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以顧客知識與情境知識探求次世代顧客體驗之偏好張耿嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 除了再次認知顧客知識之重要性外,本研究亦確立了情境知識對於瞭解顧客體驗偏好之重要性。
2. 生活型態屬於感性導向之顧客,及在消費現場較得不到顧客服務之顧客,會有越偏好能得到生理需求體驗之傾向。
3. 處事態度屬於積極的引領潮流的顧客,及在消費現場得到不錯客戶服務之顧客,是屬於較高度偏好歸屬與愛需求體驗之族群。
4. 生活型態屬於感性導向之顧客,及消費目的是作為送禮之用之顧客,在自我實現需求體驗方面,會有較高程度的偏好傾向。
5. 努力成本及風險成本兩項決定產品特徵之因素,確實會對顧客體驗偏好產生影響。其中努力成本主要改變之體驗類型,包括生理需求及歸屬與愛需求體驗;而風險成本主要是影響之體驗類型,包括歸屬與愛需求、尊重需求及自我實現需求體驗。
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顧客體驗與體驗品質之概念性研究 / A Conceptual Model of Customer Experiences and Experience Quality: The Service Setting and The Customer's Perspective張婷玥, Chang,Ting-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
然而,探討體驗本質的實證研究仍然不多,本研究界定兩個研究焦點來探索顧客體驗:(1)研究顧客體驗的情感面,(2)所研究的體驗乃是發生於精心設計之服務場景。研究目的有二,其一為從顧客觀點探討顧客體驗的本質:根據消費者深入訪談的結果,歸納構成顧客體驗的五大要素與提出相關的概念架構和命題,五大要素分別為顧客本身、顧客與實體環境的互動、顧客與服務人員、其他顧客與同行夥伴的互動。第二,本研究探討顧客對於體驗品質的情感性知覺,並發展體驗品質的衡量工具、檢驗體驗品質與顧客滿意度和忠誠度的關係,研究結果驗證了體驗品質為較高階的構念,並發現體驗品質對顧客滿意度與忠誠度有正向影響。本研究亦提出關於研究應用、未來研究與研究限制的討論。 / Today, more and more customers, managers and scholars have become aware of the importance of experiences, which are characterized as satisfying customers’ psychic or personal needs. For customers, they are not merely consuming products or services. They care more about the experiences, which are provided by the stores, and they are willing to pay for experiences. As for managers, they have made more efforts to create touching and attractive experiences for customers, manage customers’ experiential journey with the companies, or even charge for experiences. For academic researchers, they view experiences as distinct economic offerings, which are different from goods and services. They believe that the focus of the economy has been transferred into experience (Pine and Gilmore, 1998, 1999; Schmitt, 1999; O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998) and experience industries are rising (Toffler, 1970, O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998).
This study focuses on exploring the emotional aspects of customers’ experiences underlying the context of deliberately designed service settings. Two research objects are approached in this study. First, this research comprehensively explores the essence of customer experiences from the customer’s perspective. A qualitative study is conducted to find out the elements that constitute customers’ experiences, and a conceptual model that describes what is customer experience is thereby proposed. In this model, customer experience is made up of five elements (dimensions): the customers themselves and customers’ interactions with physical surroundings, service providers, other customers, and companions.
Second, this research attempts to probe customers’ emotional perceptions of experience quality and to develop an instrument to measure this construct. This research clarifies the concept of experience quality by reviewing the literature, conducting qualitative studies, performing a procedure of scale development, testing the relative importance of dimensions, and examining the relationship among experience quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings verify that experience quality, as a higher-order construct, is made up five first-order constructs, which are demonstrated in the result of the qualitative study. The result of this research also reveals that experience quality has positive effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Relevant discussion of applications, future research, and limitations are also provided in the conclusion.
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買賣雙方於C2C行動電商平臺之體驗流程探討-以蝦皮拍賣為例 / Understanding Customer Experience Throughout the Customer Journey in a C2C Auction Context蕭舜如 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
最後,根據訪談發現,提出蝦皮可思考之改善建議為: 1.加速刊登功能及改良照片上傳便利度。2.提供誘因讓使用者填寫真實評價並改進評價機制。3.推播通知精簡及圖像化。4.從後勤面降低物流成本。5.透過推薦系統提升使用者黏著度。本研究以使用者角度出發,建議企業應站在使用者的角度來思考使用者需求,才有機會提供更好的顧客體驗,持續吸引使用者,本研究之發現希望有助於行動電商平臺往後策略發展時的參考。 / Abstract
E-commerce has become a universal sales trend that has spread from consumers shopping on their home computers to shopping on their mobile phones through the use of various shopping apps. Much attention has been placed on consumer C2C transactions, especially with respect to consumers’ access to store goods. Simplifying this access, which can be a complicated process, through a new mobile auction app is a highly relevant issue. This study aims to understand the customer experience flow of the most current representative C2C mobile auction app in Taiwan from Shopee Taiwan Co. Ltd. This study adopts a semi-structured depth interview method for users that have over five years of Internet shopping experience in total, and at least three months of experience with the Shopee Mobile Auction App. Both buyers and sellers are classified as users in this study.
