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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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謝青如 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在了解經濟部智慧財產局員工對組織溝通與組織效能評價之程度,探討智慧財產局員工個人基本屬性在組織溝通與組織效能評價的差異情形,了解組織溝通與組織效能之間的關聯性,並探討組織溝通對組織效能之預測力。依據研究結果,提出制定管理策略建議,作為組織提高溝通效果與提升組織效能之參考。 本研究以文獻分析法以及問卷調查法進行研究。首先以等距隨機抽樣方法從經濟部智慧財產局抽出288位員工進行問卷調查,回收有效樣本共236份,並以描述性統計分析、t檢定(t-Test)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元迴歸分析(stepwise)等統計方法進行資料處理,獲得以下結論: 一、經濟部智慧財產局員工對於組織溝通各構面的評價程度,以「與部屬的溝通」得分最高(81.70%),得分最低為「非正式的溝通」(62.24%)。 二、經濟部智慧財產局員工對於組織效能各構面的評價程度,以「工作績效」得分最高(72.43%),得分最低為「參與開放」(63.57%)。 三、經濟部智慧財產局員工中不同年資、官敘職等、職位及所屬單位,對於組織溝通的評價程度有所差異,而不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況及教育程度,對於組織溝通的評價程度則無差異。 四、經濟部智慧財產局員工中不同性別、年齡、年資、官敘職等、職位及所屬單位,對於組織效能的評價程度有所差異,而不同婚姻狀況及教育程度,對於組織效能的評價程度則無差異。 五、經濟部智慧財產局組織溝通與組織效能之間,具有中高度之正相關。 六、經濟部智慧財產局組織溝通中之「溝通氣候」,對組織效能具有預測力。 根據研究發現及結論,提出下列建議以供參考: 一、對管理者之建議 (一)廣納不同意見,傾聽員工心聲。 (二)改善溝通氣候,加強溝通措施。 (三)重視資深員工,引導新進同仁。 (四)暢通溝通管道,強化非正式溝通。 (五)開放員工參與,增強回饋機制。 二、對後續研究之建議 (一)在研究對象方面:未來之研究對象可擴大至經濟部、行政院,甚至是全國之行政機關,比較其是否有差異存在。 (二)在研究變項方面:未來研究可將組織溝通作為依變項,探討影響組織溝通的原因,及組織溝通如何受到其他變項的干擾。 (三)在研究方法方面:未來研究可增加深入訪談、個案研究等質化方法,使研究內容更加完整與充實。 (四)在研究工具方面:未來有志於此方面的研究,可依其研究對象的特性編製更為適合的研究工具。 關鍵詞:組織溝通、組織效能 / Abstract This thesis looks into the evaluation replied by a group of TIPO ( The Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.) employees, on the topics of organizational communication and organizational effectiveness. It explores how a particular personal profile category of the respondents makes any difference to the evaluation on organizational communication and organizational effectiveness, henceforth, to understand the correlation between organizational communication and organizational effectiveness, so as to be able to discuss the predictability of organizational communication to organizational effectiveness. Based on the research result, a proposition is offered to help to create administrative strategies and to be a reference to organizational communication power enhancement and, in turn, to boost organizational effectiveness. The research had proceeded by using both document analysis and survey method. First, by systematic random sampling, 288 subjects from TIPO employees had been sampled for a survey, with 236 respondents collected.The data had been processed by a series of statistic methods, including descriptive statistics, t-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, to generate a set of conclusion listed as the following: 1.As for the evaluation by the TIPO employees, “communication with subordinates” was rated the highest (81.70%), whereas “informal communication” was rated the lowest (62.24%) among all dimensions of organizational communication. 2.As for the evaluation by the TIPO employees, “Productivity Accomplishment” was rated the highest (72.43%), whereas “Participation Openness” was rated the lowest (63.57%) among all dimensions of organizational effectiveness. 3.Seniority, rank, job position and subordinate unit of a TIPO employee were factors of the evaluation on organizational communication, whereas gender, age, marital status and educational attainment were not. 4.Gender, age, seniority, rank, job position and subordinate unit of a TIPO employee were factors of the evaluation on organizational effectiveness, whereas marital status and educational attainment were not. 5.There was a medium-high degree of direct correlation between the organizational communication and the organizational effectiveness within TIPO. 6.The dimension, “communication climate”, of organizational communication within TIPO held the predictability to its organizational effectiveness. Based on the findings and the conclusion, the following set of proposition could provide for future reference: 1.Points of advice for an administrator (1)Widely accept diverse opinions, keep any employee’s concern in mind. (2)Improve communication climate, enhance measures of communication. (3)Respect any senior employee, Guide any new colleague. (4)Open communicational channels, fortify informal communication. (5)Open opportunities of participation to employees, strengthen a feedback mechanism. 2.Points of advice for future research (1)In terms of subjects sampled: for future research, the range of sampling could expand to include one or more of the following organizations, namely Ministry of Economic Affairs, Executive Yuan, or all of the national administrative organizations, to reveal whether any difference exists. (2)In terms of research variables: for future research, organizational communication could be set as a dependent variable, in order to explore the possible original cause that has affected organizational communication and how organizational communication has been interfered by any other variable. (3)In terms of research methods: for future research, qualitative methods, such as in-depth interviews and case studies could be added, allowing the research to be more integrated and substantial. (4)In terms of research instruments: as for any further attempt on any related topic, characteristics of the subjects sampled could be incorporated in designing better suited research instruments. Keywords: Organizational Communication, Organizational Effectiveness.


