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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Neurophysiological Correlates of Children's and Adults' Judgments of Moral and Social Conventional Violations

Lahat, Ayelet 31 August 2011 (has links)
Adults and young children have been found to distinguish between moral and social conventional acts, which are considered to entail distinct domains of reasoning (e.g., Turiel 1983). Recently, research has begun to examine the neural basis of moral judgments (e.g., Greene et al., 2001), but these studies did not examine the development of neurocognitive processing of judgments in these two domains. The present study focused on detection of cognitive conflict as a neurocognitive process that distinguished judgments of moral and conventional violations. The N2 component of the ERP was examined in order to determine whether the two types of violation are associated with different neurophysiological correlates and whether they change with development. In a series of five experiments, reaction times and ERPs were recorded from 12- to 14-year-old children and undergraduates who read scenarios that had one of three possible endings: (1) moral violations, (2) conventional violations, (3) no violation (neutral acts). Participants judged whether the act was acceptable or unacceptable when a rule was assumed or removed. Results indicate that reaction times were faster for moral than conventional violations when a rule was assumed for both undergraduates and children, as well as when a rule was removed for children but not for undergraduates. ERP data indicated that adults’, but not children’s, N2 amplitudes were larger (i.e., more negative) for conventional than iii moral violations when a rule was assumed. Furthermore, source analysis indicated generators for the N2 in dorsomedial and ventromedial prefrontal cortices. The results suggest that judgments of conventional violations involve increased conflict detection as compared to moral violations, and these two domains are processed differently across development. The findings were explained by the idea that judgments of conventional violations are more explicitly dependant on rules, whereas judgments of moral violations are based more directly on the intrinsic negative consequences of the act.

Testing the Normative Hypothesis of Relational Aggression and Psychopathology through Gender and Age Moderation

Kane, Sarah Jennifer 25 July 2012 (has links)
The gender normative hypothesis of relational aggression and psychopathology states that relational aggression is more detrimental to boys than it is to girls because relational aggression is more normative in girls. In the present study, this hypothesis was tested in a large sample of 6-to-18-year-old children and this hypothesis was also extended to the domain of age norms. Specifically, it was tested whether relational aggression would also be most detrimental outside of the age in which it is most normative. The results showed some evidence supporting the gender normative hypothesis. Specifically, it was found that relationally aggressive boys suffered more internalizing and externalizing problems than non-relationally aggressive boys did. Relationally aggressive girls, however, suffered only more externalizing problems than non-relationally aggressive girls did. Results did not support the age normative hypothesis. Implications of these findings and future directions are discussed.

From Perseveration to Flexibility: Reflection and the Down-regulation of Conflict Detection Underlying Executive Function Development

Espinet, Stacey 07 August 2013 (has links)
Introduction. Executive function refers to the top-down neurocognitive processes involved in flexible, goal-oriented behavior. A number of studies have shown positive effects of EF training. The overall aim of these studies was to explore the neurocognitive processes that support the development of EF by understanding how EF training works and what the active ingredients are. Particular interest was in isolating the role of reflection in EF training to understand its top-down affect on ACC-mediated conflict detection. Method. In Exp. 1 the neural markers of EF were explored by comparing ERPs of preschoolers who passed the DCCS and preschoolers who failed. Exp. 2 represents an attempt to replicate the key findings of Kloo & Perner, (2003, Exp. 2) that reflection training improves preschoolers’ performance on the DCCS and demonstrates far transfer. A shortened version of the training protocol was also tested (Exp. 3). In Exp. 4, the neural correlates of reflection training in preschoolers were explored by examining changes in the neural marker of EF found in Exp. 1. Results. In Exp. 1, the N2 amplitude was smaller (less negative) for children who passed the DCCS and were able to efficiently resolve the conflict in the stimuli than for children who failed and were unable to resolve the conflict. Exp. 2 replicated the findings of Kloo & Perner, (2003, Exp. 2) even using a brief (15 min) intervention targeting reflection (Exp. 3). In Exp. 4, one brief session of reflection training made children who initially failed the DCCS look like children who initially passed at both the behavioral and neural level (reduced N2 amplitude). Conclusion. Results suggest that reflective processing facilitates the development of EF in young children by teaching them to notice conflict, reflect on it, and formulate rules for resolving it, resulting in the down-regulation of ACC-mediated conflict detection.

