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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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教師兼任行政職務的角色壓力與工作滿意度之研究-以臺北市松山區公立國民小學為例 / A study of role stress and job satisfaction of administrative teachers of public elementary schools in taipei songshan district

廖珮芝, Liao pei-chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務角色壓力與工作滿意度的現況與關係,以及不同背景變項的教師對二者的知覺差異,並根據研究結果提出降低其角色壓力,增加工作滿意度之建議。研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,以臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務人員為研究對象,研究者自編的「臺北市公立國民小學教師之角色壓力與工作滿意度相關性研究問卷」為研究工具,對教師兼任行政職務計發出100份問卷,回收89份,有效問卷81份,回收率81%;另對一般教師隨機發出120份問卷,回收118份,有效問卷113份,回收率94.17%,以進行比較。資料分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、最小顯著差異法等統計方法。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務的整體角色壓力為中等程度,以「角色量的過度負荷」最高,「角色模糊」最低。 二、不同背景變項「性別」、「年資」、「學校規模」下,整體角色壓力具有顯著差異。 三、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務的工作滿意度為中等程度以上,以「人際關係」滿意度最高,「薪資待遇」最低。 四、不同背景變項僅「學校規模」下,在整體工作滿意度具有顯著差異。 五、角色壓力與工作滿意度之間呈現顯著負相關。 六、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務與一般教師的角色壓力具有顯著差異,在工作滿意度則未具顯著差異。 / This study aimed to explore the current status of the satisfaction of public elementary school teachers in Taipei concurrently holding an administration job with their jobs and the relationships. Also the differences in perception of satisfaction among teachers of different backgrounds were discussed. According to the results of this study, some suggestions were proposed to reduce their stress and increase their satisfaction with their jobs. The methods adopted by this study included document analysis and questionnaire survey. The research subjects were the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job. And the research tool was the “Role Stress and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire for Public Elementary School Teachers in Taipei” developed by the researcher. 100 questionnaires were sent to teachers concurrently holding an administration job and 89 were retrieved, among which, 81 were valid. The response rate was 81%. In addition, 120 questionnaires were randomly sent to general teachers and 118 were retrieved, among which 113 were valid. The response rate was 94.17%. They were used for comparison. For data analyses, the statistical methods adopted included descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, least significant difference test, etc. The conclusions of this study are: 1. The overall role stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job was moderate. The highest stress they perceived was the stress from “overload from their roles” while the lowest was the stress from “roles being vague”. 2. The overall role stresss perceived by the teachers of different “gender”, “seniority”, and “school scale” were significantly different. 3. The satisfaction of the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei with their jobs was above moderate. The highest satisfaction was that with “interpersonal relations” while the lowest was that with “salary”. 4. In the aspect of background variables, the overall job satisfactions were significantly different only among the teachers of different “school scale”. 5. Role stress and job satisfaction were negatively related. 6. The stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei was different from that perceived by general teachers. However, their job satisfactions were not significantly different.

組織溝通, 決策參與, 個人特質與角色壓力相關之研究

王青祥, WANG, GING-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共壹冊,全文分為:一緒論((一)研究動機與目的,(二)文獻探討,(三)研究 問題與假設,(四)有關名詞之操作定義。)二、研究方法。三、研究結果與討論,四 、結論與建議。共計四章,約五萬字。 本研究之主要目的有三:一、探討組織溝通與角色壓力及工作滿足間之關係,二、探 討決策參與與角色壓力及工作滿足間之關係,三、探討個人特質對組織溝通、決策參 與及角色壓力之調和影響。 本研究是以中國造船戈司基隆總廠、太子汽車土城廠及東元電機公司中壢、淡水、觀 音、新莊四個廠的 305位員工為研究樣本。同時採用「組織溝通量表」、「決策參與 量表」、「角色壓力量表」、「成就動機量表」、「工作描述問卷」為研究工具。並 運用積差相關、多元迴歸、部份相關、因素分析、二因子變異數分析等統計方法進行 量表之修訂及本研宄各項假設之考驗。 本研究結果發現:一、不同組織溝通向度與角色壓力及工作滿足間有顯著相關存在。 二、決策參與程度與角色壓力及工作滿足間有顯著相關存在。三、個人特質對組織溝 通、決策參與及角色壓力之關係有調和效果存在。


