Spelling suggestions: "subject:". pavement"" "subject:". lavement""
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Análise do comportamento estrutural de sistemas de drenagem viária constituídos por tubos plásticos flexíveis envolvidos com areia. / Structural behavior analysis of draining road systems.Schmitz, Cristiane Salerno 13 December 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou o conhecimento do comportamento estrutural de um sistema solo-tubo plástico flexível de paredes estruturadas frente a cargas permanentes sobre a tubulação e carregamentos móveis, como os provenientes de tráfego de veículos. Para o estudo, foram construídas valas em verdadeira grandeza na Área de Pesquisas e Testes de Pavimentos DAER-RS/UFRGS em Porto Alegre, RS, onde se dispõe de um equipamento simulador de tráfego, utilizado para aplicação de cargas estáticas e cíclicas na superfície dos sistemas solo-tubo. As variáveis independentes controladas são o grau de compactação do material que envolve o tubo e altura do mesmo material sobre o tubo. As variáveis medidas são a deflexão do tubo sob carregamento do simulador e o deslocamento permanente causado pela carga de solo sobre o tubo. O controle de compactação do material de envolvimento do tubo foi realizado com três equipamentos diferentes e os resultados foram comparados. Os resultados de deflexão e deslocamento pemanente foram utilizados para cálculo dos valores de módulo de reação E' do maerial de envolvimento do tubo e foram comparados com os encontrados na literatura. Constatou-se o comportamento elástico dos tubos sob carregamento repetido, e no caso em que o tubo é instalado muito próximo da superfície, as deflexões no sistema são de tal magnitude que chegam a ser prejudiciais ao pavimento construído sobre a vala. Ficou comprovada a importância da cuidadosa compactação do material de envolvimento do tubo para o bom desempenho estrutural do sistema solo-tubo flexível. / This work aimed at the knowledge of the structural behavior of a ribbed flexible plastic buried pipe system undergoing permanent loads on the piping and mobile loads, as the ones deriving from the traffic of vehicles. For this study, full scale ditches were built at the DAER-RS/UFRGS Pavement Research and Test Area in Porto Alegre, RS, where there is a equipment for simulating traffic, used for applying both static and cyclic loads on the ditch surface. The controled independent variables are the involving material density and the height of this material on the pipe. The variables measured are the pipe deflection under simulator load and the permanent displacement caused by the soil load on the pipe. The compaction control of involving material was carried out with three different types of equipment and results were compared. The results for pemanent deflection and displacement were used to calculate the Modulus of Soil Reaction (E') values of the involving material and these were compared to the ones found in the literature. The pipe elastic behavior under repeated load was observed, and where the pipe is installed too close to the surface, the system deflections are of such magnitude that they affect the pavement built over the ditch. The careful compaction of the involving material proved to be of paramount importance to a good structural performance of the flexible buried pipe system.
