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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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創新擴散理論之應用─以財政部財政資訊共享服務平台為例 / The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory: A Case Study of Open Data Platform of Ministry of Finance

霍達 Unknown Date (has links)
開放政府資料能帶來龐大的經濟效益以及達到透明治理的理念,已成為電子治理最重要的議題之一,各國政府如美國、英國、加拿大無不積極推動開放政府資料政策。我國行政院亦將政府資料開放列為第四階段電子化政府計畫的項目之一,中央機關與地方政府將分別建立開放資料平台,並要求將機關所擁有之資料逐步開放予社會大眾使用。在此背景下,財政部財政資訊中心預建置財政資訊共享服務平台,來達到資料開放政策的目標。本研究目的在於該平台的推動在實務上面臨了哪些困難,後續還有哪些地方需要克服,這樣的經驗能帶給其他行政機關哪些啟示。 本研究首先整理國內外開放政府資料的文獻,其次介紹創新擴散理論,作為財政資訊中心推動財政資訊共享服務平台的階段基礎,並以訪談法蒐集相關資料。本研究最後以議題設定與配對階段、再定義/再建構階段、闡述階段及例行化階段為主軸,分別探討各階段的推動工作與困境。 本研究發現,推動財政資訊共享服務平台的主要工作與困境包括溝通策略、法律規範、分工方式、業務單位的抗拒與資料的價值。財資中心在政策規劃面、組織管理面以及法律規範面仍有改進空間,包括改變同仁的觀念態度、提出明確的評估報告、團隊成員的代表性、訂定行政規則以及與相關單位共商修法議題。未來有意推動相關政策的機關,除了前述財資中心應該改進之處,尚須注意組織文化以及公民參與的部分,讓政策推動的阻力降至最低。 / Open government data (OGD) can brings great economic benefit and promotes more openness in government, it has become one of the most important issues in e-Government around the world. An open data policy was enacted by the Executive Yuan at the end of 2013, both central and local governments should gradually release their possessed data to the public. In the context of open data policy, Fiscal Information Agency, MOF tries to establish an open data platform of Ministry of Finance. However, the open data policy in Taiwan is still in a stage of sprouting, it is an innovation policy and brand new notion to many governments, the objective of this research is to analyze what obstacles does Fiscal Information Agency, MOF meet when promoting the open data platform of Ministry of Finance, and how could this experience be learned. First of all, the research introduces the literatures about open data. Secondly, quoting the Innovation Diffusion Theory as the conceptual framework and conducting interviews. The analysis about the works and obstacles is individually based on the phase of agenda setting, matching, redefining/restructuring, clarifying and routinizing. The results show the main work and obstacles including the strategy of communication, legal norms, division of labor, resistance of agency and the value of data. There are still areas of improvement for Fiscal Information Agency, MOF, such as changing the concept of colleagues, providing a tangible report about open data and the representativeness of group. The lessons from this study are expected to provide insights to the Taiwan government when it tries to engage the open data policy.

開放政府資料授權條款之研究 / Licensing Open Government Data

裘雅心, Chiu, Ya Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
「開放政府資料」在概念上將資料處理以及網際網路傳輸的概念應用到政府治理,以符合開放標準之要求釋出政府資料,提升政府資料使用效率並加速行政革新,有效提升人民生活品質並促進社會經濟發展,讓施政透明度、公眾參與以及國家可課責性之訴求能夠確實實踐並賦予新的內涵。 開放政府資料最初源自於各式民間社群之倡議,隨著時間演進各國政府也紛紛將此概念納入國家政策將其提升至國家施政目標。美國和英國為目前開放政府資料政策實踐最成熟的先驅國家,為各國政府研擬相關政策的效仿對象,其他後起之秀有加拿大與澳洲,台灣也自2012年後開始推動相關政策。從各國政策實踐經驗中可以發現,開放政府資料在政策實踐上必須考量政府資料盤點、平台網站架設、資料格式、資料授權、是否收費以及其他政策推行時政府機關內部的溝通協調以及外部推廣時的各式議題。 本文針對其中授權議題,採用文獻蒐集暨文獻比較法,將目前各國政府實施開放政府資料所採用較具有代表性之開放政府資料授權條款或使用規則,像是創用CC授權條款中的CC-BY以及CC-BY-SA、ODbL、英國OGL、加拿大OGL、法國Licence ouverte以及挪威NLOD進行條款要件之比較與綜合分析,發現目前開放政府資料授權實務廣泛將公眾授權條款之概念應用在政府資料授權釋出,惟政府資料種類繁雜,在使用上亦受到既有法律與行政規則之箝制,使得目前民間社群發展之授權條款無法全盤規範政府資料釋出,而採用各國政府自行制定的使用規則雖然得有效配合當地法制達到因地制宜之效,但條款內容難以統一,使得採用不同條款釋出政府資料進行再次改作將產生條款相容性之隱憂。 考量開放政府資料的訴求為強調任何人對於資料使用不應受任何限制,本文建議政府機關實施政府資料授權時,應以開放為原則並盡量減少資料使用之限制。就目前授權實務現況觀之,得透過條款設計、建立國際標準以及跨國地區整合之方式提升各國授權條款或使用規則之間的相容性,降低政府資料使用潛在限制。若採用民間社群制定之公眾授權條款進行政府資料釋出者,應建立相關配套措施使授權條款規定得有效與國家政府運作流程結合,讓授權條款的運作機制得在政策執行中確實實踐。 / "Open Government Data" is associated with using data processing, Internet transmission and open standards to release government information. It is believed by many that a good open-data policy can help the government to improve the efficiency of governance, to accelerate administrative reform, to enhance living quality, and to promote social and economic development. The idea of open data may also benefit government transparency, public participation and accountability. The wave of Open Government Data was originally started from a number of online communities. Now the concept of Open Government Data has been accepted as national policies in the global scale. The U.S. government and the U.K. government have been probably the most important pioneers in promoting open government data policies. Other countries like Canada and Australia also follow the trend to make their own Open Government Data policies. Taiwan government has put the idea of Open Government Data into practice since 2012. Policy considerations for Open Government Data concern different issues, such as the classification of open government data, Web platform operating, data format, licensing, charging standard, the coordination between agencies and policy promotion. The study focuses on the licensing perspective of open government data. This study compares and analyzes the most representative license clauses and terms of use, such as CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, ODbL, UK Open Government License, Canada Open Government License, France Open license and Norwegian License for Open Government Data. Owing to the variety of government information, not all of the government information are protected by copyright law and other related laws. In addition, there are other factor restricted the use of government information. Such regulatory limitations are occasionally conflicting with policy goals of open government data. Other issues, such as licensing compatibility may trouble government agencies to implement the open data policy. The principles of open government data emphasize that government data should be available to anyone to access, re-use and redistribution, so the use of such data should not impose any restrictions. This study argues that licensing open government data should minimize the use of restricted data as much as possible. Considering the status quo of licensing open government data, the adjustment of structure of licensing clauses, establishing international standards and cross-nation cooperation may be the possible ways to solve the incompatibility problem mentioned previously. Moreover, governments should establish relevant supporting measures so that the licensing mechanism can smoothly fits in the legal system and successfully achieve the original policy goals.

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