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Land use change to perennial energy crops in Northern Italy: Effects on soil organic carbon sequestration and distribution, soil enzyme activities and microbial communities.Cattaneo, Francesca <1983> 27 May 2014 (has links)
Studies on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in perennial energy crops are available for North-Central Europe, while there is insufficient information for Southern Europe.
This research was conducted in the Po Valley, a Mediterranean-temperate zone characterised by low SOC levels, due to intensive management.
The aim was to assess the factors influencing SOC sequestration and its distribution through depth and within soil fractions, after a 9-year old conversion from two annual systems to Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) and giant reed (Arundo donax).
The 13C natural abundance was used to evaluate the amount of SOC in annual and perennial species, and determine the percentage of carbon derived from perennial crops. SOC was significantly higher under perennial species, especially in the topsoil (0-0.15 m). After 9 years, the amount of C derived from Miscanthus was 18.7 Mg ha-1, mostly stored at 0-0.15 m, whereas the amount of C derived from giant reed was 34.7 Mg ha-1, evenly distributed through layers. Physical soil fractionation was combined with 13C abundance analysis. C derived from perennial crops was mainly found in macroaggregates. Under giant reed, more newly derived-carbon was stored in microaggregates and mineral fraction than under Miscanthus.
A molecular approach based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) allowed to evaluate changes on microbial community, after the introduction of perennial crops. Functional aspects were investigated by determining relevant soil enzymes (β-glucosidase, urease, alkaline phosphatase). Perennial crops positively stimulated these enzymes, especially in the topsoil. DGGE profiles revealed that community richness was higher in perennial crops; Shannon index of diversity was influenced only by depth.
In conclusion, Miscanthus and giant reed represent a sustainable choice for the recovery of soils exhausted by intensive management, also in Mediterranean conditions and this is relevant mainly because this geographical area is notoriously characterised by a rapid turnover of SOC.
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Chemical, biochemical and microbiological indicators to assess soil quality in temperate agro-ecosystemsGiacometti, Caterina <1983> 10 June 2013 (has links)
Soil is a critically important component of the earth’s biosphere. Developing agricultural production systems able to conserve soil quality is essential to guarantee the current and future capacity of soil to provide goods and services.
This study investigates the potential of microbial and biochemical parameters to be used as early and sensitive soil quality indicators. Their ability to differentiate plots under contrasting fertilization regimes is evaluated based also on their sensitivity to seasonal fluctuations of environmental conditions and on their relationship with soil chemical parameters. Further, the study addresses some of the critical methodological aspects of microplate-based fluorimetric enzyme assays, in order to optimize assay conditions and evaluate their suitability to be used as a toll to asses soil quality.
The study was based on a long-term field experiment established in 1966 in the Po valley (Italy). The soil was cropped with maize (Z. mays L.) and winter wheat (T. aestivum L.) and received no organic fertilization, crop residue or manure, in combination with increasing levels of mineral N fertilizer.
The soil microbiota responded to manure amendment increasing it biomass and activity and changing its community composition. Crop residue effect was much more limited. Mineral N fertilization stimulated crop residue mineralization, shifted microbial community composition and influenced N and P cycling enzyme activities. Seasonal fluctuations of environmental factors affected the soil microbiota. However microbial and biochemical parameters seasonality did not hamper the identification of fertilization-induced effects. Soil microbial community abundance, function and composition appeared to be strongly related to soil organic matter content and composition, confirming the close link existing between these soil quality indicators. Microplate-based fluorimetric enzyme assays showed potential to be used as fast and throughput toll to asses soil quality, but required proper optimization of the assay conditions for a precise estimation of enzymes maximum potential activity.