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Capture Solar Energy and Reduce Heat-Island Effect from Asphalt PavementChen, Bao-Liang 15 December 2008 (has links)
"Asphalt pavements are made up of several layers of materials and different types of materials are being used as base courses in these pavements. The properties of these pavement layers are affected significantly by temperature, and all of the layers are made up of heterogeneous mixtures of a wide variety of materials whose thermal properties are not readily available. Therefore, laboratory experiments were carried out with samples of pavements with different base course materials to determine temperature profiles along the depth, and finite element analysis was used to backcalculate thermal properties of the materials in the different layers of the different samples. The concept of extracting heat energy from asphalt pavements was evaluated by finite element modelling and testing small and large scale asphalt pavement samples. Water flowing through copper tubes inserted within asphalt pavements samples were used as heat exchangers in the experiments. The rise in temperature of water as a result of flow through the asphalt pavement was used as the indicator of efficiency of heat capture. The results of small scale testing show that the use of aggregates with high conductivity can significantly enhance the efficiency of heat capture. The efficiency can also be improved by using a reflectivity reducing and absorptivity increasing top layer over the pavement. Tests carried out with large scale slabs show that a larger surface area results in a higher amount of heat capture, and that the depth of heat exchanger is critical Heat-Islands are formed as a result of construction that replaces vegetation with absorptive surfaces (asphalt pavement). One suggested method to reduce the emitted heat from asphalt pavement surfaces is to reduce the temperature of the surface by flowing a suitable fluid through the pavement. Laboratory experiments were carried out using hand-compacted hot mix asphalt samples with quartzite and metagranodiorite aggregates. Pipes with different surface area were used to flow water through the samples, and the processes were modeled using finite element method. The results clearly show the feasibility of the proposed method, and indicate the beneficial effects of higher thermal conductivity of aggregates and larger surface area of pipes. "
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An Evaluation of Heated Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material and Wax Modified Asphalt for Use in Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)Penny, Julie Elizabeth 08 January 2007 (has links)
This study was carried out to evaluate the use of heated reclaimed asphalt pavement materials with emulsion and the use of hot mix asphalt with wax (Sasobit) as base course materials. Mixes with lower than optimum and optimum emulsion, as well as with heated reclaimed asphalt pavement material and optimum emulsion were made; also, mixes with conventional asphalt binder and those with asphalt binder and Sasobit were produced at relatively lower temperatures. These mixes were tested for workability, and all but one of the mixes were used for preparation of approximately 0.9 m (35 inches) by 0.9 m (35 inches) 0.125 m (5 inches) slabs. The rates of densification during the compaction of these slabs were compared. Samples cored from the slabs were tested for stiffness, and dry retained tensile strengths. The results showed that heating of reclaimed asphalt pavement material can improve the dispersion as well as densification significantly. The use of asphalt binder was found to be beneficial in improving strength and stiffness, and the use of Sasobit helped to achieve almost similar workabilities and compactabilities at lower temperatures, as compared to those of hot mix asphalt with neat asphalt binder. No significant difference was found between the modulus of the Sasobit and hot mix asphalt samples. The dispersion of asphalt binder seemed to improve with the use of Sasobit at lower mixing temperature. A field project is recommended for evaluating performance of emulsion mixes with heated reclaimed asphalt pavements and asphalt binder mixes with Sasobit.
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Identificação e discussão dos mecanismos de degradação de pavimentos com revestimento primário / Identification and discussion on distress mechanisms of unsurfaced gravel roadsNervis, Leandro Olivio January 2016 (has links)
As rodovias com revestimento primário constituem a imensa maioria da extensão da malha viária do Brasil e de muitos países. Sua manutenção em um nível mínimo aceitável de serventia consome parcelas importantes de orçamentos governamentais. Contudo, na maioria das vezes, as atividades de implantação e manutenção têm escasso sucesso, porque os agentes encarregados desconhecem a tecnologia específica. Visando contribuir para práticas mais efetivas, esta tese analisa os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com o objetivo de identificar e discutir os mecanismos de degradação de rodovias com revestimento primário, à luz das Mecânicas dos Solos e dos Pavimentos. O projeto experimental incluiu ensaios laboratoriais, bem como a construção e monitoramento de desempenho, ao longo de 30 meses, de um pavimento experimental, em projeto de assentamento da Reforma Agrária, no Rio Grande do Sul. O revestimento