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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Copper-oxides catalyzed polyethylene depolymerization in a pilot-scale reactor

Wang, Bing January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Regulation of Katanin Activity on Microtubules

Tyler, Madison A. 31 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of microtubules constantly being reorganized to meet the spatiotemporal demands of the cell. Microtubules are organized into subcellular highways to control cell processes such as cell division, cargo transport, and neuronal development and maintenance. Reorganization of this intricate network is tightly regulated by various stabilizing and destabilizing microtubule-associated proteins that decorate the network. Katanin p60 is a microtubule destabilizing enzyme from the ATPases Associated with various Activities (AAA+) family. It can both sever and depolymerize microtubules. In order to sever microtubules, katanin recognizes the tubulin carboxy-terminal tails (CTTs) and hydrolyzes ATP. Using super-resolution microscopy and image analysis, we find that the tubulin CTTs are not required for katanin to depolymerize microtubules. We also characterize the regulation of microtubule severing and depolymerization by katanin in various nucleotide states. A better understanding of how CTTs and nucleotides regulate microtubule severing and depolymerization by katanin will help future research aimed to correct katanin activity when these processes goes awry as in improper chromosome segregation during mitosis or loss of microtubule integrity in neuronal diseases.


Mobley, Justin K. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Lignin is one of the most abundant and underutilized biopolymers on earth. Primarily composed on three monolignol units (sinapyl, coniferyl, and p-coumaryl alcohol), lignin is formed through a radical pathway resulting in an assortment of linkages, of which the β-O-4 linkage is the most prevalent (up to 60% in some hardwood species). In planta, lignin plays an important role in water transport and in protecting plants from chemical and biological attack. Traditional attempts to depolymerize lignin have focused on the cleavage of β-O-4 linkages via thermal or reductive routes. However these pathways lead to low-value, unstable product mixtures. Moreover, typical product yields are low and the highly corrosive reaction medium results in added expense. More recently, catalytic oxidations have been studied as a viable means to lignin utilization. The present work will review the state-of-the-art of lignin oxidations, and focus on stoichiometric and catalytic attempts to oxidize lignin and lignin model compounds in order achieve selective stepwise depolymerization of lignin. Specifically, activated dimethyl sulfoxides and LDH catalysts were evaluated for lignin and/or lignin model compound oxidations leading, in some cases, to unexpected products.

Numerical Analysis of Transient Teflon Ablation in Pulsed Plasma Thrusters

Stechmann, David Paul 16 July 2007 (has links)
"One of the general processes of interest in Pulsed Plasma Thrusters is the ablation of the solid fuel. In general, ablation occurs when a short pulse of applied energy removes a portion of the fuel surface. Although this ablation process is relatively straight-forward in simple materials that sublimate, ablation in Pulsed Plasma Thrusters is significantly more complicated. This is caused by the transient conditions and the complex behavior of Teflon that does not sublimate but rather undergoes both physical and chemical changes prior to leaving the surface. These two effects combine to make Teflon ablation a highly nonlinear function of heat flux, material property variations, changing molecular weight, and phase transformation behavior. To gain greater insight into the ablation process, a one-dimensional ablation model is developed that addresses the more detailed thermal and thermodynamic behavior of Teflon during simulated operation of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster. The mathematical model is based on the work of Clark (1971), which focused on two-phase, one-dimensional Teflon ablation in the context of thermal protection systems. The model is modified for use in simulated PPT operations and implemented numerically using an adaptive non-uniform grid, explicit finite-difference techniques, and a volume fraction method to capture the interface between the crystalline and amorphous Teflon phases. The ablation model is validated against analytical heat transfer and ablation solutions and compared with previous experimental results. The Teflon ablation model is used to analyze several general ablation scenarios in addition to specific PPT conditions to gain greater insight into long-duration thruster firing, post-pulse material ablation, variable heat flux effects, variable material property effects, and the impact of surface re-crystallization on particulate emission. These simulations are considered in the context of prior experimental investigations of Pulsed Plasma Thrusters. The results of these simulations demonstrate the success of the numerical ablation model in predicting experimental trend and suggest potential paths of moderately improving thruster efficiency and operational repeatability in the future. "

