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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The homiletical appropriation of biblical passages in the light of speech act theory : preaching as a performance of the biblical text

Kim, Duck-Hyun 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research has suggested an alternative homiletical appropriation of biblical passages by utilizing the Speech Act Theory (SAT). In the light of SAT, the preached text is not to be viewed simply as the basis of timeless principles, meanings, and ideas from Scripture or as emphasizing a human experience in the modern world that serves as a re-narration of the text. Rather, the performance of the movement from text to sermon in SAT has to be considered as the performative action of the text itself. The essence of interpretation in preaching is therefore to recognize the biblical illocutionary forces (BIF) in Scripture in order to perform the perlocutionary homiletical response (PHR) in the preached text. This forms the centre of the use of preaching as a performance of the biblical text in a broken world. The study shows that the SAT is in accordance with the Reformed Confessions in their emphasis on the living Triune God, still speaking through the Scripture in the present. The Trinitarian archetype of the SAT stance is that the communicative agent is God (locution level); the communicative action is by the Son (illocution level); and the communicative result is from the Holy Spirit (perlocutionary level).According to this determinative view, the Holy Spirit is the enabler of a revealed and continuous biblical illocutionary force in the text being available on the perlocutionary level in the preached text. The Holy Spirit has continually enabled the Christian community to understand and enact the Scripture in the context of theological discernment and its practical responsibility in the modern world. The movement from text to sermon in the SAT therefore not only relates to the treble movement of the grammatical and literary structure within the text, the movement of a creative hermeneutic, the movement of the performed interpretation of the community, or a combination of all three. The three movements have to merge together in the movement of the text to the sermon, and then to the worship service, before it gets to the congregation, in the movement towards a meeting with Godin modern worlds. The homiletical triad of identity, teleology and responsibility will offer practical guidelines for promoting human dignity and generating theologically responsibility in the broken world. That is to say, the homiletical appropriation of biblical passages generate in the SAT an unexpected ethical reality through the totality of the triune God’s authoritative speech act in which the Holy Spirit gives the energy to accomplish the alternative reality. / AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing stel 'n alternatiewe homiletiese aanwending van Bybelse gedeeltes voor deur gebruik te maak van die taalhandelingsteorie (SAT). In die lig van SAT, word die verkondigde teks (preek) nie bloot as die basis van tydlose beginsels, betekenis en idees uit die Skrif beskou, of as die klem op menslike ervaring van die moderne wêreld wat dien as 'n hervertelling van die teks, benader nie. Die uitvoer van die beweging van teks na preek in SAT word eerder verstaan as die performatiewe aksie van die teks self. Die essensie van interpretasie in prediking is dus die Bybelse illokusionêre kragte (BIF) in die Skrif wat die perlokutionêre homiletiese reaksie (PHR) in die verkondigde teks tot uitvoering bring. Dit vorm die middelpunt van die gebruik van die prediking as 'n uitvoering van die Bybelse teks in 'n gebroke wêreld. Die studie dui aan dat SAT in ooreenstemming is met die Gereformeerde Belydenisse in hul klem op die lewende Drie-enige God, wat steeds in die teenswoordige tyd praat deur die Skrif. Die Trinitariese argetipe van die SAT standpunt is dat die kommunikasie-agent God is (spreekwyse vlak); die kommunikatiewe aksie deur die Seun is (illokusie vlak); en die kommunikatiewe uiteinde deur die Heilige Gees bewerk word (perlokutionêre vlak). Volgens hierdie perspektief, is die Heilige Gees die bemagtiger van 'n geopenbaarde en deurlopende Bybelse illokusionêre krag in die teks, wat op die perlokusionêre vlak beskikbaar is, in die verkondigde teks. Die Heilige Gees stel voortdurend die Christelike gemeenskap in staat om die Skrif te verstaan en te implementeer in die konteks van teologiese onderskeiding en praktiese verantwoordelikheid, ook in die moderne wêreld. Die beweging van die teks tot preek in SAT hou dus nie slegs verband met die drievoudige beweging van die grammatikale en literêre struktuur binnedie teks, die beweging van 'n kreatiewe hermeneutiek en die beweging van die uitgevoerde interpretasie van die gemeenskap, of 'n kombinasie van al drie nie. Die drie bewegings moet saamsmelt in die beweging van die teks na die preek, en dan na die erediens, voordat dit die gemeente bereik, in die beweging na 'n ontmoeting met God in die moderne wêreld. Die homiletiese drietal van identiteit, teleologie en verantwoordelikheid bied praktiese riglyne vir die bevordering van menswaardigheid en die generering van teologiese verantwoordelikheid in die gebroke wêreld. Die homiletiese aanwending van Bybelse gedeeltes genereer in SAT 'n etiese werklikheid deur die totaliteit van die Drie-enige God se gesaghebbende gespreksdaad, waarin die Heilige Gees die energie gee om die alternatiewe werklikheid te bereik, honoreer word.

