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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hospodářské reformy v Čínské lidové republice v letech 1979-1989

Ležatka, Radek January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce pojednává o hospodářských reformách v Čínské lidové republice, které byly provedeny v letech 1979 až 1989. Cílem je podat přehled o uskutečněných krocích čínské vlády v 80. letech a zhodnotit jejich výsledky. Tato práce analyzuje široké spektrum čínských reforem, věnuje se sektoru zemědělství, průmyslu, cenovému systému, bankovnímu a finančnímu systému, školství a největší pozornost je věnována zahraničnímu obchodu. U každé z těchto oblasti jsou vyjmenována základní opatření provedená v této první reformní etapě, která přispěla k celkové modernizaci čínské ekonomiky. Na závěr práce jsou ilustrovány výsledky čínských reforem na vybraných makroekonomických ukazatelích, zejména na růstu hrubého domácího produktu, na vývoji inflace, na vývoji příjmů a výdajů vládního sektoru a na platební bilanci. Hospodářské reformy v 80. letech, o kterých je tato práce, položily základ pozdějších ekonomických úspěchů Číny.

Essays in International Trade

Jiatong Zhong (6997745) 16 August 2019 (has links)
<div>The first chapter quantitatively examines the impact of exporting countries' reputations for product quality on aggregate trade flows. I introduce a novel data set in which recall incidences retrieved from the Consumer Product Safety Commission are matched to U.S. import data from 1990-2009. Using a model of learning I construct a measure for exporter reputation where consumers internalize product recalls as bad signals. Structural estimation of the model finds that reputation is important and especially impactful for products used by children. The market share elasticity of exporter's reputation is around 1.49 across products, similar in magnitude to the average price elasticity, which is around 1.51. Improving reputation can increase export value, but reputation is sluggish: increasing reputation by 10\% can take decades for most exporters. Counterfactual exercises confirm that quality inspection institutions are welfare improving, and quality inspection is especially important for consumers of toys. </div><div> </div><div> The second chapter summarizes the correlation between export decisions of Chinese firms and product recalls for Chinese products. I use a new data set where I link recall data scraped from CPSC to monthly Chinese Customs Data. I found that recalls from previous months correlates negatively with the decision of export participation, but not with export value. </div><div> </div><div><br></div><div> The third chapter, coauthored with Kendall Kennedy and Xuan Jiang, analyzes how China's industrialization and the immediate export growth due to the Open Door Policy change Chinese teenagers' education decisions, which explains the education decline. We find that, middle school completion rates increased and high school completion rates decreased in response to export growth. This suggests a tradeoff between education and labor market opportunities in China. These education effects are more prominent for cohorts who were younger when China's Open Door Policy began, even though these teenagers also faced a stronger education system compared to the earlier cohorts. </div>

替代爭議解決方案於企業內部運用之研究 / The Study on The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Corporations

