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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indoor and Outdoor Natural Radioactivity in the Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy): Estimation of Doses and Radiological Risks

Cinelli, Giorgia <1983> 13 April 2012 (has links)
Terrestrial radioactivity for most individual is the major contributor to the total dose and is mostly provided by 238U, 232Th and 40K radionuclides. In particular indoor radioactivity is principally due to 222Rn, a radioactive noble gas descendent of 238U, second cause of lung cancer after cigarettes smoking. Vulsini Volcanic District is a well known quaternary volcanic area located between the northern Latium and southern Tuscany (Central Italy). It is characterized by an high natural radiation background resulting from the high concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K in the volcanic products. In this context, subduction-related metasomatic enrichment of incompatible elements in the mantle source coupled with magma differentiation within the upper crust has given rise to U, Th and K enriched melts. Almost every ancient village and town located in this part of Italy has been built with volcanic rocks pertaining to the Vulsini Volcanic District. The radiological risk of living in this area has been estimated considering separately: a. the risk associated with buildings made of volcanic products and built on volcanic rock substrates b. the risk associated to soil characteristics. The former has been evaluated both using direct 222Rn indoor measurements and simulations of “standard rooms” built with the tuffs and lavas from the Vulsini Volcanic District investigated in this work. The latter has been carried out by using in situ measurements of 222Rn activity in the soil gases. A radon risk map for the Bolsena village has been developed using soil radon measurements integrating geological information. Data of airborne radioactivity in ambient aerosol at two elevated stations in Emilia Romagna (North Italy) under the influence of Fukushima plume have been collected, effective doses have been calculated and an extensive comparison between doses associated with artificial and natural sources in different area have been described and discussed.

Autonomia finanziaria degli enti territoriali al tempo della crisi, tra unione europea e garanzia dei diritti / Financial autonomy of local authorities at the time of the economical crisis, between European Union and guarantee of rights

Minni, Francesca <1982> 17 June 2014 (has links)
La tesi si propone di ricostruire la struttura attuale dell'autonomia finanziaria degli enti locali italiani, e in particolare le regioni italiane, alla luce delle riforme legislative e costituzionali approvate dal Parlamento italiano negli ultimi anni (come ad esempio il bilancio riforma costituzionale equilibrata del 2012). Lo studio si concentra sulla situazione italiana alla luce dei vincoli europei introdotti nel corso degli anni, da quelli contenuti nel Trattato di Maastricht a quelli derivati dalla crisi economica e finanziaria. L'obiettivo è quello di verificare se le scelte del legislatore italiano possano dirsi coerenti con il processo di unione politica europea e quali conseguenze abbiano avuto sulla garanzia dei diritti. In particolare, lo studio si concentra sulla garanzia dei diritti sociali nel contesto politico ed economico attuale, a livello europeo e nazionale, con particolare attenzione al diritto alla salute. / The thesis aims to reconstruct the current structure of the financial autonomy of local authorities Italians, and particularly the Italian regions, in the light of legislative and constitutional reforms approved by the Italian Parliament in recent years (such as the balanced budget constitutional reform of 2012) . The study focuses on the Italian situation in the light of European constraints that have taken place over the years from those contained in the Maastricht Treaty to those connected to the current economic and financial crisis. The aim is to verify whether the choices of the Italian legislature are consistent with the process of political European union and what consequences they have had on the guarantee of rights. In particular, the study focuses on the guarantee of social rights in the current political and economic environment, at a European and national level, with particular attention to the right to health.

Il presidente del consiglio dei ministri nell'ordinamento vigente e nelle prospettive di riforma / The head of the government in the Italian Constitution and the perspective of reforms.

