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替代爭議解決方案於企業內部運用之研究 / The Study on The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Corporations劉妙玲, Liu, Miao-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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方案解決型組織的建構邱享慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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BYOD之B2B策略行銷-以S公司為例之4C架構觀點 / B2B Marketing Strategy of BYOD - A Case of 4C Analysis of S Company郭順良, Guo,Shuen Liang Unknown Date (has links)
在此資通訊整合之下員工攜帶自己的行動裝置上班(BYOD, Bring Your Own Device)的趨勢因應而生。BYOD是一種另類策略,讓員工、企業夥伴與其他用戶可使用個人所選購的客端裝置,執行企業應用程式與讀取資料。對多數企業而言,適用於BYOD方案的裝置目前僅限於智慧型手機和平板電腦。
S公司是該3C產業中最具競爭力成長最快速的企業。該公司藉由其在資訊產品及智慧型行動裝置產品在取得技術優勢之際積極的往行動化整體解決方案(Mobility Total Solution)延伸,提出BYOD整體解決方案。本文係針對該公司對此BYOD的策略行銷進行探討研究出以下結果:
二、S公司的行動化產品正處於高度成長的階段,在BYOD的B2B經營模式需要擺脫 B2B的成功模式。
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商業企畫書:大規模能源儲存系統之軟體解決方案 / Business Plan: Software Solutions for Large Scale Energy Storage Systems羅丹, Robinson, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
The way the world creates and distributes energy is changing. In 2015 77% of the world’s new power generation installations were either wind or solar PV. These forms of energy are by their nature intermittent – the sun will never shine 24 hours a day. With the rise of these intermittent energy sources, the need to store the energy they create has also risen. Batteries are emerging as a popular choice to solve this problem, with some analysts predicting that by 2024 battery energy storage will reach a scale of 12.5 gigawatts and become an industry with $165 billion in annual revenue. The increase in electric vehicles has caused the average price of lithium-ion batteries to plummet in recent years with expectations of this trend continuing. Managing the energy stored in many, distributed batteries is difficult, but when done right has numerous benefits. This business plan outlines the way Energy Max will provide a software platform to manage battery energy storage.
Energy Max plans to sell its software directly to battery energy storage system manufacturers. The company will leverage its connections in Asia in order to focus on potential customers in China and Taiwan. By pursuing this strategy, the company can become a trusted partner to these manufacturers in helping them build a more complete solution to provide end-users. In return for providing the software, customers will be required to pay a one-time integration fee as well as a $15/kWh fee for batteries utilizing the software.
This business plans assumes the first year of operations will be spent both building the product and developing Energy Max’s pipeline of future customers. In Year 2 the company will have two customers, but deployment of batteries with the software platform will still be low due to the likely cautious nature of customers. Under a normal growth scenario, the company will grow to Year 5 when Energy Max will attract 18 customers and have its software on 1% of worldwide Li-ion energy storage installations. Following this plan will require $3.5 million of outside funding and positive net income after tax in Year 4.
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工業自動化製造商與通路商合作關係之研究—以研華科技為例潘禹妤, Pan,Claire Unknown Date (has links)
工業自動化硬體製造商的產品提供,未來會往「硬體原件銷售」(Component Products)與「整體解決方案」(Solution Products)兩大方向去經營發展,工業自動化硬體製造商若想要推廣含有其硬體原件的「整體解決方案」時,面臨的一個『Make』(自製策略:硬體製造商專精硬體的研發,而SI和VAR專精於軟體知識與整合技術)與『Buy』(外包策略:即硬體製造商專注於硬體效能提升,軟體及整合部分交給SI、VAR和軟體廠商)之選擇。本研究即以此為出發點,以研華科技為個案研究的對象,使用邱志聖博士的四C架構,分析探討工業自動化硬體製造商的不同通路合作方案對其與通路商之間交易成本的影響。
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貿易商企業轉型策略之探討-以自行車零組件貿易商L公司為例 / The research on the business transformation strategies -a case study of bicycle parts trader company L陳筠庭, Chen, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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人力資源發展在日本富士通組織轉型中之促成角色探討 / The Facilitating Role of Human Resource Development in the Organizational Transformation of Fujitsu, Japanese林南欣 Unknown Date (has links)
