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Contribution à l'étude du rôle de CD146 soluble dans langiogenèse et de l'effet du blocage du récepteur P2Y12 sur la lésion endothéliale lors d'une angioplastie coronaire / Contribution to th study of the role of soluble CD146 in angiogenesis and effect pf P2Y12 receptor blockade on endothelial injury during percutaneous coronary interventionHarhouri, Karim 20 December 2010 (has links)
Nous avons montré que la molécule recombinante humaine CD146 soluble (rh-sCD146) a un effet chimiotactique et angiogénique sur les cellules dérivées de progéniteurs endothéliaux (PEC) en augmentant leur capacité à migrer, à proliférer et à former des pseudo-capillaires. Des expériences réalisées in vivo sur un modèle d'ischémie de la patte chez le rat ont montré que des injections locales répétées de rh-sCD146 permettent une diminution significative du taux d'auto-amputation des animaux et une augmentation du taux de perfusion sanguin de la patte et de la densité capillaire. Dans une 2ème partie du travail, nous avons montré que l'angioplastie coronaire induit une hausse significative du nombre de cellules endothéliales circulantes (CEC) 6h après l'intervention (H6). Les lésions endothéliales, évaluées par la mesure de la variation du nombre de CEC (H6-H0), sont plus élevées chez les non-répondeurs par rapport aux bons répondeurs au Clopidogrel et sont corrélées à l'index VASP / We showed that the recombinant human soluble CD146 (rh-sCD146) has a chemotactic and angiogenic effect on endothelial progenitor derived cells (EPC) by increasing their ability to migrate, to proliferate and to form pseudo- capillaries. In an in vivo experiments model of ischemia in the rat by femoral artery ligation we showed that repeated local injections of rh-sCD146 for 12 days allows a significant reduction in the rate of animals self-amputation and an increase in the rate of blood perfusion of the leg and in the capillary density. In a second part of the work, we have shown that percutaneous coronary intervention induced a significant rise in circulating endothelial cells (CEC) levels 6h after the procedure (H6). The endothelial injury, assessed by CEC delta-change between H6 and H0, was significantly higher in the high on-treatment platelet reactivity group compared with the good responders to Clopidogrel and correlated with the Vasodilatator-Stimulated Phosphoprotein index
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The concept of sacred war in Ancient GreeceSkoczylas, Frances Anne January 1987 (has links)
This thesis will trace the origin and development of the term "Sacred War" in the corpus of extant Greek literature. This term has been commonly applied by modern scholars to four wars which took place in ancient Greece between the sixth and fourth centuries B. C. The modern use of "the attribute "Sacred War" to refer to these four wars in particular raises two questions. First, did the ancient historians give all four of these wars the title "Sacred War?" And second, what justified the use of this title only for certain conflicts?
In order to resolve the first of these questions, it is necessary to examine in what terms the ancient historians referred to these wars. As a result of this examination, it is clear that only two of the modern series of "Sacred Wars" (the so-called Second and Third Sacred Wars) were actually given this title in antiquity. The other two wars (the so-called Second and Third Sacred Wars), although they were evidently associated by the ancients with the "Sacred Wars," were not given this attribution. Consequently, the habit of grouping all four wars together as "Sacred Wars" is modern. Nevertheless, the fact that the ancients did see some connection between these wars does justify this modern classification to some degree.
Once this conclusion had been reached, it became possible to proceed to the second of the problems presented in this thesis, namely the justification for the application of the title "Sacred War" to two specific conflicts. In order to achieve this aim, those conflicts labelled "Sacred Wars" by the ancient historians were compared to two categories of test cases: the other two conflicts classified as "Sacred Wars" by modern scholars and conflicts which share elements in common with "Sacred Wars" but which are not given this attribution by ancient or modern authorities.
In the course of this comparison, I discovered that little differentiated the so-called "Sacred Wars" from the non-"Sacred Wars" and that all of these latter conflicts appear equally worthy of the title as those which were in fact given this attribution. The deciding factor in the classification of a certain conflict as a "Sacred War," as a result, lies not in the specific elements making up its constitution but rather in the political circumstances surrounding it. The two conflicts labelled by the ancients as "Sacred Wars" were given this title by contemporary powers in order to justify military interference in the political affairs of other states which might otherwise have been considered unnecessary. Thus, the term "Sacred War" arose originally as the result of an effective propaganda campaign. / Arts, Faculty of / Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, Department of / Graduate
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The building programme of Septimius Severus in the city of RomeGorrie, Charmaine Lynn 05 1900 (has links)
During his reign from 193-211, Septimius Severus was responsible for a
significant building programme in the city of Rome. This involved both new buildings
and the restoration of existing structures. Previous scholarship, however, has tended to
consider specific buildings of the period in isolation instead of analysing Severus'
building programme as a whole. The purpose of the present study is to redress this by
examining the overall programme in the historical context of Severus' reign through
archaeological investigations, studies of art and architectural history, epigraphy,
numismatics, and the literary record.