劉妙玲, Liu, Miao-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在資本主義自由經濟體制下,只要有勞資互動關係,就難免會有勞資爭議。勞資爭議若處理不當,不僅勞資雙方蒙受其害,社會整體也可能因此付出相當大的代價。然我國現行之勞資爭議處理機制對預防性協調制度著墨甚少,基於勞資爭議應以自治解決之原則,於事業單位內部先行溝通處理實有其必要性。因此,本文研究之重點即探討替代爭議解決方案於企業內部運用之現況與成效,並針對下列問題進行分析: 一、何謂替代爭議解決方案? 二、替代爭議解決方案形成之原因為何? 三、替代爭議解決方案之形式為何? 四、替代爭議解決方案在美國發展之現況如何? 五、個案企業中ADR制度實地運作之情況如何? 六、替代爭議解決方案對我國有何啟示? 本研究發現: 一、替代爭議解決方案係企業組織為及早解決勞資糾紛,避免問題擴大、惡化,於爭議訴諸法定解決程序或司法訴訟前,先行利用調停、調處或中立第三者之協助,化解雙方歧見,尋求問題之解決。如此便無須透過政府機關之管道來解決紛爭,亦可避免曠日廢時的訴訟程序對企業營運所造成之影響,不但節省時間與成本,亦能有效的將問題予以解決。 二、替代爭議解決方案形成之原因為自1990年代起,歧視訴怨與不當解雇之訴訟案件急遽增加,鑑於此類訴訟往往纏訟經年且賠償金額極為龐大,對涉訟之勞資雙方均屬不利,因此國會與行政機關便透過立法與頒佈相關規定,鼓勵企業運用ADR解決此類紛爭。因此ADR之發展乃起因於法規的命令、法院體系的支持,加上私人契約的廣泛運用。 三、ADR之制度設計包含各種不同的形式,設置於企業內部者有門戶開放政策、監察官、跨部門檢閱小組、小型審訊、利益基礎的問題解決小組、共同解決問題與伙伴關係等形式;委託企業外機構協助者則包括催化、斡旋、調解、事實調查、仲裁、調解式仲裁、初期中立評估、爭議評議小組與解決會議等。 四、ADR之成效為藉由組織內ADR制度之運作,員工得以將職場中所遭遇之諸般問題,透過一定之程序或管道提出,使管理階層或雇主有更多機會瞭解並檢視管理制度或組織內部之各種問題,進而尋求改進或解決途徑,以防止類似問題再度發生,不僅有助於勞資關係之和諧,並能減少處理之成本,降低影響生產秩序之可能變數。 五、經由個案研究發現,ADR之制度設計與運作,皆相當重視員工之意見表達與營造開放的溝通環境,雖因個案企業各自之產業特性與組織之性質、層級、結構均不相同,但制度設計之精神均為提供組織內員工一額外之溝通管道,讓員工之問題、意見、疑慮或申訴得以及時解決,避免問題擴大惡化。 六、替代爭議解決方案之形成乃至發展,均受到美國現實環境與文化背景之影響,但美國與我國在勞資關係運作上有相當大的差異,因此ADR制度於我國未必能達到同樣或預期之效果,但仍可參酌該制度之精神與實際推行之經驗,進而研究如何將該制度之精神融入我國之現實環境與需求。而於事業單位內部建立一套申訴或解決問題之制度,可說已成為一必然趨勢,我國勞動相關法令,業已為申訴制度奠定一基礎,然而其主體建構工作,則有待企業勞資雙方逐漸形成共識。而申訴制度之有效與否,不僅在於制度之設計,企業負責人之重視程度,實為制度成功之關鍵,若能取得最高管理階層之支持,申訴制度與ADR制度方能在授權、決策公正性、結果執行力及追蹤評鑑等方面,進入有效制度之列。 最後根據本文研究所得,針對企業內部推動相關勞資爭議處理制度,作出如下建議: 一、宜培養勞資雙方自行解決爭議之觀念 二、建立企業內部解決問題之管道 三、企業主應率先確實遵守法令 四、落實員工申訴管道的有效性 五、制度設計應結合「爭議之預防」與「爭議之解決」等功能 六、制度頒行前應加強溝通宣導 七、制度之推行須符合企業文化與企業政策 八、處理期間不宜耗時過久

Teacher self-location, experience and perceptions of influence on the retention of Aboriginal social work students enrolled in social work education

Dustan Selinger, Linda 12 September 2016 (has links)
The voices of eleven Aboriginal and ten non-Aboriginal adult social work educators who volunteered to participate in this qualitative research study represent a diverse range of practice and teaching experiences. Participants with experience teaching social work courses that included the enrollment of Aboriginal students were interviewed to gain knowledge about their self-location, lived experiences, their insight, and their perceptions of the ways in which they have and continue to support and influence the retention of Aboriginal post-secondary students. This study utilized phenomenology as a philosophical approach. The interview process was guided by a phenomenological investigation to identify and explore themes that emerged from the data. The major findings of the study revealed the the many facets to the social work educator-student relationship. The major findings of the study revealed the ways social work educators with experience teaching Aboriginal social work students from northern and remote communities, are involved in providing personal and academic support. Examples of the support provided includes the daily maintenance of an open door policy, reaching out and providing offers of help to students, and assuming roles as advocates, resource brokers, mentors, advisors and counsellors. / October 2016

Practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement

Carlson, Dawn Michelle 09 February 2011 (has links)
African American students are disproportionately underachieving in public elementary schools (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). School staff and school leaders need to understand why an achievement gap still exists between the White and the African American students on their campuses (Kafele, 2009; Noguera, 2003; Denbo, 2002; Ferguson, 2001). A few schools have made a significant difference in school achievement for students of color and researchers and educators need to identify what these schools are doing differently to promote student success, especially for African American students (Chenoweth, 2009; Carter, 2000; Reyes, Scribner, & Scribner, 1999). The purpose of this study was to identify the practices that are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement. The study took a holistic look at one diverse elementary school in order to highlight the practices that assisted in the school’s success with African American students and their achievement. The research questions for this study are: 1. What practices are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? 2. What policies are in place at a diverse school where African American students have increased achievement? The framework for the study is based on Samuel Casey Carter’s Study of 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools. The methodology for this study used qualitative research guidelines, was ethnographic in nature, and used a single-case study approach. The data was gathered through observations, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of documental data. The findings for effective practices include: Supportive Leadership, Implementing Change, Staff Development, Distributive Leadership, Departmentalization, School-Wide Programs, Student Resources, Teacher Resources, Communication, and Planning and Teaming. The findings for effective policies include: Open Door Policy, Student Placement, Site-Based Decision Making Committee, Parent-Teacher Organization, and Grading. The conclusions are that policies and practices must be in place for schools to run effectively and increase achievement. The specific practices and policies that appear to support African American students may be beneficial to campuses with similar backgrounds or demographics. Schools that embrace practices and policies, such as these are in a better position to enhance the achievement for all African American students. / text

