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原住民觀光體驗行銷之研究-以南投縣信義鄉巴庫拉斯部落觀光為例吳宏信 Unknown Date (has links)
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體驗行銷策略之研究:誠品信義旗艦店之個案探討 / Experiential Marketing Strategies : A case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store林暄蕎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以誠品信義店做為研究的場域、Schmitt (1999) 提出的體驗行銷為理論基礎,用深度訪談的方式探究誠品信義店的經營理念,研究誠品信義店如何將體驗的氛圍帶入書店空間,讓消費者願意花較長時間待在書店內細細咀嚼。此外,也以問卷調查的方式探討消費者這端的感受,瞭解誠品信義店的體驗行銷策略是否正向強化了顧客的忠誠度與滿意度。
本研究並提出實務建議:在感官體驗構面上,注意主動線上的商品呈現設計;在情感體驗構面上,依照商品的調性來調配氛圍;在思考體驗構面上,利用多媒體化的設備來呈現多樣化的商品訊息;在行動體驗構面上,提供自助式查詢服務;在關聯體驗構面上,進行多樣化的活動規劃。 / This research is a case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store, based on “Experiential Marketing” theory by Schmitt (1999). My goal is to explore the business idea of Eslite Xin Yi store, so that consumers are willing to spend more time to stay than usual . I also want to explore the consumer’s feelings to understand whether the experiential marketing strategy of Eslite Xin Yi Store have positive effect on the customer satisfaction and loyalty. I use in-depth interviews and questionnaire as the method to the research.
The results are : SEMs (Strategic Experiential Modules) of experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and loyalty are positive correlation. In addition to related experience, the other four experiences are near significantly with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
This research made the following recommendations to the firms that : 1. they should pay attention to the design of products decoration in the sensing experience. 2. they should allocate the atmosphere according to the distinguishing feature of products in the feeling experience. 3. they should take the advantage of multimedia equipments to present the diversity of products information the thinking experience. 4. they should provide for self-service enquiry in the acting experience. 5. they should plan a wide variety of activities in the relating experience.
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通用設計於服務業之探討與應用 / The discussion and application of universal design in case of service industry邱兆瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用多重個案研究法,將服務業區分為強調人機互動之硬服務、強調人人互動之軟服務以及無遠弗屆之e化服務等三大面向,透過國內外不同服務個案之介紹與分析,檢視通用設計七大原則於此些服務業之應用,並依據個案分析結果,歸納出通用設計應用於服務業將如何體現,並提出如何有效將通用設計應用於服務業模式中。藉由本研究之個案探討,真實反映出目前不同服務領域通用設計之應用狀況,另一方面則可以提供相關之服務業者作為其設計之參考方針,進而發展出不同層面之通用設計應用模式。 本研究結論如下:
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體驗經濟時代下機能衣業通路轉型之研究-以J公司為例 / The study of channel transformation for the function closinf industry in the experienced economy era-base on J firm for a case石鳳嬌 Unknown Date (has links)
建議上,根據商店類型鋪貨而非一致性鋪貨,並轉為多功能的通路。按照經銷商特性而對商品廣度及深度,給予不同支援。針對大型連鎖通路開發獨家專賣產品,增加合作模式。而且與同業通路共享,減少商品的備貨風險。強化虛擬通路的規劃,人力與訓練。發展主動攻擊的追單的團體訂單模式。 / The dramatic change of consuming model and external environments, they lead the sales of the function clothing to declining in the experienced-economy era. How do the function clothing transform to boost their sales in the experienced-economy era? The only way: they have to promote channel-transformation. Therefore, the study invested in literature(business strategy, marketing strategy, marketing channel etc.) review, adapted exploring and case study, and analyzed the industry structure, operating situation and channel change of the case deeply. In the end, the study got the conclusion and suggestion:
In the conclusion:
1. The function clothing has to develop the “product field” to the “competitors field”.
2. The function clothing has to promote channel-transformation comprehensively.
In the suggestion:
1. The case firm has to base on the difference of channel to supply and develop multi-function channel.
2. The case firm has to base on the characteristic of dealers to support.
3. The case firm has to develop exclusive-monopoly product with the large-chain-channel, and increase cooperative models.
