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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variáveis associadas a não adesão à terapia medicamentosa em idosos hipertensos e com comorbidades de uma unidade pública de saúde de Ribeirão Preto-SP / Variables associated with non-adherence to drug therapy in elderly patients with hypertension and other comorbidities in a public health unit of Ribeirão Preto - SP

Lourenço, Veronica Cestari 19 April 2016 (has links)
A adesão ao tratamento ocorre quando o conselho médico ou de saúde coincide com o comportamento do indivíduo, ao uso de medicamentos, cumprimento da dieta e mudanças no estilo de vida, não sendo, portanto, um ato não passivo do paciente. Em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica a adesão ao tratamento pode ser definida como o grau de cumprimento das medidas terapêuticas indicadas, sejam elas medicamentosas ou não, com o objetivo de manter a pressão arterial em níveis pressóricos normais. A não adesão em pacientes com doenças crônicas em tratamento a longo prazo em países desenvolvidos é em média de 50%, revelando a importância de serem avaliados os motivos que levam a esse comportamento. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a não adesão em idosos hipertensos de uma unidade pública de saúde de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal, desenvolvido com uma amostra de 196 pessoas. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre agosto de 2014 até junho de 2015, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Para essa etapa foram utilizados os instrumentos Brief Medication Questionnaire, Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey, Escore de Risco Global e Escore de Risco pelo Tempo de Vida. Após a coleta dos dados, as entrevistas foram codificadas, os dados foram tabulados e foi realizada a análise estatística descritiva e de correlação. Como resultado, constatou-se que houve predomínio de mulheres, com idade média de 69,4 anos, casados/união estável, não moravam sozinhos, com 1,85 pessoas na casa em média, de cor branca, com ensino fundamental incompleto, renda de até dois salários mínimos e aposentados/pensionistas, atendidos pelo SUS. Apresentaram hábitos de vida razoáveis, sem predomínio de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, tabagismo, uso excessivo de sal e sedentarismo. A mais frequente comorbidade associada à HAS foi a dislipidemia. Foi observado elevado predomínio de fatores de risco cardiovasculares como obesidade abdominal, obesidade geral, comorbidades, razão de lipídeos e fatores agravantes como proteína c reativa ultrassensível, microalbuminúria e síndrome metabólica. A maioria da amostra foi classificada como sendo portador de risco cardiovascular alto após estratificação do risco. A percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi considerada baixa na maioria principalmente devido a limitações emocionais. A não adesão esteve presente em quase metade dos idosos, relacionada principalmente à complexidade da farmacoterapia e dificuldade em lembrar sobre o uso de seus medicamentos. Não foi observada correlação entre a não adesão e as variáveis estudadas. Conclui-se que o comportamento de não adesão observado não esteve relacionada às variáveis estudadas nessa amostra e que são necessárias intervenções urgentes para reduzir o risco cardiovascular e prevenir doenças cardiovasculares e mortalidade, bem como melhora da percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. / Adherence to treatment is when medical or health advice corresponds with the individual\'s behavior, the use of medication, diet compliance and changes in lifestyle. Therefore, it is a non-passive act of the patient. In patients with systemic arterial hypertension, adherence to treatment can be defined as the degree of compliance with therapeutic measures, whether medicinal or not, in order to maintain blood pressure in normal blood pressure levels. In developed countries, non adherence rate is about a half in patients with chronic diseases in long-term treatment, showing the importance of the evaluation of the reasons for this behavior. This study aimed to assess non adherence among elderly hypertenses in a public health unit of Ribeirão Preto-SP. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted with a sample of 196 people. Data collection took place from August 2014 untill June 2015, after approval by the Research Ethics Commitee. For this step, we used the instruments Brief Medication Questionnaire, Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey, Global Risk Score and Lifetime Risk Escore. After data collection, the interviewers were codified, data were tabulated for the descriptive and correlation statistical analysis. We found out that there was predominance of women, mean age of 69.4 years, married individuals, and most of them lived with other people (mean 1.85), white individuals, with incomplete Elementary School, income of two minimum wage at least, retired and using public health system. We identified individuals with fair health habits, without predominance of alcohol, tabacco and salt use. A minority claimed physical inactivity. Dyslipidemia were the most frequent comorbidity associated with SAH. We observed a high presence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as abdominal and general obesity, comorbidities, lipids rates, ultra-sensitive c-reactive protein, microalbuminuria and metabolic syndrome. The sample showed a very high presence of elevated cardiovascular risk after risk escore calculation. The perception of health related quality of life was considered low in most, mainly due to emotional limitations. Non adherence was present in almost half of the elderly and was mostly related to the complexity of pharmacotherapy and the difficulty to remember about the use of their drugs. No correlation was observed between non adherence and the variables studied in this sample. We strongly advice that interventions are made to reduce cardiovascular risk and prevent cardiovascular disease and mortality, and to improve mental health status.