A framework for the motivation behind Severus' building programme may be
established by relating the types of buildings constructed anew or restored to what is
known of his reign through other sources. Severus wished to portray himself as the
rightful heir of the Antonines who had been chosen by divine providence to establish a
renewed period of peace and prosperity. Through his building activity he exploited
important institutions to underline this position and to legitimize his rule. By his concern
for the physical fabric of the capital he at the same time reinforced the message that he
had restored the prestige of the Empire. The importance attached to this restoration is
attested by the numerous inscriptions placed throughout the city on the restored buildings
and other structures proudly announcing the attentions of the new emperor.
Much of the Severan enhancement and restoration seems to have been geared
toward the celebration of the Secular Games in the capital, an event that heralded a new
age of renewal and restoration. Severus' intention of establishing a new dynasty was also
implicit in the creation of an architectural presence within the heritage of the imperial
The use of a building programme within the capital to reinforce the policies of the
emperor originated with the first emperor, Augustus. While not on the same scale as the
Augustan redevelopment of the city, Severus' building activity followed this imperial
tradition with a deliberate and concerted building programme that reflected his
propagandistic aims. / Arts, Faculty of / Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, Department of / Graduate
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Women's songs and their cultic background in archaic GreeceKlinck, Anne L. (Anne Lingard) January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Early Helladic settlement patterns in central and southern GreeceToli, Maria Dhoga. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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Entre rois et cités : loyauté et pouvoir au sein des interactions sociopolitiques, diplomatiques et idéologiques durant la haute époque hellénistique (323-188 a.C.)Lamarre-Bolduc, Emilie 15 March 2024 (has links)
Le démantèlement de l’empire d’Alexandre le Grand et les nombreux conflits militaires menés par ses principaux généraux, les Diadoques, annoncèrent la formation de nouvelles puissances suprapoliades, celles des dynasties hellénistiques. Bien que certaines cités grecques conservassent leur indépendance, plusieurs d’entre elles glissèrent, de gré ou de force, dans ce nouveau cadre multipolaire et antagoniste. Les possessions territoriales des autorités royales variaient cependant selon les aléas des victoires et des défaites des Diadoques et de leurs successeurs, qui parvinrent seulement à y établir une domination précaire. Cette effervescence géopolitique agita tout particulièrement le bassin égéen et le territoire anatolien qui, convoités pour leurs ressources et leur position stratégique, devinrent un espace de compétition et une zone de contact des principales dynasties hellénistiques. La présence et la rivalité de plusieurs entités monarchiques sur le territoire anatolien caractérisa les échanges diplomatiques entre les communautés civiques et les souverains. Soucieux de gagner le soutien des cités, les rois instrumentalisèrent un discours émancipateur qui, en contrepartie, en appelait au dialogue évergétique grâce auquel les cités négocièrent des privilèges relatifs à leur autonomie et à leur liberté. Ce jeu de pouvoir fragilisait l’autorité royale et suscitait de rapides changements d’allégeance de la part des cités. Un regard sur la documentation officielle, lettres royales et décrets honorifiques, permet de mettre en lumière un dialogue politique, diplomatique et idéologique par le biais duquel se distinguaient les idéaux et les intérêts de chacun des partis. Ce mémoire vise ainsi à déterminer, en regard de divers facteurs idéologiques, sociopolitiques ou économiques, comment se justifiaient les allégeances des cités grecques durant la haute époque hellénistique, ce qui constituait un enjeu important pour les souverains.
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Une ville et son sanctuaire à l'époque hellénistique : l'instrumentalisation du Didymeion de Milet entre le IVe et le IIe siècle a. C.Blais, Valérie 18 April 2018 (has links)
La lutte pour l'hégémonie que les dirigeants se livrèrent à l'époque hellénistique s'opéra à la pointe de la lance et par le développement de l'évergétisme royal. Afin de s'attirer les faveurs et le soutien d'importantes cités, les souverains usèrent de philanthropia et de générosité envers les communautés civiques et leurs lieux de culte. Le sanctuaire de Didymes, l'un des plus importants d'Asie Mineure, se trouvait près de la cité de Milet et suscita l'intérêt des différentes dynasties. Ce mémoire propose l'étude des relations que le Didymeion entretenait avec les différentes dynasties hellénistiques ainsi que l'analyse des différentes formes d'instrumentalisation politique. Le caractère stratégique du sanctuaire et de sa cité, son lien privilégié avec le divin ainsi que l'affluence de visiteurs à Didymes constituaient des éléments pour lesquels les souverains s'affrontèrent en actions évergétiques.
