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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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稅賦抵減政策對公司避險決策與資本結構之影響 / Impact of Statute for Upgrading Industry on hedging policy and capital structure

余胤樂 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文欲探討之議題為,根據文獻之研究結果,說明美國企業採取避險之策略可以提升公司之舉債能量,進而有更多稅盾之效益來增加公司價值。而台灣有優惠稅賦之情況,主要可能造成之影響為,申請核准之公司實課稅率降低、有更大動機從事研發,那麼如此影響是否將與其他論文所提到之結果有所衝突,在有稅賦減免之下會不會有相左之結果產生,並檢視這樣的政策對於台灣公司之避險程度與負債結構之影響,若政策會使有稅賦抵減之公司,也就是需要投入研發、人力培養等有成長潛力的公司,能有誘因促使該類型公司維持低負債比率以及高避險程度,那麼對公司的研究與經營能有更永續發展且穩健的影響。 根據本篇論文實證之結果,在促進產業升級條例的實施下,不但使符合資格之公司有稅賦優惠之效益外,這些具有稅賦抵減之公司,和無稅賦抵減公司相比,有較低之稅盾誘因而維持低負債比率;以及因研發費用有誘因提升,伴隨之風險程度提高,而有較高之避險程度,使得這類型具有研發密集且屬於政策實行期間台灣重點之成長產業,在政策之實行下,仍對於公司之穩定發展上與永續經營有正向之影響。


凌國彰, LING, GUO-ZHANG Unknown Date (has links)
資本結構的決定因素迄今已有許多財務論文發表,但卻一直未能達成共識。缺乏共識的原因,主要是忽略資本結構的決策制定,應考慮公司長期的策略方向,而不單單是客觀變數影響的結果。因此,本研究從更層資更高的策略層面切必,探討以往研究無法達成共識的原因。 本研究樣本來源為台灣證券交易所的上市公司,資料來源為各公司的公司說明書與中華徵信所出之“台灣地區集團企業研究”。研究時期為民國76年至民國80年。企策略型態採用Rumelt對多角化類型的分類法,將公司區分為非相關多角化,相關多角化,主力產品型與單一產品型四類。 經統計刀析後,本研究獲致結木如下: (1)企業策略型態的確會造成公司資本結構的差異。 (2)不同企業策略型態下的公司,其資本結構的決定因素亦會有所不同。