Synthetic biology approach for green macroalgal biomass depolymerization

Salinas Vaccaro, Alejandro Andrés January 2017 (has links)
Green macroalgae represent an attractive source of renewable carbon. Conversion of algal biomass to useful products requires depolymerization of the cell wall polysaccharides cellulose and ulvan. Cellulose saccharification has been widely studied and involves synergistic action of endoglucanases, exoglucanases, and β-glucosidases. The enzymatic depolymerization of ulvan has not received the same attention and additional studies are required in order to fully understand the mechanisms involved in its biodegradation. Synthetic biology offers the possibility of importing modules such as biomass-degrading systems and biofuel producing pathways from different organisms into a genetically tractable host such as Escherichia coli. In this study it was shown that E. coli expressing the glycosidase CHU2268 of Cytophaga hutchinsonii grows well on cello-oligosaccharides such as cellohexaose, and co-expression with the endoglucanase CenA of Cellulomonas fimi allows growth on untreated crystalline cellulose. Moreover, a model for ulvan utilization was built for the first time based on a polysaccharide utilization locus from the alga-associated flavobacterium Formosa agariphila. It was also shown that F. agariphila, is able to grow using biomass from the green macroalga Ulva lactuca as its sole carbon source, and enzymes with ulvanase activity are induced by the presence of this alga in the culture medium. Enzymes for ulvan depolymerization from F. agariphila, including an ulvan lyase, xylanases and rhamnosidases, were cloned using the PaperClip DNA assembly method and expressed in active form in E. coli. Furthermore, a secretion system based on the use of the Antigen 43 was successfully used to secrete an active ulvan lyase using E. coli and ribosome binding sites of different strengths were studied and used to optimize the system. These results represent a first step for the design of a microorganism capable of utilizing green macroalgal biomass for the production of biofuels and other valuable bio-products.

Valorization of pine kraft lignin by fractionation and partial depolymerization

Goldmann Valdés, W. M. (Werner Marcelo) 12 February 2019 (has links)
Abstract Lignins have polyphenolic structures, making them candidates to replace phenols and polyphenols in polymers. Lignins are highly recalcitrant, making their refining challenging, requiring harsh temperatures and pressures. Lignins could be partially modified under milder conditions for their use in biopolymers. The main purpose of this research was to upgrade Indulin AT, a kraft pine lignin, to enhance its properties. The first part of this thesis dealt with formic acid aided pressurized hot water extraction (FAPHWE) of hemicelluloses from birch hardwood as the first step in separating the components of a lignocellulosic feedstock (LCF). More than half of the hemicelluloses were extracted as hydrolysis products, while keeping the cellulose hydrolysis products in the extract under 5% and the lignin under 3%. In the second part of this work, a method to determine the amount of phenolic hydroxyl groups (OHph) in lignins was assessed. The Δε IDUS method was found to be useful for comparing the OHph of pine kraft and birch milox lignins, albeit not as precise as carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-NMR). The third part of this thesis explored the tuning of the molar mass (MM) and OHph of Indulin AT by aqueous ethanol fractionation. The results showed that a higher water content favored the extraction of fractions with low MM and low OHph. A high ethanol content favored the extraction of fractions with medium MM and high OHph. A 50–60 wt% ethanol content allowed for near complete solubilization of Indulin AT, which could be beneficial for a single-phase chemical reaction. The fourth part of this research dealt with the depolymerization of Indulin AT in an ethanol-water solvent with formic acid as hydrogen donor. The properties of interest were MM, polydispersity (PDI), OHph, and formaldehyde uptake capability (FUC). The results of the reaction were affected predominantly by temperature. Higher temperatures led to lower MM and PDI, and higher OHph and FUC. The results of this thesis suggest that, in a biorefinery, the first step before delignification of an LCF could be FAPHWE. It was found that the properties of Indulin AT (OHph, FUC, and MM) could be enhanced by chemical depolymerization and physical fractionation. Modified lignins with higher OHph and FUC could be utilized in biopolymer applications such as phenolic resins and polyurethanes. / Tiivistelmä Ligniini on rakenteeltaan polyfenoli, mikä tekee siitä mahdollisen fenolien korvaajan polyfenolien valmistuksessa. Ligniinin rakenne on hyvin kestävä, mikä tekee sen jalostuksesta haastavaa vaatien usein korkean lämpötilan ja paineen käyttöä. Tästä huolimatta ligniiniä voidaan tietyssä määrin muokata miedommissa olosuhteissa, mikä lisää sen käyttökelpoisuutta biopolymeerien raaka-aineena. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli jalostaa Indulin AT -kraft ligniiniä siten, että sen ominaisuudet paranevat. Aluksi väitöstyössä tarkasteltiin puun hemiselluloosan muurahaishappokatalysoidun kuumavesiuutton soveltuvuutta lignoselluloosaraaka-aineiden fraktioinnin ensimmäiseksi vaiheeksi. Yli puolet hemiselluloosasta voitiin uuttaa monosakkarideiksi samalla, kun selluloosasta uuttui alle 5 % ja ligniinistä alle 3 %. Seuraavaksi arvioitiin fenolisten hydroksyyliryhmien määritysmenetelmää. Δε IDUS metodin havaittiin olevan hyödyllinen ainakin sulfaattimenetelmän havupuuligniinien ja Milox-prosessin koivuligniininäytteiden vertailussa, vaikkakaan se ei ole yhtä tarkka kuin ydinmagneettiseen resonanssispektroskopiaan (NMR) perustuva analyysi. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia tuottaa etanoli-vesiliuosfraktioinnilla jakeita, joissa ligniinillä on haluttu molekyylikoko ja fenolisten hydroksyyliryhmien pitoisuus. Tulokset näyttivät, että korkea vesipitoisuus suosii pienen molekyylikoon ja matalan OHph -pitoisuuden sisältäviä jakeiden uuttumista. Korkea etanolipitoisuus suosii keskikokoisen molekyylikoon jaetta, jossa ligniinillä on korkea OHph -pitoisuus. 50–60 m-% etanolipitoisuudessa Indulin AT liukenee lähes täydellisesti, mikä voi olla edullista kemiallisten reaktioiden toteuttamiseen yhdessä faasissa. Lopuksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ligniinin osittaista depolymerisointia etanoli-vesiliottimessa muurahaishapon toimiessa vetylähteenä. Tarkasteltavat tuotteen ominaisuudet olivat molekyylikoko, polydispersiteetti, fenolisten hydroksyyliryhmien määrä ja formaldehydin sitomiskapasiteetti. Lämpötilan havaittiin olevan merkittävin depolymerisointireaktioon vaikuttava tekijä. Korkea lämpötila johtaa pienempään molekyylikokoon ja kapeampaan molekyylikokojakaumaan sekä suurempaan hydroksyyliryhmien määrään ja formaldehydin sitomiskykyyn. Tämän työn tulokset viittaavat siihen, että hemiselluloosan vesiuutto happamissa olosuhteissa voi olla biojalostamon ensimmäinen vaihe, ennen delignifiointia. Lisäksi havaittiin, että ligniinin ominaisuuksia voidaan muokata kemiallisella depolymerisoinnilla ja fysikaalisella fraktioinnilla. Korkeamman hydroksyyliryhmäpitoisuuden ja formaldehydin sitomiskyvyn muokattuja ligniinejä voidaan hyödyntää biopolymeerisovellutuksissa, kuten fenolisissa hartseissa ja polyuretaaneissa.