primário foi construído em duas camadas (a superior constituída por 7 cm de saibro e a inferior por 17 cm de argila laterítica) assentes sobre um subleito estratificado, com camada superior arenosa. As formações geológicas são constituídas por depósitos aluvionares (subleito) e por siltito (jazida de argila) e gnaisse (jazida do saibro). A compactação das camadas foi verificada por meio de ensaios clássicos e com emprego do cone de penetração dinâmica (DCP). As deflexões foram medidas no topo do subleito e sobre cada camada de revestimento, com utilização de viga Benkelman. Amostras deformadas dos materiais do revestimento primário e da camada superior do subleito foram coletadas. Em laboratório realizaram-se ensaios de caracterização, bem como da classificação MCT; foram avaliadas a resistência ao desgaste e a durabilidade da fração graúda do saibro (abrasão Los Angeles e alteração de rochas água-estufa). Realizaram-se ensaios de compactação, Índice de Suporte Califórnia, Inderbitzen (erodibilidade), cisalhamento direto e triaxiais de carga repetida, para obtenção de módulos de resiliência e avaliação do comportamento quanto à deformação permanente. Complementarmente, foram obtidas curvas de retenção de água. Com base nos resultados laboratoriais foram realizadas previsões de desempenho do pavimento experimental, fundamentadas em conceitos, prescrições e em modelos matemáticos e estatísticos encontrados na literatura e no emprego do programa HDM 4. Durante o período de monitoramento do pavimento experimental foram realizados 3 levantamentos para a obtenção da Irregularidade Longitudinal (IRI), com o emprego de um perfilômetro inercial e 4 inspeções para a avaliação da evolução dos principais defeitos típicos de pavimento com revestimento primário. Os defeitos observados foram: afundamento de trilha de roda, buracos, perda de abaulamento, perda de espessura de revestimento e sulcos de erosão; identificando-se e discutindo-se os mecanismos de degradação a eles associados. Também foram comparadas as previsões de desempenho com a evolução da serventia do pavimento experimental, constatando-se que os modelos apresentados na literatura internacional nem sempre apresentam acurácia satisfatória. Isto mostra a necessidade de se desenvolverem novos modelos e calibrar os existentes, como condição indispensável para otimizar as atividades de manutenção das rodovias com revestimento primário. / Most of Brazilian and other countries’ roads networks mainly comprise unsurfaced gravel roads. The maintenance of such roads at a minimum acceptable level of serviceability consumes large percentages of governs budgets. In spite of that, the construction and maintenance activities are scarcely well-succeeded, since the personnel involved do not know the specific technology. Aiming at contributing for more effective practices, this thesis analyses the results of a research carried out with the objective of identifying and discussing distress mechanisms of unsurfaced gravel roads, based on Soil and Pavement Mechanics. Experimental procedures included laboratory tests, as well as the construction and performance monitoring, along 30 months, of a test section, in an agrarian reform settlement, in Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil. The wearing course of the unsurfaced pavement consisted of two different layers (a 7-cm-thick upper layer, made of genuine residual soil and a lower one with 17 cm of lateritic clay), built over a stratified subgrade, with a sandy upper layer. Geological formations consisted of alluvial fans (the subgrade), siltstone (the clay site) and gneiss (genuine residual soil site). Layers compaction was quantified by means of classic tests and also using the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). Using a Benkelman beam, surface deflections were measured on the top of the subgrade and every layer. Samples were taken from the subgrade and from both materials that constitute the wearing course, in order to perform laboratory tests of characterization and those of a Brazilian soils classification system, known as MCT (miniature, compacted, tropical). Los Angeles abrasion and rock alteration by wetting and drying tests were done on samples of the genuine residual soil coarse fraction. Every material was subjected to compaction, CBR, Inderbitzen (erodibility), direct shear and repeated loading triaxial tests (these latter to compute resilient moduli and to evaluate the permanent deformation behaviour). Besides, water-retention curves were obtained. Based on laboratory results, the performance of the experimental pavement was predicted, founded on concepts, materials prescriptions and mathematical and statistical models and using HDM 4 program. During the monitoring period three roughness (IRI) surveys were carried out, using an inertial profilometer. Four distresses surveys were carried out to evaluate the evolution of the most important distresses typical of unsurfaced gravel roads. Distresses as rutting, potholes, cross-section deformation and thickness reduction and erosion channels were observed and the associated distress mechanisms were discussed. Pavement performance predictions were compared to the measured serviceability evolution. It was found out that the models available in the literature not always yield accurate results. Because of that, developing new models and calibrating the existing ones is mandatory to optimize maintenance activities in unsurfaced gravel roads.
