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霧社事件影響三群族群關係研究林文德 Unknown Date (has links)
1930年10月27日爆發日本在臺殖民史上最嚴重的衝突事件;霧社事件。Sediq Mjiras(賽德克人的怒吼)向殖民政府採取最極端手段表達自1908年霧社蕃務官吏駐在所設立以來,對於賽德克三族群人力的壓榨與土地資源的掠取最沉痛的抗議。
本論文章節安排除緒論與結論以外,共分為四章。第一章主要探討三族群之分類 、傳統社會關係。第二章從理蕃政策的脈絡下,探討霧社事件爆發以來對於三族群互動關係之影響,並研究分析其影響層面為何。第三章從山胞政策的制訂下,探討戰後國民政府接收臺灣對三族群的影響,惟本章節以「抗日史觀」為主要分析焦點。第四章則從基督教派的傳入之後對於三族群互動關係產生的影響,並且分析實際影響中的限制為何。
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霧社事件遺族的心聲—以莫那.魯道直系家族史為中心 / The aspiration of the bereaved descendants of the Musha Incident—oriented on Mona Rudo's immediate family history巴干‧巴萬 Unknown Date (has links)
霧社事件推演至今已經88(2018年)年,筆者以莫那.魯道(Mona Rudo)家族後裔的身分,提出關於霧社抗日事件的核心人物莫那.魯道歷史定位的新觀點。一是以莫那.魯道後裔的身分來論述其「家族史」,二為同時進行田野調查之後,參考所採集到的部落「內部」的觀點,以及三從賽德克族(Seediq)傳統「Gaya 」的倫理規範來論述。
具體而論,本文首先將今南投縣仁愛鄉賽德克族德固達雅群(Seediq Tgdaya)於日治時期霧社事件前後社會組織的變化做一番考察;進而對於霧社事件與莫那.魯道,因著不同的世代、族群、部落及女性的關係,做一番詮釋;此外,藉由瑪紅.莫那生命史的書寫,建立莫那.魯道直系家族系譜,與霧社事件後的部落發展乃至莫那•魯道遺骸之流轉,亦有一番爬梳。 / It has been eighty-seven years since the Musha Incident has happened. As the descendant of Mona Rudo, the author wishes to propose new perspectives about the historical status of this key figure in the Mushaanti-Japanese movement from three aspects. The first is to discuss his “family history” fromthe standpoint ofhis descendent. The second is to conductfieldwork and provide viewpoints from within the tribe.The third is to present the incident from the ethnic codes of traditional“Gaya” of the Seediq.
To be specific, this thesis will first examine the changes of the local community of the SeediqTgdaya people before and after the Musha Incident during the Japanese reign in Renai Township, Nantou County. It will then interpret the relationship between the Musha Incident and Mona Rudo from the angles of different generations, communities, tribes and gender. Besides, this thesis will construct the genealogy of Mona Rudo's immediate family members through the writing of Mahung Mona's life history. It will also trace the development of the tribe after the incident and the handing down of the corpse of Mona Rudo.
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