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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de substances naturelles en contexte archéologique : apport des études moléculaires, isotopiques et de la datation au 14C / Characterization of natural substances in an archaeological context : contribution of the molecular and isotopic studies and of the 14C dating

Courel, Blandine 07 September 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux d'archéométrie concernent l’étude moléculaire par GC-MS de marqueurs lipidiques (biomarqueurs) préservés au sein de sols archéologiques et de substances végétales impliquées en tant qu'ingrédients dans la confection d’artefacts. Des analyses complémentaires en isotopie du carbone de composés individuels et des mesures de datation au 14C (AMS MICADAS) de la matière organique totale des sols, d'extraits lipidiques et d'un composé individuel (miliacine) ont également été effectuées. Cette approche a permis:- de montrer l’existence de la culture de millet dès l’âge du Bronze en Alsace, les sols associés à cette culture et leur contenu organique ayant été piégés et préservés dans des silos à grains enterrés datés de l’âge du Fer.- d'identifier la nature de structures archéologiques comme étant d'anciennes latrines et une aire de stabulation de bétail via l'identification de stéroïdes fécaux.- d'établir des critères chimiotaxonomiques fiables basés sur l'analyse des lipides pour l’authentification de résines de styrax et de liquidambars.- d'identifier la nature d'une résine issue de Styrax officinalis ayant été incorporée dans l’enduit organique ornant un crâne décoré (IXème millénaire av. J.-C., site de Nahal Hemar, Israël).- de mettre en évidence l’emploi de brai de bouleau comme agent collant lors de la confection d’un bijou daté du Premier âge du Fer. / In this archaeometric study, lipid biomarkers from archaeological soils and organic substances originating from plants found on artefacts were investigated by GC-MS. In addition, the stable carbon isotopic composition of individual lipids and the 14C age (AMS MICADAS) of soil organic matter, lipid extracts and one isolated compound (miliacin) were determined. Such an archaeometric approach allowed:- the existence of a millet cultivation during the Bronze Age in Alsace to be unveiled for the first time based on preserved molecular remains of this cereal in agricultural soils trapped within grain silos dated from the Iron Age.- the function of uncharacterized archaeological structures to be identified as ancient latrines and a stall area based on the identification of faecal steroidal markers.- reliable chemotaxonomic criteria for the authentication of styrax resins and liquidambar gums to be established using specific organic markers (triterpenoids, notably).- the vegetal component of an organic coating decorating a skull from the 9th millennium BC (Nahal Hemar site, Israel) to be identified as a resin from Styrax officinalis.- the use of birch bark tar as adhesive for the making of a jewellery dated from the Iron Age to be discovered.

Individer från Bronsåldern och deras hälsa : En osteologisk analys av tre hällkistor från Nyplings i Lokrume socken, Gotland / Bronze Age individuals and their health : An osteological analysis of three stone cists from Nyplings, Lokrume parish, Gotland