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Reviving Greek furniture : technological and design aspects through interdisciplinary research and digital three-dimensional techniques : the prehistoric periodTsipotas, Dimitrios January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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As migrações Gregas: um estudo sobre a chegada dos gregos na Península IbéricaGOMES, Crosley Rodrigues 29 September 2017 (has links)
A península Ibérica foi uma região muito cobiçada durante todo o período da
Antiguidade. Por contar com grandes minas de prata, cobre e estanho e também possuir
um solo rico para o desenvolvimento agrícola, muitos povos buscaram seu controle,
como os fenícios, os gregos e por último os romanos. Nesta pesquisa procuraremos
analisar e entender o processo de conquista dos gregos que se fixaram na região
nordeste da península. Sua chegada e conquista do território e a formação da Poli de
Emporion. Muitos cronistas fizeram relatos sobre as colônias gregas na Ibéria. Dentre
eles optamos por uma analisar a obra de Estrabão que traz com grande riqueza de
detalhes as relações entre os povos foceus-massaliotas com os nativos da região e por
meio dos seus relatos podemos buscar elementos que auxiliam-nos a entender que
mesmo após a conquista não podemos afirmar que houve uma hegemonia da cultura
helena sobre a cultura nativa. Se a princípio o autor nos apresenta um cenário de
separação e até mesmo de conflitos com o passar do tempo está relação passa por
transformações devido as constantes invasões que o local sofria e mesmo a necessidade
do uso da experiência dos nativos no conhecimento da região. Conhecimento que era
utilizado não somente para o uso agrícola, como também para se encontrar rotas
comerciais mais seguras. Neste sentido vamos procurar analisar a formação desta Poli
grega, desde sua fundação até as relações entre os que ali chegaram com os povos que já
estavam presentes no local. Na elaboração deste trabalho também procuramos
desenvolver um capítulo específico para o auxílio de professores do ensino básico. Onde
também elaboramos um jogo de vídeo game que o docente poderá se utilizar como
ferramenta para levar ao conhecimento dos alunos o período da Antiguidade Clássica da
Península Ibérica. / The Iberian peninsula was a very coveted region throughout the period of antiquity.
Because it has large mines of silver, copper and tin and also has a rich soil for
agricultural development, many people have sought their control, such as the
Phoenicians, the Greeks and finally the Romans. In this research we will try to analyze
and understand the process of conquest of the Greeks who settled in the northeast region
of the peninsula. His arrival and conquest of the territory and the formation of Poli de
Emporion. Many chroniclers report on the Greek colonies in Iberia, but we opted for an
analysis of the chronicler Strabo that brings with great wealth of details the relations
between the Phoceus-Massalitic peoples and the natives of the region and through their
accounts we can search for elements that help to understand that even after the conquest
we can not affirm that there was a hegemony of the Hellenic culture on the native
culture. If at first the author presents us with a scenario of separation and even conflicts
with the passage of time this relation goes through transformations due to the constant
invasions that the place suffered and even the necessity of the use of the experience of
the natives in the knowledge of the region. Knowledge that was used not only for
agricultural use, but also to find safer trade routes. In this sense we will try to analyze
the formation of this Greek Poli from its foundation to the relations between those who
arrived there with the peoples who were already present in the place. In the elaboration
of this work we also try to develop a specific chapter for the aid of primary school
teachers. Where we also elaborated a game of video game that the teacher can use as a
tool to bring to the students' knowledge the period of Classical Antiquity of the Iberian
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Synthesis Of Zeolite Membranes In Flow SystemOnder, Aylin 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Zeolite membranes are formed as a thin zeolitic layer on the supports. They are usually synthesized by hydrothermal methods in batch systems. In this study, MFI and SAPO-34 type zeolite membranes were produced on macroporous tubular alumina supports in a recirculating flow system at elevated temperatures for the first time in the literature. During the synthesis, the synthesis mixture is flown between the reservoir and the membrane module which includes the support material.
The synthesis temperatures were 180° / C and 220° / C, and the corresponding system pressures were approximately 20 and 30 bars for MFI and SAPO-34, respectively. The CH4 and n-C4H10 single gas permeances were measured through MFI membranes and the performance of membranes was investigated in the separation of equimolar CH4/n-C4H10 mixtures. The best MFI membrane had a CH4 single gas permeance of 1.45x10-6 mol/m2-s-Pa and CH4/n-C4H10 ideal selectivity of 35 at 25oC. The membranes preferentially permeated n-C4H10 in the separation of mixtures. The n-C4H10/CH4 separation selectivity was 43.6 with a total permeance of approximately 0.8x10-6 mol/m2-s-Pa at 25oC.
The ideal selectivities of CO2/CH4 of SAPO-34 membrane synthesized in stagnant medium were 227, and > / 1000 at 220 and 200oC, respectively. Formation of amorphous structure and the additional secondary phases (impurities) were observed on SAPO-34 membranes synthesized in recirculating flow system. The results showed that it is possible to produce SAPO-34 and high quality MFI membranes by a recirculating flow system operating at elevated temperature.
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