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Retrofitting analysis of integrated bio-refineriesCormier, Benjamin R. 25 April 2007 (has links)
A bio-refinery is a processing facility that produces liquid transportation fuels
and/or value-added chemicals and other products. Because of the dwindling resources
and escalating prices of fossil fuels, there are emerging situations in which the economic
performance of fossil-based facilities can be enhanced by retrofitting and incorporation of
bio-mass feedstocks. These systems can be regarded as bio-refineries or integrated fossilbio-
refineries. This work presents a retrofitting analysis to integrated bio-refineries.
Focus is given to the problem of process modification to an existing plant by considering
capacity expansion and material substitution with biomass feedstocks. Process integration
studies were conducted to determine cost-effective strategies for enhancing production
and for incorporating biomass into the process. Energy and mass integration approaches
were used to induce synergism and to reduce cost by exchanging heat, material utilities,
and by sharing equipment. Cost-benefit analysis was used to guide the decision-making
process and to compare various production routes. Ethanol production from two routes
was used as a case study to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach and the
results were bio-refinery has become more attractive then fossil-refinery.
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Modeling, Optimization and Economic Evaluation of Residual Biomass GasificationGeorgeson, Adam 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Gasification is a thermo-chemical process which transforms biomass into valuable synthesis gas. Integrated with a biorefinery it can address the facility’s residue handling challenges and input demands. A number of feedstock, technology, oxidizer and product options are available for gasification along with combinations thereof.
The objective of this work is to create a systematic method for optimizing the design of a residual biomass gasification unit. In detail, this work involves development of an optimization superstructure, creation of a biorefining scenario, process simulation, equipment sizing & costing, economic evaluation and optimization. The superstructure accommodates different feedstocks, reactor technologies, syngas cleaning options and final processing options. The criterion for optimization is annual worth.
A biorefining scenario for the production of renewable diesel fuel from seed oil is developed; gasification receives the residues from this biorefinery. Availability of Soybeans, Jatropha, Chinese Tallow and woody biomass material is set by land use within a 50-mile radius. Four reactor technologies are considered, based on oxidizer type and operating pressure, along with three syngas cleaning methods and five processing options.
Results show that residual gasification is profitable for large-scale biorefineries with the proper configuration. Low-pressure air gasification with filters, water-gas shift and hydrogen separation is the most advantageous combination of technology and product with an annual worth of $9.1 MM and a return on investment of 10.7 percent. Low-pressure air gasification with filters and methanol synthesis is the second most advantageous combination with an annual worth of $9.0 MM.
Gasification is more economic for residue processing than combustion or disposal, and it competes well with natural gas-based methanol synthesis. However, it is less economic than steam-methane reforming of natural gas to hydrogen. Carbon dioxide credits contribute to profitability, affecting some configurations more than others. A carbon dioxide credit of $33/t makes the process competitive with conventional oil and gas development. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates a 10 percent change in hydrogen or electricity price results in a change to the optimal configuration of the unit. Accurate assessment of future commodity prices is critical to maximizing profitability.
