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工作滿足、工作績效與離職傾向之關係研究柯惠玲, KE, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
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考試院及所屬機關公務人員工作壓力、工作滿足與離職傾向關係之研究 / The Relationship between Job Stress,Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention : A Case Study of Examination Yuan and Affiliated Authorities吳福輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採問卷調查法,調查對象為考試院及所屬機關之公務人員,計發放問卷724份,共回收有效樣本603份,問卷有效樣本回收率為83%;研究問卷內容包含工作壓力之構面量表、工作滿足之構面量表,離職傾向之構面量表及受訪者的基本資料,對於問卷調查所得資料的係利用統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 12.0版,以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(One Way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關係數(Pearson product moment coefficient)及迴歸分析(Regression)等統計分析進行資料處理。
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探討護理人員工作風險認知、生涯發展與離職傾向之關聯性研究蔡良嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以數所醫院及護理之家、養護中心的護理人員作為研究對象,主要研究目的為:了解護理人員工作風險認知與生涯發展,以及離職傾向現況;檢視護理人員工作風險認知與離職傾向間之關聯性,以及生涯發展與離職傾向間之關聯性;經過建立假說、設計與回收問卷、統計分析等流程,提出八項結論,包含 (1)「年齡」對於「離開現有工作的欲望」有顯著負向影響。(2)「工作任職年資」對於「更換工作容易程度」有顯著正向影響。(3)「責任風險的受害性」對「離開現有工作的欲望」有顯著正相關,而「責任風險的自我規避能力」對「離開現有工作的欲望」有顯著負相關。(4)「專業證照生涯發展」對「離開現有工作的欲望」有顯著正相關。(5)「臨床護理工作風險的暴害程度」與「離開現有工作的欲望」呈現顯著負相關。(6)「臨床護理工作風險的自我規避能力」與「更換工作容易程度」呈現顯著正相關。(7)「責任風險的受害性」與「更換工作容易程度」呈現顯著正相關。(8)「責任風險的受害性」對於「離開現有工作的欲望」以及「更換工作容易程度」都呈現顯著正相關;「責任風險的自我規避能力」與「離開現有工作的欲望」呈現顯著的負相關。
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紡纖產業員工離職傾向之研究以A集團子公司為例 / A study on turnover intention in the spins and the filament industry _ A study on the subsidiaries of "A" group林琪萍, Lin, Chi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
1. 外在環境變化劇烈,以及紡纖產業員工大都為年齡大、年資深的員工,此因素影響紡纖產業員工離職傾向低,若跨公司分析,年資深、年齡高比例越高,離職傾向越低。
2. 但若以同一間公司內部來看,員工滿意度與離職傾向呈現負相關,其各因素間相關性如下:
A. 組織變數、工作環境因素以及工作內容因素,對員工滿意度部分有正相關。
B. 職涯發展需求與滿意度有正相關,人口變項對員工滿意度有部份正相關。
C. 組織變數、工作環境因素以及工作內容等工作滿意度因素,對離職傾向呈現負相關。
D. 職涯發展需求與離職傾向有負相關,個人因素有部分與離職傾向有負相關,人口變項除年齡外,沒有影響。
E. 外在環境影響對外尋找工作的難易度,對離職傾向有負相關。
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機關安全警衛人員工作壓力 工作滿足與離職傾向之研究 -以中央政府機關為例-洪文端, HUNG,WEN-TUAN Unknown Date (has links)
五、工作滿足與離職傾向有中度負相關存在,工作滿足越高,離職傾向越低。 / According to the international situation in recent years, terrorists claim that they are going to attack the western countries which support the United States of America to counter terrorism since 9-11, even Taiwan can not be neutral in the war.
Taiwan’s democracy just start to grow up, our society is full of energy and vitality, politics and economics change rapidly, the society is much more open day by day and people’s consciousness of free and democracy is much higher than before.