Os efeitos de um programa de exercícios respiratórios para idosos asmáticos / The effects of a respiratory exercise program tailored for elderly people with asthma

Gomieiro, Ludmila Tais Yazbek 28 January 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A asma pode ter início em qualquer idade sendo que sua prevalência em idosos pouco difere dos grupos de menor idade. O subdiagnóstico da asma no idoso é refletido na observação de que aproximadamente 60% do total de mortes relacionadas à asma ocorrem em pessoas com 65 anos ou mais, sendo de igual importância a observação de que a função pulmonar diminuída, associada à obstrução das vias aéreas reduz a qualidade de vida dessa população. Sabe-se que devido à broncoconstrição das vias aéreas e conseqüente hiperinsuflação pulmonar, os asmáticos apresentam os músculos inspiratórios em posição de desvantagem mecânica, o que contribui para agravamento do quadro clínico do paciente. No intuito de auxiliar no tratamento da asma e melhorar a qualidade de vida desses pacientes, estudos sobre fisioterapia respiratória, e diferentes técnicas respiratórias têm sido feitos. Porém, até o momento não havia estudos sobre exercícios respiratórios sem o uso de aparelhos realizados com idosos asmáticos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercícios respiratórios (sem aparelho) para idosos asmáticos. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 24 de 132 pacientes do PRONTMED (Prontuário Eletrônico do Serviço de Imunologia Clínica e Alergia do HCFMUSP), com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, com diagnóstico de asma moderada ou grave. Dos pacientes selecionados, 21 iniciaram o programa e 14 freqüentaram regularmente e concluíram o programa de exercícios respiratórios. Antes do início do programa todos os pacientes foram avaliados com relação à função pulmonar, força da musculatura respiratória, capacidade aeróbia, qualidade de vida, e quadro clínico. Devido à pequena amostra, os pacientes foram controles deles mesmos. Após oito semanas de exercícios, e ao término do programa, todas as avaliações foram refeitas, e após um mês do término do programa, as avaliações mais uma vez foram refeitas. Durante o estudo os pacientes preenchiam diariamente um diário de sintomas da asma. RESULTADOS: após as 16 semanas de intervenção não observamos alterações significativas nas variáveis pulmonares, porém observamos aumentos significativos nas pressões inspiratórias (Pimáx) e expiratórias máximas (Pemáx), 27,6% e 20,54% respectivamente, que refletem a força da musculatura respiratória. Com relação à qualidade de vida verificamos melhoras significativas. As avaliações clínicas, juntamente com os diários de sintomas, indicaram melhoras significativas devido à redução da sintomatologia respiratória. Porém, após um mês sem os exercícios respiratórios, observamos que ocorreu o que é definido pela literatura como destreinamento: observamos diminuição de 21,4% na Pimáx e de 37,33% na Pemáx, que parecem ter refletido no quadro clínico, nos diários de sintomas e na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Pois, observamos regressão nas melhoras anteriormente verificadas nessas variáveis. Logo, apesar de ter ocorrido o destreinamento, que é algo comum ao treinamento físico, quando este é reduzido ou interrompido, podemos inferir que o presente estudo de exercícios respiratórios contribuiu para aumento da força da musculatura respiratória e que esse aumento refletiu positivamente tanto no quadro clínico quanto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, de modo que o mesmo poderia ser utilizado como um coadjuvante ao tratamento clínico-medicamentoso de pacientes idosos asmáticos. / INTRODUCTION: People can develop asthma at any given age, and asthma prevalence in older adults is no different than that observed in younger people. Asthma in older adults is frequently underdiagnosed, and this is reflected in the fact that approximately 60% of people who die from asthma have surpassed the age of 65. Equally important is the fact that reduced lung function and airway obstruction have a negative impact on the quality of life for this population. In asthmatic patients, bronchoconstriction and consequent lung hyperinflation, leave the inspiratory muscles in a position of mechanical disadvantage, and thus, contribute to the exacerbation of the clinical presentation. A number of studies on respiratory physiotherapy and different breathing techniques have been performed in order to help asthma treatment and to improve the patients quality of life. Nevertheless, so far, we are not aware of any reports regarding breathing exercises without breathing equipment in older adults with asthma. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effects of a respiratory exercise program (without breathing equipment) tailored for elderly people. METHODS: Out of 132 patients listed in the PRONTMED (electronic filing system of the Clinical Immunology and Allergy Division of HCFMUSP), we selected 24 patients, aged 60 or greater, with a diagnosis of moderate or severe asthma. Out of the 24 patients, 21 started the program and 14 participated regularly and concluded the respiratory exercise program. Prior to the start of the program all patients were evaluated with regard to lung function, respiratory muscle strength, aerobic capacity, quality of life and clinical presentation. Due to the small sample size, patients were their own controls. At the end of a 16-week-exercise program all evaluations were repeated. During the study period, patients were requested to keep a diary and record symptoms every day. RESULTS: After 16 weeks of interventions, we did not observe significant changes in pulmonary lung function tests. However, we observed significant increases in maximum inspiratory pressure (Pimax) and maximum expiratory pressure (Pemax) (27.6 % and 20.54 % respectively), which are associated with respiratory muscle strength. In regards to quality of life, we observed considerable improvements. Clinical evaluations and the daily-recorded symptoms diary indicate significant improvements and fewer respiratory symptoms. Yet, a month after exercise interruption, we observed detraining, with reduction of Pimax (21.4 %) and Pemax (37.33 %). Detraining had a negative impact on clinical presentation, recording of symptoms, and patient quality of life, parameters that had previously improved with training. Despite the occurrence of detraining, which is common after reduction or interruption of exercise, we conclude that a respiratory exercise program increased muscle strength, which in turn had a positive effect on patient clinical presentation and quality of life. Therefore, a respiratory training program could be associated with the medical and clinical therapeutic approach of older adults with asthma.