Palladium-catalyzed lignin valorization : Towards a lignin-based biorefinery

Galkin, Maxim January 2015 (has links)
The work described in this thesis focuses on the cleavage of the β-O-4′ bond, which is the most abundant interunit linkage in the lignin polymer. In the first part, three methods based on palladium catalysis have been developed and their applicability has been verified using lignin model compounds. A transfer hydrogenolysis of the β-O-4′ bond using formic acid as a mild hydrogen donor together with a base. An aerobic oxidation of the benzylic alcohol motif in the β-O-4′ linkage to generate a key intermediate in the cleavage reaction was performed. A redox neutral cleavage of the β-O-4′ bond was accomplished in which no stoichiometric reducing or oxidizing agents were added. In the second part of the thesis, a mechanistic study is presented. The corresponding ketone from a dehydrogenation reaction of the benzylic alcohol motif was identified to be the key intermediate. This ketone and its enol tautomer was found to be responsible for the β-O-4′ bond cleavage reaction under the employed reaction conditions. In the final part of this thesis, the methodologies have been applied to native lignin. The depolymerization reaction was combined with organosolv pulping. This approach was successful, and together with cellulose and hemicellulose, propenyl aryls were generated in excellent yields directly from wood. In this transformation, the lignin derived molecules have been reduced by an endogenous hydrogen donor from the wood.