A Study on the Transition of China¡¦s Technology Innovation System

Weng, Rui-hong 04 September 2008 (has links)
This study will discuss with the transition of China¡¦s technology innovation system before and after ¡§Open door policy¡¨. Because I want to know how many characters between those two phases? Why China chose transition before ¡§Open door policy¡¨? When China upgrades their innovative capabilities, do any factors affect outcomes? This study will use more macroscopic to face transition of China¡¦s technology innovation system since established PRC. To survey the institution and interaction between governments, research institutes, universities, native companies and foreign-invested companies. Finally, this study consider that China¡¦s achievement is not clearly because the shortage of talent, basic research capability between research institute is weak, government have ¡§strong control¡¨ in this system, the market mechanism is not maturity so that Chinese native companies do not have skilful in innovation. Consequently, China¡¦s technology innovation system seems to have long way to go.

The pursuit of peaceful development : How China's foreign policy and its national security are connected

By Shenhjie, Zheng, Liu, Xucheng January 2015 (has links)
Since the Open-Door Policy has been carried out in 1979, China has gained dramatic improvements in many fields, such as economies and military. At the same time, the considerable changes also bring China many crises from the complicated international envirorunent. This thesis will illustrate these questions through nationalism and realism theoretical framework by using case study with a qualitative approach as the method. With the Five Peaceful Principles of Co-existence based foreign policy, this thesis will experience "Century of Humiliation" of China again and redefine the rising power of China through a case study about Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands dispute between China and Japan. Although it is a little hard to analyze this case under a complicated international environment, plenty of document information will support to get a result of how China's foreign policy and national security are interlinked? Finally, "national insecurities" and "humiliating history" are drawn as the key factors that affect China's foreign policy making, and the interconnections of China's peaceful diplomacy and national security. "National insecurities" and "humiliating history" drive China to make the foreign policy of peaceful development, otherwise, to ensure national security, China need to strengthen the comprehensive national power.

Germany’s “Open-Door” Policy in Light of the Recent Refugee Crisis : An Interpretive Thematic Content Analysis of Possible Reasons and Underlying Motivations

Schmid, Claudia Theresia January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the medially conveyed open-door refugee policy approach of the German government, in light of the recent refugee crisis in Europe. To gain an understanding of the reasons for this policy approach, a thematic content analysis is carried out, identifying and extracting themes, as portrayed in the national, international media, and political debates in the German Bundestag. These themes are then used in a comparison with actual refugee polices and further analysed from a constructivist and a structural realist perspective so as to investigate underlying motivations behind them.Fifteen themes and reasons were identified, with the three most frequently occurring themes, Capacity and Capability, Humanitarian Responsibility, and Demography and Economy, making up about half of the number of themes found. The analysis also showed that both constructivist concepts – such as identity – as well as structural realist notions – for example national interests and capabilities – were largely contributing factors with regards to guiding, shaping and deciding on Germany’s refugee policies. Germany’s intake of about one million refugees was – in the context of identity – an acceptable decision, following its normative, national, moral, historical and humanitarian standards; and the perceived benefits of the policy provide strong arguments in regards to the country’s capabilities and national interests.The thesis concludes that because Germany’s highly internal-moral-driven identity aligned well with its capabilities and national interests, Germany was able to continuously pursue its “open-doors” refugee policy despite resistance from a vocal opposition.

Rozšiřování NATO: Vyhlídky Gruzie na členství / NATO Enlargement: Georgia's Prospects of the Membership

Tsereteli, Salome January 2018 (has links)
NATO's enlargement policy has been opposed by Russia. The disagreements over Georgia's pro Ronald Asmus "a little war that shook the world". concept of 'NATO Georgia relations' within the theoretical framework of leading IR approaches in 'pillars' of NATO Georgia relations) each perceive the Atlantic Alliance's enlargement and approaches are best theorized separately since all three nations " ". The thesis contributes an alternative theoretical explanation behind Georgia's -

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