4. The case firm has to strengthen the planning, human recourse and training of the virtual channel.
5. The case firm has to develop initiative sale on the group orders.
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日本音樂產業之創新商業模式- 女子偶像團體AKB48個案探討 / Innovative Business Model in Japanese Music Industry: A Case Study of Girl Group AKB48朱俊宇 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來音樂產業的商業模式,就是藉由創造歌手、偶像團體,並販賣實體CD唱片營利,但1990年代後期以來,由於網際網路的普及化與盜版的猖獗,讓世界各國實體唱片市場大幅萎縮,不過近年來全球最大音樂市場日本出現了一個女子偶像團體AKB48,顛覆了實體唱片業的不景氣,連續12張CD單曲銷量賣破百萬張,締造許多紀錄。故本研究主要想探討六個研究問題,包括AKB48的商業模式中,有哪些關鍵影響因素?什麼原因造成AKB48實體CD銷量可以持續銷售破百萬張?音樂產業中的競爭對手有無可能複製其商業模式? AKB48如何在日本其他地區複製其商業模式?AKB48的商業模式有何管理意涵?AKB48的管理意涵如何應用在其他領域?
本研究從商業模式的角度切入,運用體驗經濟與共創價值的概念,探討AKB48的劇場經營、與歌迷間的互動關係等,並以Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)提出的「Business Model Canvas」研究為基礎架構,逐一分析AKB48的九大商業模式要素,希望藉此找出本研究的研究問題之答案。
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體驗經濟下,休閒飯店經營管理之探討--以台東如意休閒事業飯店為例 / Experiential Economy,the study of Leisure Hotel Management and Administration--A case study of Tai-Tung Ru-Yi Leisure hotels李慕雄, Lee, Mu Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
在這個世代希望創造自己和朋友、家人、孩子們的歡樂童年和美好回憶。忘憂館景觀旅店和曙光渡假酒店,要朝向這方向前進,要提供好的條件給消費者,藉由人的感受所創造的價值,是需要不斷提昇和優化來帶動經濟成長和發展。 / Tai-Tung tourism and leisure industry catch everyone’s eyes, hundreds of B & B in Tai-Tung, have been playing an important role in tourist-stay market. B & B could be found everywhere. With transportation to connect Tai-Tung and other cities will have great improvement in the nearly 3 to 5 years due to south-link highway and the Su-Hua Highway. Hotels in Tai-Tung downtown by BOT are being completed. Threrfore, Tai-Tung, as a tourist city, is expended to have a bright future. Since, the hardware and software of tourism are gradually being matured.
In this "casual person-centric" era, the era of experience economy is becoming a growing concern, full of vigor and vitality. Experience economy fullfills to cousumers’ needs , emotion and self-actualization. Experience Economy is customer-centric economy, which reflects consumers’ behavior and consumer psychology are moving forward to a higher level.
We recommend Tai-Tung Ru-Yi Leisure Hotels can move in the following directions, 1) Theme hotel 2) theme experience 3) Promote Public Education
4) cross-industry alliance to create success. People in this age want to create the joy of childhood and lovely memory for their friends, family, and children. The forget worry village and Sunrise Hotel should donate themselves to be the providers who provide customers the good living conditions, with the feelings of people to create value, is the need to constantly improve and optimize to boost economic growth and development.