蔡依縈 Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日,非營利組織發展越來越成熟,對於社會的影響也越來越深遠。但是,各類非營利組織通常本身並無足夠自主財源藉以支持整個事業的運作和發展,故仍必須向政府、私人企業及一般社會大眾進行融資的工作,才能維持其長期性和計畫性的社會改善行動。 在過去十幾年間,非營利組織逐漸向私部門汲取經驗,以試圖改善其組織運作之效果及效率;特別是在策略規劃、行銷、融資、資訊系統以及組織發展等領域上。但就目前國內的文獻而言,其多著重於非營利組織之策略規劃以及績效評估之研究,對於非營利組織之資本結構和融資決策之研究則鮮少著墨。 因此,本研究乃根據兩大組織資本結構理論:融資順位理論(The Pecking Order Theory)以及最適資本結構靜態抵換理論(The Static Trade-Off Theory)之假設,試著以國內非營利組織之相關資料,進一步探討國內非營利組織之管理階層融資決策過程,以及組織所取得的補助款多寡,是否會影響非營利組織之管理階層之融資決策。 因國立大專院校並無融資行為,本研究所研究之非營利組織標的,以國內之私立大專院校為限;本研究之實證結果發現,當私立大專院校之盈餘波動越大時,比較不願意向外融資;代表私立大專院校在盈餘不穩定時,不會利用融資的方式取得資金,以免盈餘較大的波動性增加了拖欠成本的可能性,而進一步影響到學校整體穩健的營運。 另外,私立大專院校之實證結果未支持任何財務理論,可能原因在於私立大專院校在從事融資活動時,未有任何之借款偏好。至於就補助款比率而言,實證結果符合假說預期,代表當私立大專院校所取得之補助款越多時;亦即有較穩定之資金管道時,越不會對外融資;另外,針對利息補助款比率來說,實證結果發現,當私立大專院校取得之利息補助款越多時,並不會提高其對外取得融資的意願。就敘述性統計量來看,平均而言,私立大專院校對外借款仍須負擔約七成的利息費用,因此,教育部之利息補助並沒有大幅降低學校的負擔,所以,縱使有利息補助的措施,亦未顯著影響學校向外取得更多資金之意願。 綜上所述,當私立大專院校之盈餘波動性越高時、補助款越多時,其對外融資的傾向會降低;至於,利息補助則因教育部所提供之補助金額有限,所以,私立大專院校並不會因取得較高的利息補助款金額,而增加對外籌資的機會。 / Nonprofit Organization (NPO) has well developed and has great impact on the society. NPO may not have enough funds to support its long-term social improvement plans, so it has to borrow money from government, financial intermediary, or others. NPO have learnt many from the other sectors to get the organization more effectively and efficiently in the past years, especially about strategy planning, marketing, financing, information system and organization development. Unlike most of domestic studies that focus on the strategy planning and performance evaluation, the study focuses on the issue of capital structure and finance decision. According to organization capital structure theory, this study uses domestic NPO’s data to analyze finance decision and examines how subventions influence university’s finance decision. Because national universities have no bank liability, so the study focuses on the financial behavior of private universities. The empirical result shows that the greater the earnings fluctuated, the fewer the private university lent. In addition, the financing behavior of the private university doesn’t support any capital structure theory. It may mean that the private university management has no financing preference. When the private university obtains more subventions, the management doesn't borrow more because it has steady fund resource. When the private university obtains more subventions on interest expense, the management doesn’t borrow more. This result doesn’t support the assumption. Perhaps the subventions on interest expense don’t alleviate the burden of interest expense substantially.

風險基礎資本制實施對產險業資本與風險之影響 / The Impact of RBC on the Captial and Risk in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry

彭郁婷, Peng, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是探討風險基礎資本額制度施行後對產險公司資本與風險的影響,以作為台灣未來施行風險基礎資本額的參考。我們所使用的方法是二階段最小平方法來分析資本、風險與風險基礎資本額之關係,結果發現,當RBC ratio較低的產險公司會增加資本比率、減少其風險行為,反之,RBC ratio較高的產險公司其行為會受到公司規模大小之影響,若是RBC ratio高的大型保險公司,會減少資本、增加風險,避免過多資本管理沒有效益;小型保險公司則是會增加資本、減少風險,此即可能是為了增加承保能量以減少未來可能發生之巨災所造成的損害。 / This paper examines the simultaneous impact of the RBC regulation on property-liability insurers’ capital ratios and risk including asset risk and product risk. We use a two stage least squares (2SLS) model to analyze the relationship between property-liability insurers’ capitals, risk and RBC ratios. The results suggest that insurers with low RBC ratios increase their capital ratios and decrease their risks, while insurers with high RBC ratios have different risk-taking behavior. This is affected by the insurers’ sizes. Small insurers with high RBC ratios increase capital and decrease risk to enlarge capacity and to prevent any catastrophe happening in the future. Large insurers with high RBC ratios decrease capital and increase risk to avoid management inefficiency.

