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台灣高科技產業形成無負債公司的決定因素研究 / The Determinants of Debt-Free High-Tech Electronic Companies in Taiwan陳健南 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究也發現高科技產業公司無負債公司比例與公司規模成反比,規模越小無負債比例越高,同時規模越小的無負債公司有較多的舉債限制;無負債公司的獲利能力比負債公司佳,而且有較多的投資機會;小型無負債公司藉由高現金股利提高現金殖利率,大型無負債公司則發放較多的現金股利以減輕代理問題;無負債公司在現金股利未分派給股東前會將公司內部資金當成短期權益資金使用,故無負債公司自由現金流量較獲利較差的負債公司充裕;無負債公司有較高的股票評價,但股票報酬率則與負債公司無顯著不同;無負債公司利用較多的非負債稅盾,故所得稅率並未高於負債公司,最後本研究發現台灣高科技公司是否無舉債經營之機率與競爭同業整體無負債比例呈正相關。 / This study explores the determinants of debt-free high technology firms in Taiwan using data from 1991-2008. We find that some firms in Taiwan’s hig-tech industry operate without any debt for a long time and the number of debt-free firms increases overtime. Our results also show that the percentage of debt-free firms varies inversely with firm size. When the size of the company is small, the percentage for them to be debt free firms is higher. We find that there are more borrowing constraints for small debt-free firms in Taiwan and debt-free firms are more profitable, have more investment opportunities. Small debt-free firms tend to pay high cash dividend to increase the yield of stock. Large debt-free firms pay high dividend to mitigate agency problem between managers and shareholders. We find that debt-free firms use retained earning as short term equity capital to generate more free cash flow than debt firms before cash dividend dispatched to shareholders. We also find that debt-free firms have better stock valuation but their stock return are similar to those firms with debts. There is no evidence that debt-free firms pay higher income tax rate than debt firms because they tend to use more non-debt tax shelter. Our results show that the probability for firms to operate with debt is positively related to the average percentage of competitor’s debt-free ratio in the same industry.
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現增價格折價幅度影響因子之分析 / The Determinant of Underpricing for Seasoned Equity Offers張經艷 Unknown Date (has links)
公司面臨資金需求而選擇由發行新股的方式辦理增資後,投資人將以低於市價的價格申購,本文旨在探討現金增資股票折價的影響因子,使用最小平方法及一般動差法評估,以季資料做為實證分析,樣本期間為2001年1月1日起2009年12月31日止,共688個樣本點,本研究結果如下:(一)平均折價幅度為1.21美元,股價在宣告日當天,宣告價格和當日股價的報酬率約為5.6%,從文獻資料顯示1977年開始,現金增資的折價幅度與時俱增。(二)宣告日前一天的股價、保留盈餘、每股報酬、每股資本報酬、折舊以及發行六項變數具有統計上的顯著效果。 / When a company has money deficit, it may raises capital by issuing stocks. Investors buy those stocks with lower price. This paper investigates NYSE and Nasdaq stocks’ quarterly data from Jan.1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2009. We use general moment method (GMM) to estimate the equation. The empirical results suggest: (1) The stock discount rate is increasing over time compared to prior researches. The average discount rate is 5.6%. (2) The stock price prior to claim day, earnings retention rate, return on average assets, return on average equity, depreciation and issue amount have statistically significant influences.
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中華航空公司資本結構影響因素之探討張烱滄 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響調整至最適資本結構之調整因子分析 / Cross-country Determinants of Partial Adjustment Speed toward Target Capital Structure楊淑婷, Yang, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年針對資本結構的研究發現,在比較先進國家的企業確實有逐步調整回自己的最適資本結構的動作。本論文進一步將研究擴大到開發中國家,發現研究中的32個國家,不論是已開發或是發開中國家的企業,確實都有維持最適資本結構的動作。當資本結構偏離時,企業會逐步地調整回其最適值,然而每個國家調整回最適資本結構的調整速度則存在著差異性。本論文進一步利用國家間法律、會計、制度以及規範面的差異下去分析,發現國家發展程度以及會計制度是影響調整回最適資本結構的速度快慢的重要因子。此外,本論文亦探討融資順位理論及擇時理論的影響,發現加入融資順位理論因子後,調整速度會有相當程度的減緩,而減緩的幅度,則與國家發展程度、法律保護、公司稅率以及會計制度有顯著的關連性。 / Recent empirical literature provides evidences that firms in most developed countries do partially adjust toward their target capital structure. In this paper, we show that no only firms in developed countries, but also those in emerging countries gradually move back to their long-run equilibrium when they are away from it. But the adjustment speeds vary from country to country. We study the determinants of adjustment speeds around the world by focusing on differences in laws and regulations across countries. Our evidences show that firms in countries with common-law tradition, stronger shareholder right, or more completed accounting standards tend to move back to their optimal leverage quicker. Furthermore, we add two variables related to other two main capital structures (pecking order and market timing) in our analysis to capture their effects. Both theories add some information in explaining capital structure, but the impacts differ when applying different leverage measures. When we define leverage ratio as long-term debts dividend by net assets, we observe that pecking order factor lowers the adjustment speed a lot. And the magnitude of decrease on adjustment speed is significantly correlated with market condition, law enforcement, corporate tax rate and accounting standard. More developed countries and countries with stronger law enforcement, higher corporate tax rate, or more completed accounting standards tend to have less reduction on adjustment speed when including pecking order factor, because they have less information asymmetries.