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The role of mitochondria in the regulation of gamma rays induced mTOR-dependent senescenceMariani, Elisa <1982> 05 June 2012 (has links)
The first aims of this study were to demonstrate if mitochondrial biogenesis and senescence can be induced simultaneously in cell lines upon exposure to a genotoxic stress, and if the presence of mtDNA mutations which impair the functionality of respiratory complexes can influence the ability of a cell to activate senescence. The data obtained on the oncocytic model XTC.UC1 demonstrated that the presence of mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the maintenance of a senescent phenotype induced by γ-rays treatment. The involvement of mTORC1 in the regulation of senescence has been shown in this cell line. On the other hand, in cells which do not present mitochondrial dysfunction it has been verified that genotoxic stress determines the activation of both mitochondrial biogenesis and senescence. Further studies are necessary in order to verify if mitochondrial biogenesis sustains the activation of senescence.
The second aim of this thesis was to determine the involvement of mTORC1 in the regulation of PGC-1α expression, in order to verify what is the cause of the development of oncocytoma in patients affected by two hereditary cancer syndromes; Cowden and Birt-hogg-Dubé . The study of oncocytic tumors developed by patients affected by these syndromes suggested that the double heterozigosity of the two causative genes, PTEN and FLCN respectively, induce the activation of mTORC1 and therefore the activation of PGC-1α expression. On XTC.UC1 cell line, the most suitable in vitro model, experiments of complementation of PTEN and FLCN were conducted. To date, these results demonstrated that mTORC1 is not involved in the regulation of PGC-1α expression, and PTEN and FLCN seem to have opposite effect on PGC-1α expression.
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Oxidative Stress and Friedreich’s AtaxiaBolotta, Alessandra <1982> 08 April 2014 (has links)
Friedreich’s Ataxia (FRDA) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by a deficiency of the protein frataxin and characterized by oxidative stress. The first aim of my research project was to analyze the effects of tocotrienol in FRDA patients. Patients received for 2 months a low dose of tocotrienol. A number of biochemical parameters related to oxidative stress were studied. We consistently showed that taking for 2 months a low dose of tocotrienol led to the decrease of oxidative stress indexes in FRDA patients. Also, this study provides a suitable model to investigate the efficacy of natural compounds to counteract the oxidative stress in FRDA.
Furthermore, we investigated whether the tocotrienol was able to modulate the expression of the frataxin isoforms (FXN-1, FXN -2, FXN-3) in FRDA patients. We demonstrated that tocotrienol leads to a specific and significant increase of FXN-3 expression. As no structural and functional details were available for FNX-2 and FXN-3, 3D-models were built. FXN-1, the canonical isoform, was then docked on the human iron-sulphur complex and functional interactions were computed; when FXN-1 was replaced by FXN-2 or FNX-3, we found that the interactions were maintained, thus suggesting a possible biological role for both isoforms.
The second aim of my research project was to investigate the role of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the protein Sirtuin 6 in FRDA patients. In fact, it was known that those who harbour a SNP (Asn46/Ser46) in the gene enconding Sirt6 show a better outcome those individuals who are homozygous for the Asn 46 allele. We found that fibroblasts and iPSC-derived neurons from FRDA patients harboring the SNP (Asn46/Ser46) have a reduced amount of Sirt6 protein compared to cells from individuals who are homozygous for the prevalent Asn allele. Our studies provide new information on the role of Sirtuins in FRDA pathogenesis.
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New computational biology tools for the systematic analysis of the structure and expression of human genes / Nuovi strumenti di biologia computazionale per l'analisi sistematica della struttura e dell'espressione dei geni umaniPiovesan, Allison <1986> 08 April 2014 (has links)
From the late 1980s, the automation of sequencing techniques and the computer spread gave rise to a flourishing number of new molecular structures and sequences and to proliferation of new databases in which to store them. Here are presented three computational approaches able to analyse the massive amount of publicly avalilable data in order to answer to important biological questions.
The first strategy studies the incorrect assignment of the first AUG codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA), due to the incomplete determination of its 5' end sequence. An extension of the mRNA 5' coding region was identified in 477 in human loci, out of all human known mRNAs analysed, using an automated expressed sequence tag (EST)-based approach. Proof-of-concept confirmation was obtained by in vitro cloning and sequencing for GNB2L1, QARS and TDP2 and the consequences for the functional studies are discussed.