信用評等與資本結構 / Credit Ratings and Capital Structure

李瑞瑜, LEE, JUI YU Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001至2006年台灣上市、上櫃公司為研究對象,探討信用評等與資本結構的關係。參考Kisgen (2006),以融資順位理論和靜態抵換理論為基礎,本研究探討:(1) 面臨信用評等調等之公司,是否會減少其負債水準,以避免(促使)信用評等調降(調升),(2) 面臨信用評等調等之公司,是否會背離融資順位理論及靜態抵換理論,而減少長期債務水準。 分析信用評等調等與負債水準關聯性之實證結果顯示,信用評等為影響資本結構之重要因素。企業會因信用評等面臨調等,而減少其負債。此外,企業利用資本結構的改變以避免信用評等調降的動機較促使信用評等調升之動機強,而此種現象又以規模較大之公司較為顯著。 分析信用評等調等對資本結構理論之影響之實證結果顯示,在納入信用評等變數後,面臨信用評等調等之公司有較高傾向背離融資順位理論和靜態抵換理論,進一步減少其長期債務之水準。 / Based on a sample of listed companies in Taiwan over the period of 2001 to 2006, this research investigates the relationship between credit ratings and capital structure. Refers to Kisgen (2006), and result on the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory, this research examines:(1) whether firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less debt relative to equity. (2) whether firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less long-term debts and thus depart from the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory. The findings reveals that credit ratings is an important factor to determination of capital structure. The results show that firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less debt relative to equity. The findings also indicates that firms are more inclined to avoid the downgrade of their credit ratings than to instigate the upgrade of their credit ratings. Such phenomena is more obviously for larger firms. In addition, this research also finds that firms near a credit rating upgrade or downgrade would issue less long-term debts and thus depart from the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory, after taking their credit ratings into consideration.

臺灣電信產業資本結構決定因素之研究 / The Determinants of Capital Structure of The Telecom Industry in Taiwan

林志隆, Lirn, Jyh Lurng Unknown Date (has links)
By use of traditional regression analysis, this study investigates the explanatory power of several factors on the capital structure of the three biggest telecom companies in Taiwan. The study extends empirical work on capital structure through Granger causality to determine whether it is, for instance, the firm size that affects the choice of capital structure or a firm's choice of capital structure that affect its firm size. In the traditional regression analysis, confirming the pecking order model, more profitable firms have lower debt ratio. Consistent with most literatures, collateral value of tangible assets has a positive effect on debt ratio. The effect of firm size is ambiguous. Results of Granger causality between variables have different implications for the selected companies. Overall this study provides some useful information of capital structure of the telecom industry in Taiwan.

保險業之資本結構 / Determinants of Capital Structure in the Insurance Industry

陳盈君, Chen, Ying-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文目的在檢視壽險業資本結構的影響因素,樣本為美國壽險公司。金融及保險市場的特殊性質會造成保險公司有動機去調整控制資本結構與資產風險,以維持公司失卻清償能力的風險在適當的範圍內。我們的實證結果中顯示槓桿比率與資產風險的負向關係的確存在於美國壽險業當中。 此外,一般公司資本結構理論中的公司大小、代理問題皆顯示對壽險公司的資本結構造成影響;公司的評比對公司的槓桿比率有顯著影響;使用獨立代理人銷售業務的公司有較高的槓桿比率與風險;實證結果亦顯示壽險公司的資產風險與投資的集中度及經營險種的集中度有正相關,意味著資產風險可以透過分散投資與險種多樣化的方式來分散降低。 / This study examines the capital structure determinants of life insurance companies in U.S. The decision of capital structure in insurance industry should be a joint decision of capital structure and firm risk. Insurers have incentive to keep firm risk within a safe range, due to the special features in the insurance markets. We find evidence supporting the negative relationship between leverage ratio and firm risk, suggesting that insurers will balance risk and leverage to keep the insolvency risk within a desired range. In addition, general capital structure theories such as size and agency theory are significant in our empirical result. Rating is shown a significant factor of capital structure in life insurance industry. Evidence suggests the independent agents have less incentive to monitor insurers. Firm risk is also shown significant relationship with undiversified investments and concentrated business line, which suggests that life insurers can reduce firm risk by diversifying investment risk and business risk.