Queclaratives in Xhosa : an acoustic and perceptual analysis

Jones, Catherine Jacquelynn Julia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Key words: acoustic speech analysis, speech synthesis, speech perception, copulative queclarative, linguistics, psycho linguistics, human language technology This study investigates the notion of interrogativity in Xhosa as expressed in the form of Queclaratives. Queclaratives, or statements which are question-like in function, have been studied in many languages of the world. Unfortunately with regard to the Bantu languages, studies relating to interrogativity in general have largely been impressionistic in nature. This research comprised two aspects of analysis. These included an acoustic and a perceptual analysis of data. The reason for this approach is that, without this combination the results could have been considered to be suspect and lacking in authenticity. The acoustic analysis was conducted on 858 words in statement and queclarative pairs. Significant parameters were extracted and these were then statistically analyzed. The results revealed that duration on the penultimate vowel, pitch on the penultimate vowel and the overall raised pitch of queclaratives as opposed to statements were indeed the acoustically significant parameters differentiating statements from queclaratives. However as is well known, there is no one-to-one relationship between the acoustic signal and its perception and, therefore, it is imperative that such findings also be perceptually tested. The perceptual testing of these parameters was conducted in an attempt to elicit whether they were perceptually significant and also at what point in the utterance listeners could differentiate between queclaratives and statements. The next progression was the compilation of carefully designed perception tests on the acoustically significant parameters. Two experiments were compiled using stimuli that were manipulations of the original signal of one of the selected informant's utterances. These tests were administered on multimedia computers in the Language Laboratory at the University of Stellenbosch using 64 subjects for the first experiment and 63 for the second. The results of the perception tests showed that duration and pitch on the penultimate syllable are perceptually highly significant in differentiating statements from queclaratives. However the results also indicated very early recognition of the different forms with minimal speech segments from which the penultimate vowels were absent altogether. This then suggests that the perceptual judgements made earlier in the utterance may be either reinforced or overridden by the duration and pitch on the penultimate vowel. These results have assisted in the validation of some impressionistic claims made within the Bantu and other languages, while refuting others. However, as this corpus of data has included research on copulative queclaratives, it appeals for further research on this subject using any other linguistic markers. The results have also been evaluated in terms of their possible contribution to the related disciplines of psycholinguistics, linguistics and human language technologies. In so doing, the thesis makes an urgent appeal to researchers to pursue this experimental approach to language research. Another appeal is made for an awareness campaign as to the importance of this approach in harnessing the power of language for the development of language and society as a whole. The fertility of the South African society lies in its richness of multilingualism and the necessity for the improvement of the dissemination of information to all people of all languages and the improvement of communication between people in general, including those less fortunate in terms of literacy skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sleutelwoorde: akoestiese spraakanalise, spraaksintese, spraakpersepsie, kopulatiewe stelvraag, linguistiek, psigolinguistiek, taal-en-spraaktegnologie In hierdie projek word die aard van vraagstelling in Xhosa ondersoek met betrekking tot die stelvraag-vorm. Stelvrae, of stellings wat ook as vrae kan funksioneer, is reeds bestudeer vir heelwat wêreldtale. Oor die algemeen was studies oor vraagstelling in die Afrikatale egter grootliks impressionisties van aard. Hierdie navorsingsprojek het uit twee analisekomponente bestaan, naamlik 'n akoestiese analise van die data en 'n reeks persepsueie eksperimente. Sonder die kombinasie van die twee tipes analise sou die resultate van die navorsing minder kredietwaardig gewees het. Die akoestiese analise is gedoen op 858 woordpare bestaande uit stellings en stelvrae. Die data is statisties ontleed en die relevante parameters is onttrek. Die resultate het daarop gedui dat die duur en toonhoogte van die voorlaaste vokaal sowel as die register van die hele woord belangrike parameters is in die onderskeid tussen stellings en stelvrae. Aangesien dit wel bekend is dat daar nie 'n een-tot-een verwantskap tussen die akoestiese klanksein en die persepsie daarvan is nie, is dit noodsaaklik om ook 'n persepsueie eksperiment uit te voer. Die persepsueie toetse is so opgestel dat bepaal kon word watter akoestiese parameters ook persepsueel relevant is en om die vroegste sillabie te vind waar luisteraars reeds die onderskeid tussen die twee vorme kan maak. Die volgende stap was om stimuli vir die persepsietoetse op te stel wat inderdaad bogenoemde resultate sou lewer. Stimuli is geskep deur die spraakdata van een spreker te manipuleer. Die persepsietoetse is toe uitgevoer op multimedia-rekenaars in die Taallaboratorium van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die resultate van die persepsietoetse het gewys dat die duur en toonhoogte van die voorlaaste sillabe ook persepsueel belangrik is in die ondersekeid tussen die verskillende vorme. Dit was ook duidelik dat proefpersone die vorme van mekaar kon onderskei met minimale hoeveelhede inligting waar die voorlaaste en laaste sillabes heeltemal afwesig was. Dit dui daarop dat luisteraars persepsuele besluite baie vroeg in die woord neem, maar dat hierdie besluite óf versterk óf omgekeer kan word deur die duur en toonhoogte van die voorlaaste sillabe. Die resultate van die navorsing het sekere impressionistiese stellings ten opsigte van Afrikatale ondersteun terwyl ander stellings as foutief bewys is. Een van die belangrike bevindings was dat die impressionistiese standpunt dat stellings 'n dalende intonasiekontoer en vrae 'n stygende intonasiekontoer tydens die afloop van die uiting het, 'n oorvereenvondiging is. Hierdie werk is gedoen op enkelwoord-kopulatief stelvrae en leen dit daartoe om uitgebrei te word na frases en sinne vir toekomstige navorsmg. Verder is die navorsingsresultate in verband gebring met verwante dissiplines soos psigolinguistiek, linguistiek en taal- en spraaktegnologie. 'n Pleidooi is gelewer vir 'n bewusmakingsveldtog om die belangrikheid van hierdie tipe navorsing te beklemtoon om die potensiaal van taal te benut vir die ontwikkeling van Suider-Afrikaanse tale en gemeenskappe. Die rykheid van ons gemeenskap lê in die veeltaligheid daarvan en bied besondere uitdagings om die verspreiding van inligting na alle mense van alle tale te verbeter en om die kommunikasie tussen mense in die algemeen, maar ook spesifiek vir diegene met laer vlakke van geletterdheid.

