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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉建宏, Liu,Jeng-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
一個組織行政人員穩定性關係著組織效能的良窳,因此教師兼行政人員的穩定性以及離職情形對學校效能有著重大的影響,再加上工作壓力及工作滿意與離職與否息息相關,因此本研究旨在探究目前桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員行政職務平均任期以及教師兼行政人員工作壓力、工作滿意和離職傾向的關係。最後作出結論和建議供教育行政機關、學校行政主管、教師兼行政人員及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究調查表資料以桃園縣89學年度(含)以前成立之國民中學進行普查,共計發出46份調查表,回收40份,回收率為87%,有效的調查表計33份,可用率為83%。問卷調查也以上述46所桃園縣國民中學之教師兼行政人員為資料分析對象,從桃園縣13鄉鎮市抽出33所國民中學之全部教師兼行政人員,抽取樣本共有463人,問卷回收433份,回收率為94%,有效問卷計410份,可用率為95%。在資料分析上,問卷調查資料主要用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、多元及逐步迴歸分析、因素分析等方法。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、桃園縣國民中學學校規模越大,教師兼行政人員平均任期越長,教師 兼行政人員離職率越低。 二、桃園縣國民中學學校歷史短,主任及組長的平均任期較長;學校歷史 短,組長平均任期較長。學校歷史長,主任及組長的離職率較高;學 校歷史長,組長離職率較高。 三、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力感受屬於中等程度,以工作 負荷壓力最高;工作滿意感受屬於中等程度,以主管領導滿意最高; 離職傾向屬於中等程度。 四、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作壓力感受上,30歲以下顯 著大於41歲-50歲、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年、未婚顯著大 於已婚、訓導(學務)處組長顯著大於教務(教導)處主任、行政年 資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、設校50年以上顯著大於設校10- 20年、20-30年、30-40年及40-50年、研究所碩士以上顯著小於師 大、師院或大學教育系畢業及一般大學院校畢業。 五、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員在整體工作滿意感受上,51歲以上顯 著大於31歲-40歲、任教26年以上顯著大於任教5年以下及6-15年、學 校規模73班以上顯著大於13-36班、設校20-30年顯著高於設校10年以 下、30-40年、40-50年及50年以上。 六、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員的離職傾向,30歲以下顯著大於41 歲-50歲及51歲以上、任教5年以下顯著大於任教16-25年及26年以 上、未婚顯著大於已婚、教務(教導)處組長及訓導(學務)處組長 顯著大於輔導室主任、行政年資5年以下顯著大於行政年資6-15年、 學校規模13-36班及37-72班顯著大於73班以上。 七、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作壓力與離職傾向關係呈顯著 正相關。 八、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與離職傾向關係呈顯著 負相關。 九、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員整體工作滿意與整體工作壓力關係呈 負相關。 十、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員工作壓力的角色衝突層面對離職傾向 最具預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究的建議如下: 一、辦理教師兼行政人員職前研習及輔導制度,適時給予鼓勵、獎勵及關 懷。 二、爭取經費改善學校環境設備。 三、同性質業務合併,減少不必要的公文。 四、適量地交辦工作,減少不必要的行政程序和規定。 五、鼓勵教師兼行政人員進修學位。 六、學習壓力調適,建立良好人際關係。 關鍵字:教師兼行政人員、工作壓力、工作滿意、離職傾向 / Administrative personnel have a critical impact to the overall success of the organization; therefore, the stability and turnover situation of those teachers who also perform administrative functions (referred as administrative teachers) is very important to the school itself. In addition, the work pressure and job satisfaction have close relationship to the turnover rate, so the goal of this dissertation is to study the correlations among those length of service, work pressure, job satisfaction and turnover frequency of these teachers. Also a set of conclusions and suggestions were proposed for future study reference for education administrations, school’s management board and those administrative teachers. The survey of this dissertation was distributed to those junior high schools established prior than YR2000; total of 46 copies were sent out and received 40 back (87% of return rate) with 33 sets of completions (83%).The survey population was based on those administrative teachers among those 46 schools; sampling size was 463 teachers with 433 returns (94%) and 410 effective results (95%).For the data analytical tools: descriptive statistics,T-test,one-way-ANOVA,canonical correlation,Pearson product-mo- ment correlation,multiple regression analysis,stepwise multiple regression analysis , factor analysis were utilized. The conclusions are as follows: I. The larger the size of Taoyuan junior high schools, the length of service (LOS) is longer for those administrative teachers, and the turnover rate is lower. II. With Taoyuan junior high schools’ history being not long, the LOS of Directors and Supervisors was longer. For older schools, the LOS of Supervisors is longer, but with higher turnover rate of Directors and Supervsiors. III. The pressure level of those administrative teachers is Medium and the work load pressure tends to be the highest. The job satisfaction