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公司治理與動態資本結構關係之研究 / Two Essays of the Effects of Corporate Governance on Capital Structure Dynamics張雅凱, Chang, Ya Kai Unknown Date (has links)
第二篇文章主要探討產品市場競爭在公司治理品質與動態資本結構關係中所扮演的角色。文獻中已有許多研究探討市場競爭對經理人的怠惰行為的影響。然而,到目前為止,仍然沒有文獻研究產品市場競爭程度的高低如何影響公司治理與資本結構調整速度之間的關係。我們的文章因此補足目前研究文獻不足之處。實證結果顯示,公司在競爭的狀態下,更願意以追求股東財富極大化為其目標,此舉也因此提升公司資本結構朝向最適目標值調整的速度。除此之外,我們的實證結果亦發現在一個高度市場競爭的環境下,弱治理與強治理公司之間調整速度的差距會縮小。 / This study contains two essays on the relationship between corporate governance on capital structure dynamics, and how production market competition affects this relation.
Essay 1: Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Structure: New Evidences
The effects of corporate governance on optimal capital structure choices have been well documented, though without offering empirical evidence about the impact of corporate governance quality on the adjustment speed toward an optimal capital structure. This study simultaneously considers two effects of debt originating from agency theory—the takeover defense and the disciplinary effects of debt—on the speed of adjustment to the optimal capital structure. Corporate governance has a distinct effect on the speed of capital structure adjustment: weak governance firms that are underlevered tend to adjust slowly to the optimal capital structure, because the costs of the disciplinary role of debt outweigh the benefits of using debt as a takeover defense tool. Although, overlevered weak governance firms also adjust slowly, they do so because they are reluctant to decrease their leverage toward the target level to deter potential raiders, especially if they face a serious takeover threat. Therefore, this study finds that both overlevered and underlevered firms with weak governance adjust slowly toward their target debt levels, though with different motivations.
Essay 2: Corporate Governance, Product Market Competition, and Dynamic Capital Structure
The importance of product market competition for analyzing managerial slack or the impact of corporate governance on capital structure decision has been widely discussed. However, prior studies pay little attention to center on the impact of market competition on the relationship between corporate governance quality and capital structure dynamics. This paper thus fills this gap in the literature. Our study finds that competition makes firms with weak governance have stronger incentive to maximize shareholders’ wealth and thus increase their adjustment speed toward their target leverage. Moreover, the difference in the adjustment speeds between weak and strong governance firms become smaller when firms operate in highly competitive industries.
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兩稅合一對公司資本結構決定因素之影響劉明衢, Godman, Vito Unknown Date (has links)
規模較小之公司的負債比率下降程度較多。 / The past researches on corporate financing structure can be divided into two lines, one in the corporate financing theories and the other in the determinants of corporate financing decisions. After the tax integration, the research whether the adoption of tax integration has a significant impact on corporate financing structure have become a mainstream.
The study investigates three issues. The first is to investigate whether the debt ratio decreases after tax integration. The second is to investigate the effect of effective tax ratio, dividend payout ratio, profitability on the debt ratio. The third is to investigate whether the effect of tax regime change on the debt ratio is difference between effective tax ratio and firm size.
The empirical results show follows: (1) After tax integration, the firm’s debt ratio decreased. (2) Effective tax ratio has positive relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of effective tax ratio effect on debt ratio declined. (3) Dividend payout ratio has negative relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of dividend payout ratio effect on debt ratio declined. (4) Profit ratio has negative relation with debt ratio no matter before or after tax integration. After tax integration, the degree of profit ratio effect on debt ratio increased. (5) After tax integration, the decline of debt ratio for company with higher debt ratio is more than the decline of debt ratio for company with lower debt ratio. (6) After tax integration, the decline of debt ratio for small firms is more than the decline of debt ratio for large firms.