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Citrus Waste Biorefinery : Process Development, Simulation and Economic AnalysisPourbafrani, Mohammad January 2010 (has links)
The production of ethanol and other sustainable products including methane, limonene and pectin from citrus wastes (CWs) was studied in the present thesis. In the first part of the work, the CWs were hydrolyzed using enzymes – pectinase, cellulase and β-glucosidase – and the hydrolyzate was fermented using encapsulated yeasts in the presence of the inhibitor compound ‘limonene’. However, the application of encapsulated cells may be hampered by the high price of encapsulation, enzymes and the low stability of capsules’ membrane at high shear stresses. Therefore, a process based on dilute-acid hydrolysis of CWs was developed. The limonene of the CWs was effectively removed through flashing of the hydrolyzate into an expansion tank. The sugars present in the hydrolyzate were converted to ethanol using a flocculating yeast strain. Then ethanol was distilled and the stillage and the remaining solid materials of the hydrolyzed CWs were anaerobically digested to obtain methane. The soluble pectin content of hydrolyzate can be precipitated using the produced ethanol. One ton of CWs with 20% dry weight resulted in 39.64 l ethanol, 45 m3 methane, 8.9 l limonene, and 38.8 kg pectin. The feasibility of the process depends on the transportation cost and the capacity of CW. For example, the total cost of ethanol with a capacity of 100,000 tons CW/year was 0.91 USD/L, assuming 10 USD/ton handling and transportation cost of CW to the plant. Changing the plant capacity from 25,000 to 400,000 tons CW per year results in reducing ethanol costs from 2.55 to 0.46 USD/L in an economically feasible process. Since this process employs a flocculating yeast strain, the major concern in design of the bioreactor is the sedimentation of yeast flocs. The size of flocs is a function of sugar concentration, time and flow. A CFD model of bioreactor was developed to predict the sedimentation of flocs and the effect of flow on distribution of flocs. The CFD model predicted that the flocs sediment when they are larger than 180 micrometer. The developed CFD model can be used in design and scale-up of the bioreactor. For the plants with low CW capacity, a steam explosion process was employed to eliminate limonene and the treated CW was used in a digestion plant to produce methane. The required cost of this pretreatment was about 0.90 million dollars for 10,000 tons/year of CWs. / <p><strong>Sponsorship</strong>:</p><p>Sparbankstiftelsen Sjuhärad, Kommunalförbundet i Sjuhärad, Brämhults juice AB</p>
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Den lilla kemifabriken : En studie för att undersöka om nyttan av skogsrester kan ökas i norra Sveriges inlandHäggkvist, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
The background of this work is to suggest ways to take care of branches and tops of trees that today are left out in the north of Sweden after logging because it has to low value to be worth transporting. A solution to this is to place small chemical factories in the sparsely populated areas in the inland of Norrland that can take care of the forest residues and break it into valuable chemicals directly in the forest an then transport it to a market. The aim of this work was to find out if it´s a good idea to invest in these small chemical factories in the north of Sweden. This study has been carried out using literature study and interviews of key people. The largest part of the result comes from the interviews. The results of this study show that the small chemical factory is a good idea. Forest residues contains many valuable substances that should be greater used today. The results section of the report describes various factor that are crucial for the small chemical factory and these are: the products that can be produced, what technology that is suitable, if there is an market, who should be taking care of the factory and how the inland endurance will be affected. The conclusions that can be drawn from the study is that the small chemical factory should produce high-grade-sary chemicals directed at the chemical market. It may also be noted that there is existing technology that can be used in the factories, what has been done in the laboratories today can be implemented in the factory. The market will obviously depend on which product that will be produces, but finding a suitable market should not be impossible. The inland endurance will be positively impacted, among other things, the social endurance is enhances when these small chemical factories creates job opportunities in the inland and it can lead to decreasing the emigration.
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Black liquor to advanced biofuel : A techno-economic assessmentAlfjorden, Rikard January 2019 (has links)
This thesis looked at a biorefinery pilot plant that converted lignin in black liquor into biofuel. A heat/mass balance was made which was used to create a heat/mass balance for a theoretical large-scale plant. This then created the CAPEX for building the plant. OPEX for the largescale plant and income from sold biofuels was calculated and payback time found. This was done for three different cases with different flows and yield to optimize the plant. A sensitivity analysis was then made to find the most important parameters regarding CAPEX, OPEX and payback time.
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Process Design and Optimization of Biorefining PathwaysBao, Buping 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Synthesis and screening of technology alternatives is a key process-development activity in the process industries. Recently, this has become particularly important for the conceptual design of biorefineries. A structural representation (referred to as the chemical species/conversion operator) is introduced. It is used to track individual chemicals while allowing for the processing of multiple chemicals in processing technologies. The representation is used to embed potential configurations of interest. An optimization approach is developed to screen and determine optimum network configurations for various technology pathways using simple data.
The design of separation systems is an essential component in the design of biorefineries and hydrocarbon processing facilities. This work introduces methodical techniques for the synthesis and selection of separation networks. A shortcut method is developed for the separation of intermediates and products in biorefineries. The optimal allocation of conversion technologies and recycle design is determined in conjunction with the selection of the separation systems. The work also investigates the selection of separation systems for gas-to-liquid (GTL) technologies using supercritical Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The task of the separation network is to exploit the pressure profile of the process, the availability of the solvent as a process product, and the techno-economic advantages of recovering and recycling the solvent. Case studies are solved to illustrate the effectiveness of the various techniques developed in this work.