Especially after the 9th president election on 1996, all the discussion of living and politics are rampant in our society. The central government organizations where are the nucleus of our politics and the converging place of political elites become the popular objects for people to present a petition and protest ,they also become the hot point of spotlights.
So we can understand clearly that the possibilities of disturbing and harming our government are high because indigenous or for issues that we cannot predict in advance.
Executing security mission of government, to protect government safety and senior officers safety has strong effect in making, setting, executing the national police and keeping the steady of country’s political situation.
How to maintain the safety of government to ensure that government can work normally is extremely important.
This study is to probe the work pressure, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of security guard of government. It uses security guard of government as study objects and use survey to do research. The conclusions of the study are as the follows :
1. Work pressure has no obvious difference due to sex, age, level of education, marriage. Only job title and years of experience in serving government have obvious difference.
2. Job satisfaction has obvious difference due to sex, age, job title, level of education, years of experience in serving government, and marriage.
3. Turnover intention has obvious difference due to age, level of education, years of experience in serving government, and marriage. Only due to sex and job title, it has no obvious difference.
4. There is low obvious positive correlation between work pressure and turnover intention. People with higher degree of work pressure have higher degree of turnover intention.
5.There is middle obvious negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. People with higher degree of job satisfaction have lower degree of turnover intention.
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桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力、工作滿意與離職傾向之研究劉建宏, Liu,Jeng-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:教師兼行政人員、工作壓力、工作滿意、離職傾向 / Administrative personnel have a critical impact to the overall success of the organization; therefore, the stability and turnover situation of those teachers who also perform administrative functions (referred as administrative teachers) is very important to the school itself. In addition, the work pressure and job satisfaction have close relationship to the turnover rate, so the goal of this dissertation is to study the correlations among those length of service, work pressure, job satisfaction and turnover frequency of these teachers. Also a set of conclusions and suggestions were proposed for future study reference for education administrations, school’s management board and those administrative teachers.
The survey of this dissertation was distributed to those junior high schools established prior than YR2000; total of 46 copies were sent out and received 40 back (87% of return rate) with 33 sets of completions (83%).The survey population was based on those administrative teachers among those 46 schools; sampling size was 463 teachers with 433 returns (94%) and 410 effective results (95%).For the data analytical tools: descriptive statistics,T-test,one-way-ANOVA,canonical correlation,Pearson product-mo-
ment correlation,multiple regression analysis,stepwise multiple regression analysis , factor analysis were utilized.
The conclusions are as follows:
I. The larger the size of Taoyuan junior high schools, the length of service (LOS) is longer for those administrative teachers, and the turnover rate is lower.
II. With Taoyuan junior high schools’ history being not long, the LOS of Directors and
Supervisors was longer. For older schools, the LOS of Supervisors is longer, but with higher turnover rate of Directors and Supervsiors.
III. The pressure level of those administrative teachers is Medium and the work load pressure tends to be the highest. The job satisfaction is Medium, and the leadership satisfaction is the highest, while the turnover tendency tends to be Medium.
IV. For the overall work pressure level of those administrative teachers: 30 yrs old > 41-50 yrs old; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 yrs; single > married; student affairs supervisor > academic affairs Director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school history longer than 50 yrs > 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 yrs; master degree and above < university (college) degree
V. For overall job satisfaction (for administrative teachers): age of 51 and above > 31-40; LOS greater than 26 yrs > 5/under and 6-15 yrs; school size 73 classes and more > 13-36 classes; school’s history with 20 to 30 yrs > 10 yrs and below, 30-40 yrs, 40-50 yrs, and 50 yrs above.
VI. For overall turnover tendency: 30 yrs and below > 41-50 yrs old and above; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 and 26 yrs and above; single > married; academic affairs supervisors and student affairs supervisor > counseling director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school size with 13-36 classes and 37-72 classes > 73 classes.