The second approach analyses the codon bias, the phenomenon in which distinct synonymous codons are used with different frequencies, and, following integration with a gene expression profile, estimates the total number of codons present across all the expressed mRNAs (named here "codonome value") in a given biological condition. Systematic analyses across different pathological and normal human tissues and multiple species shows a surprisingly tight correlation between the codon bias and the codonome bias.
The third approach is useful to studies the expression of human autism spectrum disorder (ASD) implicated genes. ASD implicated genes sharing microRNA response elements (MREs) for the same microRNA are co-expressed in brain samples
from healthy and ASD affected individuals. The different expression of a recently identified long non coding RNA which have four MREs for the same microRNA could disrupt the equilibrium in this network, but further analyses and experiments are needed.
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Ricerca di nuove strategie differenziative: Analisi degli effetti di stimoli fisici e molecolari su cellule mesenchimali umane isolate da tessuto adiposo / Search for new differentiation strategies: a study of the effects of physical and molecular stimuli in a human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal cells tissue modelBianconi, Eva <1983> 08 April 2014 (has links)
Introduzione. Le cellule mesenchimali derivate dal tessuto adiposo (hASC) rappresentano un importante strumento per la terapia cellulare, in quanto derivano da un tessuto adulto abbondante e facilmente reperibile. Con il dispositivo medico Lipogems l’isolamento di tali cellule è eseguito esclusivamente mediante sollecitazioni meccaniche. Il prodotto ottenuto è quindi minimamente manipolato e subito utilizzabile. Ad oggi, il condizionamento pro-differenziativo delle staminali è per lo più attuato mediante molecole di sintesi. Tuttavia, altri fattori possono modulare la fisiologia cellulare, come gli stimoli fisici e molecole naturali. Onde elettromagnetiche hanno indotto in modelli cellulari staminali l’espressione di alcuni marcatori di differenziamento e, in cellule adulte, una riprogrammazione, mentre estratti embrionali di Zebrafish sono risultati antiproliferativi sia in vitro che in vivo.
Metodi. La ricerca di nuove strategie differenziative sia di natura fisica che molecolare, nel particolare onde acustiche ed estratti embrionali di Zebrafish, è stata condotta utilizzando come modello cellulare le hASC isolate con Lipogems. Onde acustiche sono state somministrate mediante l’utilizzo di due apparati di trasduzione, un generatore di onde meccaniche e il Cell Exciter . I trattamenti con gli estratti embrionali sono stati effettuati utilizzando diverse concentrazioni e diversi tempi sperimentali. Gli effetti sull’espressione dei marcatori di staminalità e differenziamento relativi ai trattamenti sono stati saggiati in RT-PCR quantitativa relativa e/o in qPCR. Per i trattamenti di tipo molecolare è stata valutata anche la proliferazione.
Risultati e conclusioni. La meta-analisi dei dati delle colture di controllo mostra la stabilità d’espressione genica del modello. I trattamenti con i suoni inducono variazioni dell’espressione genica, suggerendo un ruolo regolatorio di tali stimoli, in particolare del processo di commitment cardiovascolare. Due degli estratti embrionali di Zebrafish testati inibiscono la proliferazione alle 72 ore dalla somministrazione. L’analisi d’espressione associata ai trattamenti antiproliferativi suggerisce che tale effetto abbia basi molecolari simili ai processi di differenziamento. / Background. Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASC) represent an interesting tool for cell therapy, due to their tissue derivation that is abundant and easily available. Using Lipogems, a medical device, stem cells isolation is performed only with mild mechanical forces, giving a minimally manipulated and ready to use fat product. To date, the differentiation processes in vitro are mostly obtained using chemical compounds. Anyway, other factors are shown to be modulators in cell physiology, as physical stimuli and some natural molecules. For instance, electromagnetic waves induced the expression of differentiation markers in stem cell models and adult cells were reprogrammed after treatment, while Zebrafish embryo derived extracts were shown to be antiproliferative both in vitro and in vivo.
