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專門職業證照制度之研究葛韻 Unknown Date (has links)
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金融業人力資源部門對金融專業能力測驗之態度及實施方式之研究陳敏宏 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
一、「金融專業能力測驗」可建立分級進階制度,並採初、進階二分級制,初階測驗應定位為基本專業能力檢定,不宜有報名資格限制,以鼓勵有興趣之學生及社會大眾人士報考;進階測驗應有報名資格限制,可仿效理財規劃顧問(Certified Financial Planner,英文簡稱為CFP)之認證,將其重視教育訓練(education)、考試認證(examination)、工作經驗(expericnce)及紀律道德規範(ethics)之4E精神引進國內,以建立專業能力上的高度評價,並更加提升金融從業人員專業知能;
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外籍船員入出國境查驗—管理面、治安面及經濟面的探討 / The entry and exit Inspection of alien ship crew members : management, security and economic dimensions宋怡菁 Unknown Date (has links)
現行外籍船員來臺後,常受經濟或人員因素選擇逃逸並於他處從事非法工作,進而衍伸船員行方不明、在臺治安隱憂,或是造成經濟及醫療衛生問題,本研究透過資料分析及文獻探討,就現行問題就治安、經濟及管理面向,提出可能的解決方針。研究建議應由主管機關應統合及協調相關單位配合政策推行,在入出國境管理上應加強證照資料審查,透過修法增加船主管理及通報責任,在船主方面,灌輸船主良性管理之觀念,減少逃逸或是衝突之發生,對於非法僱主,提高非法僱主罰則,防止不法人蛇利誘,在設備方面,建議導入先進證照查驗設備,輔助現有人力不足情形,藉由提升內部及外部作為,共同維護我國境安全管理。 / With globalization triggering the rapid worldwide passenger flow, border security management has become all the more important to every country. Aside from border security, the government should also give consideration to the convenience of immigration clearance at ports of entry. The booming growth of global shipping and long haul fishing industry has boosted the number of passengers and vessel crew members. However, every country is facing the challenge of effectively administrating document inspection with limited employee resources to mitigate potential threats and to consolidate border security management.
The thesis is to discuss border security management about alien ship crew members on different types of vessels, such as commercial vessels, finishing boats, and passenger ships. The control of vessels and passengers falls on diverse competent authorities, which inevitably creates loopholes and management inconsistency. The thesis uses the entry and exit inspection of foreign vessel crew members as a study angle to point out the current challenges, to discuss the fundaments of border entry and exit with the spectrum of security, economy, and management, as well as to provide suggestions to enhance border security management through reference study and statistics analysis.
Potential threats, economic or hygienic problems could be formed when foreign vessel crew members run away to work illegally in Taiwan after their admissibility. The thesis aims to provide possible solutions in aspects of security, economy, and management through data analysis and reference study. As recommendations, the competent authorities should integrate and coordinate relevant agencies to comply with the policies, to strengthen document examination in terms of border entry and exit management and increase vessel owners’ responsibility of management and notification by amending the law; to instill positive management concept in vessel owners to reduce the chance of run-away and conflict; to reinforce punishments of illegal employers to prevent exploitation of traffickers; to introduce advanced document examination apparatus to make up for the shortage of manpower.
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專門職業及技術人員考試委託民間辦理法制面之研究 / The legal framework and associated laws governing Professionals and Technologists Examinations outsourcing: review and study葉文苓, Yeh, Wen ling Unknown Date (has links)
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中醫醫療行為法律規制之研究-以中醫推拿助理為中心 / A Study on the Legal Regulation of Chinese Medical Practices-Focus on the Chinese Massage Assistants王國成, Wang, Kuo Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中醫推拿助理、工作權、職業自由、證照考覈制度 / The Chinese massage originated in ancient times. At the Shang dynasty, the oracle-
bone scriptures had already recorded a number of massage assistance personnel . At the
Eastern Zhou dynasty, a famous country Chinese herb doctor "pian-chiueh" who rescued
the dying with massage therapy by disciples . At the Warring States Period and Qin-Han
dynasties , " Laws of pressing the turtle " as the massage employee's standard examination
had already described by "Huangdi Neijing(Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine)". At the
Tang dynasty , imperial government established the official massage doctor and assistant systems . So that Chinese massage system had long been a complete system since then .