邱文雅, Chiou ,Wen Yea Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是探討企業體內工業設計單位及獨立工業設計服務公司於產品開發活動中的溝通與創新管理。針對台灣目前在工業設計領域有優異成績的單位,觀察內部知識創造活動,即產品開發活動的過程,瞭解其企業定位與設計部門的角色、領導者管理風格以及組織溝通的方式,並比較不同組織單位在創新管理上的差異。企業體內工業設計單位之研究係以曾獲得台灣精品獎以及優良設計獎,並擁有自有品牌的廠商為研究對象。而獨立工業設計服務公司之研究則以在工業設計領域有優異表現的設計公司為對象。本研究之研究發現如下: 在工業設計單位的組織內涵與產品開發活動方面: 一、 長遠具野心的企業願景與明確的企業定位為工業設計單位良好發展的基礎。宏□提出「創新關懷」的品牌精神;震旦提出「Life @ Work」新工作環境,兩者強調設計力在現今及未來企業發展策略上的重要性,期望透過設計將顧客與產品串起功能性與情感性的連結,讓顧客在生活及工作上能夠與宏□、震旦建立長期關係。浩漢與卓嶽皆以提供客戶全方位完整的設計服務為定位,將設計能力視為企業生存及發展的核心能耐。 二、 為了讓設計部門獲得更多的資源和更大的權限,企業應該調整設計部門在組織中的架構,使設計單位得以達成目標。企業體內的工業設計單位在組織中不再隸屬於研發單位,而是獨立且平行運作:被提升與事業群平行(宏□),或者直接隸屬於最高層主管單位(震旦)。而設計服務公司的工業設計單位則為設計公司提供差異化服務與累積核心能耐的重要環節。 在工業設計單位領導風格與產品開發活動方面: 一、工業設計單位的領導人對所領導的設計團隊應該是要會鼓勵熱情的,以促使 成員對工作和組織產生了不斷改善的熱忱與創意。 二、 工業設計單位的領導人在團隊中應該扮演著設計與管理之間的溝通橋樑。不會直接涉入設計團隊的運作,而是協助團隊設定目標,並盡可能保證成員會獲得最大的自主權,對設計團隊的創意會給予適當的空間與尊重,讓設計團隊的潛能得以獲得發揮。 在工業設計單位組織溝通與產品開發活動方面: 一、 優秀工業設計單位會在產品開發前端,與高層經營單位做整體全盤的溝通,以瞭解高層對組織未來策略與方向的看法,並取得高層經營單位對產品開發策略的共識,獲得高層的支持與授權。企業體內的高層經營單位應在新產品開發活動的初期(即宏□的產品設計企劃階段;震旦的市場研究與策略發展階段)參與討論,以期在公司整體發展方向及策略等議題上產生全體的共識。在產品策略及方向確定後,則需充分授權給相關單位來執行,而不會過渡干涉。設計服務公司的高層經營單位應授權給設計部門的主管與設計師,設計創意由設計師們來掌握,(浩漢與卓嶽的)高層則是扮演公司對外與客戶建立情感關係的角色。 二、 工業設計單位領導人與設計師應該在產品設計階段(即產品開發過程中的黑箱階段)進行密切地溝通,以即時的口頭方式的非正式溝通來對設計案的方向、解決問題的方法等議題產生共識,以求直接立即的回應。 三、 工業設計單位儘管會因為組織規模較大,在管理制度上較為完整健全,如宏□設計處在宏□集團之下可支配資源較多,集團內部也有建置知識管理系統,不過工業設計單位裡的成員仍應該以面對面的溝通方式,而非過度依賴數位科技的管道,對工業設計來說成員的知識較傾向經驗性知識,需要藉由直接口頭溝通較能獲得完整明確的概念想法。 四、 工業設計單位領導人與設計師之間的溝通不應該特意保持層級的存在,雖然會有職稱上的分層,但譬如在產品設計階段中進行設計展開的腦力激盪時,經理階層設計師和設計師須共同平等發表意見的。去垂直權力距離的管理方式將對工業設計單位的創意激發有正面的助益。 五、 工業設計單位應該設計有助於創意的物理環境,給予成員開放彈性的工作空間,促進非計畫內的溝通,以增加意外連結的機會。並且會嘗試運用擺設品等感官刺激物來營造創意氣氛。 六、 在產品開發活動中,PM應是扮演整合者、協調者的角色,負責串連整個流程,掌控設計進度時程,並確保各部門對所開發的產品有一致的共識。企業體內的工業設計單位設置有隸屬設計單位的大PM,並由設計單位的大PM來負責啟動產品開發活動,且其職權在產品線的小PM之上。如宏□設計處設有產品企劃的大PM,由他來整合當地產品線小PM所回饋的資訊;震旦設計中心設有大PM,其負責年度產品企劃與資源整合,與事業部底下的小PM負責資訊回饋和後段行銷企劃的職責不同。工業設計服務公司也會在執行設計的單位和經營階層分別設置PM。如浩漢在兩個事業部下有PM部門,在企劃研究組裡也設置大PM。事業部的小PM負責細項的執行,企研組的大PM負責啟動產品開發活動(與客戶的業務接洽)與擁有更大的資源調度權限。卓嶽有大PM部門負責啟動產品開發活動(與客戶的業務接洽)另外在設計部門設有設計小PM,掌控產品設計的進度與品質。 七、 工業設計單位與外部組織的溝通,應由PM或PM與ID人員共同參與,因為兩者涉入整個產品從企劃到設計完成的開發過程最為完整。而外部溝通可分為兩類。一是企業設計單位對外部協力製造廠,議題為討論產品製造的可行性與廠商是否具備相關生產技術;二是設計服務公司面對客戶的溝通,議題為產品概念與設計規格等開發前段討論。 / ABSTRACT The future trend of Taiwan’s industries will have to step into total transformation from OEM to ODM and OBM and it’s the only measure for Taiwan to be able to face the fierce price competition from China. The paradigm will have to shift from MIT (Made in Taiwan) to IIT (Innovation in Taiwan). The Taiwanese government has been attempting to devote resources and to assist in the transformation of the industries. Some firms are also starting to step outside the frame of traditional manufacturing and realizing that industrial design (ID) will be one of the core competences in improving corporation brand image and product value. Several issues regarding the role of ID are the major concern of this thesis which includes: How do ID people transform information to knowledge through appropriate communication channels; how do firms position the role of its ID department etc. The research target of this study is categorized into two major groups: The ID department in the firms which have original brands and independent ID service companies with excellence in performance. The important findings of this study are summarized as follow: Findings regarding of ID department’s position in the organization and matters regarding product development activities: 1. The development of a firm’s ID department should be based on long term ambitious vision and clear positioning of the firm. For example, BenQ’s spirit in brand is caring for innovation; Aurora emphasizes brand new working environment. Both firms wish to disseminate the importance of the competence in design in devising the future strategy for the development of firms. Functional and emotional bonds can be created between customers and the products. 