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關鍵查核事項與審計品質之關聯性研究 / The relationship between Key Audit Matters and Audit Quality呂佩純, Lu, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球性之金融風暴危機對投資人與金融市場帶來劇烈的影響,各界開始呼籲查核報告應提供閱表者更多主要企業經營風險及不確定資訊,而英國為了因應國際審計觀念轉變的趨勢,參考國際審計準則自訂ISA 700 (UK and Ireland)以改善傳統查核報告型態未能揭露足夠查核相關資訊之缺點。新式查核報告中影響層面最廣的部分即為關鍵查核事項(key audit matter)之說明,故本研究以裁量性應計項目與非保守會計師查核意見做為審計品質之代理變數,探討關鍵查核事項與會計師審計品質水準間之關聯性。研究結果顯示,關鍵查核事項之揭露能降低管理者透過裁量性應計項目美化財務報表之可能性,亦即提升審計品質水準;但在非保守會計師查核意見代理變數項下,並未發現增加關鍵查核事項段落能影響會計師出具非保守查核意見之決策;另外,本研究亦未發現關鍵查核事項揭露數量與審計品質水準之正向關聯性。
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關鍵查核事項與會計師事務所特性 / The Relationship between Key Audit Matters and Audit Firm Characteristics陳品芊 Unknown Date (has links)
在增額測試的部分,結果如下:其一,對產業專家主查會計師而言,任期對關鍵查核事項有正面效果。其二,會計師事務所與主查會計師俱為產業專家的會計師對關鍵查核事項之正面影響力大於僅有會計師事務所為產業專家的會計師。最後,會計師的專業能力使其更有能力以簡明扼要的文字呈現關鍵查核事項。 / The objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between key audit matters (KAMs) and audit firm characteristics. In this study, audit firm characteristics are focused on their independence and ability, and are measured by tenure and industry expertise, respectively.
The empirical results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, lead partners tenure has little effect on KAMs. Secondly, partial evidence is found on the association between firm-level industry specialist auditors and KAMs. Thirdly, partner-level industry specialist auditors have positive effects on both the quantity and quality of KAMs.
In further examinations, the results are as follows. Firstly, tenure has positive effects on KAMs when the auditors are partner-level industry specialist. Secondly, industry experts at both firm- and partner-levels have stronger positive effects on KAMs then industry experts at firm-level alone. Lastly, auditors’ capacity allows them to present KAMs more concisely.
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關鍵查核事項之內涵價值 / The information content of key audit matters林佩瑩, Lin, Pei Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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