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音樂創新體驗研究-結合互動公仔之音樂 APP / A research on digital music application with interactive Music Toys徐幼庭, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發展一套融合音樂及情感體驗之互動裝置作品,目的是將手感帶入數 位音樂體驗以及讓音樂創作者和音樂聆聽者的互動更密切。
此作品包含一個雙向互動的實體音樂公仔及一個安裝於觸控式平板上的應 用程式(App),應用程式能顯示歌手的社群訊息與最新創作,播放音樂時將音樂 公仔放置在觸控式平板指定方框,即進入互動音樂體驗模式,此時粉絲如同導演 一般參與創作,可隨著音樂播放而移動音樂公仔,使互動音樂 MV 產生不同的畫 面,音樂公仔和互動音樂 MV 彷彿演出一場迷你舞台劇,並藉由音樂公仔與 APP 的運作,使音樂創作者和音樂聆聽者親密地連結與互動。
本研究之貢獻在於音樂行銷層面,讓作品成為音樂創作者和音樂聆聽者間互 動的橋樑,對音樂創作者(歌手、音樂提供者、樂團)而言這是一種創新的音樂 行銷工具;對音樂聆聽者(粉絲、聽眾、消費者)而言這是一種整合性的數位音 樂互動體驗方式。最後,本研究並訪談音樂創作者、聽眾和行銷人員,將音樂公 仔原型(prototype)提供給受訪者使用,透過訪談內容歸納與分析,提出對音樂 公仔未來應用的方向與模式,作為音樂產業業者設計產品與行銷的參考依據。
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體驗經濟之真實性研究-以體驗展示的場所營造為例 / The Authenticity Study of Experience Economy-in the case of Place Making for the Rendering Experience巫基福, Wu, Chi Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在體驗經濟 (Experience Economy)時代中,消費者敏感點(Consumer Sensibility)已由服務導向的「品質」(Quality),轉為體驗導向的「真實性」(Authenticity)展現。因為惟有企業滿足消費者真正需求-提供真實且客製化的產品與服務時,才可以確實打動消費者;並在「控制成本」及「提升品質」的市場競爭中,切割出一個價值型利基的市場區隔。
體驗型企業必須依其「產業特性」與「競爭優勢」,針對目標消費者進行產品與服務的真實性展現。特別是在產品設計、傳達研究、空間設計三個領域中,建構一個有利於消費者辨別的企業識別系統-「行銷美學」(Marketing Aesthetics),以透過各式各樣的感知經驗來吸引顧客,並與競爭對手產生差異化區隔。
綜言之,本文為研究體驗經濟之場所真實性展現的初探,並展開「美學行銷」與「建築場所」的首次跨界對話,未來若能再從「使用者體驗規劃」及「服務設計」等不同角度進行分析,必能加強場所營造之真實性研究的完整性。 / In the era of experience economy, the consumer sensibility has transferred from the service-orientation of quality management to the experience-orientation of rendering “authenticity”. Only when enterprises satisfy what consumers really want-real and customized products / services, then they can touch consumers . They can split a value-based business niche market segments in the “cost control” and “quality management” of competitive market.
The experience enterprises have to follow its industrial characteristics and competitive advantages to render their authenticity of products and services to target consumers. Especially in the three fields of product and graphic design, communications, and spatial design, they have to build a corporate identity system – “Marketing Aesthetics”, easily distinguished by consumers. Then they can touch and inspire customers through a variety of perceptual experiences and differentiate from their competitors.
The best way is the “Placemaking” for the marketing aesthetics of differentiation strategy. That is for potential (and current) customers to experience that offering in a place so engaging that they can’t help but pay attention, and then pay up as a result by buying that offering. Thus it make customers imperceptibly accept the corporate identity and value recognition, drive brand loyalty.
The thesis attempts to build the preliminary assessment system of rendering authenticity about the placemaking of experience-based enterprises. This system combines “the style and theme analysis of marketing aesthetics”, and ”the authenticity research of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO)”. In order to analyze the current market and test the authenticity assessment system, there are some experience-based enterprises (with industrial features and competitiveness) case studies-Canjune international Inc., Shi-Yang Culture Restaurant, and Cha Cha Thé Culture international Co..
In the style and theme analysis of placemaking , the five factors of authenticity-natural, original, unique, referable, and influential, is correctly mapping to the five dimensions of placemaking-materials, design, crafts, places, and spirit/emotions. It forms different characteristics of the corporation (style and theme). Besides, this analysis system which will be effective in helping enterprises systematic/architectural design thinking and service process planning.
In the case studies of Taiwan experience-based enterprises, innovator's personal values and aesthetic tendency that is the company's marketing aesthetics. Because there are no the mature and large-scale enterprises such as Disneyland or Universal Studios. But it is easy to show the uniqueness and authenticity of place for customers.
In conclusion, this is the preliminary research about the place of the authenticity rendering on the experience economy. And this is the cross-border “Marketing” and “Place” dialogue. Then, more "user experience " and "service design" studies should be able to strengthen the integrity of the placemaking authenticity research.