2. Excellent ID department is usually independent of R&D departmentand is given more resources and authority, therefore it has a very important role during the process of product development. Findings regarding the leadership style at ID department and product development activities: 1. The leaders of the ID departments should always show their passion towards innovation which in turn will encourage the team members to devote consistently and passionately into innovation. 2. The major responsibility of the leaders of the ID department is to act as a bridge between design and management and will not interfere directly with the operation of the design teams but to assist their teams to establish some sorts of targets. Any idea generated by the design teams is also highly respected. Findings regarding ID department organizational communication and product development activities: 一、 At the very initial phase of product development, ID department should communicate with the higher management from various angles in order to understand the direction of the future strategies and to achieve consensus on product development strategies. For example, the higher management of BenQ and Aurora always participate in the discussions at the initial phase of product development and many issues are based on the future direction of the corporate strategy. As soon as the product development strategies are devised and confirmed, the leader and designers of the ID department will be highly empowered. 二、 The communications between ID department leader and designers usually take place during the product design phase based on informal channels of communication. The issues of concern at this stage are essentially the broad direction of the project and problem solving. The ID department leaders basically place high respects on the expertise of their designers. 三、 The members in the ID department mostly prefer face to face communication and do not rely on communication channels based on digital technology even when the scale of the ID department reaches considerable size. For ID, most of the knowledge of the members are tacit knowledge which relies on face to face communications in order to acquire completely accurate ideas of concept. 四、 There are no form of bureaucracy exists in the ID department. Even though that there might be different job titles, however, during brainstorming, designers of the higher management level and designers express their opinions on an equally position basis. 五、 ID departments provide excellent working environment for innovation booming and excellent flexibility for designers to improve quality of communications. 六、 During the process of product development, PM acts as integrator, coordinator and is responsible for linking up the entire process of product development, in control of the proposed schedule, and making sure that every department does have the same consensus towards the product in development. BenQ’s ID department has product development proposal PM who is in charge of integrating feedback information from different product lines of different regions. 七、 PM and ID members participate in the communications between ID department and other departments. External communication can be categorized into two groups: 1. communication between corporate ID department and external supporting manufacturers on issues regarding the feasibility of manufacturing the products or whether the manufacturers possess relevant production technology; 2. communication between ID service providing firms and their customers on issues regarding product concept and design specifications.