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Pesagem em movimento de cargas atuantes em rodovias e seu impacto no desempenho de pavimentos da rede temática de asfalto / Weigh in motion of road loads and their impact in pavement performance of the brazilian Asphalt Tematic NetworkBock, André Luiz January 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas os pavimentos rodoviários brasileiros têm tido seu desempenho comprometido devido a uma série de fatores, entre eles incluem-se não somente o crescente aumento do volume de tráfego de veículos pesados e aumento de sua capacidade de transporte, mas principalmente a circulação com cargas acima dos limites legais estabelecidos, configurando uma situação crítica para a sua adequada durabilidade da estrutura projetada. Paralelamente aos investimentos necessários, é importante também o desenvolvimento de métodos mais racionais de dimensionamento de pavimentos contemplando as especificidades dos materiais empregados e levando em consideração as condições climáticas e, principalmente uma completa e detalhada caracterização do tráfego solicitante. Neste contexto apresentado, a pesquisa insere-se em dois importantes estudos. O acompanhamento construtivo e monitoramento sistemático de desempenho de dois trechos na rodovia BR-448/RS e a continuidade do monitoramento de outros dois na BR-290/RS, trecho em concessão entre Osório e Porto Alegre (Freeway). Estas atividades inserem-se no “Projeto Integrado da Rede Temática de Tecnologia em Asfalto Petrobras/ANP", de abrangência nacional, para desenvolvimento de um novo método brasileiro de dimensionamento de pavimentos O segundo estudo trata-se de um completo monitoramento de cargas na Freeway, através da instalação e operacionalização inédita de um equipamento de pesagem dinâmica de alta velocidade (Hight Speed Weigh-in-Motion – HS-WIM) para determinação do espectro de cargas e posterior análise de sua influência no desempenho de pavimentos. Com ambos os estudos foi possível, além de determinar o espectro de cargas, os carregamentos médios e os níveis de sobrecargas praticados naquela rodovia, verificar como estas cargas influenciam o desempenho do pavimento e confrontar estes dados com as tendências observadas através do monitoramento sistemático dos trechos analisados. Por meio do desenvolvimento do presente trabalho pretende-se contribuir para melhorias na engenharia rodoviária e de tráfego através da inserção de novas tecnologias de monitoramento e fiscalização das cargas transportadas e contribuir com o desenvolvimento de um novo método de dimensionamento de pavimentos flexíveis proposto pela Rede Temática de Asfalto, através do levantamento de dados nos trechos experimentais para desenvolvimento de modelos de desempenho e sua posterior inserção nos modelos de calibração. / In recent decades the Brazilian road pavements have had their performance reduced due to a number of factors, not only the increasing volume of heavy vehicles and increased transport capacity, but mainly the flow with loads above the established legal limits, setting a critical situation for the durability of the designed structure. Alongside the necessary investment, it is also important to the development of more rational methods of pavement design, considering the specificities of the materials used and taking into account the climatic conditions and a complete and detailed characterization of the traffic. In this context, the research was developed to attain two main objectives: the construction monitoring and systematic assessment of performance of two test sections built in BR-448/RS highway and the continuity of assesment of two others previously built in BR-290/RS, between Osório and Porto Alegre (known as Freeway). These activities are part of the "Integrated Project Theme Technology Network Petrobras Asphalt/ANP", a nationwide project aimed at developing a new Brazilian method for pavement design The second objective was to conduct a comprehensive monitoring loads study on the Freeway, by installing and carrying on an unprecedented operation of a dynamic weighting equipment of high speed (High speed weigh-in-Motion - HS-WIM) to determine the loads spectrum and subsequent analysis of the influence on pavement performance. Both studies made possible to determine the loads spectrum, average loads and levels of overloads practiced on that highway, to estimate how these loads affect the pavement performance and to compare these data with the trends observed through the systematic assessment of the analyzed sections. This work aims to contribute to improvements in road and traffic engineering, by introducing new monitoring technologies, monitoring the transported cargo and contributing to the development of a new design method of flexible pavements, a major goal of the Thematic Network of Asphalt, to be achieved through experimental data collection in test sections, the development of performance models and their subsequent insertion in the calibration models.