is Medium, and the leadership satisfaction is the highest, while the turnover tendency tends to be Medium. IV. For the overall work pressure level of those administrative teachers: 30 yrs old > 41-50 yrs old; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 yrs; single > married; student affairs supervisor > academic affairs Director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school history longer than 50 yrs > 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 yrs; master degree and above < university (college) degree V. For overall job satisfaction (for administrative teachers): age of 51 and above > 31-40; LOS greater than 26 yrs > 5/under and 6-15 yrs; school size 73 classes and more > 13-36 classes; school’s history with 20 to 30 yrs > 10 yrs and below, 30-40 yrs, 40-50 yrs, and 50 yrs above. VI. For overall turnover tendency: 30 yrs and below > 41-50 yrs old and above; LOS under 5 yrs > 16-25 and 26 yrs and above; single > married; academic affairs supervisors and student affairs supervisor > counseling director; administrative LOS under 5 yrs > 6-15 yrs; school size with 13-36 classes and 37-72 classes > 73 classes. VII. Overall work pressure and turnover tendency have a positive correlation. VIII. Overall job satisfaction and turnover tendency have a negative correlation. IX. Overall job satisfaction and overall work pressure have a negative correlation. X. The job role conflict situation could be used as an indictor of future turnover tendency. Based on the conclusions of the study, the suggestions of this dissertation are as follows: I. Set up training and counseling system for administrative teachers; provide sufficient encouragement, rewards and care. II. Apply for more funds to improve the overall school environment and facilities. III. Combine similar businesses to reduce unnecessary paperwork. IV. Set up appropriate job-assigning process to reduce administrative procedures. V. Encourage continuous learning (ex. pursuing for higher degree) VI. Learn to adjust pressure and to build up good communication skills. KEY WORDS: administrative teachers, work pressure, job satisfaction, turnover tendency


江巨材 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討激勵保健因素與公立高職兼職行政教師組織承諾之關係。採用文獻分析與問卷調查方式進行。 在文獻分析方面,首先針對激勵保健因素及組織承諾相關文獻進行蒐集、探討與分析。進而建立研究架構。 再以教育部94年度所公佈之92所公立高職兼職行政工作教師為研究對象,以激勵保健因素與公立高職兼任行政教師組織承諾關係之研究問卷為工具。以抽樣方式進行調查。 發出問卷644份,回收問卷635份,有效問卷609份,問卷可用率為94.6%。問卷回收後,使用描述性統計分析、單因子變異分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等方式進行資料分析,茲就研究結果加以討論。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、 公立高職兼職行政教師激勵保健因素呈現中等感受度。 二、 公立高職兼職行政教師激勵因素以「工作本身」感受度較高,「學習成長」感受度較低。 三、 公立高職兼職行政教師保健因素以「工作環境」感受度較高,「行政考核」感受度較低。 四、 公立高職兼職行政教師呈現良好組織承諾。 五、 公立高職兼職行政教師在組織承諾上以「努力意願」感受度較高,「續任兼職傾向」感受度較低。 六、 二十年以上服務年資兼職行政工作教師有較高的整體激勵保健因素知覺。 七、 擔任「主任」之兼職行政工作教師有較高激勵保健因素知覺。 八、 50歲以上兼職行政工作教師有較高的組織承諾。 九、 男性、已婚、高年齡、高職務、高服務年資、非商工或工商職校者,有較高的續任兼職傾向與組織承諾。 十、 擔任主任之兼職行政工作教師有較高「組織承諾」。 十一、 兼職行政工作教師對激勵保健因素之知覺愈高則會有愈高的組織承諾。 十二、 激勵保健因素能有效預測兼職行政工作教師之組織承諾,其中又以「保健因素」最具預測力。 十三、激勵保健理論使用於公立高職兼職行政工作教師,部分符合。 依據以上結論,本研究提出下列建議 一、 對學校單位建議 (一)增加進修管道,培養行政人才 (二)建立健全考核制度,拔擢優秀兼職行政工作教師 (三)簡化行政程序,增加工作人力,均衡工作之質量 (四)建立優質工作環境,提升兼職行政工作教師組織承諾 (五)確立學校發展方向,提升兼職行政工作教師組織承諾 (六)積極培訓資淺兼職行政工作教師,強化行政工作發展 (七)重視年長及資深兼職行政工作教師,建立行政工作傳承 二、 對兼職行政工作教師建議 (一) 積極參與學習,追求個人與組織成長 (二) 適時表達意見,協助學校建立完善之行政考核制度 (三) 針對重視之激勵因素分層面,持續續探索工作之樂趣 (四) 適時自我調適,持續服務之熱忱 / The purpose of the paper was mainly to investigate into the relationship between the motivation-hygiene factor and the organizational commitment of part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school. We adopt the literature analyses and the questionnaire ways. The first step of this study was to collect the relevant backgrounds with regard to the motivation-hygiene factors and the organizational commitments. The relevant literatures were proceeded the investigation, the discussion and the analysis and then these data were established the framework. Secondly, the Ministry of Education in 2005 year investigates the part-time administrative teachers of public vocational high school, and the questionnaire of