組織溝通, 決策參與, 個人特質與角色壓力相關之研究

王青祥, WANG, GING-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共壹冊,全文分為:一緒論((一)研究動機與目的,(二)文獻探討,(三)研究 問題與假設,(四)有關名詞之操作定義。)二、研究方法。三、研究結果與討論,四 、結論與建議。共計四章,約五萬字。 本研究之主要目的有三:一、探討組織溝通與角色壓力及工作滿足間之關係,二、探 討決策參與與角色壓力及工作滿足間之關係,三、探討個人特質對組織溝通、決策參 與及角色壓力之調和影響。 本研究是以中國造船戈司基隆總廠、太子汽車土城廠及東元電機公司中壢、淡水、觀 音、新莊四個廠的 305位員工為研究樣本。同時採用「組織溝通量表」、「決策參與 量表」、「角色壓力量表」、「成就動機量表」、「工作描述問卷」為研究工具。並 運用積差相關、多元迴歸、部份相關、因素分析、二因子變異數分析等統計方法進行 量表之修訂及本研宄各項假設之考驗。 本研究結果發現:一、不同組織溝通向度與角色壓力及工作滿足間有顯著相關存在。 二、決策參與程度與角色壓力及工作滿足間有顯著相關存在。三、個人特質對組織溝 通、決策參與及角色壓力之關係有調和效果存在。

國民中學學校組織溝通與教師工作投入關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between school organization communication and teachers’ job involvement in the junior high school