Chirico, Domenico <1966> 17 June 2014 (has links)
“Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri nell'ordinamento vigente e nelle proposte di riforma”. La tesi si propone di ricostruire i caratteri propri della figura giuridica del Presidente del Consiglio nell’ordinamento vigente, sino alla analisi delle più recenti proposte di riforma costituzionale in tema. La dimensione analitico-sistematica proposta è stata sviluppata in riferimento alle concrete dinamiche economiche, politiche ed istituzionali, in relazione alle quali si è inteso verificare il tipo di rapporto tra esigenze di stabilizzazione del ciclo economico ed esigenze di stabilizzazione degli esecutivi, dando il dovuto rilievo al processo di integrazione della Unione Europea, come “motore” delle istanze di riforma del sistema economico ed istituzionale. Nel primo capitolo, si sono esplicitate le chiavi metodologiche secondo le quali si è inteso sviluppare il percorso di ricerca. Nel secondo capitolo si è operata una ricostruzione del quadro ordinamentale a base statutaria, come termine iniziale per poter cogliere al meglio la configurazione del ruolo poi assunta nell’ordinamento repubblicano; ciò come premessa necessaria ad una corretta ricostruzione diacronica, di tutti gli elementi rilevanti per poter comprendere la portata delle proposte attuali. Nel terzo capitolo, si è cercato di ricostruire il ruolo del presidente del consiglio, collocandolo nel quadro della dinamica attuazione/inattuazione dell’ordinamento repubblicano e alla luce dei caratteri del sistema politico, in modo da poter coniugare i tratti evolutivi imposti all’inquadramento della figura dalle dinamiche del sistema politico; così da poter conseguentemente cogliere gli elementi genetici di un dibattito politico istituzionale, che genera proposte di riforma organica, mediante l’analisi degli atti delle commissioni Parlamentari per le riforme. Nel quarto capitolo, a partire dalla apertura di una fase di c.d. “transizione”, si ricostruiscono le proposte specificamente finalizzate al riassetto del Presidente del Consiglio prodotte dalle commissioni parlamentari per le riforme, segnando le tappe di un percorso ancora aperto e dall’esito incerto. / The work analyses the institutional characters of the head of the government, in particular appointing the powers about his ministers and the powers of the government in Parliament, in connections with the legislative procedures. The analysis shows the importance of the party-system in conditioning the balance bitwin parliament and government. In particular, a plularistic asset of the party-sistem, based on a proportional electoral law, favourishes the weekness of the government. On this considerations, the istances of reform are oriented to enforce the government and simplify the party-system, in order to give as a result a “deciding democracy”, based on a strength Parliament and a strength Government.

Conservare la cultura, creare una storia. Tradizione e genere nella musica di villaggio dei Banyoro e dei Batooro dell’Uganda. / Preserving the culture, creating a story. Tradition and gender in the village music of the Banyoro and Batooro of Uganda.

Cimardi, Linda <1983> 11 September 2013 (has links)
La dissertazione si articola attorno all’idea di tradizione e alla concettualizzazione di genere nella musica di villaggio dei Banyoro e dei Batooro dell’Uganda occidentale. Il lavoro si sviluppa nel complesso in tre parti principali. Nella prima si presentano le trasformazioni storiche intervenute nelle relazioni di genere dal periodo precoloniale al presente e si introduce la musica di villaggio delle popolazioni considerate, ponendola a confronto con la musica di corte e con quella religiosa. La seconda sezione è dedicata allo studio dei repertori vocali e di danza di villaggio, a partire dalla documentazione realizzata con informatori anziani: di queste musiche sono considerate le caratteristiche stilistiche ed è condotta un’analisi che mira a mettere in luce le idee di genere trasmesse attraverso questi repertori. L’ultima parte del lavoro prende in considerazione le trasformazioni intervenute nel panorama musicale ugandese nell’ultimo secolo, a partire dall’influenza di musiche esterne, dall’insegnamento della musica tradizionale nelle scuole e dall’istituzione di festival scolastici e di gruppi folklorici: diverse performance attuali di canti e di danza sotto sottoposte a studio analitico. Nel complesso, si rileva una generale rifunzionalizzazione di musiche e idee di genere che si rifanno al passato, ma hanno valore soprattutto per il recupero della cultura locale nel presente,connotato dal contesto multiculturale dell’Uganda contemporanea e dalle politiche, promosse dal Governo, che favoriscono l’emancipazione femminile. / This dissertation is structured around the idea of tradition and the conceptualization of gender in the village music of the Banyoro and Batooro of western Uganda. The thesis is composed of three main parts. In the first one, the historical transformations in gender relations since the pre-colonial period up to the present are presented and village music is introduced through comparison with royal and religion music. The second section is devoted to vocal and dance repertoires, on the basis of the documentation realized with elders: stylistic characteristics of these musics are considered and an analysis is carried out, aiming to show the ideas about gender in these repertoires. The last part of this work considers the transformations occurred in Ugandan music landscape during the last century, depending on several factors: various extern musics influences, the teaching of traditional music in schools, and the institution of school festival and cultural groups. On the whole, we observe a general re-functionalization of traditional music and gender ideas, which are referring to the past but hold value in particular for the recovery of local culture in the present, with special reference to contemporary Uganda multicultural society and to Government politics for women emancipation.