Despolimerização de PET por glicólise catalisada por nanotubos de titanatos

Lima, Gabrielle Ritter January 2018 (has links)
O poli(tereftalato de etileno), PET, é um material polimérico importante, largamente utilizado na produção de garrafas para refrigerante e água mineral. Entretanto, a destinação das embalagens de PET pós-consumo vem criando sérias preocupações econômicas e ambientais. Uma das alternativas de destino desse material é a reciclagem química por glicólise, tendo como objetivo a produção do monômero tereftalato de bis-hidroxietila (BHET). Esta reação, embora referenciada, ainda apresenta problemas como rendimento de BHET e tempo de reação, entre outros, tendo como desafio o desenvolvimento de novos catalisadores eficientes e altamente seletivos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho busca estudar a atividade catalítica de um material nanoestruturado, os nanotubos de titanatos (TNT), na glicólise de PET (virgem e pós-consumo) comparado ao acetato de zinco (catalisador mais utilizado citado em literatura), a otimização de alguns parâmetros reacionais (granulometria de PET pós-consumo, razão Etilenoglicol:PET, porcentagem molar de TNT) e uma modificação dos nanotubos com zinco (ZnTNT) na despolimerização do PET Para a caracterização dos produtos as principais técnicas utilizadas foram a Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA) e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN), além de resultados de rendimento, turnover number (TON) e turnover frequency (TOF). A despolimerização ocorreu por reação de glicólise utilizando PET virgem e pós-consumo e etilenoglicol para diferentes tempos a uma temperatura de 196°C. Os principais resultados mostram os TNT como catalisadores promissores, apresentando rendimentos em BHET de 83,9 e 76,7%, para PET virgem e pós-consumo, respectivamente, para 3 horas de reação. Esses valores são equiparáveis aos obtidos quando utilizado acetato de zinco, em que foi alcançado 79,4% (PET virgem) e 80,8% (PET pós-consumo). Após a modificação dos TNT com zinco, os resultados de rendimento em BHET alcançaram 87,1% para 3 horas de reação na menor granulometria estudada, demonstrando ser um catalisador ainda mais eficiente para essa reação. / Polyethylene terephthalate, PET, is an important polymer material, widely used in the production of bottles for soda and mineral water. However, the disposal of post-consumer PET packaging has created serious economic and environmental concerns. One of the alternatives for the disposal of this material is the chemical recycling by glycolysis, aiming the production of the monomer bis-(2hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). This reaction, although referenced, still presents problems such as BHET yield and reaction time, among others, having as challenge the development of new efficient and highly selective catalysts. In this context, the present work aims to study the catalytic activity of a nanostructured material, the titanate nanotubes (TNT) in PET glycolysis (virgin and post-consumer) compared to zinc acetate (the most used catalyst cited in literature), the study of some reaction parameters (post-consumer PET granulometry, Ethylene glycol:PET ratio and TNT molar percentage) and a modification of the catalyst with zinc (ZnTNT) in the depolymerization of PET For the characterization of the products, the main techniques used were Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), as well as yield, turnover number (TON) and turnover frequency (TOF) results. The depolymerization occurred by glycolysis reaction using virgin and post-consumer PET and ethylene glycol at different times at a temperature of 196°C. The main results show TNT as promising catalysts, with yields of BHET yields of 83.9 and 76.7%, for virgin and post-consumer PET, respectively, for 3 hours of reaction. These values are similar to those obtained when zinc acetate was used, in which 79.4% (virgin PET) and 80.8% (post-consumer PET) were reached. After the modification of the TNT with zinc, the yield results in BHET reached 87.1% for 3 hours of reaction at the smaller particle size studied, proving itself to be an even more efficient catalyst for this reaction.

