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二元雙界二分選擇模型下的願付價值分析詹玉葳 Unknown Date (has links)
利用條件評估法 (contingent valuation method) 來評估非市場財貨之市場隱含價值時,雙界二分選擇法 (doubled-bound dichotomous choice method) 為最普遍的詢價方式。近年來,藉由此詢價方式來估計受訪者心目中的願付價值 (willingness to pay) 之研究中,更將此方法推廣至同時估計兩個以上且具有相關性的非市場財貨。只是文獻中的相關探討多半忽略其間的相關性,此外所採用的模型也有可能導致估計的願付價值會有小於零的情形產生。因此,本文引進了衍生版本的Bivariate Generalized Gamma Distribution,來解決這上述兩個問題。我們並採用「竹東及朴子地區心臟血管疾病之危險因子長期追□研究」中,第五循環的「肥胖之願付價格問卷」來作實證分析。在其餘的條件不變的情況下,分析結果顯示,居住在竹東、女性、教育程度愈高、年紀愈小、體重愈重及收入愈高的受訪者會願意支付較高的金額來接受減肥的療程;此外,認為肥胖會影響工作及社交關係的受訪者也會願意支付較高的金額。 / In a contingent valuation survey, it is quite often that subjects were asked to respond to more than one WTP (willingness-to-pay) scenarios. Under such a circumstance, responses provided by a subject are clearly correlated. Although the issue is well recognized in the past, in practice a popular strategy in analyzing this sort of data, however, simply ignore the issue and treat them as if they were totally uncorrelated. Concerning that WTP prices can take only non-negative values along with the issue of possible correlation, we propose an “extend bivariate generalized gamma distribution” that can be used to deal with data collected under a two-scenario situation. Applying it to the CVDFACTS study, where subjects were asked to evaluate a medication-only program as well as a medication-and-exercise program, we found that, other things being equal, female subjects, subjects residing in Chu-Dung County, subjects weigh more, subjects with younger age, higher income, and more years of schooling are willing to pay more. In addition, those who think obesity would affect their social activities would also have higher WTP prices.
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願付價值及其前測的研究 / The Study of Willings to Pay and its Pretest余純君, Yu, Chun-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
假設市場評價法(Contingent valuation)多用於評估有關某一非市場性財產(Non-market goods)或公共財(Public goods)在民眾心目中的願付價值(Willingness to pay, WTP)。探討受訪者願付價值之研究調查案的問卷設計方式,大致可分成五種,其中開放式出價法和逐步競價法已被證實會對估計造成偏誤,而支付卡法、二分選擇法和雙界二分選擇法則是現今較常為研究者所使用的價格詢問方法,本論文的研究是針對二分選擇法的最佳設計(Optimal design),作一深入的探討。
假設欲探究之母體的願付價值為一服從平均數為 、標準差為 的常態分配,若採用二分選擇法作為價格詢問的方式,則何種詢問方法才能讓參數估計最佳化,由模擬實驗的結果,我們知道若將受訪者隨機等分成兩群,分別詢問兩個不同的價格,且這兩個價格的平均等於預先猜測的母體平均數,那麼不但會有相當不錯的估計結果,在實際的執行上亦較方便。此外,我們提出較容易計算的參數估計量來代替傳統的最大概似估計量(MLE),並以數理證明保證了新的參數估計量有良好的估計性質。
願付價值的研究若對母體資訊不充分時,常會先採行前測(Pretest)。本論文除了探討二分選擇法的最佳設計之外,亦針對支付卡法和二分選擇法運用在前測時,作一深入的討論,結果發現當事先猜測的母體分配參數和真實分配相差很多下,支付卡法和二分選擇法會產生無法估計的情況,因此我們提出新的前測方法,試圖彌補這兩種傳統前測法的不足,我們稱之為序列詢問法(Sequence method)。序列詢問法為一種追蹤母體平均數的方式,依照現在這位受訪者的回答,決定下一位受訪者的詢問價格,在我們的研究中發現,如此的序列詢問方法比傳統的前測法利用更少的資訊,但仍然維持不錯的母體平均數估計結果。
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台灣北部地區留川水整治經濟效益評估-假設性市場評價評估法之應用 / Benefits of Improving Water Quality and River Landscape in Northern Taiwan - An Application of Contingent Valuation Method蔡麗雪, Tsai, Li Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區垃圾焚化爐與掩埋場之不寧適質損廖宜彥 Unknown Date (has links)
此種不寧適的污染損害與賠償並不存在市場交易,無法藉由市場上的供給與需求來反應民眾所遭受的質損,因此本研究採用假設市場價值評估法(contingent valuation method)之問卷的方式,調查民眾願意改善環境品質的願付價值(willingness to pay)與願意接受環境惡化的情況下,願意接受的補償價值(willingness to accept),民眾的WTP/WTA可視為受損害的環境價值,即為廢棄物處理設施所可能產生的質損。 / The producing amount of the one’s rubbish was 0.901 kilograms every day in 2003 according to the statistics in the Environmental Protection Administration. Total output of rubbish is about 7,360,000 metric tons that year. The method of cleaning the rubbish is building landfills and incinerators in every county. But now it is hard to get the specific land to build landfill, and the government policy is that an incinerator substitute for the all landfills in a county. Though the public and private landfills decrease gradually every year, it still had several thousand landfills in Taiwan. Because of the existence of the rubbish treatment facilities, it always makes the living environment of the surrounding area at home not feel peaceful and lose amenity. The purpose of this research lies in investigating the damage that the rubbish treatment facilities cause non-amenity to people. These kinds of pollution damage and compensation do not exist the market. We can’t use the supply, demand and price in the market to response the non-amenity damage of the feeling of Residents. So our research takes the survey to investigate how much resident would be willing to pay for improving the environment amenity and willing to accept for worsening the environment amenity. The people's WTP/WTA can be regarded as the value of the environmental damage from the rubbish treatment facilities.
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