Wallin, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Bronsåldern är en period med många praktfulla fynd, långhus, storhögar och kremationsgravar. Nu under senare år har flera hällkistor med skelettgravar 14C daterats till bronsåldern, vilket öppnar upp för ny forskning inom tidsperioden när det gäller bland annat hälsoaspekter. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ humanosteologisk studie av två gravanläggningar i Nyplings 1:8, Lokrume socken på Gotland syftar uppsatsen till att påbörja forskningen inom bronsålderns folkhälsa samt motivera till fortsatta framtida forskning inom området. Totalt analyserades 2 598 benfragment med en totalvikt på 6 586 gram. Ett flertal osteologiska metoder användes för ålders- och könsbedömningar samt kvantifiering. Gravarna innehöll tolv individer där två beräknas vara barn och resterande i vuxen ålder. Endast tre individer har kunnat könsbedömmas varav en är av manligt kön och två av kvinnligt kön. Individerna har inte kunnat kroppslängds beräknas i brist på mätbara ben. Analysen av individerna i gravanläggningarna visade att flertalet skeletala förändringar drabbade individerna däribland ledförändringar, fraktur, skärskada och aktivitetsspår. En del av skeletten har uppvisat överlevnad av trauma, vilket är en indikation på en god grundhälsa. Men då majoriteten av individerna inte påvisar skeletala sjukdomar och dött vid en ung ålder har de enligt den osteologiska paradoxen överlag en dålig grundhälsa. De förändringar som har påträffats visar att individerna utsatts för en del smärta, obehag, stelhet och belastning under deras liv. Men trots allt har individerna levt ett relativt långt liv med bättre hälsa än andra individer både från Gotland och Skåne under Bronsåldern. / The Bronze Age is a period with many magnificent finds, naves, large mounds and cremation graves. Now in recent years, several stone cists with skeletal graves have been 14C dated to the Bronze Age, which opens up new research within the time period regarding, among other things, health aspects. With the help of a qualitative human osteological study of two burial sites in Nyplings 1:8, Lokrume parish on Gotland, the essay aims to begin research in Bronze Age public health and to motivate future research in the area. A total of 2 598 bone fragments with a total weight of 6 586 grams were analyzed. A number of osteological methods were used for age and gender assessments and quantification. The graves contained twelve individuals, two of whom are estimated to be children and the rest adults. Only three individuals have been able to be gender assessed, of which one is male and two are female. The individuals’ length was not possible to calculate due to lack of bones measurable bones. The analysis of the individuals in the burials showed that multiple skeletal changes affected the individuals such as joint changes, fracture, cut damage and traces of activity. Some of the skeletons have shown survival of trauma, which is an indication of good basic health. But since the majority of individuals do not show any skeletal diseases and died at a young age, according to the osteological paradox, they generally had poor basic health. The skeletal changes that have been found show that the individuals were exposed to some pain, discomfort, stiffness, and strain during their lives. But despite everything, the individuals lived a relatively long life with better health than other individuals both from Gotland and Skåne during the Bronze Age.


Ohta, Tomoko, Tsukada, Kazuhiro, Yoshida, Eiichi, Tanaka, Tsuyoshi, Katsurada, Yusuke, Hoshino, Mitsuo, Saito, Takeshi, Nakamura, Toshio, 太田, 友子, 束田, 和弘, 吉田, 英一, 田中, 剛, 桂田, 祐介, 星野, 光雄, 齊藤, 毅, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)

Dinâmica ambiental holocênica (vegetação, clima e nível relativo marinho) baseada em estudos interdisciplinares de alta resolução, no litoral norte do estado do Espírito Santo / Holocene environmental dynamics (vegetation, climate and relative sea level) based on high resolution interdisciplinary studies, at northern coast of Espírito Santo state

Buso Junior, Antonio Alvaro 12 August 2010 (has links)
Com base em um estudo interdisciplinar, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: estudar a dinâmica da vegetação e do nível relativo marinho e inferir o clima, durante o Holoceno, na região nordeste do estado do Espírito Santo. Para tanto foram analisados: (i) vegetação atual (caracterização botânica e \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N); (ii) matéria-orgânica do solo (\'delta\'13C, C elementar e datação 14C); (iii) sedimento lacustre (litologia, C e N elementar, \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N, datação 14C da matéria-orgânica, pólen e diatomáceas). Os pontos de amostragem estão localizados na Reserva Natural Vale e na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, região de predomínio de Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas, com fragmentos de Savana e áreas ocupadas por vegetação pioneira. As principais conclusões foram: (i) o local de estudo não apresentou retração florestal durante o Holoceno; (ii) o clima foi inferido como predominantemente úmido; (iii) a dinâmica da vegetação durante o Holoceno no interior e nas proximidades do vale do Rio Barra Seca foi influenciada pelas flutuações do nível relativo marinho: com a transgressão marinha (há aproximadamente 7700 anos cal. A.P.) iniciou-se o deslocamento da vegetação florestal e a instalação do manguezal; entre aproximadamente 4700 até 3000 anos cal. A.P., o período de maior influência marinha, ocorreu o maior distanciamento do manguezal em relação ao ponto estudado; com a regressão marinha, a colonização do vale por vegetação pioneira ocorreu a partir de, aproximadamente, 2300 anos cal. A.P.; há cerca de 1200 anos cal. A.P. ocorreu a instalação do atual ambiente lacustre com a floresta em seu entorno; (iv) o local atualmente ocupado pela Lagoa do Macuco, no interior do vale do Rio Barra Seca, foi caracterizado por um ambiente estuarino durante o período aproximado de 7700 a 3000 anos cal. A.P / Based on an interdisciplinary study, the objectives of the present work were to study the vegetation and relative sea-level dynamics and to infer the climate during the Holocene, at northeastern region of Espírito Santo State. The materials and respective analyses were: (i) modern vegetation (botanic identification, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N); (ii) soil organic matter (total organic carbon, \'delta\'13C and 14C dating); (iii) lake sediment (lithology, total organic carbon and total nitrogen, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N, 14C dating, pollen and diatoms). The sampling points were located at Vale Natural Reserve and Sooretama Biologic Reserve, region of tropical rainforest vegetation dominance, with savanna fragments and pioneer vegetation patches. The main conclusions were: (i) the forest retreatment was not observed in the study site during the Holocene (ii) the climate was predominantly humid (iii) vegetation dynamics inside the Barra Seca River valley and surroundings were influenced by relative sea-level fluctuations: at ca. 7700 cal. yr B.P., the forest vegetation started its retreatment and the mangrove ecosystem was installed; from ca. 4700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P., the period of higher marine influence, occurred the higher mangrove detachment from the sampling point; with the marine regression, the valley colonization by the pioneer vegetation started at ca. 2300 cal. yr B.P.; at ca. 1200 cal. yr B.P. started the installation of modern lacustrine environment, with the Forest in the surroundings; (iv) the present location of Lagoa do Macuco was characterized by na estuarine environment during the period from ~7700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P

