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身心障礙特考三等人員任職與升遷發展之研究 / The employment and promotion of grade three civil servants qualified in the civil service special examinations for the disabled張琮昀, Chang, Tsung Yun Unknown Date (has links)
身心障礙特考係我國考試制度下獨有的設計,象徵政府對於身心障礙人員就業保障的重視,主動開啟另一道窗口,讓身心障礙人員得以透過國家考試方式進入公部門。因此經由身心障礙特考及格的人員,其在公務部門適應及發展情形,是值得加以深入研究的。本研究以Stone & Colella提出之組織對待身心障礙者就業因素之模型為主軸,從身心障礙人員本身、組織與法律環境、同事分為三種方向,設計出訪談問題。在研究方法上以深度訪談法,探究十名身心障礙特考人員的意見想法,了解他們在公部門任職與升遷時面臨的問題與現象。
冀望藉由本研究的呈現,能提供政府有關單位政策改革之建議,讓我國身心障礙特種考試發展更臻完整,成為世界其他先進國家學習之標竿。 / The Civil Service Special Examination for the Disabled is a unique design of examination system. It not only shows the government’s emphasis on protecting the employment of the disabled people, but also provides a way for the disabled people to enter the public sector by national examination. Therefore, it is important to study the adaptation and development of those who enter public sector by the special exam. In this study, the author used the model of Stone & Colella which theorizes the factors contributing to how an organization treats the disabled employees. Based on the model, the author designed questions regarding employment and promotion for the disabled civil servants and conducted 10 interviews.
The results show that the current Protection Law for the Disabled makes the government more proactive to hire disabled people. The rights of the disabled civil servants have been taken good care of, but their promotion may still be influenced by their disabilities. However, their attitude toward work is the key to their promotions. They must work harder and do more to get themselves a raise, and they have to work like most normal people to impress their bosses, which no doubt is a challenge for them.
Within this study, we would like to provide advices to the government and make the related policy more effective, allowing other advanced countries in the world to learn from it.
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身心障礙公務人員工作滿足與離職傾向之研究 / A Study of Civil Service for the Disabled Job Satisfaction陳明燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在了解身心障礙公務人員工作滿足與離職傾向之現況,以及工作滿足和離職傾向二者之間的相關程度,並探討個人背景變項在其間之差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以85年、88年、90年、92年、93年及94年身心障礙特考及格之現職公務人員為調查對象,共發放 588份問卷,回收有效問卷336份,以 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析等方法進行資料分析,根據實證結果,獲致以下幾點結論:
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