Methods. The search for new differentiation strategies was focused both on physical waves and Zebrafish extracts, using hASC isolated with Lipogems as cell model. Acoustic waves were gave using two types of transducer, the mechanical wave generator and the Cell Exciter. Zebrafish extracts treatments were performed using different doses and experimental times. Gene expression analysis of stemness and differentiation genes was conducted in both the experimental approaches using quantitative relative RT-PCR and/or qPCR. Proliferation assay was also performed for treatments with natural compounds.
Results and conclusions. Control cell culture data meta-analysis revealed that hASC has a stable gene expression in basal conditions. Acoustic waves induced gene expression changes in hASC, in particular in cardiovascular commitment genes, suggesting a regulatory role in differentiation processes. Two of the Zebrafish extracts are shown to inhibit hASC proliferation, with statistical significance after 72 hours from the treatment. Gene espression analysis suggested that this effect could share the same molecular mechanism with differentiation events.
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Characterization of rubber filled polymers by solid state NMR spectroscopy and other methodsAluas, Mihaela. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Halle, Wittenberg, University, Diss., 2004.
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Störexperimente an photosynthetisch aktiven Organismen Untersuchungen zu Primär- und Sekundärstoffbiosynthesen in komplexen Stoffwechselnetzwerken /Radykewicz, Tanja St. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.
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Expressão de MMP-13 e ativação de vias de sinalização intracelular em dois modelos de doença periodontal induzida experimentalmente em ratosAquino, Sabrina Garcia de [UNESP] 17 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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aquino_sg_me_arafo.pdf: 704637 bytes, checksum: 57b6c6c83912b4a76a076f13dbd3ee7a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A progressão da doença periodontal é marcada pela excessiva produção de citocinas que, por sua vez, promove o aumento de outros mediadores inflamatórios, entre os quais, de metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs). MMP-13 é uma colagenase de regulação complexa que tem sido relacionada à degradação da matriz extracelular (ECM) e à reabsorção óssea em diversas condições inflamatórias, incluindo doença periodontal e artrite reumatóide. A regulação da expressão gênica requer a ativação de várias vias de sinalização através da interação de receptores celulares específicos a estímulos externos, como antígenos bacterianos e citocinas derivadas do hospedeiro. A complexidade da rede de citocinas estabelecida durante a progressão da doença periodontal depende das vias de sinalização ativadas, as quais são influenciadas pela natureza do estímulo extracelular. Considerando o papel fundamental das vias de sinalização no controle da expressão gênica de citocinas e a relevante atividade de MMP-13 na doença periodontal, este estudo avaliou a expressão de MMP-13 e as vias de sinalização ativadas durante o curso de dois modelos de doença periodontal induzida experimentalmente. A expressão de MMP-13 nos níveis de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) e proteína foram avaliados por RT-PCR e Western Blot, respectivamente. A cinética de ativação das vias de sinalização intracelular relacionadas à expressão de mediadores inflamatórios também foi verificada por Western Blot. Estes achados foram relacionados à severidade da reação inflamatória determinada por estereometria. Dois modelos experimentais foram usados: injeção de LPS e colocação de ligadura. Injeções de LPS de Eschericia coli foram realizadas na região palatina de molares superiores 2 vezes por semana (30 μg por aplicação). Ligaduras foram colocadas na região cervical dos primeiros molares inferiores. / The hallmark of destructive periodontal disease progression is the overproduction of cytokines which promotes the increased expression of other inflammatory mediators such as, MMPs. MMP-13 is a collagenase of complex gene regulation that has been implicated on ECM degradation and bone resorption in several inflammatory conditions, including periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Regulation of gene expression requires the activation of several signaling pathways through receptor-ligand binding of external stimuli represented by bacterial antigens and/or host-derived cytokines. The complexity of the cytokine network established during periodontal disease progression results from the signaling pathways activated, which are determined by the nature of external stimuli. Thus, considering the fundamental role of signaling pathways on regulation of cytokine gene expression and the relevant role of MMP-13 in periodontal disease, this study evaluated the expression of MMP-13 and the signaling pathways activated during the course of two experimentallyinduced periodontal disease models. Expression of MMP-13 at mRNA and protein levels was evaluated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western Blot, respectively. The activation kinetics of some signaling pathways that are related to the expression of inflammatory mediators was also verified by Western Blot. The two experimental models used were: LPS injections and placement of ligatures. Bi-weekly injections of Eschericia coli LPS were done into the palatal aspect of upper molars (30 μg per injection). Ligatures were placed at the cervical portion of both lower first molars. The control animals received injections of PBS vehicle on the palatal gingiva of upper molars, whereas no ligatures were placed on the lower molars.
