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內部稽核人員人格特質及技能之研究 / Internal auditors’ personal traits and skills: an empirical study of Taiwan internal audit practitioners莊明軒 Unknown Date (has links)
5.稽核單位整體具備的技能低於稽核人員實際具備之技能,反映填答者對本身實際具備之技能較有信心,而對稽核單位整體具備之技能的看法則較為保守。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the personality traits and skills that a competent internal auditor should possess and to examine the industry and firm effects on these traits and skills. By means of distributing the research questionnaire to the internal auditors attending the IIA-Taiwan monthly meetings, this study gathers related data and perform various analyses. Our empirical results show that:
1. A competent internal auditor should possess the traits of conscientiousness, and the analytic and appreciative skills.
2. Internal auditors of the electronics industry attach more importance to the extraversion traits than those from the financial industry, and value the personal and interpersonal skills more than those auditors from other industries.
3. Chief audit executives (CAEs) value the agreeableness and openness to experience traits, and the analytic skills more than non-CAEs.
4. CAEs from the companies with operating revenue over forty billions NT dollars are most confident with the skills that they possess.
5. Most respondents believe that his/her internal audit department’s level of skills is less sufficient than that of individual auditors.
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企業內部稽核人員與外部審計人員互動關係之研究曾建銘, Tseng,, Chien-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用問卷調查內部稽核人員與外部審計人員兩者對於內部稽核功能之認知、雙方互動之情形、以及內部稽核功能與審計公費之關係。研究結果發現外部審計人員對於國內內部稽核功能能否有效發揮,仍有所保留,特別是在獨立性的部分,但對於內部稽核人員的專業能力則表示肯定。另外,大多數的填答者皆有與對方互動之經驗,但互動的程度並不高,以「偶而會」及「偶而詢問」為主。縱使互動程度不高,但是雙方皆認為互動對於外部查核工作或內部稽核工作是有助益的。此外,大多數的外部審計人員認為,內部稽核功能的好壞與審計公費有一定的關係存在,但其影響的比例以5%以下居多,這可能也是間接造成雙方互動不密切的重要因素之一。 / This thesis uses questionnaires to examine the external auditors’ perceptions of the internal auditing function, the level of co-operation between the internal and external auditors, and the relationship between internal audit function and external audit fees.
The empirical findings indicate that external auditors expressed concern about the internal auditing function, independence especially. And the questionnaire responses show the lack of a close relationship between the internal and external auditors. They just occasionally co-operate with each other, but they consider that it is helpful to them. In addition, most external auditors are convinced of the existence of a direct link between internal audit function and external audit fees. But the percentage of external audit fee affected by internal audit function is below 5 percent, this may be one of the reasons why they lack a close relationship between each other.
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企業內部稽核人員離職傾向之研究洪裕琨, HUNG YU-KUEN Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:內部稽核人員、工作滿足、工作壓力、工作績效、離職傾向 / The main purpose of this thesis is to study the relationships among turnover intention, job stress, job satisfaction and job performance in daily work of internal auditors working in enterprise.
In order to achieve the research purpose and have the experimental result, I designed questionnaire and sent them by e-mail to 500 internal auditors working for the companies that hire auditors. Besides, I also sent 100 questionnaires to the auditors via my auditor friends.
I received 188 valid responding samples in total and analyzed the data by using SPSS.The research result can be concluded as follows:
1.Turnover intention with other variable’s relationship.
(1)All job stress dimensions had significant positive correlation with turnover intention.
(2)Except promotion satisfaction had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with turnover intention.
(3)Except personal performance had no significant correlation,the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with turnover intention.
2.Job stress, job satisfaction and job performance of relationship.
(1)Except anxiety stress had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with job satisfaction.
(2)Except anxiety stress had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant negative correlation with job performance.
(3)Except dependence and certificate satisfaction had no significant correlation, the other dimensions had significant positive correlation with job performance.
3.Analyzing the meaning variance between individual dimensions and job stress, job satisfaction and job performance.
We had found individual dimensions had significant variance with job stress, job satisfaction job performance and turnover intention.
4.Analyzing the meaning variance among enterprise environment factors, job stress, job satisfaction and job performance.
We had found enterprise environment factors had significant variance with job stress, job satisfaction job performance, and turnover intention.
5.The best interpretative variable for turnover intention is whole job stress.
At last, we hope our conclusions and recommendations in the last charter can do some help to business management authorities and internal auditors.
Keyword:internal auditor, turnover intention, job stress, job satisfaction, job performance.
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內部稽核人員角色壓力與其工作滿足暨內部稽核工作品質之研究 / A Study on the Internal Auditors' Role Stress and Their Job Satisfaction Against the Internal Audit Quality廖玲珠, Liao, Ling Chu Unknown Date (has links)
無論在企業組織中的任何工作情境下,當一個人的角色產生衝突、模糊、及過荷時,會使得個人產生工作壓力,連帶影響其工作滿足及工作績效。所謂角色衝突(role conflict),係指預期的行為彼此間產生衝突與摩擦;角色模糊(role ambiguity),係指員工不確定或不明白如何執行工作,不確定或不明自工作的期望是什麼,不確定或不明自工作績效及期望結果間的關係。而角色過荷(role overload),係指員工承受過多的工作責任和活動績效。
根據實證分析,本研究之研究結論為,一、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足呈負相關。當內部稽核人員受到越大的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越低;反之,當內部稽核人員受到越小的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越高。二、內部稽核人員的工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質呈正相關。當內部稽核人員獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳;反之,當內部稽核人員無法獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就不佳。三、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質呈負相關。當內部稽核人員的角色壓力大,則內部稽核工作品質就越不佳;反之,當內部稽核人員的角色壓力小,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳。四、內部稽核人員的角色壓力會透過工作滿足而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。本研究以Baron and Keny(1986)之中介模式加以驗證,結果得知內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質並不直接產生效果,角色壓力會透過工作滿足,以工作滿足作為中介,而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。 / Employees, under whatever working environment, are facing role conflict, role ambiguity as well as overload in a business organization, which inevitably will affect their job satisfaction and performance. "Role conflict" in this paper refers to the disagreement and friction resulting from an expected behavior. And role ambiguity means the employees are not clear or un-known as how to do the work, what is to expect from the work, nor what is the relationship between work performance and the expected results. Whereas "role overload" indicates that the employees take too much responsibility from the job and activity performance.
This study tries to examine the relationship among the role stress, the job satisfaction and the internal audit quality of the internal auditors in Taiwan. The research models established in Bron and Kenny's study are adopted. The four regression models explicitly incorporate efficient and effective measures, and reflect the interactive nature of outcome-generating activities for the internal auditors. Forty-one pair questionnaires are included in the sample.
The results of this study are as following: Firstly, a role stress is negatively related to job satisfaction, implying that higher role stress reduces job satisfaction; and vice versa. Secondly, there is an obvious positive relationship between auditor's job satisfaction and the internal audit quality; the more of job satisfaction, the better of the internal audit quality. Thirdly, the relationship between auditor's role stress and the internal audit quality is reverse; noting their role stress decreases the internal audit quality. Finally, the effect of auditor's role stress against the internal audit quality probably is indirectly generated through their job satisfaction.
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