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華語人物分類詞之社會文化意涵 / The Social-Cultural Significances of Mandarin Classifiers宋千儀 Unknown Date (has links)
共時研究以歷時研究及先導測試(pilot test)為基礎,以探討現代漢語的人物分類詞使用情形。從先導測試得知道德維度、知識維度、財富維度、權勢維度以及神聖性有等級之分,道德及知識維度有正負、高低,財富及權勢維度有多、中、寡及強、中、弱之分,神聖性有高低有無之分,依據維度挑選符合各維度正負、高低、多寡、強弱趨向的人物名詞。本研究亦經由先導測試取捨要測試的人物分類詞,由先導測試發現有些人物分類詞為晚近才成為人物分類詞如「坨」,便納入研究。此外,依據陳志信(1997)、黃光國(1984、1991、1999、2005a、2005b)主張「尊尊」「親親」為文化價值之所在,先導測試從「親親原則」、「尊尊原則」得到畫分人際圈子顯示社會連結的群體分類詞如「門」「派」「宗」等。從先導測試獲取施測的人物分類詞和人物名詞,做為本論文共時研究的設計基礎。
共時研究採訪談法蒐集口語語料,以長程深度訪談調取當代華語人士口語語料。訪談對象共36名,受訪者的社會變項依據年齡、教育程度區分。年齡層分為老年(60歲以上)、中年(40—55歲)、青年(18—30歲)三的年齡層,教育程度分為高教育程度(大學及大學以上)、中教育程度(高中)、低教育程度(國中及國中以下)三個教育程度。共時研究訪談問題為檢測受訪者對名詞與分類詞共現的選擇,並瞭解說話者擇取分類詞的理由。訪談問題分為由受訪者主動提供答案的開放式訪談問題(open-ended questions)及由本研究者提供選項讓受訪者選擇的封閉式訪談問題(closed-ended questions),訪談問題利用個體人物名詞檢測分類詞與名詞共現,問題共三部分,每部分之下另分題組。第一部份檢測人物名詞與個體人物分類詞之共現,第二部分檢測人物名詞與具有社會評價之人物分類詞之共現,第三部分檢測名詞與顯示社會連結的分類詞之共現。
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由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象 / Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraints王秀如, Wang, Hsiu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。
在高教育背景的影響之下,女生開始要求男女平等,進而嘗試跳脫中國傳統性別角色的限制。於是,女生和男生的插話行為將因性別限制的解除而趨於一致。 / Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption.
The data needed in this study were collected from eleven dyadic face to face daily conversations, including three male-male conversations, four female-female conversations, and four male-female conversations. In each conversation, interruptions are identified and categorized by their pragmatic functions and by the interrupter's and interruptee's gender.
The results of this study indicates that timing is more influential to the occurrence of interruption than the grammatical roles of the syntactic sites in which interruptions take place. It is found that about 80% of interruption occurs in the first eight positions in sentences with transitive verbs and the first five positions in sentences with intransitive verbs. In these positions, grammatical roles of all kinds may appear. In addition, interruptions are found to occur more frequently on syntactic junctures than within syntactic constituents.
As to pragmatic functions of interruptions, there is a priority order among three of the pragmatic functions that interruptions serve, with interruption for clarification overrides interruption for disagreement, which suppresses interruption for confirmation.
As for the social constraints on interruption, first, females, unexpectedly, interrupt their interlocutors as frequently as males do. Promotion of social-economic status through education and emergence of self-confidence are offered to explain why women initiate many interruptions. On the other hand, superficial courtesy and man chauvinism are provided to explain why men interrupt less often than expected. Next, when both the interrupter's and the interruptee's genders are taken into consideration, the influence of power is revealed only in cross gender conversation, with males' interrupting females more than their being interrupted by females. On the surface, both men and women interrupt their interlocutors. However, underlyingly, men interrupt to show power to control, while women interrupt to show power to resist control. It seems that men, in Chinese society, are still the dominating sex.
It is predicted that the power difference between men and women will be alleviated in the future. At that time, the two sexes will share the same patterns of interruptions.
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華語學習者會話中的自我修復研究 / A Study of Self-Repair in Conversation by Chinese Learners沈姿均 Unknown Date (has links)
在交談中在人們的交談中,順暢不間斷的話語是很少存在的。說話者對話語的修復 (repair)才是口語會話中普遍存在的現象。而修復的使用會因為可執行的語用功能有所不同,同時也可能受到學習者的語言程度而有所影響。過去國內外已有許多關於自我修復的研究,但是針對以華語為第二外語學習者的自我修復現象,則尚未見到較為深入的研究。本研究主要為了瞭解華語學習者使用的修復方式 (repair) 以及語用功能 (Pragmatic Function) 和他們的華語程度之間的關係。
為達研究目的,本研究採用實地錄製而來的語料分析。 一共使用九份語料, 受試者來自不同的國家學習華語者,年齡層約介於19-30歲之間。依他們的華語程度分成中級、中高級、高級三個等級。 在每個等級中,皆採用三份會話語料,而這三份會話語料之受試者性別分別是男女、女女、男男,總共採用18名受試者的語料,他們彼此的關係都是好朋友或為同班同學。每筆語料約擷取三十分鐘的長度,對話的形式則是面對面的、未經事先計畫的真實、自然的互動。
語料蒐集後,依照不同的修復方式分為:重複、補全、詳述、替代、重啟、重組六種;說話者的語用功能為:保留話輪、補充說明、更正、確認。所有語料經過分類統計過後,結果發現:1.程度較高的學習者修復次數比程度低的多;2.說話者做的詞彙方面的修復頻率高於句法方面的修復;3.說話者使用的修復方式受到語用功能與句法的影響,其偏好順序為:重複、詳述、替代、補全、重啟、重組;4.說話者為保留話輪使用重複多於補全與重啟;為補充說明說話者使用詳述多於替代與重組;為確認使用重複多於替代與補全;5.說話者的程度不影響為保留話輪與確認所做的修復方式,只有在補充說明此功能中的替代這種方式有顯著差異。 / Many linguists have found that perfect utterances do not actually exist all the time during a conversation. In fact, an unclear message is usually sent and need to be Repaired. This study aims to investigate self-Repairs made by Chinese learners, in particular with respect to inter-relationships among repair types, the pragmatic functions of repairs, and the speaker’s language proficiency.
Data analyzed in this study are collected from nine dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, each lasting at least 30 minutes. There are 18 participants from different countries aged between 19 and 30. They are divided into three different groups according to their language level.
In order to see whether the different interactions between Repair types, pragmatic functions and speaker’s proficiency is significant or not, this study will use ANOVA to analyze those data. The findings are as follows:
For the pragmatic function of Floor-holding, speakers use Repeat more than Complete and Restart. For the pragmatic function of Clarification, Elaboration is the type most frequently used, and then follows the types Replace and Reorder. For the pragmatic function of Confirmation, Repeat is also the most favored type.
With the speaker’s language level taken into consideration, this study finds that interlocutors’ proficiency does not influence the choice of Repair types to serve the pragmatic function of Floor-holding and Confirmation. The only significant difference found in the pragmatic function of clarification is found in intermediate level and high level.
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