the motivation-hygiene factor and the organizational commitment become the research instrument and they were used. The questionnaire uses the sampling module in Taiwan. We issue the 644 questionnaires, and we retrieve 635 copies. However, the 609 copies are valid questionnaires among the 635 copies. Therefore, the data validation rate was 94.6﹪. Finally, we use the statistics methods, including descriptive analysis, one-way Anova, Parsons product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regressions to analyze the collected data. The study obtains the conclusions as follows. (a) The part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school possessed the perception of the middle degree in the motivation-hygiene factor. (b) Among three motivation factors, the part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school possessed higher perception in “work” and they possessed lower perception in “growth and learning”. (c) Among three hygiene factors, the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school possessed higher perception in “work environment” and they possessed lower perception in “administration and personnel examination”. (d) The part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school reached higher than mid-level perception in organizational commitment. (e) Among the three factors of the organizational commitment, the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school possessed higher perception about the willingness and the effort, and they possessed lower perception about remaining position. (f) If the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school exceed 20 years, they possessed higher perception in the motivation-hygiene factor. (g) Teacher who is serving as managers possessed higher perception in the motivation factors. (h) The part-time administrative teachers over 50 years old possessed higher perception about the organizational commitment. (i) A man, the married, high years, high position, high seniority, commercial & industrial vocational high school and industrial & commercial vocational high school possessed lower the remaining position about the organizational commitment. (j) The managers of the part-time administrative teachers possessed higher perception about the organizational commitment. (k) Supposing the perception of the motivation-hygiene factor is more and more high, the part-time administrative teachers also possessed higher the organizational commitment. (l) The motivation-hygiene factor efficaciously predicted the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. For instance, the hygiene factor possessed higher prediction. (m) The motivation-hygiene theory conformed to the part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school. According to the above-mentioned conclusion, this study proposes the following results: To the school: (a) It should increase the way of the further education and cultivate the administrative personnel (b) It constructs better testing system and the school take care of the excellent part-time administrative teachers. (c) It simplifies the administration systems and enhances human resources thus balancing its quality and quantity. (d)It constructs better working environment to enhance the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. (e) It establishes developing direction to enhance the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. (f) It actively cultivates the young part-time administrative teachers to strengthen working development. (g) It should pay attention to the senior part-time administrative teachers to construct the administrative continuance. To the part-time administrative teachers: (a) They should actively participate in learning and to chase the growth from the individual to the organization. (b) They suitably express the opinion, thus they help the school to establish the administrative testing system. (c) They aim at the motivating factors highlighted to explore working funs. (d) They are suitably the self- adjustment, and to continue the enthusiastic service.