The result shows 1, the optimal pathway based on minimum payback period for cost efficiency is pathway through alcohol fermentation and oligomerized to gasoline as 11.7 years with 1620 tonne/day of feedstock. When the capacity is increased to 120,000 BPD of gasoline production, the payback period will be reduced to 3.4 years. 2, from the proposed separation configuration, the solvent is recovered 99% from the FT products, while not affecting the heavier components recovery and light gas recovery, and 99% of waster is recycled. The SCF-FT case is competitive with the traditional FT case with similar ROI 0.2. 3, The proposed process has comparable major parts cost with typical GTL process and the capital investment per BPD is within the range of existing GTL plant.
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Process integration, economic and environmental analysis tools for biorefinery designMartinez Hernandez, Elias January 2013 (has links)
Renewability and the carbonaceous basis of biomass provide potential for both energy and chemical production in biorefineries in a fashion similar to crude oil refineries. Biorefineries are envisaged as having a key role in the transition to a more sustainable industry, especially as a means to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A biorefinery is a concept for the flexible, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable conversion of biomass through a combination of process technologies into multiple products. This implies that biorefineries must be integrated through designs that exploit the interactions between material and energy streams. The wide range of possibilities for biomass feedstock, processes and products poses a challenge to biorefinery design. Integrating biorefineries within evolving economic and environmental policy contexts requires careful analysis of the configurations to be deployed from early in the design stage. This research therefore focuses on the application and development of methodologies for biorefinery design encompassing process integration tools, economic and environmental sustainability analyses together. The research is presented in the form of papers published or submitted to relevant peer-reviewed journals, with a preamble for each paper and a final synthesis of the work as a whole. In a first stage, mass pinch analysis was adapted into a method for integration ofbiorefineries producing bioethanol as a final product and also utilising bioethanol asa working fluid within the biorefinery. The tool allows targeting minimum bioethanol utilisation and assessing network modifications to diminish revenue losses. This new application could stimulate the emergence of similar approaches for the design of integrated biorefineries. The thesis then moves to combine feedstock production models, process simulations in Aspen Plus® and process integration with LCA, to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions of biorefineries. This work, presented via two publications covering wheat to bioethanol and Jatropha to biodiesel or green diesel, provided evidence of the benefits of biorefinery integrationfor energy saving and climate change adaptation. The multilevel modelling approach is then further integrated into a methodologydeveloped for the combined evaluation of the economic potential and GHG emissions saving of a biorefinery from the marginal performances of biorefineryproducts. The tool allows assessing process integration pathways and targeting forpolicy compliance. The tool is presented via two further publications, the first drawing analogies between value analysis and environmental impact analysis inorder to create the combined Economic Value and Environmental Impact (EVEI)analysis methodology, the second extending this to demonstrate how the tool canguide judicious movement of environmental burdens to meet policy targets. The research embodied in this thesis forms a systematic basis for the analysis andgeneration of biorefinery process designs for enhanced sustainability. The toolspresented will facilitate both the implementation of integrated biorefinery designsand the cultivation of a community of biorefinery engineers for whom suchintegrated thinking is their distinctive and defining attribute.
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Interregional competition in the biorefinery industryClarke, Nathan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agricultural Economics / Arlo Biere / A major story in the recent history of US agriculture is the evolution and growth of the ethanol industry. A crucial factor in the profitability of an ethanol plant is the choice of its fixed location, as this has implications in the transportation costs associated with the acquisition of grain and sale of distiller’s grains. When the industry was in its infancy, where to locate, often, was based on strictly local factors. Primary considerations were local availability of grain and producer and community investment interests. Today, the ethanol industry is more mature and consolidated. As such, investment criteria have broadened from a localized to a total systems perspective. The focus of this study was to analyze construction, abandonment, and expansion of plant locations in ethanol producing regions, and the effects of regional transportation costs on the geographic growth of the industry. Comparison to previous research provided the basis to evaluate industry change.