黃敏榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高級中學行政兼職教師個人背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持與工作滿意的關係,以了解學校行政兼職教師工作滿意的情形,及其所覺知的角色壓力與社會支持,並探討其中之重要影響因素,進而提供意見協助行政人員克服困境以加強其留職之意願。 本研究以北部各縣市公立高級中等學校各處室行政兼職教師為研究對象。配合研究編製「高級中學行政兼職教師工作滿意度狀況調查表」,問卷內容分為角色壓力問卷、社會支持問卷、工作滿意問卷三部分,共寄發460份,回收427份,有效問卷為414份,回收率為92.83%。 研究方法則採取文獻分析、問卷調查並以SPSS統計軟體進行單因子變異數分析,若達顯著水準則用Scheffe法或Tukey法進行事後比較。並以多元迴歸分析高級中學行政兼職教師背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意感受各層面之預測力。 本研究獲致以下結論: (一)個人背景變項的不同,在角色壓力上、工作滿意上皆有顯著的差異,而在社會支持上,僅部分獲得支持。 (二)角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意各層面有顯著性的影響。 (三)角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意之交互作用不顯著。 (四)角色壓力各層面和整體工作滿意度呈現顯著的負相關,社會支持各層面與整體工作滿意呈現顯著的正相關。 (五)不同背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持,對工作滿意具有預測力。 依據本研究所獲致之結論對教育主管行政機關、學校之建議如下: 1.調整提高兼任行政工作教師之行政職務加給。 2.學校規模不宜太大。 3.實施教師分級制。 4.增加進修機會並鼓勵進修,以提昇行政兼職教師的專業知能。 5.校長應採高關懷、高倡導領導模式,以提高工作滿意度。 6.有計畫培養行政領導人才。 7.學校領導可採參與管理。 / The present study aims to investigate the relationships among background, role stress, social support and job satisfaction of senior high school administrative teachers. The correlations are further analyzed with a view to providing advice on overcoming difficulties and increasing willingness of participation in school administration. Questionnaire investigation is employed in this study with subjects drawn from administrative teachers serving in public senior high schools in northern Taiwan. The questionnaire consists of three parts; namely, role stress, social support and job satisfaction. 470 copies were distributed and 427 feedbacks collected. With 414 effective samples, the feedback rate is 92.83%. The data were analyzed with Frequency Distribution, F-test, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffe and Multi-regression methods. The findings are as follows: (1) Personal background influences role stress, job satisfaction, and social support. (2) Role stress and social support influence job satisfaction. (3) There is no interaction between role stress and social support. (4) The higher role stress, the lower job satisfaction; the higher social support, the higher job satisfaction. (5) Personal backgrounds, role stress, and social supports can predict job satisfaction. Based on the present study, suggestions for the educational authorities, principal, and superior in schools are: 1. Increasing the extra payments to teachers who take part in administration. 2. School size may not be too large. 3. Implementing teachers’ ranking system. 4. Providing more in-career education and encouraging teachers’ taking part to upgrade their professional skills. 5. Sincere care and full support are to be provided by principals, which increase job satisfaction significantly. 6. Cultivation administration leaders with plans. 7. Taking-part administration strategy is a feasible way for school management.

國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力與職業倦怠關係之研究 / Research on Relationship Among Junior High School Organizational Structure, Role of Tutor's Stress, and Burnout