Pragmatic development of mandarin-speaking children from 14 months to 32 months

Zhou, Jing, 周兢 January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Contexte et force illocutoire. Vers une théorie des actes de langage Context and illocutionary force. Towards a cognitive theory of speech acts

Kissine, Mikhail 11 December 2007 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de formuler une théorie psychologiquement plausible de la manière dont les locuteurs assignent des forces illocutoires aux énoncés.

The creation of identity through dialogue in Se se jeleng rre by J.M. Ntsime / Fio Dolly Gaebeng Dlavane

Dlavane, Fio Dolly Gaebeng January 2007 (has links)
Dialogue, as the central constitutive element of drama, to a large extent also contributes to delineating characters and to affirming their identity. This dissertation is an attempt to investigate how dialogue creates identity in the drama Se se jeleng rre by J.M. Ntsime. To achieve the purpose of this study, the characters of the three protagonists in this drama are analysed and interpreted. Both cultural and personal identities are analysed as manifestations of identity. The value of this study is that it makes readers aware of and emphasises the importance of utterances both at a literary and at an ordinary conversational level. Though the semiotic approach is used in this investigation, the dissertation first takes a cursory look at the theories of the origins of African theatre and the comparison between the two traditions, i.e. African and Western theatre and performance. The role of dialogue is traced back to its origin in performance, showing how it creates identity both on stage and in the drama text. This research shows that the two traditions are not drastically different since in both traditions performers exchange lines of words or songs; in other words, they engage in verbal dialogue. The costumes and masks that performers put on reveal some of their traits. In chapter three instruments for the analysis of dramatic discourse are developed. Since dramatic text is governed by dialogue, it was appropriate to use the theory of pragmatics because pragmatics is the study of language in use and is concerned with the context in which the sentences are uttered. Therefore, Searle's (1969) speech act theories, Grice's conversational maxims, Elam's (2000) deixis theory and the politeness principle have been applied to analyse the speech behaviour of characters. These theories have helped to answer the last three questions of the study. The markers of cultural identity which are used to analyse and interpret this drama are chieftainship, lobola, sterility in marriage, naming and witchcraft. They are analysed and used to interpret this drama. In the analysis and interpretation chapter, chapter 4, it has been found that to study language is to treat language as action. As a result, the speech behaviour of Selebi, Senwametsi and Mmapitsa has been analysed, including their deictic orientation. In conclusion, this research has proven that character identity can be created through verbal interaction, that is, through dialogue, since it could be used to illuminate both the cultural and personal identities of the three protagonists in the drama. Most of the time Selebi has been found to be orientated towards himself. This reveals him as, amongst others, selfish and conscious of his authority as a chief. Senwametsi has been found to be orientated towards her husband, Selebi, which reveals her as a wife of the chief who is bothered by the way her husband treats her. On the other hand, Mrnapitsa has been found to be orientated towards her interlocutors most of the time, which reveals her as a person who likes to order others for the benefit of what she wants. This research also implies further discourse analysis to see whether other relevant pragmatic principles can be used to study character and identity. / Thesis (M.A. (African Languages))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

奧斯丁論作為行動的言說. / Aosiding lun zuo wei xing dong de yan shuo.