Althrough "massage" started "tueinar" of call since Ming dynasty, and which divided into
twelve divisions at Qing dynasty; the systems of Chinese massage could be still transmitted
for ever and ever.
However, many Asian countries have established legitimate Chinese massage systems
and paid much attention to the third medical science in succession ; but administrative
organizations in our country still have hesitated whether to move forward or not.Therefore,
those embarrassing situations caused a great deal of trouble to us that" those who engaged in
Chinese massage assistants with no formal qualifications and licence examination systems;
and those who engaged in legitimate medical personnel with no legal standards of Chinese
Taking a comprehensive view of our country Constitution , J .Y . interpretations and related laws,which don't explicitly limit any people engaged in traditional Chinese massage
assistants. Therefore , under the principle of equality in employment , people have freely choice of jobs for the right to work as a career;whom have equal acceptance of employment
service and free from discrimination of jobs. Various therapies(including folk remedies) all
exist risks which even have been already close to human life problems. Based on a variety
of treatments regardless of the level of risk,one should have job training, evaluation licence
examination systems,the relevant legislation as employees;but should not be discrimination
or class distinction. According to the coordination view of J .Y. interpretation NO. 666 by the Honorable Justice Pai- Hsiu Yeh , administrative organizations should put effective
integration of on-the-job training and licence examination for Chinese massage assistants ;
then those shouldn't forbid their particular business activity in which guaranteed by the Constitution by reason of non-medical, harmful or valueless to the society.
Accordingly, this thesis summarized collection of ancient and contemporary history of Chinese massage and legal documents; compared the massage systems in a few Asian
countries and occupational licence systems in England , Germany , Japan and China ; analyzed under the Constitution and existing legislation in order to comprehend guarantee
and restriction of occupational freedoms for Chinese massage assistants . In addition , it made assessment of the advantages and disadvantages about the related views of judicial ,
executive and legislature's organs till now. Finally, it proposed the personal draft plans "
ordinance draft for Chinese massage technician 's assessment and management " , " law draft for the Chinese massagist " and the short , medium , long term recommendations as important reform references for policy in the future.
Key words : Chinese massage assistant , Right to work, Freedom of occupation , Licence
examination system
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我國公立國民中小學教師檢定與聘任制度之研究--以臺北縣市為例 / Study of Teacher Certification and Employment System of Public Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan林信志, Alex Lin, C. Unknown Date (has links)
(三)適度增加長聘教師之福利待遇。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation and problems of teacher certification and employment system of public elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan, and then to look for the best and practical solutions to the problematic issues, which are inclusive of teacher certification and teacher certificate/licensure, teacher selection and employment, and teacher agreement. The methods of this study comprise literature analysis, comparative approach, questionnaire investigation, as well as follow-up interviews. Subjects of this study consisted educational and school administrators, teachers, parents, and experts in Taipei. Valid data from 574 subjects were analyzed together with the information of interviews from 7 experts.
The major findings of this study include :
1.Both the first stage and the second stage of current teacher certification were considered dysfunctional in evaluating pre-service teachers, so that most subjects supported the certification exam.
2.The current internship system is supposed to be cancelled, and to become a part of teacher preparation curriculum of colleges or universities.
3.1t is necessary to establish renewal and withdrawal system of teacher licensure in order to promote the teaching quality.
4.The city/county committees of teacher selection were mostly supported, but each school should still have the right to choose the way of selecting teachers.
5.Every kinds of teachers should be examined and assessed by SCTSE (school committee of teacher selection and employment ) before employed.
6.The principals should respect the decisions made by most members of SCTSE.
7.The SCTSE was considered unable and unwilling to deal with employing and unemploying teachers.
8.The device of teacher tenure was considered unmeaning.
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