The main findings are as follows. 1) Positive experiences with the Shopee Mobile Auction App are due to its clear and intuitive user interface, instant messaging two-way interaction availability, high degree of user privacy, third-party risk reduction payment systems, and convenient logistics through the availability of free shipping. Consumers have the option to pick up their goods at local convenience stores, which simplifies the shipment process for sellers, and leads to a clear and streamlined logistics process. 2) The initial motivation for consumers is the reward of free shipping and public recommendations. 3) The factors behind the continuous use of this mobile auction app service include the positive experience, the free shipping or freight subsidy promotional activities that are often included for both the buyer and seller, the wider product selection than what is offered in physical stores, and the offers for promotional free products with the purchase of related goods. 4) The Shopee Mobile Auction App still leaves something to be desired, including: (a) The processures of putting the items for sale have become time-consuming due to more and more requrements. (b) Standardized evaluations and rating systems may limit reference values. (c) Current promotional messages sent via app notification are easily ignored by users. This study uses the customer journey map to take a broad view of issues related to the traditional online auction process, and uses customer experience-based interviews to examine how the Shopee Mobile Auction App improves on these issues. Finally, based on conducted interviews, several suggestions for improvement of the Shopee Mobile Auction App include the following: 1) increasing the speed of new feature releases, and improve the convenience of the photo upload process; 2) providing promotional incentives for users to complete the evaluation, thereby improving the evaluation mechanism; 3) streamlining push notifications and images; 4) reducing logistical costs; 5) improving user loyalty through implementing a recommendation system.
This study simultaneously considers both sides of C2C commerce (i.e., the sellers and buyers). It focuses on the user point of view, as selling platforms need to be aware of the opportunity to provide a better customer experience, which will in turn attract more users. The findings from this study can assist mobile platform creators with their future development strategies.
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以服務設計發展社區社交平台App 促進鄰里人際互動與溝通之研究 / Service design for a social platform of community strengthens the interaction and communication between people and neighborhoods李安婷, Lee, An Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以服務體驗工程方法論為研究方法,分三個階段進行研究。第一階段「服務體驗需求洞察研究」階段,透過深度訪談與參與觀察,挖掘社區住戶與鄰里主要有兩個接觸情境,即兩個不同的研究方向: (1)一為主動型住戶與鄰里往來而形成社區團購;(2)二為管委會與住戶的溝通與服務。比較兩個方向對社區的影響性後,擇第二個方向為本研究的研究方向。首先,採用人物誌分析出流程中三方使用者,包含住戶、管委會與總幹事,再以顧客旅程地圖發現三方溝通流程「管委會與住戶之間的溝通」及「住戶參與管委會的經驗」影響社區鄰里的互動關係,在流程的三部分中共發現16個問題與需求。
接著,第二階段進行「服務設計」,以普及至使用者中壯年齡層的智慧型手機為服務載具,設計社區社交平台「比鄰Belink App」,提供四項功能:「社區公告」、「提問求助」、「知識交流」與「委員會議」,改善住戶擔任委員參與管委會或是與管委會接觸的體驗。最後,第三階段「服務原型測試與評估」,邀請三方使用者以放聲思考法依照指定的情境使用「比鄰Belink App」,並填寫整體使用評估量表,再根據測試結果與意見回饋提出第二版設計,修改操作模式、介面按鈕的位置、顏色與形狀等等。
總結,研究成果為:(1)發現住戶與管委會在溝通流程三階段的16個問題與痛點;(2)了解中壯年齡層住戶的智慧型手機使用經驗;(3)提出符合使用需求的「比鄰Belink App」四大功能設計;(4)完成App使用性測試與可行性評估,使用者滿意提供的功能,三方使用者可更即時、公開與正向地進行溝通;但易用性方面雖具備可記憶性但易學性低,需修改設計。研究成果可作為日後相關研究參考。
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