VII. Overall work pressure and turnover tendency have a positive correlation.
VIII. Overall job satisfaction and turnover tendency have a negative correlation.
IX. Overall job satisfaction and overall work pressure have a negative correlation.
X. The job role conflict situation could be used as an indictor of future turnover tendency.
Based on the conclusions of the study, the suggestions of this dissertation are as follows:
I. Set up training and counseling system for administrative teachers; provide sufficient encouragement, rewards and care.
II. Apply for more funds to improve the overall school environment and facilities.
III. Combine similar businesses to reduce unnecessary paperwork.
IV. Set up appropriate job-assigning process to reduce administrative procedures.
V. Encourage continuous learning (ex. pursuing for higher degree)
VI. Learn to adjust pressure and to build up good communication skills.
KEY WORDS: administrative teachers, work pressure, job satisfaction, turnover tendency
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內政部入出國及移民署員工之工作倦怠、工作滿意度與離職傾向關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Job Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Officers in National Immigration Agency林哲羽, Lin, Che Yu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:公務人員、工作倦怠、工作滿意度、離職傾向 / This research takes the officers in National Immigration Agency as the object to discuss their personalities contributes the job burnout, job satisfaction and the difference of the turnover intention , and it also discuss the influence about the job burnout, job satisfaction to the turnover intention.
The research is implemented by questionnaire that issued for 320, the valid questionnaire is three hundreds and in 93.8% response rate. The data is analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Independent t Test, One Way ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis and the conclusion are as follows:
1.The personal “seniority in National Immigration Agency” and “service” have significant differences in all variables and structure.
2.Job burnout and turnover intention showed a significant positive correlation between two of them.
3.There is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The “job achievement”, “Payroll Satisfation” , “Promotion Satisfaction” and the various structures of turnover intention showed a fairly significant negative correlation.
4.The analysis results in joint predictive power, the “cynicism” in job burnout has the most positive predictive power to the turnover intention, and the “Payroll Satisfation” in the job satisfaction has the most negative predictive power to the turnover intention.
Bsaed on above findings, some recommendations are proposed and expected it helps the human resources management in National Immigration Agency.
Keywords:Officer, Job burnout, Job satisfaction, Turnover intention
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工作滿意度、組職承諾對離職傾向影響之研究 –以某外商公司為例 / A study on relationships among job satisfaction and organizational commitment influence to turnover intention – an example of foreign company陳詩蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案美商公司其在台灣子公司之所有台籍員工,研究採用結構式問卷以不記名自我填答之調查研究法進行研究,共發出 120 份問卷,收回問卷105份,有效問卷102份,回收率為85%。主要研究結果顯示:
一、 員工工作滿意度對於員工組織承諾具有顯著的正向顯著影響。
二、 員工工作滿意度對組織承諾具有顯著的正向顯著影響。
三、 員工組織承諾對離職傾向具有顯著的正向顯著影響。 / Based on a of Job Bank survey report: The 96% of office workers want to enter the foreign company in Taiwan. This study research and analysis job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention the employees in foreign enterprises in Taiwan and base on the study results provide advice to organizational and operational. Learn more about the status on staff turnover intention of foreign enterprises in Taiwan.
This study is cases of American company all employees in Taiwan subsidiary by questionnaires that anonymous answer of structured questionnaire quantitative research. A total of 120 questionnaires were sent out, returned 105 and 102 valid questionnaires. The questionnaire recovery rate is 85%
The results of this study are as follows:
1. Job satisfaction is significantly positively correlation to employees' organizational commitment.
2. Job satisfaction is significantly positively correlation to organizational commitment.
3. Organizational commitment is significantly positively correlation to turnover intention.
Key works: Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, foreign company.