Cultural and Environmental Determinants of Dental Discoloration Among School-Aged Children in Nigeria

Ada, Ogbudu Gabriel 01 January 2018 (has links)
Dental discoloration from fluorosis is a global public health problem. In Nigeria, 11.4% of the population is impacted by this disorder. Dental discoloration is caused by successive exposures to high fluoride concentrations during tooth development in utero and it is linked to the development of a variety of psychological and physiological problems, from dental aesthetics to a reduction in intelligence and skeletal changes. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional study was to examine the cultural and environmental determinants of dental fluorosis in children in a rural community in Nigeria. A multilevel theoretical model was used to develop possible fluoride exposure pathways, such as good social services and dental care, as well as factors in the environment. The study was guided by 2 main research questions: What is the prevalence of fluorosis among Nigerian school-aged children? What is the severity of this fluorosis, and is it associated with the fluoride content of the soil, the water or the food? Data was collected by administering three surveys, on children aged 5 to15 years, their parent/guardian, and on community leaders. Chi-square and regression analysis tests were used to test for possible associations. The study findings showed a fluorosis prevalence rate of 86.6% in the 269 school children surveyed, with majority of these children between the ages of 8 to 13 years. The severity of children fluorosis was associated with the length of stay in the study area and the fluoride content in water, soil, and food. This study's possible impact on social change include raising awareness to the problem and the possible ways to resolve it, such as through, improved dental care services and a supportive social environment like flocculation of community water sources.