Making ‘What Works’ Work: Issues Relevant to Addressing Youths’ Needs during Probation Services

Haqanee, Zohrah 20 November 2013 (has links)
Semi-structured interviews with 29 probation officers were conducted about their experiences addressing youths’ criminogenic needs in accordance with the Risk-Need-Responsivity framework. Probation officers discussed barriers they face at the individual, organizational, and systemic level (‘environmental’ issues that transcend – but impact on – the individual youth). Results revealed that challenges probation officers faced included ambiguity with respect to their role addressing certain risk-need domains, waitlist for services, having to prioritize certain noncriminogenic needs, involving parents, and the prevalence of mental illness (particularly concurrent diagnoses). Probation officers also discussed systemic barriers that they felt were out of their control but significantly impacted youths’ risk. Results are discussed in terms of implications for theory, research, policy, and practice.

Making ‘What Works’ Work: Issues Relevant to Addressing Youths’ Needs during Probation Services

Haqanee, Zohrah 20 November 2013 (has links)
Semi-structured interviews with 29 probation officers were conducted about their experiences addressing youths’ criminogenic needs in accordance with the Risk-Need-Responsivity framework. Probation officers discussed barriers they face at the individual, organizational, and systemic level (‘environmental’ issues that transcend – but impact on – the individual youth). Results revealed that challenges probation officers faced included ambiguity with respect to their role addressing certain risk-need domains, waitlist for services, having to prioritize certain noncriminogenic needs, involving parents, and the prevalence of mental illness (particularly concurrent diagnoses). Probation officers also discussed systemic barriers that they felt were out of their control but significantly impacted youths’ risk. Results are discussed in terms of implications for theory, research, policy, and practice.

Adolescent Social Perspective Taking in Contexts of Social Justice: Examining Perceptions of Social Group Differences

Rubenstein, Richard 21 March 2012 (has links)
The present mixed-methods study examined adolescents’ social perspective taking in contexts of social justice as demonstrated by their awareness and interpretations of hypothetical peer interactions depicting racism and sexism. Fifty adolescents in Grades 9 and 12 participated in a semi-structured interview in which they were presented with two scenarios, involving adolescents in conflicts portraying racism and sexism. They were asked a series of questions designed to elicit their awareness and understanding of social group differences. Qualitative analyses revealed three categories of adolescents’ responses, reflecting distinct interpretations of social group differences. On average, adolescents assumed a perspective that was naïve to the disparities existing between vulnerable and less vulnerable social groups. Furthermore, it was shown that older adolescents had significantly more sophisticated social justice understandings than younger adolescents. These findings highlight the need to educate adolescents about issues of social justice and facilitate an appreciation of social group differences.

Establishing Relations between BOLD Variability, Age, and Cognitive Performance

Garrett, Douglas 06 December 2012 (has links)
Neuroscientists have long known that brain function is inherently variable. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research often attributes blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal variance to measurement-related confounds. However, what is typically considered “noise” variance in data may be a vital feature of brain function that reflects development, cognitive adaptability, flexibility, and performance. In the present thesis, we examine how brain signal variability (measured with a modified BOLD time series standard deviation (SDBOLD)) relates to human aging and cognitive performance in a series of studies. In Study 1, we examined brain variability during fixation baseline periods. We found that not only was the SDBOLD pattern robust, its unique age-predictive power was more than five times that of meanBOLD (a common measure of BOLD activity), yet revealed a spatial pattern virtually orthogonal to meanBOLD. Contrary to typical conceptions of age-related neural noise, young adults exhibited greater brain variability overall. In Study 2, we found that younger, faster, and more consistent performers exhibited significantly higher brain variability across three cognitive tasks, and showed greater variability-based regional differentiation compared to older, poorer performing adults. SDBOLD and meanBOLD spatial patterns were again orthogonal across brain measures. Study 3 demonstrated experimental condition-based modulations in SDBOLD. SDBOLD was an effective discriminator between internal (lower variability) and external (higher variability) cognitive demands, particularly in younger, high performing adults. Finally, to gauge the extent that brain variability can be incrementally manipulated within a single cognitive domain, Study 4 examined parametric modulations in SDBOLD on a face processing task in a young-only sample. Results indicated that SDBOLD can be robustly manipulated through experimental control, and that this manipulation linearly follows performance trends across conditions. These studies help establish the age- and performance-relevance of BOLD variability. We thus argue that the precise nature of relations between aging, cognition, and brain function is incompletely characterized by using mean-based brain measures exclusively.