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公共服務動機及薪資滿意度對離職傾向之影響-以臺北市消防人員為例 / The Impacts of Public Service Motivation and Compensation Satisfaction on Turnover Intention: The Example of Firefighters in Taipei City黃奕禎 Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市消防人員自2015年起試辦「加發危險職務加給加成」政策,該政策實施迄今已3年餘,本研究藉該政策探討臺北市消防人員公共服務動機理論及薪資滿意度與離職傾向之關係。本研究主要採問卷調查法,另輔以質性訪談印證及補強問卷之不足;量化部分就臺北市現支領「加發危險職務加給加成者」為研究對象,實際有效問卷為1,209份,問卷回覆率為81%,以SPSS for Window 20.0統計套裝軟體進行資料處理分析,採描述性統計及推論性統計分析(信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等);訪談部分以滾雪球方式,訪談2位現職臺北市消防人員及2位離職臺北市消防人員,研究結果如下,公共服務動機越高之消防人員離職傾向越低;薪資滿意度越高之消防人員離職傾向越低。
關鍵字:公共服務動機、薪資滿意度、離職傾向 / The Taipei City Fire Department has initiated the policy of “Adding bonuses to those with dangerous duties” since 2015. The aforementioned policy has been implemented for more than three years. This study tries to explore this policy focusing primarily on the impacts of public service motivation (PSM) and compensation satisfaction on Taipei City firefighters’ turnover intention. This study adopts the questionnaire survey method, supplemented by qualitative interviews to verify and reinforce the results. The questionnaires were distributed to the Taipei City firefighters who received the dangerous duties bonuses. The total number of valid respondents was 1, 209 with a valid response rate of 81%. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (including the reliability test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation) were conducted using SPSS for Window 20.0. The snowball sampling method was chosen to find the interviewees, including two incumbent Taipei City firefighters and two resigned firefighters. Results of this study were twofold: first, a firefighter’s PSM was negatively associated with his/her turnover intention; second, a firefighter’s satisfaction on the compensation was also negatively associated with his/her turnover intention.
Responses obtained from the interviews were consistent with the survey results. According to the interviewees, it is found that the intrinsic motivation, the accomplishment of helping others, is a critical element for the firefighters to perform their services. However, intrinsic motivation is still insufficient to reduce the their turnover intention. It is necessary to consider improving the work conditions of their work at the same time, which, in fact, is the most effective way to reduce firefighters’ turnover intention. The authorities, therefore, should consider rules and regulations regarding this matter and, thereafter, legalizing them as soon as possible to keep the firefighters.
Keywords: public service motivation, compensation satisfaction, turnover intention
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企業內部稽核人員離職傾向之研究洪裕琨, HUNG YU-KUEN Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:內部稽核人員、工作滿足、工作壓力、工作績效、離職傾向 / The main purpose of this thesis is to study the relationships among turnover intention, job stress, job satisfaction and job performance in daily work of internal auditors working in enterprise.
In order to achieve the research purpose and have the experimental result, I designed questionnaire and sent them by e-mail to 500 internal auditors working for the companies that hire auditors. Besides, I also sent 100 questionnaires to the auditors via my auditor friends.
I received 188 valid responding samples in total and analyzed the data by using SPSS.The research result can be concluded as follows:
1.Turnover intention with other variable’s relationship.
(1)All job stress dimensions had significant positive correlation with turnover intention.
(2)Except promotion satisfaction had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with turnover intention.
(3)Except personal performance had no significant correlation,the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with turnover intention.
2.Job stress, job satisfaction and job performance of relationship.
(1)Except anxiety stress had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with job satisfaction.
(2)Except anxiety stress had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with job performance.
(3)Except dependence and certificate satisfaction had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant positive correlation with job performance.
3.Analyzing the meaning variance between individual dimensions and job stress, job satisfaction and job performance.
We had found individual dimensions had significant variance with job stress, job satisfaction job performance and turnover intention.
4.Analyzing the meaning variance among enterprise environment factors, job stress, job satisfaction and job performance.
We had found enterprise environment factors had significant variance with job stress, job satisfaction job performance, and turnover intention.
5.The best interpretative variable for turnover intention is whole job stress.
At last, we hope our conclusions and recommendations in the last charter can do some help to business management authorities and internal auditors.
Keyword:internal auditor, turnover intention, job stress, job satisfaction, job performance.
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