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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳韻如 Unknown Date (has links)
為改善享有租稅優惠之高所得企業或個人,繳納極低的所得稅負甚或完全免稅的情形,我國於民國95年1月1日開始施行最低稅負制,要求納稅義務人必須達到稅負的基本貢獻度。本研究探討最低稅負制的施行對於長期以來享受較多租稅優惠的電子業之影響是否異於其他產業,並分析影響企業加徵最低稅負的主要因素,最後探討企業資本結構是否因最低稅負制的實施而有所改變。   本研究實證結果顯示,電子業在最低稅負制實施初期並不如預期中有較高的加徵機率及金額,產業間租稅負擔不公的現象未能立即有顯著的改善。而公司有較高的證券及期貨交易停徵所得或投資抵減時,其加徵機率及金額亦較高,為目前企業加徵最低稅負的兩個主要因素。最後,有關最低稅負是否對企業資本結構造成影響,並未獲得實證上的證據,顯示我國實施最低稅負制對於企業資本結構尚無明顯的不利影響。


羅能清, Luo, Neng-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
隨 國家經濟發展,薪資所得者必佔就業人口的絕大部分,而租稅結構中直接稅比重 亦漸形提高,薪資所得者的所得稅負擔便普受社會大眾所關切,當今輿論咸認一般薪 資所得者租稅負擔過重,然實情如何?此為本文主要研究動機。本文共分七章,約四 萬字。針對我國薪資所得者租稅負擔(以綜合所得稅負擔為主)問題予以探討。前半 部就薪資所得稅是否應輕課、其對工作意願的影響,及通貨膨脹所造成稅負加重情況 加以研究,後半部就我國實際資料予以客觀分析,結果顯示,就總體而論,其稅負並 未過重,可是就課徵公平性與合理性而言,當今的稅制值得商權。解決之道,除加強 其他來源所得稽徵外,對薪資所得者的各項租稅優惠方法及增進課徵合理化的改革措 施,宜積極採行,以期租稅負擔公平,提高全民福利水準。


游勝福, You, Sheng-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
我國目前之企業仍以中小企業為主, 由於新近其他開發中國家在輕工業方面之發展, 對我國產品的國際市場壓力愈來愈大, 又因天然資源有限, 能源危機之來臨, 中小型 企業所能承受環境變化之衝擊遠遜於具有經濟規模的企業, 政府乃積極地於獎勵投資 條例中訂定鼓勵合併之條文, 惟施行以來, 成效不彰, 究其原因, 除國人喜歡自己經 營之民族性外, 有關合併程序、會計處理及租稅負擔等有關問題, 多少也使投資人對 合併之意願受到抑減, 本文即將就合併程序、會計處理及租稅負擔三方面予以探討。 在合併程序方面將以我國公司法規定為主, 就實務上之問題提出討論, 例如合併契約 有關換股比率、訂約日以後至實際依法合併前之股東權益、異議債權人之處理等。 合併之會計處理部份, 將介紹我國公司法、商業會計法及所得稅法有關公司合併之規 定, 並分析該規定與美國一般公認會計原則之異同, 再介紹我國實務。 租稅負擔將介紹企業與股東的租稅問題。 在結論及建議中, 就研究所得提出個人的看法及建議事項。


陳雪英 Unknown Date (has links)
基於財政為整個發展政策貨幣面的縮圖,為探討財政在臺灣所引起的發展催化,本文乃以臺灣財政負擔作為重點,處理下列相關問題,進以知悉臺灣財政結構變遷與人民財政負擔。 第一、探討在日治時代,臺灣的財政負擔是否逐漸加重:由於政府的租稅收入,即為人民的財政負擔。而日治時代,臺灣的財政負擔就戰前部分為不斷下降。 第二、探討開戰前後,財政負擔之差別:儘管在開戰後之財政負擔有所加重。但由於同期間所得的增加,因此開戰後就負擔能力來看並未過重。 第三、臺人與在臺日人之財政負擔:就其每人負擔的絕對金額而言,日人負擔均較臺人為重;此外,兩稅稅額占所得的比率在1930年代前臺人較日人重,其後則反之。因此,倘租稅公平是以稅額占所得的比率作為納稅能力之指標,則可知不公平現象僅發生在日治初期。 最後,透過本文的實證結果亦顯示出,開戰後固然對稅收影響較戰前重,但整體稅收所得彈性是小於1的,亦即以長期趨勢而言,經濟成長較稅收增加為速。