Strategies for Training a Multigenerational Workforce

Butler, Lydia 01 January 2018 (has links)
For the first time in history, 5 generations are working side by side, creating a challenge concerning training, developing, and managing a multigenerational workforce. More people are working into their later years, and the U.S. labor force participation rate of individuals age 55 and older is projected to increase from 22.4% to 24.8% by 2026. The purpose of this single case study was to explore training strategies managers used to improve multigenerational employee productivity. The sample population included 6 managers of an automotive company in the Great Lakes area of the United States who had knowledge and experience supervising multigenerational workers. Human capital theory was the conceptual framework used to ground the study. Data were collected from semistructured face-to-face interviews, company documents, and website pages. Data analysis included coding to identify themes and member checking to ensure validity. The 2 main themes were collaborative training methods and mentoring programs; the 2 subthemes were advancement and promotion, and retention of employees. Findings of this study may be used to support older employees working longer than traditional retirement age, which might benefit society with increased economic productivity through decreased costs of retirement benefits, healthier living, and greater longevity.

Perspectives on Children’s Stressors and Supports: Voices of African American Elementary School Children in New Orleans

January 2018 (has links)
acase@tulane.edu / In the nearly 30 years since the Convention on the Rights of Child (UN, 1989) first called for the inclusion of children in research, evidence has demonstrated the many benefits of engaging children as active participants in research. There exists a gap in qualitative research examining the psychological well-being of elementary-aged African American children. This study used child-friendly qualitative methodology to understand the psychological well-being of elementary-aged African American children living in New Orleans, Louisiana. The study explored children’s stressors, supports, and reactions to stressors and supports from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders: elementary-aged children, parents of elementary-aged children, and school teachers and administrators. The purpose of the study was to gain understanding of children’s unique perspectives and to inform culturally-appropriate school-based supports. To understand the unique and shared perspectives of the stakeholders regarding the constructs of children’s psychological well-being, the research used children’s ecomap drawings, focus group narratives, and interview data. Through the use of a deductive-inductive coding process, Support, Reaction to Support, Stressor, and Reaction to Stressor themes and codes were identified and defined. The findings revealed overlap and unique perceptions regarding children’s psychological well-being. Further findings, implications, future research directions, and limitations are discussed. / 1 / Emiliya Adelson

The relationship between impairments in muscle performance, functional limitations, and disability in older adults

Puthoff, Michael Leonard 01 January 2006 (has links)
Many older adults develop restrictions in the performance of activities that are essential to daily living, referred to as functional limitations. Functional limitations can lead to disability, the inability to complete tasks necessary to function in society. A better understanding of how impairments in body systems affect functional limitations and disability in older adults could lead to improved medical management of older adults. The purpose of this study was to examine how impairments in lower extremity muscle performance (strength, power, and endurance) are related to functional limitations and disability in community dwelling older adults. Thirty-four subjects were recruited to participate in this cross-sectional analysis study with 30 individuals completing the study. The Keiser 420 Leg Press was used to measure impairments in lower extremity muscle performance. Functional limitations were classified through the Short Physical Performance Battery, the Six-Minute Walk Test, the Late Life Function and Disability Index (LLFDI) Functional Limitation Component, and average walking speed, average walking distance and average number of steps per day over a six-day period obtained from the AMP 331 physical activity monitor. Disability was measured through the LLFDI Disability Component Limitation Category. Regression analysis was used to examine the direct effect between impairments in muscle performance and functional limitations. Mediation analysis was used to examine the indirect effect of impairments on disability. The results of this study support a relationship between impairments in lower extremity strength and power to functional limitations and disability in community dwelling older adults. Impairments in lower extremity power consistently demonstrated a stronger relationship than strength to all measures of functional limitations and disability. The results of this study did not support a relationship of impairments in endurance to functional limitations or disability. The overall findings of this study would indicate that community dwelling older adults should focus on maintaining and improving lower extremity strength and power across a range of relative intensities in order to decrease functional limitations and disability.