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Evaluation of pavement roughness and vehicle vibrations for road surface profilingOnuorah, Chinedum Anthony January 2018 (has links)
The research explores aspects of road surface measurement and monitoring, targeting some of the main challenges in the field, including cost and portability of high-speed inertial profilers. These challenges are due to the complexities of modern profilers to integrate various sensors while using advanced algorithms and processes to analyse measured sensor data. Novel techniques were proposed to improve the accuracy of road surface longitudinal profiles using inertial profilers. The thesis presents a Half-Wavelength Peak Matching (HWPM) model, designed for inertial profilers that integrate a laser displacement sensor and an accelerometer to evaluate surface irregularities. The model provides an alternative approach to drift correction in accelerometers, which is a major challenge when evaluating displacement from acceleration. The theory relies on using data from the laser displacement sensor to estimate a correction offset for the derived displacement. The study also proposes an alternative technique to evaluating vibration velocity, which improves on computational factors when compared to commonly used methods. The aim is to explore a different dimension to road roughness evaluation, by investigating the effect of surface irregularities on vehicle vibration. The measured samples show that the drift in the displacement calculated from the accelerometer increased as the vehicle speed at which the road measurement was taken increased. As such, the significance of the HWPM model is more apparent at higher vehicle speeds, where the results obtained show noticeable improvements to current techniques. All results and analysis carried out to validate the model are based on real-time data obtained from an inertial profiler that was designed and developed for the research. The profiler, which is designed for portability, scalability and accuracy, provides a Power Over Ethernet (POE) enabled solution to cope with the demand for high data transmission rates.
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Avaliação funcional de pavimentos asfálticos aeroportuários com a finalidade de estabelecer metas para sua manutenção. / Maintenance targets for functional asphalt runway pavement evaluation.Merighi, Livia Fortes 26 May 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo focado na implementação de metas de manutenção funcional de pavimentos flexíveis aeroportuários de pistas de pouso e decolagem. Os aeroportos além de terem que desempenhar sua função conforme especificado pela Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC), devem também preservar os pavimentos existentes em boas condições e promover segurança e conforto ao usuário. Ainda que haja critérios para definição de estratégias de manutenção dos pavimentos para as pistas de pouso e decolagem em outros países, é recomendado para o caso de aeroportos no Brasil a consideração de outros parâmetros relacionados a patologias e bacias transversais na superfície do pavimento. O objetivo desse trabalho é propor metas para uma manutenção efetiva para avaliação funcional de pavimentos aeroportuários flexíveis e com esse intuito, foram feitos levantamentos bibliográficos referentes a avaliação funcional, principais patologias encontradas em pavimentos flexíveis, avaliação de segurança em pavimentos aeroportuários, levantamento do índice de irregularidade internacional (IRI), principais índices de avaliação funcional e sistemas de gerenciamento de pavimentos utilizados no Brasil e em alguns países, e um estudo de caso para definição de parâmetros importantes adaptados à realidade brasileira para a criação de metas de manutenção. Para o estudo de campo foram realizados levantamentos nas pistas de pouso e decolagem de quatro aeroportos regionais no Estado de São Paulo. Os levantamentos realizados foram defeitos/patologias existentes na pista, irregularidade longitudinal e bacias transversais da pista. Para o levantamento da irregularidade longitudinal e bacias transversais na pista foi utilizado o equipamento Planógrafo AX 02, enquanto os defeitos foram levantados de acordo com a regulamentação americana do FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) para determinação do PCI (Pavement Condition Index) de acordo com o procedimento da norma ASTM D5340 (2012). / This paper presents a study focused on the implementation of functional maintenance targets for airport runway flexible pavement. Airports besides performing its function specified by the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), should also preserve existing pavements in good condition and promote safety and comfort to the passenger. Although there are already criteria to define pavement maintenance strategies for runways in other countries, it is recommended for the Brazilian airports to consider other parameters related to pathologies and transversal basins on the pavement surface. This research consists on establishing an effective maintenance for functional evaluation of flexible runway pavement. Once established the purpose a literature review aiming to study the functional evaluation in flexible pavements was performed. The references also include main distresses found in asphalt pavements, safety evaluation on runway pavements, the International Roughness Index (IRI), the main functional evaluation indexes and Airport Pavement Management Systems in Brazil and in worldwide, and a case study to define important maintenance parameters adapted to Brazilian runways. The survey in loco was carried out to collect information about the runway state of four regional airports. This inspection detected irregularities along the runway and failure in the cross-section profile by the Planograph AX 02 equipament, and also revealed pavement defects pathologies according to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations to determine the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), ASTM D5340 (2012).