張榮宗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的主要在探討(一)現今國民中學組織結構及其實際運作情形。(二)國民中學組織結構對導師職業倦怠感受是否具有影響力。(三)國民中學導師背景變項對角色壓力的感受是否有相關性。(四)國民中學導師角色壓力是否對職業倦怠感受有所影響。(五)國民中學組織結構與導師角色壓力對職業倦怠的感受是否有交互作用。(六)國民中學導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否有相關性。(七)國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否具有預測功能。   研究採用問卷調查法,以自編「國民中學組織結構與導師工作狀況調查表」施測,問卷內容分為國民中學組織結構問卷、導師角色壓力問卷與職業倦怠問卷三個部分。受試者包括台北縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市等四縣市681位國民中學導師,問卷回收率93.9%,經統計分析,將研究結果分述如下:   一、國民中學學校組織結構因學校規模、地區不同運作情形具有顯著差異。    (一)國民中學組織結構因學校規模不同在正式化、集中化、標準化、傳統化層面運作情形有顯著差異。    (二)國民中學組織結構因學校地區不同在專門化、集中化、標準化層面運作情形有顯著差異。   二、不同國民中學組織結構正式化、集中化、專門化、標準化、傳統化程度在導師職業倦怠感受上具有顯著的差異。   三、國民中學導師背景變項(性別、年齡、年資、學歷、婚姻狀況、學校規模)在角色壓力上有顯著差異。   四、國民中學導師不同的角色模糊、角色過度負荷、角色衝突程度在職業倦怠感受上具有顯著的差異。   五、國民中學組織結構標準化、導師角色壓力(角色模糊、角色過度負荷)在個人成就感的感受上具有交互作用。    (一)當組織結構標準化程度越高、相對感受角色模糊程度會降低,個人成就感的感受越高;反之,角色模糊程度越高、相對組織結構標準化程度會降低,則個人成就感感受越低。    (二)當組織結構標準化程度越高、感受角色過度負荷程度會降低,個人成就感感受越高。   六、國民中學導師背景變項(性別、年齡、年資、學歷、婚姻狀況)在職業倦怠上有顯著差異。   七、國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、導師背景變項對職業倦怠各層面可以有效預測。    (一)在預測導師職業倦怠之無人情味、個人成就感層面以角色模糊最具預測力。    (二)在預測導師職業倦怠情緒耗竭層面以角色過度負荷最具預測力。   根據研究所得對教育機關、學校及導師的建議如下:   一、降低班級學生人數,改善教學環境,並建立公正客觀導師考核制度。   二、增加在職進修機會,提升導師專業知能。   三、改變校長領導方式,營造「專門化」、「標準化」、「正式化」學校組織結構。   四、提供更多溝通管道機會,讓導師參與校務發展計畫擬定及推展。   五、拓展導師社交層面,尋求各種社會支持系統,減低職業倦怠。   六、釐清導師職責,強化訓輔功能。   七、培養導師對職業倦怠的因應策略及能力,促進自我成長。 / The main objective of this research is to discuss (1) the present junior high school organizational structure and its practical operation conditions, (2) whether junior high school organizational structure having any influences on tutor's burnout, (3) if any relation between the junior high school tutor's background variables and their role stress, (4) if Junior high school tutor's role stress having any influence on burnout, (5) if there having any interaction between junior high school organizational structure and tutor's role stress towards burnout, (6) if there having any relationship between tutor's background variables and burnout, and (7) if there any predicted function for junior high school organizational structure and tutor's role stress towards burnout.   This research has used questionnaire research, based on “Junior high school organizational structure and questionary of tutor's working conditions”, the content of the questionnaire including 3 sections, which are questions on junior high school organizational structure, tutor's role stress, and burnout. There are total of 681 junior high school tutors took part in this questionnaire research, they are from Taipei county, Tao Yuan county, Hsin Chu county, and Hsin Chu city, the questionnaire feedback rate is 93.9%, after the statistical analysis, the research result is described as following:   1.There is an obvious difference between junior high school organizational structure due to the size of the school, different operation in different areas:    a.Due to different size of Junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on formalization, centralization, standardization, and traditionalism operational range.    b.Due to different regions of junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on specialization, centralization, and standardization operation ranges.   2.The different level of junior high school organizational structure formalization, centralization, specialization, traditionalism has obvious differences on the experiences of tutor's burnout.   3.Junior high school tutor's background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status, school size) have obvious difference on role stress.   4.The different levels of role ambiguity, role overload, role conflicts of junior high school tutors have obvious differences on the experiences of burnout.   5.Junior high school organizational structure standardization and tutor's role stress (role ambiguity, role overload) have interaction with personal accomplishment.    a.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role ambiguity is higher, vice versa, when the level of role ambiguity is higher, relatively the level of organizational structure of standardization will decrease and the experience of personal accomplishment will be lower.    b.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role overload will decrease and experiences of personal accomplishment will increase.   6.Junior high school tutor's background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status) have an obvious difference on occupational burnout.   7.Junior high school organizational structure, tutor's role stress, and tutor's background variables can be use in each range of burnout prediction.    a.In predicting the ranges of depersonalization, personal accomplishment of tutor's burnout, and the most predictable item is the role ambiguity.    b.In predicting the ranges of tutor's burnout, emotional exhaustion, and the most predictable item is the role overload.   According to the research for Educational Institutes, schools, and tutors, there are some suggestions as following:   1.Reducing number of students in a class, improving teaching environment, and establish a fair and objective tutor's evaluation system.   2.Increasing the opportunity of on job trainings and promoting tutor's specialization knowledge and ability.   3.Changing the method of principal leadership to set up “specialization”, “standardization”, and “formalization” of school organizational structure.   4.Offering more opportunities of communication channels and allowing tutors who can involve in school development proposal and promotion.   5.Opening up tutor's social range, seeking for different social support system, and reducing burnout.   6.Verifying tutor's responsibilities and strengthening their assisting ability.   7. Educating tutors the responding strategies and abilities towards burnout and promoting self-grow up.