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Governance della terra e sviluppo rurale: le sfide del processo di riforma fondiaria in Burkina Faso / Governance of the Land and Rural Development: Challenges of the Land Tenure Reform Process in Burkina FasoCaltabiano, Anna <1988> January 1900 (has links)
Il mio lavoro di tesi mira ad analizzare il processo di riforma fondiaria in atto dal 2009 in Burkina Faso, alla luce delle politiche di sviluppo rurale adottate a livello regionale (Africa occidentale francofona) e del percorso storico-politico che dalla conquista coloniale francese ci conduce all’ultima fase di democratizzazione del Burkina Faso. Ripercorrendo le principali strategie ed obiettivi di riforma agraria e fondiaria perseguiti dai Governi a livello regionale e nazionale intendo fare luce sui nodi irrisolti delle politiche di sviluppo rurale e sul rapporto politico che il Burkina Faso ha inteso costruire con il mondo rurale a partire dall’indipendenza, con un particolare focus sul periodo della rivoluzione sankarista (1983-1987). L’analisi storica dei sistemi di riconoscimento dei diritti locali di accesso e utilizzo della terra consente di avanzare riflessioni sull’ordine politico interno che i regimi coloniali e post-coloniali hanno inteso costruire con il mondo rurale e sull’effettiva inclusione della popolazione rurale nelle politiche di sviluppo adottate dai Governi a livello regionale e nazionale. Allo stesso tempo, identificando organi e istituzioni a cui è stato affidato a partire dall’indipendenza il potere di gestire le risorse e conferire diritti fondiari agli abitanti delle aree rurali ho intenzione di far emergere alcuni dei rapporti di forza e di potere esistenti tra livello nazionale e locale e il legame che intercorre tra di essi. L’obiettivo è quello di riflettere sulla possibilità che la riforma fondiaria in atto in Burkina Faso possa garantire una maggiore democraticità dei processi di sviluppo rurale e governance della terra. Attraverso l’analisi di tale processo di riforma è possibile contribuire al dibattito relativo alle strategie di sviluppo rurale in Africa occidentale tenendo conto delle problematicità politiche che tali processi di riforma si trovano ad affrontare / The ongoing international debate on rural development focuses on the legalization of land property rights as a mean to guarantee land tenure security, to promote agricultural investment and rural development. As a result in francophone West Africa new land policies have been elaborated with the specific aim of resolving a dual institutional and juridical system of land tenure which causes land conflicts and hinder economic growth. My thesis aims to analyze the ongoing process of land tenure reform in Burkina Faso in light of the rural development policies implemented in francophone West Africa since the colonial period. It also takes into account the rural development paths adopted by the Government of Burkina Faso from the French colonial conquest to the late democratization period. By retracing the main strategies of land and agrarian reform at regional and national level I shed light on the unresolved political relationship that the State has built with the rural population since independence. In particular I identify statutory and customary institutions who have been entrusted over time with the power to manage natural resources and to allocate land rights in order to bring out some of the power relationships existing between national and local levels. Through the historical analysis of land tenure systems I advance considerations on the inclusion of rural people in the rural development policies. The main aim is to reflect on the possibility of the ongoing land tenure reform in Burkina Faso to ensure a democratic governance of the land and a more inclusive process of rural development. With this focus on land tenure reform in Burkina Faso my thesis will lead to a critical analysis of the new wave of land policies in West Africa and contribute to the ongoing debate on rural development from a political point of view.
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