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從資源依賴的觀點探討組織價值創新:全面解決方案提供者的個案探討 / Resource Dependence Perspective of Organizational Value Innovation: Case Study of a Total Solution Provider陳德川, Chen,Te-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
創業初期所面對的主要問題就是資源不足的問題,要如何獲取生存與發展所需要的資源是企業的重要課題。首先,企業必須分析內部環境,找出核心資源,並將之發揮在目標事業上,為企業奠定基礎。再者,企業必須分析外部環境,透過各種組織鏈結策略,重新調整與供應商、顧客、甚至是競爭者之間的關係成為策略夥伴關係,選擇並集中核心競爭強項,形成資源互補,提供給客戶一個全面解決方案(Total solution)的服務,以滿足甚至超過顧客預期的需求,使得顧客願意持續購買,企業藉此從環境中獲取關鍵資源並得以持續發展。
「TSP成長曲線 (TSP Growth Curve)」的形成過程,是在個案成長過程分析及探討後發現,組織要追求持續成長,單靠本身的資源是受限的,組織必須去整合內外部的資源,包括重新建構核心資源、組織並管理外部資源網絡,透過各樣的鏈結策略使得組織獲取成長所需要的關鍵資源,透過策略再思考重新組織企業架構,建構一個學習性組織平台,鼓勵在這個平台上的每一個人去創新思考,讓組織成員得以在非傳統性架構下去思考,在非秩序中去創新,讓大家願意去共創組織的價值。
大部分的企業皆無法規避「出生、成長、成熟、飽和、衰退」的命運,就如同生命會歷經「出生、幼年、青年、壯年、老年」的歷程一般,或許企業無法避免衰退或消失的命運,但是找出「延年益壽」方法來維持壯年期是一個可行的策略。「TSP成長曲線圖」以「TSP成長循環圖」即可以說明企業從「創業成功」到「維持成長」的策略歷程,可以作為企業經營發展的參考。 / The major problem in the early stage of entrepreneurship is the shortage of resources, so it is industries’ crucial mission to acquire the resources to sustain and develop its growth. First, industries must analyze its internal environment to identify the core sources and apply them into the target business, to lay the foundation for companies. Second, industries must conduct external analysis with organizations linkage mechanism to re-address the connection among suppliers, customers and even competitors, so that they can become the strategic partners, formulate complimentary resources, concentrate on their own core advantages in the competition. In this way, they can offer customers the service of Total Solution, to meet, even exceed customers’ expectation. Hence, this could sustain customers’ continuous purchase, and industries can keep developing its business by grabbing the crucial resources in the environment.
This research discovered that, due to the different merging processes between market powers and organizations power, there are five categorized patterns when organizations become Total Solution Provides (TSP): horizontal integration TSP, vertical integration TSP, horizontal-to-vertical integration TSP, vertical-to-horizontal integration TSP and simultaneously vertical and horizontal integration TSP. These five patterns basically outline the process of organization development and bring us more diverse pictures caused by different environmental and organizational causes.
After studying cases and formulating of the TSP Growth Curve, this research found out that it is limited to for organizations to pursue the growth by its own resources. Industries must integrate internal and external resources, re-construct the core resources, manage the external resource network, acquire all the necessary resources for further growth through linkage mechanism, rethink the structure of the business, establish the learning platform to encourage its member to jointly create the value for the organizations, contemplate beyond the boundary of tradition and innovate without order.
There are four steps for the organizations to acquire resources and formulate the TSP Growth Curve: 1. Constructing the core resources and capability of the organizations; 2.Acquireing the core resources from the environment; 3.Becoming TSP with value innovation and satisfy the customers; 4.Lowering the dependence on the environment and upgrading the Growth circle. Organizations can grow stronger, accumulate more resources with this benign circle and leave the dilemma of insufficient resources. In this way, organizations can receive more resources than ever; it can also turn the relationship between organizations and supplier from unilateral dependence to mutual dependence and TSP Growth circle will also be upgraded while they are growing bigger. This growth circle can continuously sustain its development by collecting different resources in different environments. Hence, the stage of growth will be prolonged, and the stage of recession will be avoided of delayed.
Based on the Resources dependence theory, this research has discussed how organizations obtain the crucial resources from the environment to generate growth, and also analyzed that when organizations obtain customers’ value innovation by playing TSP, organizations’ value will also raise consecutively.