Despolimerização de PET por glicólise catalisada por nanotubos de titanatos

Lima, Gabrielle Ritter January 2018 (has links)
O poli(tereftalato de etileno), PET, é um material polimérico importante, largamente utilizado na produção de garrafas para refrigerante e água mineral. Entretanto, a destinação das embalagens de PET pós-consumo vem criando sérias preocupações econômicas e ambientais. Uma das alternativas de destino desse material é a reciclagem química por glicólise, tendo como objetivo a produção do monômero tereftalato de bis-hidroxietila (BHET). Esta reação, embora referenciada, ainda apresenta problemas como rendimento de BHET e tempo de reação, entre outros, tendo como desafio o desenvolvimento de novos catalisadores eficientes e altamente seletivos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho busca estudar a atividade catalítica de um material nanoestruturado, os nanotubos de titanatos (TNT), na glicólise de PET (virgem e pós-consumo) comparado ao acetato de zinco (catalisador mais utilizado citado em literatura), a otimização de alguns parâmetros reacionais (granulometria de PET pós-consumo, razão Etilenoglicol:PET, porcentagem molar de TNT) e uma modificação dos nanotubos com zinco (ZnTNT) na despolimerização do PET Para a caracterização dos produtos as principais técnicas utilizadas foram a Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA) e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN), além de resultados de rendimento, turnover number (TON) e turnover frequency (TOF). A despolimerização ocorreu por reação de glicólise utilizando PET virgem e pós-consumo e etilenoglicol para diferentes tempos a uma temperatura de 196°C. Os principais resultados mostram os TNT como catalisadores promissores, apresentando rendimentos em BHET de 83,9 e 76,7%, para PET virgem e pós-consumo, respectivamente, para 3 horas de reação. Esses valores são equiparáveis aos obtidos quando utilizado acetato de zinco, em que foi alcançado 79,4% (PET virgem) e 80,8% (PET pós-consumo). Após a modificação dos TNT com zinco, os resultados de rendimento em BHET alcançaram 87,1% para 3 horas de reação na menor granulometria estudada, demonstrando ser um catalisador ainda mais eficiente para essa reação. / Polyethylene terephthalate, PET, is an important polymer material, widely used in the production of bottles for soda and mineral water. However, the disposal of post-consumer PET packaging has created serious economic and environmental concerns. One of the alternatives for the disposal of this material is the chemical recycling by glycolysis, aiming the production of the monomer bis-(2hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). This reaction, although referenced, still presents problems such as BHET yield and reaction time, among others, having as challenge the development of new efficient and highly selective catalysts. In this context, the present work aims to study the catalytic activity of a nanostructured material, the titanate nanotubes (TNT) in PET glycolysis (virgin and post-consumer) compared to zinc acetate (the most used catalyst cited in literature), the study of some reaction parameters (post-consumer PET granulometry, Ethylene glycol:PET ratio and TNT molar percentage) and a modification of the catalyst with zinc (ZnTNT) in the depolymerization of PET For the characterization of the products, the main techniques used were Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), as well as yield, turnover number (TON) and turnover frequency (TOF) results. The depolymerization occurred by glycolysis reaction using virgin and post-consumer PET and ethylene glycol at different times at a temperature of 196°C. The main results show TNT as promising catalysts, with yields of BHET yields of 83.9 and 76.7%, for virgin and post-consumer PET, respectively, for 3 hours of reaction. These values are similar to those obtained when zinc acetate was used, in which 79.4% (virgin PET) and 80.8% (post-consumer PET) were reached. After the modification of the TNT with zinc, the yield results in BHET reached 87.1% for 3 hours of reaction at the smaller particle size studied, proving itself to be an even more efficient catalyst for this reaction.

Étude sur la dépolymérisation catalytique de la lignine en milieu oxydant : vers la production d’aromatiques biosourcés / Study of the catalytic lignin depolymerization in oxidizing media : towards the production of biosourced aromatics

Cabral Almada, Cédric 02 December 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet CHEMLIVAL qui vise à valoriser la lignine en composés aromatiques fonctionnalisés (fonction : aldéhydes, acides carboxyliques, phénols) pour des applications en chimie fine ou polymères. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié la valorisation de la lignine par voie d'oxydation catalytique hétérogène en milieu alcalin, une méthodologie respectueuse de l'environnement, pour la production de composés aromatiques telle que la vanilline ou la syringaldéhyde. Précédés par une caractérisation poussée des lignines utilisées dans cette étude, une optimisation des paramètres de la réaction (température, pression, catalyseurs…) ainsi que des suivis cinétique ont été réalisés. Ainsi des résultats comparables, voire supérieurs, à ceux décrits dans la littérature ont été obtenus. Ces travaux ont montré que la nature de la lignine ainsi que le procédé d'extraction lié à celle-ci avaient une grande influence sur les rendements en composés aromatiques. De plus, les résultats obtenus ont permis de proposer un schéma réactionnel d'oxydation de la lignine. L'utilisation d'un catalyseur (Pt/TiO2) a montré un effet bénéfique sur les rendements en composés aromatiques, probablement via un nouveau mécanisme d'oxydation de la lignine métallo-initié qui reste encore à élucider / This work is part of the CHEMLIVAL project aiming at the lignin valorization into functionalized aromatics compounds (functions : aldehydes, carboxylic acids, phenols) for fine chemistry or polymer applications. With this in mind, we studied lignin valorization through heterogeneous catalytic oxidation in alkaline media, an environmental friendly approach, for the production of aromatic compounds such as vanillin or syringaldehyde. After an extensive characterization of the different lignin samples used, we proceeded to an optimization of the conditions parameters (temperature, pressure, catalysts…) and kinetics study. As a results, yields similar or even higher than those reported in the literature were obtained. This work demonstrated that the lignin source as well as its extraction process has a great influence over the aromatic yields. Furthermore, the results acquired allowed us to propose a reaction scheme for lignin oxidation. The use of a catalyst (Pt/TiO2) was found to be beneficial for the production of aromatic compounds probably due to metallo-initiated mechanism that still needs to be identified

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