鄧正榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在瞭解國民中學「學校組織溝通」與「教師工作投入」之關係,研究方法以問卷調查法為主,並輔以實地訪談。研究工具為自編之「國民中學學校組織溝通與教師工作投入問卷」,調查對象係以桃園縣公立國民中學(含國民中小學)教師共 497人為樣本。研究資料分析以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe’、積差相關及逐步多元迴歸等方法進行分析處理。本研究獲得之結論如下: 本研究獲得之結論如下: 一、國民中學教師知覺學校組織溝通之現況,屬良好程度;以「組織氣氛」最高。 二、國民中學教師知覺教師工作投入之現況,屬於良好程度;在各層面中,以「工作評價」層面的表現最好。 三、國中教師個人背景變項之性別、年齡、服務年資、學歷、職務、學校規模之不同,在知覺「學校組織溝通」部分有顯著差異。 四、國中教師個人背景變項之性別、年齡、服務年資、學歷、職務,在知覺「教師工作投入」部分有顯著差異。 五、學校組織溝通整體及各層面與教師工作投入整體及各層面間,有顯著的正相關,表示國民中學學校組織溝通與教師工作投入之關係密切。 六、學校組織溝通各層面對整體教師工作投入具有預測力,其中又以「個人回饋」對教師工作投入最具正向的預測作用。 根據研究結果提出結論與建議如下: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)將組織溝通相關課程納入校長主任儲訓與進修 (二)縮小學校規模,提升溝通機制與效能 二、對國民中學的建議 (一)建立組織溝通之機制與模式,促進校務推動 (二)辦理教師教學經驗交流活動 (三)鼓勵教師進修,充實專業知能與溝通技巧,增進組織溝通 (四)建立未擔任行政職之教師溝通管道 (五)邀請教師參與行政工作 (六)辦理教師文康活動,增進教師的互動 (七)積極建立個人回饋機制,鼓勵教師適時給予回饋 三、對國民中學教師之建議 (一)破除傳統性別藩籬,積極參與組織活動 (二)善用溝通媒介及管道,正確獲得訊息及表達意見,增進組織溝通效能 / This study aims to understand the junior high school "organizational communication" and "teachers’ job involvement " of the current situation, to explore the junior high school "School organizational communication" and "teacher job involvement" in individual differences on background variables, to produce predictive power by analyzing the relationship of the perceptions between the teachers’ "School organizational communication" and "Teachers’ job involvement, " and to make specific practical suggestions based on the comprehensive study of the results. In order to achieve its purposes, this study has methodologically adopted document analysis, questionnaire survey and face to face interview. The subjects are public junior high schools (including junior & primary school) teachers in Taoyuan County. The self-edited questionnaire of this study, “The Junior High School Teachers in Organizational Communication and Teachers’ Job Involvement Survey Questionnaire” was designed and the 497 samples were surveyed. The data were analyzed and presented by t-test one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’s statistics to test hypotheses, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regressions. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers perceived the current status of organizational communication is in a good degree, "organizational climate" the maximum. 2. Junior high school teachers perceived the current situation of teacher involvement is in a good degree; at all levels, the "job evaluation" level is the best. 3. A significant difference showed on the perception of "organizational communication" based on the teachers personal background variables, like gender, age, years of service, qualifications, duties, and schools of different scale. 4. A significant difference showed on the perception of "teachers’ involvement" on difference teachers personal background variables, like gender, age, years of service, qualifications, and duties. 5. The overall school organization and the level of communication with teachers and the level of job involvement among the whole, a significant positive correlation reveals that junior high school organizational communication and the relationship between job involvement of teachers have closely relationship. 6. On the level of the whole school organization levels of communication with the predictive power of teachers into the work, among which "personal feedback" on the job involvement, predicted the most positive effect. Based on the findings, conclusions and recommendations for educational administration, schools, and future research. 1. On the educational authority: (1) Communication-related courses will be organized into the principal director training and education. (2) Reduce school size to improve the effectiveness of communication mechanisms and efficacy. 2. The recommendations for the junior high schools: (1) To establish of the mechanism and mode of organizational communication, and promote the school to promote. (2) To encourage teachers to share teaching experience. (3) To encourage teachers to pursue and enrich the professional knowledge and communication skills, improving organizational communication. (4) To establish a communication channel for the executive staff of teachers. (5) To encourage teachers to participate in administrative work. (6) To handle recreational activities for the teachers to enhance interaction. (7) To establish personal feedback mechanism actively to encourage teachers to give timely feedback. 3. The recommendations for the junior high school teachers: (1) To remove the traditional gender barriers, and actively participate in activities. (2) To make use of communication media and channels, to get the correct information and express their views, and to enhance the effectiveness of organizational communication.

工業設計部門之設計溝通問題變化初探 / --以我國IT硬體業者為例--

龍思允 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,台灣廠商在四大國際工業設計獎的成績逐年提升,尤其是IT硬體業者,除了製造能力之外,工業設計能力近幾年的進步與實力同時備受國際肯定。 本研究乃探討這段時間以來,我國IT硬體廠商對於工業設計的重視下,工業設計機能組織不論是在規模及隸屬上都有顯著的提升。工業設計隨著IT大廠的帶頭重視,導入工業設計為產品提昇價值儼然已成為台灣製造業的全民運動,在企業導入工業設計的過程中,勢必面對工業設計機能組織與其他部門組織的溝通互動上的溝通問題,可能會發生哪些溝通問題以及這些溝通問題隨著組織對於ID的重視以及ID部門的提升下會有哪些變化,是企業在導入ID的過程中所必須瞭解與解決的。 本研究乃依企業之營運模式、新產品設計開發流程以及工業設計部門的組織變革等三大構面來探討設計溝通問題的變化情形,得到發現如下: 1. 企業推行工業設計的發展上,對於工業設計部門的發展方向可配合中長期的策略規劃而有三種可能方向: (1) 與研發單位整合,(2)與行銷部門整合,(3)獨立發展 2. 產品專案負責人與設計部門主管於設計溝通活動中扮演設計師與其他部門的溝通橋樑,溝通協調者能力背景的多元性有助於溝通效率的提升,除了「多元」之外,更重要的是「整合」。 3. 營運模式為影響新產品設計開發活動、工業設計組織型態與設計溝通的關鍵變數: (1) 影響新產品設計開發活動之「流程的選擇」、「各階段的資源分配」、「參與者」以及「溝通協調機制」。 (2) 影響工業設計單位之「組織規模」、「結構劃分」、「人員組成」以及「組織位階」。 (3) 影響設計溝通的「溝通程序」、「溝通問題的發展方向」以及「溝通障礙的類型。」 4. 我國IT硬體業者多以製造起家,於推行工業設計的發展歷程上,需明白「設計」與「製造」之間的認知差距,以降低「部門本位主義」的發生。 5. 為降低部門本位主義的發生,管理者於推行工業設計的過程中,於強調設計之餘,更應注重於建立「團隊整合概念」的組織氣候,對於團隊內各成員的貢獻都應給予相當之肯定。 6. 設計溝通問題的降低可透過組織型態、專案團隊建立方式、新產品設計開發流程、整體企業組織文化的改良來達成,可透過建立有效的非正式溝通系統,讓來自不同部門、背景之成員能認識彼此的專業以及提高對不同觀點的包容性。