Most industries can not avoid the linear destiny of establishment, growth, maturity, saturation and recession as well as human’s life stage of birth, child, youth, adult and aging. Industries may not genuinely ward off the consequence of decline or disappearance, but it’s still workable to figure out a strategy to prolong the period of maturity. TSP Growth Curve and TSP Growth Circle can well explain the industries’ process from the stage of “entrepreneurship” to “the maintenance of growth”, and also offer the positive example for business operation.
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資訊科技公司產業解決方案之策略研究 - 以IBM公司之「智慧的地球」計劃與其產業解決方案策略為例 / The industrial solution strategy research for IT companies - IBM`s「Smarter Planet」initiative and solution strategy as the case study馬紹宏, Ma, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從IBM在軟體的策略,尤其是軟體的產業解決方案作為研究的核心。2008年的金融海嘯造成全球經濟大衰退,IBM適時提出了智慧的地球的計劃與願景,並積極推動從客戶實際需求與價值思考出發的產業解決方案(Industrial Solution),結果IBM驗證了其營運與業績不但沒有受到影響並且在營收與獲利上繼續穩健成長。本論文首先依時間軸對IBM自1993年葛士納總裁接任後針對服務與創新的轉型;到2003年帕米沙諾接班後的併購計劃與智慧的地球創新策略;乃至於2012年羅美蒂繼任後推動之商業分析,軟體產業解決方案以及最重要的2015年成長計劃等各項重要改革與執行策略做一詳細的整理與分析,個案研究針對IBM公司所面臨的挑戰與企業經營策略及轉型架構進行分析與探討並延伸至軟體產業解決方案,以Michael Porter的五力分析架構對IBM公司在軟體產業與產業解決方案的產業競爭態勢予以深入探討分析,並針對IBM與其主要競爭對手的軟體產業解決方案以SWOT做一完整的分析,此外也從IBM的軟體事業群的成長與轉型策略,來驗證IBM對軟體的產業解決方案的重視與策略意涵,並針對軟體之產業架構(Industry Framework)的發展與導入的「客戶導向與客製化產業解決方案開發策略(client focused & tailored execution strategy)」與成功要素予以分析並歸納。
最後結論中對國內軟體產業以Michael Porter的鑽石模型做一分析,並對未來台灣軟體產業可能的發展方向提出建議以提供產業與政策制定者參考,如何面對與開發國際市場以及如何從人才面發展並建立台灣的軟體產業競爭優勢將是值得我們仔細深入思考的方向,希望未來台灣的軟體產業也能創造出典範移轉,發展出如同IC設計與製造產業的規模與競爭優勢。 / The development of this paper is focused on IBM`s software strategy,especially on the strategy of IBM`s software industrial solution as the research focuses。When the financial tsunami caused the serious economic recession around the world during 2008 year end,IBM raised the「smarter planet 」initiative and vision to drive the execution of series of industrial solution centric projects according to the client real requirements and values。IBM proved that its operation and business performance were not affected by this crisis,moreover IBM continued to grow steadily in the areas of both income and margin。In the context of this paper,I will first analyze the IBM`s transformation history in the three key stages under three CEOs,including Lou Gerstner`s service & innovation transformation since 1993;Sam Palmisano`s Merge & Acquisition plan & smarter Planet initiative;and Ginni Rometty`s 2015 roadmap plan to shoot for at least US$ 20 EPS by year 2015。
In the case study we will analyze the challenges which IBM was facing from corporate operation and transformation standpoints. For IBM`s software & software industrial solution strategy,Michael Porter’s five forces framework will be used to do an analysis to have a clear view on IBM`s competitiveness in the software & software industrial solution industry. SWOT analysis will also be applied to gain an in-depth view on IBM and its major software industrial solution competitors。From IBM software group’s growth and transformation strategy,we can also verify the strategic imperatives on IBM`s focuses on industrial solutions。Finally we use the example of how IBM successfully
developed the various Industry Frameworks through client focused & tailored execution strategy to illustrate IBM`s asset-based solution development concept。From the recent organizational transformation of IBM software group in 2012,we can also prove that the transformation direction is toward solution centric。
In the summary of this paper I will analyze Taiwan`s software industry using Michael Porter’s Diamond model to come out several suggestions for the reference of software development vendors and government policy makers in Taiwan。How to develop the international market and build the talent resources to increase Taiwan`s competitiveness advantage will be the key focuses which we need to think deeply。Hopefully the software industry in Taiwan will have a paradigm shift and grow to the scale of the IC design and manufacturing industry with competitiveness。
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