宜蘭縣國民中學校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力與幸福感之研究 / A Study on Relationship among Principal’s Positive Leadership, Work Stress and Sense of Well-being of Administrative Teachers in Yilan County Junior High Schools

林政儒, Lin, Cheng Ru Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解宜蘭縣國民中學校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力與幸福感之關係,並分析不同個人背景變項在校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感上的差異情形,進而探討校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感的相關性及校長正向領導、工作壓力對幸福感的預測力。透過問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師為對象,共發出329份問卷,問卷內容包括背景變項、校長正向領導問卷、工作壓力問卷與幸福感問卷。回收有效問卷325份,可用率為100%。資料統計分析上使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在校長正向領導整體之感受為中上。 二、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在工作壓力整體之感受為中等。 三、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在幸福感整體之感受為中上。 四、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師背景變項在校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感各層面感受有所差異。 五、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感相關有所差異。 六、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力對幸福感具有預測力。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對主管教育行政機關、學校單位及未來研究者提出建議。 關鍵詞:正向領導、兼職行政教師、工作壓力、幸福感 / The purpose of the study is to understand the relationship among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being of administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools, to analyze the difference among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being of varied personal backgrounds, and to further examine the relativity among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being and how significantly sense of well-being can be predicted via principal’s positive leadership and work stress. Questionnaire survey is adopted and personal background questionnaire, principal’s positive leadership questionnaire, work stress questionnaire and sense of well-being questionnaire are included. The questionnaires were distributed to 329 administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools, and 325 valid questionnaires were retrieved, with 100% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The overall degree of principal’s positive leadership among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was above the average. 2. The overall degree of work stress among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was at the average level. 3. The overall degree of sense of well-being among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was above the average. 4. The variables of personal background of administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools do influence the degree of their feeling of principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being. 5. There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being. 6. Principal’s positive leadership and work stress perceived by administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools are predictive of perceived sense of well-being. Finally, based on the results, the study provided related suggestions to the educational and school authorities, school administrative teachers, and future researchers. Keywords: positive leadership, school administrative teachers, work stress, sense of well-being

新北市國小教師兼任行政人員角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾關係之研究 / A study of the relationship among role stress, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of administrative teachers in elementary schools of New Taipei City

李連成, Lee, Lien Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國小教師兼任行政人員角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾之關係,並分析不同個人背景變項在角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾上的差異情形,進而探討角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾的相關性及角色壓力、幸福感對組織承諾的預測力。透過問卷調查法,以新北市國小教師兼任行政人員為對象,共發出576份問卷,問卷內容包括背景變項問卷、角色壓力問卷、幸福感問卷與組織承諾問卷。回收有效問卷518份,可用率為89.93%。資料統計分析上使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體角色壓力之感受為中等,三層面 中以角色過度負荷感受最大,角色模糊感受最小。 二、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體幸福感之感受為中上程度,四層 面中以樂觀表現感受最大,身心健康感受最小。 三、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員在整體組織承諾之感受相當高,三層面中以努力意願感受最大,留職傾向感受最小。 四、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員個人背景變項在角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾各層面感受有所差異。 五、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員知覺角色壓力、幸福感與組織承諾相關 有所差異。 六、新北市國小教師兼任行政人員知覺角色壓力與幸福感中以「工作成就」對組織承諾最具預測力。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對教育行政機關、市立國小行政主管、教師兼任行政人員以及未來研究者提出建議。 關鍵詞:教師兼任行政人員、角色壓力、幸福感、組織承諾 / The purposes of the study are to explore the relationship among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools, to analyze the difference among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment of varied personal backgrounds, and to further examine the relativity among role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment and how significantly organizational commitment can be predicted via role pressure and sense of well-being. Questionnaire survey is adopted and personal background questionnaire, role pressure questionnaire, well-being questionnaire and organizational commitment questionnaire are included. The questionnaires were distributed to 576 administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools, and 518 valid questionnaires were retrieved, with 89.93% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The overall degree of role stress among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was at the average level, with the feeling of ‘role overload’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘role ambiguity’ the lowest. 2. The overall degree of sense of well-being among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was above the average, with the feeling of ‘positive preference’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘mental and physical health’ the lowest. 3. The overall degree of organizational commitment among administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools was very high, with the feeling of ‘hardworking intention’ the highest, and the feeling of ‘tendency to retain the job’ the lowest. 4. The variables of personal background of administrative teachers in New Taipei City elementary schools do influence the degree of their feelings of role stress, sense of well-being and organizational commitment. 5. There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of role pressure, sense of well-being and organizational commitment. 6. ‘Working achievement’ is the most reliable predictor to the organizational commitment of administrative teachers. Finally, based on the above-mentioned results, the study would be provided assuggestions for the educational authorities concerned, New Taipei City municipal elementary school administrators, administrative teachers and future researchers. Key words: administrative teachers, role stress, sense of well-being, organizational commitment

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