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失去部份訊息而有價值的類別資料依循序程式處理之計算方法汪為開 Unknown Date (has links)
以部分區分(或部份類別無法區分)(partially-classified) 失去部份訊息資料 (censored data) 的類別抽樣 (categorical sampling) 在許多的應用領域中都非常重要。這類問題的研究探討已行之有年,但大部份都把重點放在〝失去部份訊息資料但無價值性〞(non-informative censoring) 以及〝誠實回答〞(truthful reporting) 的前提下。Thomas J. Jiang取消了以上二個前提的限制,並提出了quasi-Bayes method來近似這類問題的貝氏解(Bayes solution)。此一quasi Bayes methood與Makov and Smith (1977)與Smith and Maikov (1978) 所整合出的〝quasi Bayes procedure for mixture〞相類似。本文所引用的quasi-Bayes method的計算公式都已導出,而且只需要少許的時間便可解出答案。本文重站在比較quasi-Bayes method與Bayes method的效卒,quasi-Bayes近似狀況的好壞,並探討在何種情況下quasi-Bayes的近似狀況較差。
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改善HDD防振品質之研究阿毅蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
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具有額外或不足變異的群集類別資料之研究 / A Study of Modelling Categorical Data with Overdispersion or Underdispersion蘇聖珠, Su, Sheng-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
進行調查時,最後的抽樣單位常是從不同的群集取得的,而同一群集內的樣本對象,因背景類似而對於某些問題常會傾向相同或類似的反應,研究者若忽略這種群內相關性,仍以獨立性樣本進行分析時,因其共變異數矩陣通常會與多項模式的共變異數矩陣相差懸殊,而造成所謂的額外變異或不足變異的現象。本文在不同的情況下,提出了Dirichlet-Multinomial模式(簡稱DM模式)、擴展的DM模式、以及兩種平均數-共變異數矩陣模式,以適當的彙整所有的群集資料。並討論DM與EDM模式中相關之參數及格機率之最大概似估計法,且分別對此兩種平均數-共變異數矩陣模式,提出求導廣義最小平方估計的程序。此外,也針對幾種特殊的二維表及三維表結構,探討對應的參數及格機率之估計方法。並提出計算簡易的Score統計檢定量以判斷群內相關(intra-cluster correlation)之存在性,及判斷資料集具有額外或不足變異,而對於不同母體的群內相關同質性檢定亦提出討論。 / This paper presents a modelling method of analyzing categorical data with overdispersion or underdispersion. In many studies, data are collected from differ clusters, and members within the same cluster behave similary. Thus, the responses of members within the same cluster are not independent and the multinomial distribution is not the correct distribution for the observed counts. Therefore, the covariance matrix of the sample proportion vector tends to be much different from that of the multinomial model. We discuss four different models to fit counts data with overdispersion or underdispersion feature, witch include Dirichlet-Multinomial model (DM model), extended DM model (EDM model), and two mean-covariance models. Method of maximum-likelihood estimation is discussed for DM and EDM models. Procedures to derive generalized least squares estimates are proposed for the two mean-covariance models respectively. As to the cell probabilities, we also discuss how to estimate them under several special structures of two-way and three-way tables. More easily evaluated Score test statistics are derived for the DM and EDM models to test the existence of the intra-cluster correlation. And the test of homogeneity of intra-cluster correlation among several populations is also derived.
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