鄭宏斌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以問卷調查法,研究台灣報社地方記者的組織溝通滿意、專業性、工作滿意之關聯性,希望由此三大面向切入,來瞭解現今台灣之報社地方記者對於新聞工作的整體看法。 本研究發現,台灣報社地方記者的典型為已婚男性、年紀約為40歲、大學畢業並主修新聞傳播、主跑鄉鎮區域的新聞、從事新聞工作大約15年、派駐在該縣市約為12年、每月平均收入在5萬元以上。 在組織溝通滿意方面,報社地方記者對於「平行溝通」、「與直接主管的溝通」感到最為滿意,其次為「溝通氣候」、「與高階主管的溝通」、「非正式溝通」,而對「組織運作訊息」則感到最不滿意。 在專業性方面,報社地方記者最重視「專業責任」與「專業知識」,其次為「專業自主」,而最不重視「專業承諾」。 在工作滿意方面,報社地方記者最滿意的面向為「同事」、「工作本質」與「上司」,其次為「獎勵」、「薪資」與「福利」,而對「升遷」與「操作條件」感到最不滿意。 本研究亦發現,報社地方記者的人口變項在組織溝通滿意上並無顯著差異,然而部分人口變項對於專業性與工作滿意方面,卻有顯著差異。此外,組織溝通滿意與工作滿意各面向之間具有關聯性,專業性與工作滿意各面向之間亦具有關聯性。 最後以迴歸分析發現,新聞年資、專業承諾、內在自主、溝通氣候與高階主管的溝通、平行溝通、與直接主管的溝通、組織運作訊息等七個變項,共可預測整體工作滿意度73.7%的變異量。