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以重複事件分析法分析現金增資 / Recurrent event analysis of seasoned equity offerings劉佩芸, Liu, Pei Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在公司財務的領域中,探討公司資本結構決策主要有三個主流理論:靜態抵換理論、融資順位理論以及折時理論。本篇文章採用重複事件分析法,首先沿用Baker and Wurgler (2002)中提及之五個因素做為自變數,研究影響公司辦理現金增資危險函數之因子研究,研究結果顯示,公司現金增資之危險函數與財務槓桿成正向關係,此項證據傾向支持融資順位理論,然而本篇論文研究結果,並無顯著證據支持折時理論。本篇論文接著建立另一組變素設定,將價格趨勢納入模型中,取代原來在Baker and Wurgler(2002)中觀察折時現象之因子,結果顯示折時現象是顯著的。因此,本篇論文研究結果並未對是否支持折時理論下定論,值得思考的是,欲觀察公司是否存在折時現象,除了Baker and Wurgler(2002)中提及之變數之外,直接將價格趨勢納入模型或許是另一個可行之道。 / In the field of traditional corporate financing theories, there are three mainstream theories leading the way while talking about the firms’ financing decisions: static trade-off theory, pecking order theory, and market timing theory. In this paper, we apply the recurrent event analysis and follow the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler (2002) first to examine the factors that affect firms’ hazard rate to offer seasoned equity. The results indicate that higher leverage is in positive relation
with the hazard rate of firms’ seasoned equity offering, meaning that firms’ financing decisions follow the pecking order theory to some degree. However, while the recurrent event analysis is adopted, the market timing effect becomes insignificant when considering the independent variables appearing in the Baker and Wurgler(2002). As a result, we proceed to establish another set of covariates in which the
price trend factor is involved to examine the market timing effect. While the price trend factor is substituted for the market-to-book ratio to represent the market timing effect, the market timing effect turns out to be significant. Thus, we consider that using the price trend of the market directly may be a suitable way to examine the market timing effect.
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最低稅負制施行對企業稅負及資本結構之影響陳韻如 Unknown Date (has links)
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管理者持股比例對公司資本結構與負債期限之影響洪琬瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 管理者持股比例與公司負債比例呈現不顯著負向關係。
2. 固定資產、公司規模與公司負債比例呈現顯著正向關係。
3. 獲利能力、營運風險與公司負債比例呈現顯著負向關係。
4. 公司成長機會與營運風險皆與公司負債期限呈現顯著負向關係。
5. 傳統產業、航運產業、觀光產業等三種產業與負債期限呈現顯著相關。
6. 在公司成長機會高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著負向關係。
7. 在公司成長機會低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為顯著正向關係。
8. 在公司營運風險高時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著正向關係。
9. 在公司營運風險低時,管理者持股比例與公司負債期限為不顯著負向關係。
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台灣資訊電子業與紡纖業之資本結構影響因素及最適資本結構之研究-以上市公司為例 / The study of the influencing factors of capital structure and optimal capital structure for Taiwan public corporations in electronics and fiber industry陳金塔, Chen, Jin-Taa Unknown Date (has links)
1. 首先使用簡單敘述統計分析,瞭解兩產業樣本在各研究變數上之屬性,作為後面實證分析之參考。
2. 利用相關分析與簡單迴歸分析,探討各影響因素與負債比率變動的相關性,並以F-test來檢定迴歸係數的顯著性。
3. 以橫斷面多元迴歸分析及逐步迴歸分析驗證影響資本結構的因素。本研究屬於對現有財務結構理論之實證工作。並以逐步迴歸分析建立本研究之最佳迴歸模式。
4. 運用單因子變異數分析檢定兩產業間財務結構與營運風險是否有顯著差異。
5. 運用集群分析將樣本公司劃分為高、低負債比率二群,接著以變異數分析探討兩群體間股東權益報酬率、權益風險。
6. 以問卷調查分析樣本廠商在籌措資金時,對於其資本結構所採取的作法為何?同時觀察廠商在融資作法與決策上,所考慮的影響因素為何。
1. 電子業上市公司負債比率之最佳解釋變數為獲利能力、公司規模、資產抵押價值、股利發放率、非負債稅盾,紡纖業上市公司為獲利能力、營運風險、公司規模。
2. 兩產業上市公司間之負債比率與營運風險並無顯著差異。
3. 紡纖業上市公司財務結構較佳者其股東權益報酬率有較佳之表現,電子業上市公司高、低槓桿間之股東權益報酬率無顯著差異。
4. 由多項式趨勢線觀察出,電子業與紡纖業上市公司負債比率維持在0.3188至0.3859之間、0.3028至0.3227之間者,對應之ROE較高。
5. 在回收樣本中,有69.7%的公司偏好融資順位方式,只有45.45%選擇維持一目標資本結構。問卷結果顯示內部資金為最優先選擇,財務規劃準則比資本結構決策更重要,公司或個人所得稅及槓桿關聯成本並非樣本公司的管理者在決定融資組合時的主要考慮因素。
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