Maternal Parenting and Individual Differences in Young Children’s Prosocial Abilities: Risk and Resilience

Frampton, Kristen L. 11 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of these studies was to examine moderation processes for the influence of early maternal parenting practices on young children’s prosocial outcomes. Data for both studies were drawn from the Kids, Families, and Places study. Observational measures of mothers’ parenting practices and children’s cooperation outcomes were collected in the home, and both mothers and fathers reported on their children’s prosocial conduct. Study 1 was a longitudinal analysis of the interaction between maternal sensitivity after birth (Time 1) and children’s joint attention (JA) skills (Time 2, 18 months later) on children’s cooperation skills at 18 months. Findings indicated that children’s concurrent Responding to JA (RJA) was associated with cooperation and early maternal sensitivity moderated this relationship. Children high in RJA showed good cooperation irrespective of maternal sensitivity. However, low RJA was associated with high cooperation in the presence of high maternal sensitivity. Study 2 used person-oriented analyses to examine patterns of maternal parenting associated with young children’s concurrent prosocial behaviour across socioeconomic contexts. Latent Profile Analysis identified 3 profiles of parenting: Positive (14%), Negative (36%), and Combined (moderate levels of both positive and negative practices; 50%). Mothers from low-income families and those living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods were more likely to  belong to the Negative or the Combined profiles.  Moderation analyses indicated the protective influence of the Combined profile of parenting for children residing in impoverished socioeconomic contexts. In the context of low family SES and high neighbourhood disadvantage, children were rated as more prosocial if mothers use a combined style of parenting. A protective-enhancing effect was found, in which these high-risk children were actually rated better than those children who did not live in such adversity. Together, results highlight the importance of studying the association between parenting and prosocial outcomes within an ecological and contextual framework, with interactions amongst both child-level and distal factors, for understanding individual differences in prosocial development.

To Cue or Not to Cue: Beacons and Landmarks in Object-displacement Tasks

Mangalindan, Diane Marie 08 August 2013 (has links)
Two experiments examined the role of various cues on children’s performance in a well-known object-displacement task. In this task, children observed a toy rolling down a ramp whose trajectory was occluded by an opaque screen with doors. A barrier was placed along the ramp, behind one of the doors, to stop the toy. The top portion of the barrier was visible above the screen. To search successfully, children had to retrieve the hidden toy by opening the correct door. Previous work had found that the barrier was an ineffective cue among children less than three years of age. According to a landmark-based account, this was because the barrier was only an indirect cue to object location. If a cue directly marked the location, then it would be more likely attended and utilized. This model underscores the spatial relation between cue and the target. Other cue properties are important in so far that they modify this spatial relation. In Experiment 1, a cue’s distance from the target object was manipulated (i.e., short vs. long), but the location marked by the cue was kept constant (i.e., correct door was directly below). The search performances of 24- and 30-month old children were compared under no cue, short-cue/short-door, and long-cue/long-door conditions. Both age groups performed equally well under both cued conditions. In Experiment 2, a cue’s movement (i.e., coincident with the car vs. not coincident with the car) down the ramp was manipulated. The performance of 24- and 30-month old children were compared under attached-direct cue and unattached-direct cue conditions. Both age groups performed well under both conditions. Collectively, the results provide support for the landmark-based account. The spatial relation between cue and target underlies toddlers’ search. Properties of the cue matter to the extent that they impact how well the cue marks its target.

The Relationship between Children’s, Adolescents’, and Adults’ Epistemological Development and Their Evaluation of Different Teaching Methods

Watson, Sarah 17 February 2010 (has links)
This study assessed the relationship between children’s, adolescents’, and adults’ epistemological development and their evaluations of different teaching methods. Participants were presented with different teaching scenarios in which the domain (scientific or moral), nature (controversial or noncontroversial), and method (lecture or discussion) were varied to determine if this affected participants’ rating of the scenarios. Epistemological development was assessed in three domains: aesthetic, value (moral), and physical truth (science). Ninety-six participants (7–8-, 10–11-, 13–14-year-olds, and college students) were included in the study. In general, it was discovered that older participants (13-14-year-olds and college students) preferred discussion methods, while younger participants (7-8 and 10-11-year-olds) did not discriminate between lectures or discussions. However, all participants took the domain, nature, and method into consideration. Epistemological development was predictive of participants’ preference for teaching methods, but only in the value domain.

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