林煥德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從長時間來觀察台灣香菸稅捐的累退程度變化,並且同時觀察台灣吸菸家庭具備何種特徵,以作為政府相關單位在制定租稅及菸害防制等政策的一個參考。利用行政主計處之「家庭收支調查報告」、台灣省菸酒公賣局之「臺灣地區菸酒事業統計年報」及學者研究等資料來進行累退性衡量,發現自1979年開始至2007年,我國香菸稅累退程度呈現加劇的情形,而各吸菸家庭則呈現出菸草消費支出金額愈高者戶長及家庭成員平均年齡愈低、教育程度較低、以及女性戶長比例下降等特徵。 由此結果可看出我國香菸稅累退程度並未減輕,低所得家庭反而較高所得家庭負擔為重,此外菸草消費支出較高的家庭由於平均教育程度較低,普遍缺乏吸菸會造成健康危害的風險認知,因此衛生醫療主管當局應加強菸害防制教育以利提升國民健康。 / This study observes the regressivity changes of cigarette taxation in Taiwan for long run and the features of smoking families in Taiwan to offer the government and relevant organization a reference in making taxation and tobacco hazards prevention policies. This study uses “Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan Area of Republic of China” from 1979 to 2007, “Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Statistical Yearbook” and other scholars’ contribution to measure the regressivity of cigarette taxation. The results shows the regressivity of cigarette taxation in Taiwan is more and more severe from 1979 to 2007, and the smoking families which have higher tobacco expenditure shows the features of lower average age, lower education level, and lower percentage of female household head. This study concludes that the regressivity of cigarette taxation is more amd more severe, so the tax burden of lower income families is much serious than higher income families, and because of lower education level, the families with higher tobacco expenditure are popularly lack of risk perception which smoking hazards health. Therefore health and medical executive should reinforce tobacco prevention education to promote national health.


游秉睿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有兩個主題,第一個是近年我國家戶租稅負擔的分析,主要是以主計處家庭收支調查的個別家戶為基礎,透過戶數十分位法來檢視近年我國家戶間,各分位租稅負擔的情況。研究中,除了傳統的家戶租稅負擔率分析之外,還根據了每個家庭人口數的不同,檢視了有依據人口數調整的家戶租稅負擔率。 第二個主題是關於所得重分配效果的解析,研究依循Aronson、Johnson、Lambert在1994年所提出的AJL模型,計算近年我國各稅目的重分配效果,並將重分配效果分解成垂直效果、水平不公平效果以及所得重排序效果,藉此檢視各個租稅的重分配效果是否存在,並瞭解重分配效果的組成狀況。 研究結果發現:在我國的稅負分配中,最高所得分位與最低所得分位負擔了較重的租稅。所得稅的最高所得分位有高度累進的情況,財產稅在最高所得分位亦有高度累進,不同於以往大多呈現比例稅的狀況,A組假設下的消費稅趨近於比例稅,B組假設下的消費稅則是呈現累退。經過家戶相當規模因子調整後的家戶租稅負擔率,所得稅的有效稅率在第六分位以下有下降的現象,而第六分位以上有上升的現象,財產稅的有效稅率在第七、八分位以下有下降的現象,而第七、八分位以上有上升的現象,消費稅的有效稅率在第三、四分位以下有上升的現象,而第三、四分位以上有下降的現象。我國所有的租稅項目皆具有所的重分配的效果。所得稅與財產稅具有改善所得不平等的作用,消費稅則是加重所得不平等。而所得稅、消費稅、財產稅的水平不公平效果佔重分配效果的比例皆很小。至於所得重排序效果佔重分配效果的比例,所得稅最大,消費稅次之,財產稅最小。

貨物稅完全轉嫁之因素探討-以臺灣香菸稅為例 / A Study of Fully Forward-shifted Excise Tax:A case of the Taiwanese cigarette market