Situational Positioning: A Grounded Theory of Registered Nurse Decision-making in Western Australian Nursing Homes

Scott, Beverley Margaret January 2003 (has links)
This grounded theory study investigated how registered nurses (RNs) managed problem-solving and decision-making in residential aged care facilities (nursing homes) in Western Australia. The outcome of the study was the substantive theory of situational positioning, the process used by the RN participants when they were trying to get things right .In-depth interviews were conducted with 25 purposefully selected registered nurses and nursing home management staff. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and analysed using the constant comparative method. Other sources of data. guided by theoretical sampling. were selected documents such as government reports regarding aged care, and some field observations. Situational positioning was a process that involved physical. cognitive, emotional, and moral dimensions, and reflected how the RN participants acted and responded when dealing with situations at work. Situational positioning was conceptualised as occurring along two intersecting continua of behaviours, and these behaviours emerged from the data as four interrelated categories. Yielding and confronting represented the poles on a continuum of action-oriented behaviour, with being flexible and being rigid on a continuum that reflected more affective or attitudinal responses. The four categories that made up the positioning continua had both positive and negative meanings in relation to the actions and responses of the participants, depending on the particular situation. Yielding was a conceptual category that reflected participants' comments about stopping a particular action and trying something else or giving up completely and even leaving the situation. f he term confronting was used to describe participants' actions that were based on assertiveness that was seen as a constructive behaviour, or anger that tended to be non-productive. / Being flexible meant that the participants were responsive to changing situational variables, and this was usually seen as a desirable attribute of effective nursing practice in aged care. However, it could also mean being pliant and ready to compromise in order to get through situations when the participants realised that they would be unable to get things right. At the other end of the response axis, the term being rigid was defined as the opposite of being flexible, that is, having firmly fixed or set ways of responding. or a tendency to respond to situations in the same way in all circumstances. The basic psychosocial problem, being unable to get things right, had two properties. One property was temporal, in that the problem occurred when the participants were getting behind or running late because of having insufficient time. usually due to interruptions. The second property of the problem was more qualitative in that contextual and intervening conditions led the participants to feel that they were not doing things properly because of adverse conditions. Conditions that varied .situational positioning were those that led to the participants being unable to get things right, such as having insufficient time. working with unqualified carers. and trying to meet the differing expectations of various stakeholders. Situations that were easy for the participants to manage involved known routines and few, if any. interruptions. In those circumstances, si uational positioning was intuitive and the phases of recognising, prioritizing, and moving on were negotiated quickly. In more complex situations, or when significant interruptions occurred, the participants followed an alternative pathway, which involved recognising that something in the situation changed. then compromising. that is. choosing a new course of action. / Compromising required tolerance, as the participants adjusted their expectations of what could be achieved in the circumstances. Repositioning then occurred belore they moved on to the next task or to the end of their shifts. Moving on. the third phase in the process, involved persevering as they continued trying to get things right. The adverse conditions that prevailed in nursing homes during the time of this study impeded nursing practice and the delivery of consistently good standards of care for all residents. Situational positioning enabled the participants to persevere in their efforts to try to get things right, but their capacity to maintain the effort was eroded by the apparently unrelenting nature of the adverse conditions that existed in nursing homes. The main conclusion of this study was that the RN role in nursing homes in Western Australia was ill-defined, and inefficient in terms of best utilisation of nursing time. Recommendations included a review of the RN role in aged care and implementation of strategies that would enable aged care RNs to focus on their clinical roles.

Interruption events and sensemaking processes: A narrative analysis of older people's relationships with computers