國民中小學學校組織氣候、組織溝通與組織效能之間關係研究 以越南北部紅河平原地區為例

杜氏秋香, Mary Do Unknown Date (has links)
國民教育乃是一國教育之一切教育的基礎,本研究以越南北部紅河平原地區國民中小學學校教師為樣本,以文獻分析法、問卷調查法、進行研究得到以下結論: 一、國民中小學校組織氣候對組織效能有顯著的影響。組織氣候各層面中,校長支持行為與教師投入行為對組織效能具有顯著影響。 二、男教師與女教師樣本相較,其組織效能均受到組織氣候之顯著影響且兩者所受到的影響層面相同。 三、目前是否兼任行政工作樣本相較,其組織氣候對組織效能均有顯著影響力,但組織效能所受之影響層面不同。目前不兼任行政工作教師,其組織效能知覺受教師離心行為層面之影響。然而,目前兼任行政工作教師樣本,其組織效能感受並不受此層面之影響。 四、國民中小學學校組織溝通對學校組織效能有顯著影響力。 五、就市鎮與鄉村學校樣本,其學校組織效能均受組織溝通所影響,但所受影響層面不同,市鎮學校教師,其組織效能知覺受到組織溝通之暢通性所影響而後者則無;鄉村學校教師組織效能知覺受到組織溝通意願所影響,而前者則無。 六、學校組織氣候與組織溝通在組織效能上並未發現有交互作用。 七、學校組織氣候、組織溝通各層面對組織效能影響力不同,其中,「下行溝通」對組織效能之預測力最高,連25.2%,次為「平行溝通」、「溝通意願」,其對組織效能之預測力分別達23.9、17.4%,接下為「溝通意願」、「校長支持行為」與「上行溝通」。 八、教師不同人口層面中「目前是否兼任行政工作」教師,其在織氣候感受上有顯著差異。「目前兼任行政工作」教師對組織氣候較為開放。「目前不兼任行政工作」教師,其在組織氣候感受上較為封閉。 學校不同情境層面中,學校位於市鎮、鄉村,其教師在組織氣候感受上有差異。位於市鎮學校,其教師組織氣候知覺較為封閉。位於鄉村學校,其教師組織氣候知覺較為開放。 九、教師不同人口層面中,教師不同年齡與不同服務年資在組織溝通上有顯著差異。 學校不同情境層面中,學校位置於市鎮與鄉村,其教師在組織溝通感受上有顯著差異。鄉村學校,其教師在組織溝通知覺上較為積極。市鎮學校,其教師之組織溝通知覺積極程度不如鄉鎮學校。 根據研究結果,本研究就越南國民中小學校之未來運作提出以下建議: 一、改善學校組織氣候,強化行政功能 1、培養校長支持、引導成員之能力,主動促成學校組織開放氣候。 2、學校組織中教師問需培養人際和諧。 3、鼓勵教師參與行政工作以促使其對學校運作、目標之瞭解、增加對組織參與、共識,力求組織眾人齊心達成目標。 二、加強溝通協調,推行參與管理:改善學校組織之下行溝通與平行溝通,促進溝通協調以增進學校組織效能。 三、由相關文獻探討之建議 〈一〉、學校的領導哲學與各項行政措施應重視「人」的因素。 〈二〉、學校校長與教師應建立一套適當的「學校溝通網路」,使的學校各項訊息能順利交換以提高運作的效能。 〈三〉、學校應鼓勵各部門、各單位革新發展。 論文提要 圖表目次 第一章 緒論 第二章 文獻探討 第三章 研究方法 第四章 研究結果 第五章 研究結果討論 第六章 結論與建議 參考書目 附錄 / This research uses literature analysis and survey research to study the relationship between the organizational climate , organizational communication and organizational effectiveness basing on the sample of primary and secondary school teachers in the North of Vietnam. The research has found following results: The organizational climate in primary and secondary school has significant influence on organizational effectiveness. The frutrated aspect has significant influence on organizational effective perceice in the sample teachers who do not cumulate admistrating works. The organizational communication has significant influence on school organizational effectiveness. Comparing samples of city school and remote erea school , the organizational communication has signifcant influence on two sample, but in diffirent levels. The statistic results indicate that there is no interaction between organizational climate and communication on the effectiveness . Each school organizational climate and communication aspect has diffirent influence on organizational effectiveness, and "down communication" has influence rate of 25.2%.

貿易商企業轉型策略之探討-以自行車零組件貿易商L公司為例 / The research on the business transformation strategies -a case study of bicycle parts trader company L

陳筠庭, Chen, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)

報業組織溝通與競爭分析--以中國時報為例 / The organizational behavior and competitive analysis:case study of China Times

楊秀娟 Unknown Date (has links)
面臨嚴峻的商業競爭,報業老闆對新聞事業的想像或認知,關乎競爭策略的擬定,競爭策略是否能獲得新聞記者的認同,是報業組織溝通的重要課題,它不但牽涉到報紙生產商品、新聞的內涵,也影響組織整體戰力或競爭力的發揮。 本論文以2008年易主後的《中國時報》為個案研究,探討報紙的組織溝通與其競爭力間的關連。雖說是關連性的分析,但本文未採量化分析,而是著重如何「理解」組織上下層溝通與其競爭力之間的關係。 本文採用拉克勞(Laclau & Mouffe)的論述理論(Discourse Theory)架構來觀察組織上下層的溝通行為。溝通是一種語言符號的串連與建構,新聞事業具雙重特質,每日生產的新聞不但與文化、政治領域息息相關,同時也是典型的消費商品。作為一個商業組織,報紙每日面對生存競爭論述,新經營者亟思競爭優勢之建立,另一方面記者這一行也有其歷史形構的新聞專業論述,當這些論述與新的領導者蔡衍明先生相遇,會產生何種溝通樣貌? 研究發現蔡衍明先生因米果事業在中國發跡致富,報紙對他而言是個全新的事業體。他對新聞的認知或想像,與上述的新聞專業論述有不小差距,這些差距在組織溝通上產生不少衝撞,致使組織的穩定度不佳,競爭力發揮有限。 如果說組織是一個語言符號的結構體,那麼新中國時報的組織體仍處於一種不完整的、有缺口的半結構狀態,從論述理論的架構而言,就是上下層的組織溝通過程中,始終未產生一強而有力的主導論述,以縫合這缺口。本研究之結論顯示當組織內的論述仍處於衝撞不穩定狀態時,其產出之商品難以建立差異化特色,競爭優勢亦難以建立。 / This thesis presents a theoretical model to address the communication behavior and competitive strategy issues in the newspaper industry, where technological changes have greatly increased the scope of competition. Newspaper companies are being confronted with market changes that are destablising successful mature markets, undermining long-term relationships with readers and advertisers, and threatening the sustainability of their business models. The pace of these changes is extraordinary, forcing managers, shareholders, and employees to scramble to comprehend the changes, to develop strategic responses, and to reorganize their activities. The thesis starts with the case of China Times Daily, which used to be one of the biggest newspapers in Taiwan but sold, in the end of 2008, to a successful businessman of rice cracker, Tsai Eng-Meng. Tsai Eng-Meng, now 53, runs the biggest snack empire in China. Want Want China is now unrivaled in the country’s rice cracker market. It’s not unusual for powerful businesspeople looking to ensure a public outlet for their views to invest in the media. The question is how Tsai Eng-Meng, as the latest entrant into the media market, can manage the newspaper as successful as his cracker business. In divided Taiwan, where pro-China and anti-China groups can’t agree on much, Tsai’s purchase of the China Times sparked worries about free speech in the society and inside China Times as well. Tsai Eng-Meng does not have an experience or knowledge base of how to operate the press. The employees he needs to communicate with or he needs to “understand” mostly are the reporters with expertise in news industry. They highly praise the values of free speech and impartial reports. These values can be regarded as the most important discourse evolving from the press history. With the analytical framework of Laclau and Mouffe’s Discourse Theory, the communication between Tsai Eng-Meng and the reporters is not smooth. Some events occurring in the first year of Tsai’s management reveals that the confrontation between Tsai and the news department is so harsh that even diminishes competitive advantages of the company. Since the communication behavior in China Times remains unstable, there is not possible to bring a dominant discourse in the organization, which will lead to a bad performance in ways of public opinion and the circulation.