李政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣菸品市場之租稅負擔是個很奇特之現象,當臺灣政府對香菸產品課稅時,菸商會將租稅完全轉嫁給消費者,即便消費者之需求是有彈性的。本文為探討此原因,以Milgrom and Roberts之利潤目標模型為基礎,建立一個廠商追求利潤目標之模型來解釋,當菸商面臨政府課稅時,是否會將租稅百分之百轉嫁給消費者。由此模型推論出,若菸商欲維持市場之獨占或寡占地位時,便會追求較低之利潤目標,使潛在競爭者相信菸品市場利潤不大,此時潛在競爭者便不會進入菸品市場中與現有之菸商競爭。 本文設定利潤模型後,便以此利潤模型進行比較靜態分析,本文假設當菸商欲維持在市場之獨占或寡占地位時,於政府課徵從量稅後,會如何轉嫁租稅給消費者,並分別由價格及數量為切入點分析。經過比較分析後的結果可得知,只要菸商之目標為持續保有獨占或寡占之地位,而非追求利潤極大化時,租稅的完全轉嫁即會存在,即使消費者需求是有彈性的,消費者將會面對一個稅額百分之百增加的供給價格。 / The tax burden of cigarette products in the Taiwanese market baffles many researchers in public finance. Despite that the demand of cigarette products is elastic, when the tax rate of cigarette products increases, cigarette manufacturers, with no exception, raise the prices accordingly, and therefore, the increased taxes are entirely shifted to consumers. This is very different from the traditional idea of tax incidence based on elasticity. In order to figure out the reason, this paper uses the framework of the limit pricing model of Milgrom and Roberts (1982) with the assumption of target profit to establish an economic reasoning of why the tax hikes in the cigarette products are one hundred percent shifted to consumers. This model infers that when cigarette manufacturers have entry deterrence in mind, they tend to pursue a lower profit target to keep potential competitors away. Given the framework and basic assumption from above, comparative statics of tax increases are done for both quantity and pricing games. The results suggest that when cigarette manufacturers are facing an increase in the unit tax rate of their products, it is typical that the incidence of the increased tax been no less than one hundred percent forward-shifted to consumers. The traditional theory of tax incidence by elasticity under the profit maximization firms does not apply here. The economic intuition is that in order to thwart entry, existing firms use the complete forward shifting of the tax increase as a bad signal of the profitability of the market to potential competitors.


姚彥成, YAO, YEN-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國86年至民國93年上市公司財務報表資料探討我國企業赴中國大陸投資相關因素對有效稅率的影響。經本研究實證結果發現,有赴中國大陸投資的上市公司其有效稅率低於未赴中國大陸投資者;上市公司透過間接方式投資大陸地區之比重愈高者以及大陸地區投資獲利愈高者,由於有較多租稅規劃的空間,其有效稅率愈低。整體而言,在研究期間中,我國上市公司之平均有效稅率明顯低於營利事業所得稅名目最高邊際稅率;公司規模對有效稅率有負向影響,符合政治權力假說;本研究以長期負債、固定資產、存貨、研究發展費用做為投資理財決策的代理變數,皆與有效稅率呈現負相關,因此投資理財決策具有稅盾效果,可以降低公司稅負;另外,上市公司的獲利能力愈佳,有效稅率也愈高;證券以及土地交易所得等免稅所得較多的上市公司,有效稅率較低。上述分析顯示,上市公司赴中國大陸投資因素對於其租稅負擔有顯著影響,值得政府有關單位做為研擬相關法規的參考。 / This study uses 1997-2004 financial statement data to explore the relationships between investment in Mainland China and the effective tax rates (ETRs) of listed companies in Taiwan. The empirical results show that investment in Mainland China of the listed companies has a negative and significant impact on the ETRs. This study finds that ETRs is negatively related with the scale of indirect investment and the level of profit of subsidiaries in Mainland China, perhaps due to a higher flexibility and feasibility of tax planning. Our results also reveal that average ETRs of listed companies are substantially lower than the statutory tax rate of the Income Tax Act of R.O.C. Small firms are more likely to have greater ETRs, supporting the political power hypothesis. Moreover, because of the tax shield effects, long-term debts, fixed assets, inventories, and R&D expenses, all as proxies for the financial decisions, have negative and significant impacts on the ETRs of listed companies. Finally, ceteris paribus, profitable companies tend to have higher ETRs, and tax-exempt capital gains from stock and land transactions also reduce the ETRs of listed companies. These findings indicate that investment in Mainland China by listed companies plays an important role in their tax burdens, and this fact should be taken into account by the government in devising future tax reforms.