January 1996 (has links)
陳偉昌. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院哲學學部, 1996. / 參考文献 : leaf 44. / Chen Weichang. / 論文撮要 --- p.i / 本論文中援引的奧斯丁著作的縮寫 --- p.ii / 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 從實際的話語開始 --- p.4 / Chapter 第二章 --- 在約定與事實之間 --- p.18 / Chapter 第三章 --- 「意義」的蔓衍 --- p.31 / 本論文所涉及的關鍵術語的英漢對照 --- p.43 / 參考書目 --- p.44

English for airline purposes in Taiwan : directive speech acts for the check-in counters

Lee, Jing-Min January 2015 (has links)
The study aims to investigate the effect of airline one-year placement experience on Taiwanese students’ development and acquisition of L2 pragmatic competence focusing on their English speech act behaviours. 50 subjects participated in this study, including 10 airline staff and 40 hospitality university students. Two instruments - the Discourse Completion Test and the Focus Group Interview were used to elicit the request strategies from three research groups for analysis. The results of the study demonstrated that exposure to the target speech community specifically a year-long airport placement is relatively influential for the pragmatic development of Taiwanese hospitality university students. The findings in this study also showed that there is a positive relationship between linguistic proficiency and pragmatic ability. It is observed that the participants with better performance in the linguistic and grammatical knowledge tend to show equivalent pragmatic development more than the participants with lower proficiency. The study is believed to significantly contribute in three directions. Firstly, the findings of this study provide valuable data for the development of pragmatic competence in airline English learning. An overall review of the relevant literature shows that there are no studies until now that have explored the effects of airline placement on the pragmatic development of Taiwanese hospitality university students in terms of their English request realisation. Secondly, the results of the study can serve as important practical evidence and can provide guidelines for airline English instructors to start considering how to integrate effective instruction with intercultural pragmatic learning in their teaching materials and curriculum design in order to assist Taiwanese hospitality university students to acquire the pragmatic and social cultural abilities to meet the airline workplace language requirement in the future. Thirdly, the results of the study also revealed information about the pragmatic performance of Taiwanese ground staff; senior employees and supervisors. Therefore, it is hoped that the results of the study can raise the awareness of both English course planners and administrators in Taiwanese airlines to develop appropriate airline English courses for ground staff in order to improve ground staff’s English communication competence when dealing with passengers and also reach the standard of good service quality.

Audience, speech act theory, and composition textbooks : a review of the treatment of audience in composition texts

Brockett, Susan H January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

A comparison of L2 learners' interlanguage performance on apologizing in terms of age

Ho, Shuk Man Connie 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A Cross-cultural Study of the Speech Act of Refusing in English and German

Teufel, Charla Margaret 21 February 1996 (has links)
Language students must learn to communicate effectively in cross-cultural settings, avoiding unwitting violations of culturally determined norms of behavior. This study compares German learners of English ( GEs) with native speakers of English ( AEs) and German (GGs), studying pragmatic transfer associated with the face-threatening speech act of refusal. Data elicitation involved a written role-play questionnaire composed of twelve refusal situations, including four refusal stimulus types (requests, invitations, offers, and suggestions) and interlocutors of higher, lower, and equal status. Response strategies were identified and classified, and the three groups were compared in terms of frequency and content of strategies chosen. Overall, the findings suggest that the AEs strove for friction-free interactions, while the German subjects tended to be candid. The AEs opted for inoffensive, routinized responses, emphasizing face-protection, and eschewing expressions of unwillingness. The AEs generally provided only vague excuses, relying extensively on positive forms aimed at preserving rapport. Social distance affected AE levels of politeness. By contrast, GG response patterns were situation-specific. Toward unjustified requests or unwelcome suggestions, the GGs exhibited directness, outspokenness with critical remarks, and willingness to risk confrontation, regardless of relative status. In more neutral situations, status and social distance influenced levels of politeness. The GEs appeared to assess situational factors in much the same way as the GGs; however, GE responses were consistently more tempered. Both groups of Germans were more open with expressions of unwillingness than the AEs. They tended to provide solid justification for refusals, while maintaining a more aloof stance. When there was no cause for irritation, the GEs recognized the need for greater tactfulness in English (probably responding according to explicit teaching). When aggravated, however, they lapsed into pragmatic patterns of their native language, following their "gut reactions." Sometimes GE efforts to exceed German native speaker levels of politeness led to "hyper-correction" (i.e., going beyond the AEs' degree of politeness).Occasionally, the GEs transferred German native speaker strategies for increasing politeness. In situations of potential conflict, the GEs might startle native speakers with unexpected candor, the shock exacerbated by cultural proximity and the GEs' near approach of native speaker norms on other levels.

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