領導型態,角色壓力, 核心生活興趣與組織承諾的關係

鄭得臣, ZHENG, DE-CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
共壹冊,約一萬五千字,分五章八節。 本研究的目的在探討: (1)國內個人核心生舌興趣的傾向; (2)探討領導型態,角色 特性及核心生活興趣對組織承諾的影響: (3)領導型態對角色模糊與角色衝突的影響 。受試者包括縣市政府人員 194人,中國造船員工 144人,太子汽車 102人,總計440 人。研究中對受試者施以領導行為描述問卷,角色特性問卷,組織承諾問卷及核心生 活興趣問卷。統計方法採因素分析,相關分析,典型相關分析,逐步迴歸分析, T考 驗,X2考驗及變異數分析。結果顯示: (1)國內個人核心生活的傾向偏向彈性及工作 方面,非工作層面者非常少。 (2)領導型態、角色模糊、角色衝突、角色過度負荷及 核心生活興趣均對組織承諾有所影響。 (3)領導型態對角色特性之知覺有所影響。

新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之相關研究 / A study on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of new taipei city

李明生 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之關係。研究目的有: 一、了解新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾的現況。 二、探討不同背景變項新北市國小體育教師在角色壓力、組織承諾二者的知覺差異。 三、探究新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間的關係。 四、根據以上的研究結果提出因應新北市國小體育教師角色壓力及強化組織承諾的具體建議,提供有關單位及作為進一步研究之參考。 研究採用問卷調查法為主,以新北市204所公立國民小學(含分校)的體育教師為對象,共抽取125所學校,575位體育教師為受試者進行調查,並以改編之「國民小學體育教師角色壓力量表」與「國民小學體育教師組織承諾量表」進行施測,共回收490份,有效問卷為474份,問卷回收率85%,可用率82%。資料以SPSS/PC 17.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析與討論,所得主要結論如下: 一、新北市國小體育教師知覺角色壓力程度偏低。 二、新北市國小體育教師具有較高的組織承諾。 三、新北市國小體育教師所覺知的角色壓力在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 四、新北市國小體育教師知覺組織承諾在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 五、國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間具有負相關。 六、國民小學體育教師角色壓力對教師組織承諾具有顯著預測力。 最後,根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校、國民小學體育教師與未來研究之參考。 / A Study on PE Teachers’ Role Stress and Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools of New Taipei City Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. The purpose of this study is as followed: 1. To understand the current status of PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 2. To explore the cognition difference between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City based on the variances of their different backgrounds. 3. To discuss the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 4. To provide a concrete suggestion to respond to PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment to the related units for reference of future further study. This study adopted questionnaire survey aimed at PE teachers in 204 public elementary schools of New Taipei City, and the sampling taken from 125 schools and 575 PE teachers as interviewees, using modified questionnaires of “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Role Stress in Elementary Schools” and “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools” to conduct the survey. It issued 490 copies with 474 valid copies and the return rate was 85%with 82% useful rate. The data was analyzed by SPSS/PC17.0 package software to proceed descriptive statistics, and also adopted t-test, single factor variances, related accumulated difference, multiple stepwise regression analysis and discussions. The major conclusions are as followed: 1. Cognition on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City is relatively lower. 2. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 3. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ organization commitment in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 4. It has negative relationship between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools. 5. PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools has a significant prediction on organization commitment. Finally, based on the result of the study and its conclusion, some concrete suggestion is provided to education administrative institutes, schools and PE teachers in elementary schools for future study.