La lucha del Derecho contra el negacionismo: una peligrosa frontera. Particular estudio de los ordenamientos italiano y español / La lotta del diritto contro il negazionismo: Un confine pericoloso. Particolare studio degli ordinamenti spagnolo e italiano / The struggle of the Law against negationism: a dangerous border. Particular study of the Spanish and Italian legal system

Teruel Lozano, German Manuel <1986> 11 April 2014 (has links)
En la sociedad europea crece la preocupación por el retorno de tendencias fascistas y neonazis y por la extensión de ideologías xenófobas y antisemitas, algunas de ellas alimentadas a partir de tesis de negacionistas de aquellos trágicos eventos de nuestra historia reciente. La lucha frente a los discursos negacionistas se ha llevado más allá del ámbito social y académico, y se ha propuesto la incorporación en los ordenamientos jurídicos europeos de tipos penales específicos que incriminan este tipo de discurso: negar, banalizar, o justificar el Holocausto u otros genocidios o graves crímenes contra la humanidad. Esta legislación, que encuentra su mayor expresión en la Decisión marco 2008/913/JAI, aunque castiga un discurso socialmente repugnante, sin embargo presenta dudas en cuanto a su legitimidad con un sistema de libertades erigido sobre el pilar del pluralismo propio de los Estados democráticos. Surge así la cuestión de si pueden estar surgiendo «nuevos» delitos de opinión y a ello se dedica entonces la presente tesis. El objetivo concreto de este trabajo será analizar esta política-criminal para proponer una configuración del delito de negacionismo compatible con la libertad de expresión, aunque se cuestionará la conveniencia de castigar penalmente a través de un específico delito este tipo de conductas. En particular se pretende responder a tres preguntas: en primer lugar, ¿el discurso negacionista debe ampararse prima facie por la libertad de expresión en un ordenamiento abierto y personalista y cuáles podrían ser las «reglas» que podrían servir como criterio para limitar este género de manifestaciones? La segunda pregunta sería entonces: ¿Cómo podría construirse un tipo penal respetuoso con los principios constitucionales y penales que específicamente incriminara este género de conductas? Y, como última pregunta: ¿Es conveniente o adecuada una política criminal que lleve a crear un específico delito de negacionismo? / In European society is growing the concern about the return of fascist and neo-Nazi ideologies and the spread of xenophobic and anti-Semitic, some of them fed from thesis which try to deny Holocaust and those tragic events. The struggle against these denier speeches has been carried beyond the social and academic level, and proposed the incorporation in the European legal systems of specific criminal offenses that incriminate this kind of speech: deny, trivialize, or justify the Holocaust or other genocides or serious crimes against humanity. It is a kind of speech socially repugnant, but this legislation, which finds the greatest expression in the Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, presents doubts about its legitimacy in a system of freedoms built on the pillar of the pluralism of democratic States. Thus arises the question if new «crimes of opinion» can be emerging. The specific objective of this thesis is to analyze this policy in order to propose a configuration of the «crime of (Holocaust) denial» compatible with freedom of expression, although the decision of punishing this type of behaviour through a specific crime will be criticized. In particular, the thesis would answer three main questions: firstly, denier speech must be prima facie protected by freedom of speech in an open and personalist constitutional order and what might be the "rules" that could serve as criteria to justify a limit to this kind of manifestations? Secondly, how a criminal offense specifically incriminating this kind of speech could be configured in a manner respectfully of the constitutional principles? Thirdly, it is convenient or appropriate a criminal policy which specific incriminate this kind of speech?

Diversity of the proximal femur in humans: morphological variations of the head-neck junction

Radi, Nico <1984> 08 May 2014 (has links)
The proximal femur is a high-diversity region of the human skeleton, especially at the anterior junction between head and neck, where various bony morphologies have been recognized since mid nineteenth century. Classical literature on this topic is chaotic and contradictory, making almost impossible the comparison of data from different researches. Starting from an extensive bibliographic review, the first standardized method to score these traits has been created. This method allows representing both the anatomical diversity of the region already described in literature and a part of variability not considered before, giving few and univocal definitions and allowing to collect comparable data. The method has been applied to three identified and five archaeological European skeletal collections, with the aim of investigating the distribution of these features by sex, age and side, in different places and time periods. It has also been applied to 3D digital reconstructions of femurs from CT scan files of coxo-femoral joints from fresh cadavers. In addition to the osseous traits described in the standardized method, the presence and frequency of some features known as herniation pits have been scored both on bones and on CT scans. The various osseous traits of the proximal femur are present at similar frequencies in skeletal samples from different countries and different historical periods, even if with clear local differentiation. Some of the features examined show significant trends related to their distribution by gender and age. Some hypotheses are proposed about the etiology of these morphologies and their possible implication with the acquisition of bipedalism in Humans. It is therefore highlighted the possible relation of some of these traits with the development of disorders of the hip joint. Moreover, it is not recommended the use of any of these features as a specific activity-related marker.