黃銘啟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討最低稅負制實施後,對我國上市櫃電子業稅負影響情況為何。不同於以往文獻以營利事業所得稅申報資料來進行模擬分析,本研究以財務報表之所得稅附註資料進行模擬設算。不用營利事業所得稅申報資料進行模擬乃因該資料取得不易,並非一般投資大眾所能獲取之資料,本研究乃嘗試使用財務報表之所得稅附註資料進行模擬設算,希望能模擬出最低稅負制之實施對電子業之影響情形。此外,本研究利用模擬設算之基本稅額與一般所得稅額之差額當成依變數,建立一條迴歸式,希望能從中發現最低稅負制實施後,受影響之公司具有哪些特性,以供投資人在選擇投資標的時有所參考。 本研究經過篩選後,對我國上市櫃電子業的其中206家公司進行民國93年及94年的模擬設算。其設算結果為平均每年每家公司會增加1,000多萬元的稅負,而約有3成的公司將會受到影響。實證結果亦證實最低稅負制實施後,對於我國上市櫃電子業確實有明顯的租稅負擔。迴歸結果則發現,對於股東可扣抵稅額愈小、研發費用愈高、獲利能力愈佳及公司規模愈大之公司會有較明顯的租稅負擔。此種情形是否對這些公司之競爭力造成不利影響,非常值得關心。此外,電子業競爭相當激烈,必須投入相當多的研究發展費用與相關的重大投資,而經本研究結果也證實,研發費用愈高的公司,在最低稅負實施後,將補繳愈多的稅額,未來公司在從事這些支出時,應更加審慎評估。 / This study investigates the effects that the implementation of Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) has on our electronic industries publicly listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange. Past studies often utilized the income tax reported by profit-seeking enterprises; nevertheless, these data are not accessible to the public. In view of this, the current study attempts to simulate calculating the appendix of income tax in financial statements, with an aim to simulating the impacts that implementation of AMT exerts on the electronic industries. Furthermore, as the difference between the simulated Basic tax and Regular tax is the dependent variable, established is a regression model, with which the characteristics of the companies influenced by the implementation of AMT can be identified, so that investors can refer to when they choose investing targets. After the sampling, the simulating calculation on two years, i.e. 2004 and 2005 has been conducted among 206 companies among the publicly listed electronic industries. The results of calculation demonstrate that each company would have more than ten million taxes each year and approximately thirty percent of the firms will be influenced by the implementation of AMT. Empirical results also confirm that there will be significant tax burdens after AMT takes effect. Moreover, the outcomes of regression analysis indicate that more salient tax burdens will be imposed upon the firms with larger size, smaller shareholder deductible tax, higher research funds, and more profitability.


王肇蘭, Wang ,Chao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
人類慾望無窮而資源有限,所以如何將資源做最有效的使用一直是經濟學所追求的課題。有關效率的規範分析中,巴瑞圖最適(Pareto optimality)為接受度最高的準則。基於巴瑞圖效率的觀點,不論是營利組織或非營利組織其經營之基本理念皆是希望以最少的投入獲得最大的產出,因此衡量投入與產出間之相對表現即為效率的評估。非營利組織及公共部門因為有許多產出、投入不易量化,故其效率不易評定。此一情況一直到DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis;資料包絡分析法)發展才逐漸改善。另外,有關DEA的運用幾乎都集中在個別決策單位的效率衡量,將之應用在衡量總體經濟的表現上非常少見。所以論文第肆章是按傳統方式以DEA衡量我國地方政府的效率並分析造成效率差異的原因,第參章則將DEA的概念應用於經濟成長上,探討使經濟成長達到極大化之租稅負擔及租稅結構。又效率的追求為經濟學的主軸,但中央政府的效率目標與地方政府並不相同,由於目標不同,因此彼此所訂的租稅政策亦不相同。本文第伍章試圖提出一理論模型說明中央政府在面對異質地區的垂直外部性下如何有效率的訂定其租稅政策。 / The human desires are infinite but resources are scarce. Using resources effectively is the topic of the economics. In efficient analyses, the Pareto optimality is the highest criterion to accept. Based on Pareto efficiency, the basic idea is to obtain the most outputs by the least inputs. Therefore the efficiency measurement is to calculate the relative performance of inputs and outputs. The nonprofit organization and the public agencies have many outputs and inputs not easy to be quantified; hence, their efficiency is not easy to evaluate. This phenomenon doesn’t improve until DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) was developed. However, the application of DEA concentrates nearly on the efficiency measurement of individual policy-making unit; the application is be rarely used in measuring the performance of the macro-economy. Chapter 4 of this dissertation measures and explains the variation in cost efficiency of the local governments in Taiwan area. Chapter 3 deals with the application the DEA to economic growth, estimating a combination of the tax burden(the ratio of tax revenue to GDP)and the tax structure(the ratio of indirect taxes to direct taxes)which would maximize the rate of growth of GDP of Taiwan. Efficiency is the core of economics, but the national government’s efficient goal is not as same as the local government’s. Because their goals are not consistent, thus the tax policies are different. Chapter 5 attempts to propose a theoretical model to explain how a national or federal government decides its tax policy in the vertical externalities happening in heterogeneous states.

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