李立泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討縣立完全中學兼職行政工作教師角色壓力、組織承諾及工作滿意之間的關係,以作為了解學校兼職行政工作教師的工作滿意度。本研究以台北縣為範圍,包括永平、明德、樹林、三民、清水、金山、雙溪、海山、秀峰、三重、錦和、安康與石碇等完全中學,共計十三所作為研究對象。各校兼職行政工作教師,共計314人作為樣本,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立完全中學兼職行政工作教師角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意現況問卷」,內容包括角色壓力知覺量表、組織承諾量表、工作滿意量表。問卷回收情形,共計收回262 份,有效回收率為83.4%。本研究所使用的統計方法,包含單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與多元迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、兼職行政工作教師整體角色壓力感受程度屬中等。以「角色模糊」的壓 力感受度最高。 二、兼職行政工作教師整體組織承諾感受程度屬中上。以「努力意願」的感 受度最高。 三、兼職行政工作教師整體工作滿意感受程度屬中等。以「同事關係」的感 受度最高。 四、兼職行政工作教師個人背景變項在角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意各層 面感受有所差異 五、兼職行政工作教師知覺角色壓力、組織承諾與工作滿意相關有所差異 六、教師知覺角色壓力與組織承諾中以「組織認同」對工作滿意最具預測力 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對教育行政機關、縣立高中校長、兼職行政工作教師以及未來研究者提出數點建議。 / The purposes of the study are to explore the relationship among role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of administrative teachers in Taipei county high schools and to further understand their job satisfactions. The subjects of the study include 314 administrative teachers in the 13 complete high schools in Taipei County. Questionnaires about role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction were distributed to all the 314 teachers and a total of 262 questionnaires were compiled, the valid percentage being 83.4%. The research tools used in the study include ANOVA analysis, Pearson’s Product moment Correlations and multiple stepwise regressions. The results of the study are presented as follows: 1.The degree of role pressure among administrative teachers is average, with the feeling of role ambiguity the highest. 2.The degree of organizational commitment among administrative teachers is above the average, with the feeling of hardworking intention the highest. 3.The degree of overall job satisfaction among administrative teachers is average, with the feeling of colleague relationship the highest. 4.The variable of personal background of administrative teachers does influence the degree of their feelings of role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 5.There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of role pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 6.The item of organizational identification is the most reliable predictor to the job satisfaction of administrative teachers. Finally, based on the above-mentioned results, the study would make some suggestions to the educational authorities concerned, county high school principals, administrative teachers and future researchers.

新北市國小教師兼任行政人員角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among role stress, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of administrative teachers in elementary schools of New Taipei City

李連成, Lee, Lien Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國小教師兼任行政人員角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾之關係,並分析不同個人背景變項在角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾上的差異情形,進而探討角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾的相關性及角色壓力、幸福感對組織承諾的預測力。透過問卷調查法,以新北市國小教師兼任行政人員為對象,共發出576份問卷,問卷內容包括背景變項問卷、角色壓力問卷、幸福感問卷與組織承諾問卷。回收有效問卷518份,可用率為89.93%。資料統計分析上使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體角色壓力之感受為中等,三層面 中以角色過度負荷感受最大,角色模糊感受最小。 二、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體幸福感之感受為中上程度,四層 面中以樂觀表現感受最大,身心健康感受最小。 三、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體組織承諾之感受相當高,三層面中以努力意願感受最大,留職傾向感受最小。 四、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員個人背景變項在角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾各層面感受有所差異。 五、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員知覺角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾相關 有所差異。 六、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員知覺角色壓力與幸福感中以「工作成就」對組織承諾最具預測力。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對教育行政機關、市立國小行政主管、教師兼任行政人員以及未來研究者提出建議。 關鍵詞:教師兼任行政人員、角色壓力、幸福感、組織承諾 / The purposes of the study are to explore the relationship among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools, to analyze the difference among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of varied personal backgrounds, and to further examine the relativity among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment and how significantly organizational commitment can be predicted via role pressure and sense of well-being. Questionnaire survey is adopted and personal background questionnaire, role pressure questionnaire, well-being questionnaire and organizational commitment questionnaire are included. The questionnaires were distributed to 576 administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools, and 518 valid questionnaires were retrieved, with 89.93% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The overall degree of role stress among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was at the average level, with the feeling of ‘role overload’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘role ambiguity’ the lowest. 2. The overall degree of sense of well-being among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was above the average, with the feeling of ‘positive preference’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘mental and physical health’ the lowest. 3. The overall degree of organizational commitment among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was very high, with the feeling of ‘hardworking intention’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘tendency to retain the job’ the lowest. 4. The variables of personal background of administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools do influence the degree of their feelings of role stress, sense of well-being and organizational commitment. 5. There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment. 6. ‘Working achievement’ is the most reliable predictor to the organizational commitment of administrative teachers. Finally, based on the above-mentioned results, the study would be provided assuggestions for the educational authorities concerned, New Taipei City municipal elementary school administrators, administrative teachers and future researchers. Key words: administrative teachers, role stress, sense of well-being, organizational commitment