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顧客體驗與體驗品質之概念性研究 / A Conceptual Model of Customer Experiences and Experience Quality: The Service Setting and The Customer's Perspective張婷玥, Chang,Ting-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
然而,探討體驗本質的實證研究仍然不多,本研究界定兩個研究焦點來探索顧客體驗:(1)研究顧客體驗的情感面,(2)所研究的體驗乃是發生於精心設計之服務場景。研究目的有二,其一為從顧客觀點探討顧客體驗的本質:根據消費者深入訪談的結果,歸納構成顧客體驗的五大要素與提出相關的概念架構和命題,五大要素分別為顧客本身、顧客與實體環境的互動、顧客與服務人員、其他顧客與同行夥伴的互動。第二,本研究探討顧客對於體驗品質的情感性知覺,並發展體驗品質的衡量工具、檢驗體驗品質與顧客滿意度和忠誠度的關係,研究結果驗證了體驗品質為較高階的構念,並發現體驗品質對顧客滿意度與忠誠度有正向影響。本研究亦提出關於研究應用、未來研究與研究限制的討論。 / Today, more and more customers, managers and scholars have become aware of the importance of experiences, which are characterized as satisfying customers’ psychic or personal needs. For customers, they are not merely consuming products or services. They care more about the experiences, which are provided by the stores, and they are willing to pay for experiences. As for managers, they have made more efforts to create touching and attractive experiences for customers, manage customers’ experiential journey with the companies, or even charge for experiences. For academic researchers, they view experiences as distinct economic offerings, which are different from goods and services. They believe that the focus of the economy has been transferred into experience (Pine and Gilmore, 1998, 1999; Schmitt, 1999; O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998) and experience industries are rising (Toffler, 1970, O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998).
This study focuses on exploring the emotional aspects of customers’ experiences underlying the context of deliberately designed service settings. Two research objects are approached in this study. First, this research comprehensively explores the essence of customer experiences from the customer’s perspective. A qualitative study is conducted to find out the elements that constitute customers’ experiences, and a conceptual model that describes what is customer experience is thereby proposed. In this model, customer experience is made up of five elements (dimensions): the customers themselves and customers’ interactions with physical surroundings, service providers, other customers, and companions.
Second, this research attempts to probe customers’ emotional perceptions of experience quality and to develop an instrument to measure this construct. This research clarifies the concept of experience quality by reviewing the literature, conducting qualitative studies, performing a procedure of scale development, testing the relative importance of dimensions, and examining the relationship among experience quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings verify that experience quality, as a higher-order construct, is made up five first-order constructs, which are demonstrated in the result of the qualitative study. The result of this research also reveals that experience quality has positive effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Relevant discussion of applications, future research, and limitations are also provided in the conclusion.
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體驗經濟下台灣稻米產業之商業模式創新 / Business model innovation of the rice industry in Taiwan under experience economy李烈圩 Unknown Date (has links)
個案研究顯示,四間個案公司的商業模式創新都和創新機會與創新因素息息相關,更與體驗經濟思維有非常深厚的連結,而商業模式的創新,確實能為台灣稻米產業帶來創造財富的潛力與提升永續經營的可能性。 / In recent years, experience economic viewpoint has been an important role in business. Some companies raise their products’ or services’ value by holding different experiential activities. In addition, the rice industry in Taiwan faces many challenges recently. First of all, imported liberalization and reduction of agricultural subsidies owing to joining WTO make more stress. And then people change their eating habits because of Western cultures. Moreover, many kinds of eating choices and higher proportion of eating outside are harmful for entire rice industry. Therefore, rice farming areas and provisions are decreased as well as the rice industry in Taiwan falls into aggressive competitions of price and yield.
According to business model innovation structure, this study analyzes four Taiwanese successful companies which use experience economic viewpoint. This study gains information from in-depth interviews. This study also hopes to provide case companies some advances which might improve their future development. Furthermore, a referenced model is built by this research result.
This study comes to the following conclusions:
1.The traditional rice industry should actively seek external resources, increase interactions and experiences between consumers and companies and avoid only selling rice goods. These methods could improve the growth and transformation of the rice industry.
2.Business managers need to insist their own central ideals, look for consumers who have the same ideals, create unique experiences and avoid blindly pursuing market share.
3.Business model innovation in the rice industry in Taiwan have to use new technology correctly, create experiences and redesign old elements to find a well balance of convention and innovation.
4.Business model innovation in the rice industry in Taiwan ought to pay more attention to not only wealth potential but also the possibilities of replication and sustainable development.
5.Business model innovation in the rice industry in Taiwan must think of social duty, their own ideals which are spread by experience marketing and media and take responsibility for serving the public.
From these case studies, it is shown that four companies have strongly relationships among innovation opportunities, innovation factors and experience economic viewpoints. In fact, the rice industry in Taiwan can produce wealth potential and increase the possibility of sustainable development by using business model innovation.
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