領導風格對組織溝通與行政效能之調節效應-以中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管之實證分析 / Organizational Communication and Administrative Effectiveness: An Empirical Analysis on the Moderating Effects of Leadership Style to Academic Researcher Concurrently in charge of Administrative Director in Academia Sinica.

虞令潔 Unknown Date (has links)
中央研究院被認為是我國最高學術機構,院內一級單位主管皆由研究人員兼任。本研究旨在探討中央研究院學術研究人員兼任行政主管的領導風格與所屬單位員工組織溝通與行政效能的關聯性,並採用問卷調查法中的配額抽樣方式,行政單位發出105份,研究單位則發出310份,合計為415份。問卷回收共計315份,其中有效問卷數為293份,可用率為93.01%。 經分析結果得出以下結論:中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管之所屬單位員工對於主管的領導風格、組織溝通與行政效能的感受平均得分分別為3.48、3.31、3.95,位於「李克特五點尺度法」的中上但未達同意程度。其次,組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有顯著之正向關係。由此可知,中央研究院由研究人員兼任行政主管所屬單位員工的正式溝通感受程度愈高,其行政效能的知覺程度亦會愈高。最後,主管的「轉換型領導」與「交易型領導」對於組織溝通的「正式溝通」與行政效能之間具有正向之調節效果,但對於不同社會屬性特徵員工與行政效能之間則不具有調節效果。 根據研究結果,本研究提出四項實務建議,以增進單位員工的行政效能。包括:主管對於部屬應加強個別關懷及提供教育訓練、對待部屬應賞罰分明、強化與部屬之間的溝通管道以及兼任行政主管應善盡主管之職責。 / The Academia Sinica is considered the highest academic institution of the country. The researchers hold the concurrent post as the highest administration positions at the director level. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship of the academic researcher with administrative director’s leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness. The method of Quota Sampling is used to distribute questionnaires to the staff. There are a total of 415 questionnaires: 105 of which are given to the administrative staff and 310 are given to the research staff. In total, there are 315 questionnaires collected and 293 of them, 93.01%, are considered as valid. There are several conclusions drawn from the analysis of the research. First, the average score of the administrators’ leadership style, organizational communication, and administrative effectiveness is 3.48, 3.31, 3.95, is located to “Likert scale” in the upper but not agree with the degree. Secondly, there is a positive relationship between the formal communication and administrative effectiveness. Lastly, administrators’ transforming leadership and transactional leadership positively moderated the relationship between formal communication and administrative effectiveness, but there is no moderating effect on the relationship between the staff’s social and demographical background and administrative effectiveness. Based on the conclusions, four practical recommendations are proposed to further enhance the administrative effectiveness: (1) The administrative director should pay more attention to the individual subordinate, and provide training programs to the staff. (2) The administrative director should have a very clear award and punishment system. (3) The administrative director should better communicate with the staff. (4) Academic researchers with administrative responsibilities should fulfill his administrative responsibility.

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