內部稽核人員角色壓力與其工作滿足暨內部稽核工作品質之研究 / A Study on the Internal Auditors' Role Stress and Their Job Satisfaction Against the Internal Audit Quality

廖玲珠, Liao, Ling Chu Unknown Date (has links)
無論在企業組織中的任何工作情境下,當一個人的角色產生衝突、模糊、及過荷時,會使得個人產生工作壓力,連帶影響其工作滿足及工作績效。所謂角色衝突(role conflict),係指預期的行為彼此間產生衝突與摩擦;角色模糊(role ambiguity),係指員工不確定或不明白如何執行工作,不確定或不明自工作的期望是什麼,不確定或不明自工作績效及期望結果間的關係。而角色過荷(role overload),係指員工承受過多的工作責任和活動績效。   內部稽核人員係組織內的幕僚人員,其職務之範圍,可涵蓋整個組織,所涉及的層面,包括人與事,廣泛而複雜。內部稽核人員在企業中同時對高階管理、受查核單位及自己的稽核專業負責,因此,內部稽核人員往往因為身兼多重角色,而且角色間又相互衝突,而承受角色壓力。本研究探討國內企業內部稽核人員不同構面的角色壓力、工作滿足,及內部稽核工作品質間之問題。在研究過程中,為了解我國內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足,工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質,以及角色壓力與工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質之關係,本研究發展了四個假說,分別為:假說一:內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足呈負相關。假說二:內部稽核人員的工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質呈正相關。假說三:內部稽核人員的色壓力對內部稽核工作品質呈負相關。假說四:內部稽核人員的角色壓力會透過工作滿足而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。   根據實證分析,本研究之研究結論為,一、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足呈負相關。當內部稽核人員受到越大的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越低;反之,當內部稽核人員受到越小的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越高。二、內部稽核人員的工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質呈正相關。當內部稽核人員獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳;反之,當內部稽核人員無法獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就不佳。三、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質呈負相關。當內部稽核人員的角色壓力大,則內部稽核工作品質就越不佳;反之,當內部稽核人員的角色壓力小,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳。四、內部稽核人員的角色壓力會透過工作滿足而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。本研究以Baron and Keny(1986)之中介模式加以驗證,結果得知內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質並不直接產生效果,角色壓力會透過工作滿足,以工作滿足作為中介,而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。 / Employees, under whatever working environment, are facing role conflict, role ambiguity as well as overload in a business organization, which inevitably will affect their job satisfaction and performance. "Role conflict" in this paper refers to the disagreement and friction resulting from an expected behavior. And role ambiguity means the employees are not clear or un-known as how to do the work, what is to expect from the work, nor what is the relationship between work performance and the expected results. Whereas "role overload" indicates that the employees take too much responsibility from the job and activity performance.   This study tries to examine the relationship among the role stress, the job satisfaction and the internal audit quality of the internal auditors in Taiwan. The research models established in Bron and Kenny's study are adopted. The four regression models explicitly incorporate efficient and effective measures, and reflect the interactive nature of outcome-generating activities for the internal auditors. Forty-one pair questionnaires are included in the sample.   The results of this study are as following: Firstly, a role stress is negatively related to job satisfaction, implying that higher role stress reduces job satisfaction; and vice versa. Secondly, there is an obvious positive relationship between auditor's job satisfaction and the internal audit quality; the more of job satisfaction, the better of the internal audit quality. Thirdly, the relationship between auditor's role stress and the internal audit quality is reverse; noting their role stress decreases the internal audit quality. Finally, the effect of auditor's role stress against the internal audit quality probably is indirectly generated through their job satisfaction.

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