國內上市公司資本結構決定因素之研究 / The Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure: Taiwan Evidence

王瑛璋, Wang, Yin Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章,第一章為緒論,概述本文的研究動機、目的、限制與範圍、及研究架構。第二章為文獻探討,將一些與資本結構相關的理論與文獻做一整理,然後找出影響的可能因素。第三章為研究設計,除對整體樣本公司做迴歸分析外,也對各別產業、股市多空頭時期、第一二類上公司進行分析,以找出影響愛因為何。第四章則為實證結果。第五章為結論與建議,將實證結果做一整理並且對政府及公司有簡短的建議。   本研究結果顯示   1.公司的獲利性、現金股利發放率、稅率、非負債稅盾、營運風險與長期負債比率成反向相關。規模、成長機會、資產抵押價值則與長期負債比率呈正相關。   2.短期負債比率的影響愛因僅與規模、獲利性、股利發放率、資產抵押價值呈顯著相關。   3.產業別確是一個影響資本結構的變因。   4.股市多、空頭時期的資本結構確有差異,空頭時期公司傾向以負債融通。   5.第一、二類上市公司僅長期負債比率存在差異。其中第二類公司的資本結構影響愛因多與土地等有形資產相關。


鄭蕙如 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣IPO公司市場擇時與資本結構之研究 / Market Timimg and Capital Structure of Taiwan's IPO Companies

康茵婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣企業為研究對象,探討公司融資決策與市場時機之關係。以樣本研究期間內每月份辦理初次公開發行(IPO)家數相對多寡為衡量股市冷熱性之指標,藉由觀察於冷、熱市辦理IPO公司的融資決策差異來分析國內企業是否存在市場擇時行為以及其對資本結構的長短期影響。 實證結果顯示,熱市IPO公司於IPO當年之權益融資幅度明顯多於冷市IPO公司,使其負債比率顯著低於冷市IPO公司,然自IPO後二年起,擇時效果便逐年遞減,顯示擇時行為對資本結構的影響相當短暫,由於不論冷、熱市IPO公司,於IPO後均仍傾向依國內企業偏好之融資順位即先權益後舉債之方式籌資,且IPO後負債比率有逐年回升並趨近於IPO前水平之趨勢,顯示長期而言,國內公司資本結構相當穩定,因此推測國內企業資本結構之決定方式可能為動態抵換理論與融資順位理論之結合,即公司會在可接受之負債比率波動範圍內依照偏好之融資順位進行籌資。由於市場擇時並非調整資本結構時之主要考量,故其對資本結構的影響也相對有限,因此隨時間經過,之前的擇時行為便無法解釋公司後來資本結構之變動。 之前相關實證研究均採用市值對帳面價值比為擇時行為代理變數,本研究於比較不同方法之實證結果後發現,在台灣,市值對帳面價值比除了可作為衡量股市錯價之指標外亦可衡量公司未來成長機會,故若單使用市值對帳面價值比為代理變數將使得實證結果對於市場擇時的解釋力較為薄弱。 / This paper examines the capital structure implications of market timing. I use initial public offering as a single timing event of financing. Market timers would be those firms that go public in hot issue markets. I find that hot-market IPO firms issue more equity and hence their debt ratios decline more than cold-market ones at the end of IPO year. However, the timing effect diminishes with time and in two years after IPO, there is no significant difference between hot and cold-market firms’ debt ratios anymore. After the initial public offering, both firms’ tend to raise capital needs based on their preference financing order, which means retained earnings first, then equity issuance and finally raising debts in Taiwan. In addition, the debt ratios seem to steadily approach to their pre-IPO levels. These all might reveal that, the dynamic trade-off theory and pecking order theory would be better than the market timing theory to explain firms’ capital structures in Taiwan. Some related studies followed Baker and Wurgler(2002)’s approach, using market to book ratio as firms’ market timing proxy. I compare the results of different proxies and find that in Taiwan, market to book ratio could not only be a timing proxy but referring to a firm’s growth opportunity as well. Hence, it should be avoided using market to book ratio as a single proxy of firms’ market timing behavior when studying firms’ capital structures in Taiwan.

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