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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

風險基礎資本制實施對壽險業資本與風險之影響 / The Impact of RBC on the Capital and Risk in the Life Insurance Industry

郭純芳, Kuo, Chun Fang Unknown Date (has links)
行政院會於民國八十八年十二月十六日通過保險法修正草案,修正草案中針對強化之監理機制與增進保戶大眾之權益係以強化其資本適足性為其修法目標,所採之方法即建立風險基礎資本額制(Risk-based Capital, RBC)。而保險法修正案於民國九十年六月二十六日業已經立法院三讀通過,然RBC制度將於民國九十二年中實施。台灣保險監理機關的確有必要對於壽險公司之投資效率及經營上的安全作一考量,所以便引入美國監理關協會(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, NAIC)早於1993年便推動的風險基礎資本額制。   本文檢視美國壽險業者在風險基礎資本額制實施後,其資本結構與資產風險是否產生顯著之變化,研究保險公司之冒險行為之增減,以作為台灣監理機關未來施行RBC制度的參考。然基於此,本文利用三階段最小平方法來分析壽險業者其風險、資本與風險基礎資本制度的關係,實證結果發現RBC ratio較高的業者在風險基礎資本額制實施後,雖然增加風險但也同時調高資本比率,另一方面,RBC ratio較低之保險公司不僅僅增加公司整體風險外,也降低資本比率。 / The risk-based capital requirements developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) were intended to raise the safety net for insurers and provide regulators with the authority to intervene when capital falls below a minimum standard of capital adequacy that is related to risk. The paper examines the simultaneous impact of RBC had on life insurer’s both capital and risk. We employed a three stage least squares (3SLS) model to analyze the relationship between life insurer’s capital, risk and the risk-based capital requirements. The results suggest that life insurers with lower RBC ratio would not only increase their capital ratio but also increase their company-wide risk. Besides, the life insurers with higher RBC ratio would reduce the capital ratio and increase the risk.

台灣保險業資產風險係數之探討 / The study on the asset risk factor of insurance industry in Taiwan

曾于芳 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣風險基礎資本額制度實施至今已將近七年,但風險係數卻從未調整,本研究主要針對股票指數與匯率之風險係數探討其是否有更新之必要,藉由1986年12月至2009年12月之資料,利用GARCH模型及EGARCH模型進行風險係數之估計,除了和風險基礎資本額制度相同,以風險值為考量外,另外加入條件尾端期望值,並比較其與風險值之差別。 實證結果發現,僅部分財務時間序列有顯著之槓桿效果,因此使用GARCH模型估計風險係數較為合適;所估計之風險係數,無論是股價指數或是匯率,其估計結果皆比現行標準高出許多。 / In Taiwan, Risk-based capital (RBC) is set up in 2003. From 2003 until now, no matter how the economical environment has changed, the risk factors have remained all the same.This research mainly focuses on the risk factors of stock index and foreign exchange and wants to know if the risk factors need to be changed. The data this research encompasses is from December 1986 to December 2009.The risk factors are estimated by GARCH model and EGARCH model, utilizing not only the VaR but also the conditional tail expectation (CTE). From the result, only a few financial time series have shown leverage effect, therefore it is indeed more appropriate to apply GARCH model in risk factors estimation. Moreover, the risk factors from the result of this research, whether it is stock index or foreign exchange rate, are significantly higher than the risk factors standard applicable in Taiwan at the present.

台灣產險業實施風險基礎資本額制度之適當風險係數探討 / An Analysis of Risk Factors of RBC System for Property-Liability Industry in Taiwan

連婉儀, Lien, Wan-I Unknown Date (has links)
行政院會於民國八十八年十二月十六日通過保險法修正草案,修正草案中針對強化保險業之監理機制與增進保戶大眾之權益係以強化其資本適足性為其修法目標,所採之方法即建立風險基礎資本額制(Risk-based Capital, RBC)。而保險法修正案於民國九十年六月二十六日業已經立法院三讀通過,基於保險法相關條文規定,RBC制度將於民國九十二年中實施。 另一方面,美國經濟、社會及投資環境和台灣不盡相同,若將此制度直接或稍加修改即套用於台灣,將可能造成不切實際與誤導的作用,其結果不僅可能無法有效規範及避免保險公司失卻清償能力,亦可能因而造成龐大的社會成本,反而和當初建立RBC制度之原意背道而馳。因此,本論文即依循台灣產險業之產業特性制訂一套合宜之產險RBC制度,其中包括各個適當之風險項目及所屬之風險係數。 本論文在資產風險部分結合風險值(Value at risk, VaR)來計算資產之風險係數;在準備金風險以及自留保費收入風險則依照美國RBC制度之原始公式重新計算得來,惟準備金風險部分實因資料取得限制無法順利求出,為求模型完整性此部分本論文以財政部草案取代之;而於自留保費收入風險方面是採險種別及公司別。 研究結果發現:台灣產險的風險係數確實和美國產險的風險係數是有相當的差異,並且須根據台灣產業的經驗及配合我國的社會、經濟、投資環境並經由實際的運算才能得到適切的風險係數;而以論文所建立之RBC模型試算於各公司之風險基礎資本比則多有偏低之情形。 / Legislative Yuan has pass the draft of Insurance Law on June 26, 2001. In order to strengthen insurance regulation mechanism and to protect the insureds' benefit, the Risk-based Capital will be implemented in Taiwan Insurance market in 2003. On the other way, the economic environment and investment markets in United State are different from those in Taiwan. If we directly imitate their RBC system in Taiwan, the outcome would be impractical. It not only can't regulate the insurers effectively, but also may cause huge social cost. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to establish a suitable risk items and suitable risk factors for Property-Liability insurance in Taiwan by our own empirical data. This study finds that risk factors are significant different between Taiwan and American for Property-Liability insurance industry. The risk factors of the RBC system in Taiwan must depend on our own empirical data. I used the RBC model built in the thesis to test every Property-Liability company in Taiwan, and found that calculated Risk-based Capital ratios were relatively low.

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