Current ethanol plant locations and their capacities were complied and compared with earlier data to identify plant exits, expansions and new construction. Aggregating those plant capacities by USDA crop reporting districts, feedstock consumption by biorefineries were calculated by crop reporting district, as was livestock feed demand from livestock numbers. Those data along with coarse grain production by crop reporting district were used to calculate excess feedgrain demand (supply) by region. Those regional data were used to construct linear programming network-flow models for the transportation of feedstock and for DDGS, respectively. Two models were used; the first was used minimize the interregional cost to transport feedstocks from excess supply regions to excess demand regions. The second was used to minimize the interregional cost to
transport DDGS from excess supply regions to excess demand regions. These regional transportation costs were combined to find the total interregional transport by crop reporting district. Differences in such interregional transport costs affect the competitiveness of plants across crop reporting districts and should affect the strategic position of each plant location. Current plant locations and transportation cost results were compared with those from previous research and, with additional consideration to changes in production factors, provided further understanding of the recent growth and development of the ethanol industry.
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Microbial Production and Characterization of 1,3-PDO by a Novel Lactobacillus panis Strain2012 April 1900 (has links)
Interest in the aliphatic carbon compound 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) has risen over the past 15 years. In part, this interest is due to the ability of 1,3-PDO to generate a variety of industrially relevant products such as the biodegradable polymer, polytrimethylene terephtalate. Our research group previously reported the identification of a novel Lactobacillus panis PM1 isolate capable of converting glycerol to 1,3-PDO. In this body of work, the effects of various process parameters and the ability of the novel L. panis isolate to produce 1,3-PDO in static and fed-batch cultures were examined. Data collected indicated that the concentrations of glycerol, and glucose, and pH, play a vital role in the optimized production of 1,3-PDO. Optimal conditions for the production of 1,3-PDO were determined to include: i) carbon-limited culture, defined as below 50 mM glucose and ii) growth at 37°C without agitation in the presence of glycerol (150 – 250 mM) at an elevated pH of 9 – 10. Factors such as inoculum size and temperature (OD600 in the range of 0.5 – 2 and a temperature range from 15° - 37°C) in a two-step fermentation showed insignificant variance in the production of 1,3-PDO. Initial fed-batch trials reflected the importance of pH on culture viability. A pH of 8 was determined to be necessary within culture parameters for the fed-batch production of 1,3-PDO. Further, the molar concentrations of 1,3-PDO produced were found to vary only slightly between fed batch culture and a static culture. The variance of 1,3-PDO production between the static and fed-batch trials was found to be 9.1 ± 4.9 mM for an average culture producing 85.3 ± 12.0 mM of 1,3-PDO. However, the mol concentrations of 1,3-PDO produced were found to be significantly higher with 22.3 ± 1.6 versus 5.3 ± 0.7 mmol 1,3-PDO produced for the fed batch versus the static cultures, respectively. The duration of 1,3-PDO production was found to be extended in the fed-batch model of production with increased levels of 1,3-PDO being produced over 120 hours. The cloning and characterization of the recombinant 1,3-PDO NAD+-dependent oxidoreductase also were explored to gain further insight into the native production of 1,3-PDO. Initial kinetic studies determined a Km value of 1.28 ± 0.57 mM for NAD+ versus 23.8 ± 1.1 mM for 1,3-PDO. The Km values demonstrated that the availability of NAD+/NADH may be a determining factor in 1,3-PDO concentration. These findings support the literature and the conclusion that the bottleneck in 1,3-PDO production lies in maintaining an available pool of NAD+/NADH while mitigating negative effects associated with the accumulation of toxic byproducts.
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Conceptual Design of Biorefineries Through the Synthesis of Optimal Chemical-reaction PathwaysPennaz, Eric James 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Decreasing fossil fuel reserves and environmental concerns necessitate a shift toward biofuels. However, the chemistry of many biomass to fuel conversion pathways remains to be thoroughly studied. The future of biorefineries thus depends on developing new pathways while optimizing existing ones. Here, potential chemicals are added to create a superstructure, then an algorithm is run to enumerate every feasible reaction stoichiometry through a mixed integer linear program (MILP). An optimal chemical reaction pathway, taking into account thermodynamic, safety, and economic constraints is then found through reaction network flux analysis (RNFA). The RNFA is first formulated as a linear programming problem (LP) and later recast as an MILP in order to solve multiple alternate optima through integer cuts. A graphical method is also developed in order to show a shortcut method based on thermodynamics as opposed to the reaction stoichiometry enumeration and RNFA methods. A hypothetical case study, based on the conversion of woody biomass to liquid fuels, is presented at the end of the work along with a more detailed look at the glucose and xylose to 2-mthyltetrahydrofuran (MTHF) biofuel production pathway.
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