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Solos não saturados e a drenagem de camadas próximas da superfície de vias e pavimentos / Non saturated soils, pavement and near surface drainageFumió, Bernardo Luiz Costas 28 May 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho relata resultados de estudos sobre drenagem de camadas próximas à superfície que visam contribuir para aperfeiçoar o entendimento de comportamento da fase não saturada de solos, e disseminar o uso de elementos finitos para estudo de movimento de água em componentes que constituem a plataforma de vias. Descreveram-se e comentaram-se tópicos sobre as relações entre o formato de vias e a drenagem na estrutura de vias, processos para estimativas de vazões percoladas e infiltradas em solos por métodos simplificados, tópicos sobre a evolução do estudo de movimento de água e estimativa de medidas sobre propriedades de solos não saturados. Para estudo de caso se adotou a simulação com elementos de volume de sólido e método dos elementos finitos para com dados publicados sobre propriedades de solo arenoso ou argiloso obter dados para testes estatísticos que ressaltassem as diferenças entre as vazões estimadas com uso da condutividade hidráulica constante e de solo saturado, e a condutividade que incluísse o solo não saturado. Os dados usados foram obtidos por simulação, que estimou vazões percoladas e infiltradas, que foram submetidos a teste de hipóteses sobre diferenças de médias. O objetivo proposto foi atingido discutindo resultados de análise sobre a significância estatística de diferenças entre vazões percoladas. / This work reports the conclusions of studies on draining water from surface layers of a way structure that aim to contribute to the knowledge on the behavior of non saturated ground, and to spread the use of the finite element technique for studies on the water movement inside components that constitute these platforms. It was discussed: an introduction on highways in Brazil, topics that had motivated the studies, methods and processes for treatment of the non saturated phase of the water movement. It was described and commented topics on the relations between the format of ways and the draining in their structure, processes to estimate the percolation and infiltration outflows using simplified methods, topics on the evolution of the study movement of water and estimating measures on non saturated ground properties. For case study it was adopted the simulation using elements of solid volume and the finite element technique obtained from bibliographical data on saturated and non saturated sand and clay properties, including the hydraulic conductivity. The tested data had been gotten by simulation, and had been submitted to the test of hypotheses on differences of percolated water volumes. The main objective was reached discussing statistical results on the significance of the differences among percolated volume of water.
