side effects of drug interactions. Moreover, we also have summarized the list of drugs that have shown the tendency to induce drug interaction so that extra caution should be taken when administering these groups of medications.
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精神分裂症新藥對醫療支出及效益探討 / Do new drugs reduce medical costs? Evidence from schizophrenia treatment.湯雯諭, Tang, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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近十六年(1989-2005)香港中藥不良反應事故的分析研究張杰能, 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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製藥企業應對藥品價格管制的戰略行為 : 基於新醫改背景下的實證分析 / Strategic response to drug price regulation : an empirical study of Chinese pharmaceutical firms under new healthcare reform馮柳 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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中國製藥企業的專利戰略 : 基於六家製藥企業的案例研究 / Patent strategy of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises : a case study based on six pharmaceutical enterprises趙揚 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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疏水與溶脹材料混合作為溶脹層的水溶性小分子藥物遲釋微丸的製備, 表徵與體內評價 / Blends of hydrophobic and swelling agents in swelling layer to prepare delayed release pellets for hydrophilic drug with low MW : physicochemical characterization and in-vivo evaluation游暢 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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