Richardson, Margaret Ann January 2006 (has links)
This thesis provides a situated understanding of the ways in which the reality of a new technology is socially constructed. In particular, it examines how members of the aged interpretive community made sense of the computer as an interruption event, a technology not yet routinised as part of their everyday taken-for-granted reality, and needing to be consciously considered and evaluated to make it understandable. Members' sensemaking is studied as a narrative process in which meaning is produced by drawing on a repertoire of narratives, evaluating and developing localised responses to those narratives for the purpose of action taking. Two hundred and four participants over the age of 55 years, recruited predominantly from senior citizens' and SeniorNet organisations in the North Island of New Zealand, were interviewed in 28 focus groups over an eighteen month period between September 2001 and May 2003. Participants were categorised according to their self-identified membership of one of three groups: computer users affiliated to SeniorNet member organisations; computer users without SeniorNet organisational affiliation; and non-computer-users. Their computer-related stories were analysed using narrative analysis to identify and map the similar and different ways in which they constructed computers and themselves in relation to computers, in the stories they told. The research findings from this interpretive study augment the largely functionalist literature on older people and computers and provide insights not identified in previous studies. In particular, the findings indicate that participants identified a common meaning for the computer as actually or potentially useful for older people, but their meanings also varied according to their membership of one of the three participant groups, with SeniorNet members tending to identify the computer as an opportunity; Users, as a tool; and Nonusers, as a threat. Participants' meanings were traced through a storying process that identified three narrative elements as key: the settings in which accounts of the principal protagonists older people and computers were produced; the strength of the narrator's identification with old stories and values; and the ways in which the narrators oriented to the computer in the context of other technologies and events, or in isolation from them. The study makes a contribution to knowledge by enhancing understanding of older people's relationships with computers, through a micro level investigation of their experiences with, and meanings for, the technology. In addition, by identifying and explicating the processes through which the ongoing reality of a new technology is constructed and negotiated, and compared and contrasted in relation to three separate sub-groups of the one demographic population, the study contributes to social construction of technology theory. The study also makes a contribution to practice by showing how the alignment of old stories and new stories is a crucial component in the process for enabling those new to a technology to negotiate an appropriate placement for it, and how such alignment can be influenced by age-peer groups and the imperatives of inter-generational family communication.

Cartographies of rural community nursing and primary health care: mapping the in-between spaces

Davis, Kierrynn, University of Western Sydney, Faculty of Social Inquiry, School of Social Ecology January 1998 (has links)
This postmodern feminist ethnographies research aimed to explore the everyday meanings of primary health care (PHC) held by rural community nurses. Secondly, the research aimed to explore the everyday meanings of care held by the clients of the rural community nurses who participated in the study. The representation of this research is written in four voices which converse with each other to varying degrees in each chapter. This writing strategy is a deliberate one aimed at destabilising the usual approach to representation of research. It is also a strategy which seeks methodological coherence. The third aim therefore is to deliberately trouble the acceptable grounds concerning how nursing research is represented. The research utilised dialogical (conversational)and participant observation methods concerning the everyday meanings of nurses and their clients.The meanings I made of the information were created from a deconstruction of the texts. These texts included fieldnotes of participant observations and transcripts of conversations with nurses and their clients. The form of deconstruction utilised was informed from multiple sources and involved three levels of analysis. A realist interpretation was followed by an oppositional interpretation and then a reconstructive movement. The results revealed that rural community nurses practice is both spatio-temporally contextualised and metaphorically situated in an in-between space. This in-between space is situated between margin and the centre. Rural community nurses working on the margins traverse this space in order to overcome further marginalisation whilst working with Indigenous Australians and the aged. Moreover, the in-between space encompasses and creates opportunities to mutually exchange the gift of desire that being - empowering and compassionate relationships with clients and colleagues. Futhermore, whilst rural community nurses are strongly committed to the philosophy of PHC, their evryday working life is discursively constructed by powerful discourses which result in oppositional tensions. The tensions and the 'in-between' space allow the rhetoric of PHC to be resisted and reframed. Consequently, the oppositional constructs of their practice were displaced. Moreover, this necessitated the negotiation of space and place, and required the reconstruction of subjectivity, intersubjectivity and becoming / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The cuckoo in the nest : understanding Huntington Disease, and the nursing of people with HD, in aged care facilities in NSW

Lownie, Angela, University of Western Sydney, College of Social and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Family and Community Health January 2003 (has links)
This mailed survey of nurses in all (111) New South Wales aged care facilities with Huntingdon Disease affected residents, used a custom designed questionnaire in a triangulated exploratory design. It was undertaken by an HD specialist nurse into the previously un-researched field of the nursing challenges in that setting. Knowledge was sought, through descriptive and correlational analysis of fixed choice and open-ended questions, of the facts of the affected resident profile (N=63). Similarly, nursing opinions were obtained on the following unsatisfactory aspects of care provision, the impact of internal resources and the HD nursing role and its support. Results are discussed in some detail. Overt evidence of stigmatisation was not evident. Approximately 32 additional long stay HD beds are needed plus more equipment and education for the aged care facilities. The outreach model of support was strongly endorsed. / Master of Nursing (Hons)

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