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Características de aderência de revestimentos asfálticos aeroportuários. Estudo de caso do aeroporto internacional de São Paulo/Congonhas. / Adherence characteristics of asphalt runway surfaces. Case of São Paulo/Congonhas International Airport.Rodrigues Filho, Oswaldo Sansone 21 August 2006 (has links)
Existe uma preocupação geral quanto à aderência que se pode obter entre os pneus de uma aeronave e as superfícies das pistas de aeroportos, principalmente naqueles em que operam aeronaves a jato, em altas velocidades, tornando a aderência um fator importante relacionado à segurança de vôo. O atrito nas pistas muda ao longo do tempo, em função do tráfego, das condições climáticas e das práticas de manutenção adotadas. Contaminantes, tais como água e resíduos de borracha, causam diminuição do atrito das superfícies das pistas, em grandes extensões, principalmente nas zonas de toque. Este trabalho analisa a aderência pneu-pavimento em revestimentos asfálticos aeroportuários, por meio da avaliação da macrotextura, do atrito dinâmico, do atrito medido com o Pêndulo Britânico e da drenabilidade, em regiões das pistas submetidas a diferentes solicitações de tráfego e diferentes ações de manutenção. O Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo / Congonhas foi escolhido para o estudo de caso, pois conta com duas pistas de pouso e decolagem com revestimentos asfálticos com grooving e tráfego de aeronaves com intensidade suficiente para promover os problemas de aderência relatados na literatura. Os resultados indicam a influência do volume de tráfego, do grooving, do acúmulo de resíduos de borracha e das práticas de manutenção sobre a aderência pneu-pavimento proporcionada pelos revestimentos. / There is a general concern about braking performance in runways pavements surfaces, particularly in airports operating turbojet aircrafts with high landing speeds, making friction become a significant safety subject. Runway friction changes along the time depending on aircraft traffic, weather conditions and maintenance works. Contaminants such as rubber deposits and water cause friction loss on pavement surface, mainly in the touchdown zone on runways, and it can reach quite extensive areas. This work analyzes the tire/pavement adherence on asphalt runways surfaces, by evaluating parameters as macrotexture, friction (using British Pendulum and MuMeter) and draining capability, in different areas of runways, submitted to different traffic and different maintenance actions. The field surveys were performed at Congonhas Airport. Congonhas operates two asphalt runways (grooved) with enough traffic to promote the adherences problems reported in literature. The results indicate how volume of traffic, grooving, rubber deposits and pavement maintenance practices can influence on runway surface adherence level.
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Fundamental characterisation of thermal influence in hot mix asphalt repairByzyka, Juliana January 2018 (has links)
The study focuses on the issue of hot mix asphalt pothole repairs, the performance of which is greatly reduced by repair edge disintegration. This is caused by low interface temperatures which result in low density interfaces and poor repair bonding. The study examined heat flow in shallow and deep pothole excavations under controlled pre-heating done in heating-cooling cycles, referred as "dynamic heating", and the effect of asphalt thermal properties on this. Dynamic heating was applied with an experimental infrared heater operating between 6.6 kW and 7.7 kW heat power and with the heater being stationary or moving above simulated potholes at offsets of 130 mm and 230 mm. The study also examined heat flow in traditional non-heated shallow repairs, referred as "static repairs", and dynamic shallow repairs and the effect of pothole pre-heating in repair adhesion. Finite Element modelling was also used to enhance understanding of heat flow in the executed repairs. Then, the bonding properties and rutting resistance of the repairs were assessed using shear bond tests (SBT's) and wheel track tests (WTT's) respectively. The results showed that irrespective of excavation depth, heating power and heater offset, temperature distribution in the pothole excavation and inside the slabs under dynamic heat was non-uniform. Dynamically heating pothole excavations for approximately 10 minutes yields better heat distribution than 20 minutes heating time while minimising the possibility of asphalt overheating. The temperature profile at the interface of the dynamically heated repair is improved when compared to static repair suggesting better interface adhesion. A significant role in this profile is played by thermal contact conductance which determines the resistance to pavement-repair thermal conduction per unit area at the repair interface. This was reflected in the assessment and simulation of the repairs with the latter generating reasonable transient temperature profiles within the dynamically heated pothole excavation, at the interface of the repairs, and inside the host pavement. Further, the shear strength at the bottom and side interfaces of dynamically heated repairs was 78.2% and 68.4% higher respectively than that of static repairs. On average, static and dynamic repairs showed repair interface rutting depths of 14.82 mm and 10.36 mm respectively. It was concluded that dynamically heating a pothole excavation increases repair interface adhesion and repair durability.
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