Computational Methods in Biophysics and Medicinal Chemistry: Applications and Challenges

Di Martino, Giovanni Paolo <1985> 14 April 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I described the theory and application of several computational methods in solving medicinal chemistry and biophysical tasks. I pointed out to the valuable information which could be achieved by means of computer simulations and to the possibility to predict the outcome of traditional experiments. Nowadays, computer represents an invaluable tool for chemists. In particular, the main topics of my research consisted in the development of an automated docking protocol for the voltage-gated hERG potassium channel blockers, and the investigation of the catalytic mechanism of the human peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Pin1.

Computational strategies to include protein flexibility in Ligand Docking and Virtual Screening

Buonfiglio, Rosa <1985> 14 April 2014 (has links)
The dynamic character of proteins strongly influences biomolecular recognition mechanisms. With the development of the main models of ligand recognition (lock-and-key, induced fit, conformational selection theories), the role of protein plasticity has become increasingly relevant. In particular, major structural changes concerning large deviations of protein backbones, and slight movements such as side chain rotations are now carefully considered in drug discovery and development. It is of great interest to identify multiple protein conformations as preliminary step in a screening campaign. Protein flexibility has been widely investigated, in terms of both local and global motions, in two diverse biological systems. On one side, Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics has been exploited as enhanced sampling method to collect multiple conformations of Lactate Dehydrogenase A (LDHA), an emerging anticancer target. The aim of this project was the development of an Ensemble-based Virtual Screening protocol, in order to find novel potent inhibitors. On the other side, a preliminary study concerning the local flexibility of Opioid Receptors has been carried out through ALiBERO approach, an iterative method based on Elastic Network-Normal Mode Analysis and Monte Carlo sampling. Comparison of the Virtual Screening performances by using single or multiple conformations confirmed that the inclusion of protein flexibility in screening protocols has a positive effect on the probability to early recognize novel or known active compounds.

The vulnerable carotid plaque. Identification of endothelial markers predictive of plaque weakness, rupture predisposition and neoangiogenesis / La placca carotidea vulnerabile. Identificazione di marcatori molecolari endoteliali predittivi di debolezza della placca, predisposizione alla rottura e neoangiogenesi

Vasuri, Francesco <1979> 02 April 2014 (has links)
Background. Neoangiogenesis is crucial in plaque progression and instability. Previous data from our group demonstrated that intra-plaque neovessels show both a Nestin+/WT+ and a Nestin+/WT1- phenotype, the latter being correlated with complications and plaque instability. Aims. The aims of the present thesis are: (i) to confirm our previous results on Nestin/WT1 phenotype in a larger series of carotid atheromatous plaques, (ii) to evaluate the relationship between the Nestin+/WT1- neoangiogenesis phenotype and plaque morphology, (iii) to evaluate the relationship between the immunohistochemical and histopathological characteristics and the clinical instability of the plaques. Materials and Methods. Seventy-three patients (53 males, 20 females, mean age 71 years) were consecutively enrolled. Symptoms, brain CT scan, 14 histological variables, including intraplaque hemorrhage and diffuse calcifications, were collected. Immunohistochemistry for CD34, Nestin and WT1 was performed. RT-PCR was performed to evaluate Nestin and WT1 mRNA (including 5 healthy arteries as controls). Results. Diffusely calcified plaques (13 out of 73) were found predominantly in females (P=0.017), with a significantly lower incidence of symptoms (TIA/stroke) and brain focal lesions (P=0.019 and P=0.013 respectively) than not-calcified plaques, but with the same incidence of intraplaque complications (P=0.156). Accordingly, both calcified and not calcified plaques showed similar mean densities of positivity for CD34, Nestin and WT1. The density of Nestin and WT1 correlated with the occurrence of intra-plaque hemorrhage in all cases, while the density of CD34 correlated only in not-calcified plaques. Conclusions. We confirmed that the Nestin+/WT1- phenotype characterizes the neovessels of instable plaques, regardless the real amount of CD34-positive neoangiogenesis. The calcified plaques show the same incidence of histological complications, albeit they do not influence symptomatology and plaque vulnerability. Female patients show a much higher incidence of not-complicated or calcified plaques, receiving de facto a sort of protection compared to male patients.

Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of substituted naphthalene diimides as anticancer agents / Progettazione, sintesi e attività biologica di derivati a struttura naftalendiimidica come agenti antitumorali

Micco, Marialuisa <1980> 20 April 2012 (has links)
It has been proved that naphthalene diimide (NDI) derivatives display anticancer properties as intercalators and G-quadruplex-binding ligands, leading to DNA damage, senescence and down-regulation of oncogene expression. This thesis deals with the design and synthesis of disubstituted and tetrasubstituted NDI derivatives endowed with anticancer activity, interacting with DNA together with other targets implicated in cancer development. Disubstituted NDI compounds have been designed with the aim to provide potential multitarget directed ligands (MTDLs), in order to create molecules able to simultaneously interact with some of the different targets involved in this pathology. The most active compound, displayed antiproliferative activity in submicromolar range, especially against colon and prostate cancer cell lines, the ability to bind duplex and quadruplex DNA, to inhibit Taq polymerase and telomerase, to trigger caspase activation by a possible oxidative mechanism, to downregulate ERK 2 protein and to inhibit ERKs phosphorylation, without acting directly on microtubules and tubuline. Tetrasubstituted NDI compounds have been designed as G-quadruplex-binding ligands endowed with anticancer activity. In order to improve the cellular uptake of the lead compound, the N-methylpiperazine moiety have been replaced with different aromatic systems and methoxypropyl groups. The most interesting compound was 1d, which was able to interact with the G-quadruplexes both telomeric and in HSP90 promoter region, and it has been co-crystallized with the human telomeric G-quadruplex, to directly verify its ability to bind this kind of structure, and also to investigate its binding mode. All the morpholino substituted compounds show antiproliferative activity in submicromolar values mainly in pancreatic and lung cancer cell lines, and they show an improved biological profile in comparison with that of the lead compound. In conclusion, both these studies, may represent a promising starting point for the development of new interesting molecules useful for the treatment of cancer, underlining the versatility of the NDI scaffold. / I derivati a struttura naftalendiimidica (NDI) presentano attività antitumorale come intercalatori e ligandi G-quadruplex, causando danni al DNA, senescenza e down-regulation dell’espressione di oncogeni. Questa tesi descrive la progettazione e sintesi di NDI di- e tetra-sostituiti con attività antitumorale, in grado di interagire con il DNA e con altri target implicati nello sviluppo del cancro. I composti NDI di-sostituiti sono stati progettati con lo scopo di ottenere potenziali multitarget directed ligands (MTDLs), e creare molecole capaci di interagire contemporaneamente con alcuni dei diversi target coinvolti in questa patologia. Il composto più attivo della serie mostra attività antiproliferativa nel range del micromolare, (soprattutto nei confronti del cancro al colon e alla prostata), è in grado di legarsi al DNA duplex e quadruplex, di inibire Taq polimerasi e telomerasi, di scatenare attivazione delle caspasi tramite un possibile meccanismo ossidativo, di causare down-regulation della proteina ERK2 e di inibire la fosforilazione delle proteine ERK, senza agire direttamente sui microtubuli e la tubulina. I composti NDI tetra-sostituiti sono stati progettati come ligandi selettivi G-quadruplex, con attività antitumorale. Per migliorare l’uptake cellulare del lead compound di partenza, il gruppo N-metilpiperazinico è stato sostituito con diversi sostituenti. Il composto più interessante è 1d, in grado di interagire sia con il G-quadruplex telomerico, che della sequenza promotrice di HSP90. Il composto è stato co-cristallizato con una sequenza G-quadruplex telomerica umana, per verificare sia la sua abilità di legare il G-quadruplex, che per investigare il suo binding mode. I derivati con sostituente morfolinico mostrano attività antitumorale nell’ordine del sub-micromolare principalmente su cancro al pancreas e al polmone, con un profilo biologico migliorato rispetto a quello del lead compound. Entrambi questi studi rappresentano un promettente punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di nuove molecole utili per il trattamento del cancro, sottolineando la versatilità del nucleo NDI.

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