里山からキツネが消えた日 : 豊田市小手沢町の地蔵堂から見つかったキツネの遺骸

Ikeda, Akiko, Minami, Masayo, Nakamura, Toshio, Suzuki, Kazuhiro, 池田, 晃子, 南, 雅代, 中村, 俊夫, 鈴木, 和博 03 1900 (has links)

Dinâmica ambiental holocênica (vegetação, clima e nível relativo marinho) baseada em estudos interdisciplinares de alta resolução, no litoral norte do estado do Espírito Santo / Holocene environmental dynamics (vegetation, climate and relative sea level) based on high resolution interdisciplinary studies, at northern coast of Espírito Santo state

Antonio Alvaro Buso Junior 12 August 2010 (has links)
Com base em um estudo interdisciplinar, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: estudar a dinâmica da vegetação e do nível relativo marinho e inferir o clima, durante o Holoceno, na região nordeste do estado do Espírito Santo. Para tanto foram analisados: (i) vegetação atual (caracterização botânica e \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N); (ii) matéria-orgânica do solo (\'delta\'13C, C elementar e datação 14C); (iii) sedimento lacustre (litologia, C e N elementar, \'delta\'13C e \'delta\'15N, datação 14C da matéria-orgânica, pólen e diatomáceas). Os pontos de amostragem estão localizados na Reserva Natural Vale e na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, região de predomínio de Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas, com fragmentos de Savana e áreas ocupadas por vegetação pioneira. As principais conclusões foram: (i) o local de estudo não apresentou retração florestal durante o Holoceno; (ii) o clima foi inferido como predominantemente úmido; (iii) a dinâmica da vegetação durante o Holoceno no interior e nas proximidades do vale do Rio Barra Seca foi influenciada pelas flutuações do nível relativo marinho: com a transgressão marinha (há aproximadamente 7700 anos cal. A.P.) iniciou-se o deslocamento da vegetação florestal e a instalação do manguezal; entre aproximadamente 4700 até 3000 anos cal. A.P., o período de maior influência marinha, ocorreu o maior distanciamento do manguezal em relação ao ponto estudado; com a regressão marinha, a colonização do vale por vegetação pioneira ocorreu a partir de, aproximadamente, 2300 anos cal. A.P.; há cerca de 1200 anos cal. A.P. ocorreu a instalação do atual ambiente lacustre com a floresta em seu entorno; (iv) o local atualmente ocupado pela Lagoa do Macuco, no interior do vale do Rio Barra Seca, foi caracterizado por um ambiente estuarino durante o período aproximado de 7700 a 3000 anos cal. A.P / Based on an interdisciplinary study, the objectives of the present work were to study the vegetation and relative sea-level dynamics and to infer the climate during the Holocene, at northeastern region of Espírito Santo State. The materials and respective analyses were: (i) modern vegetation (botanic identification, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N); (ii) soil organic matter (total organic carbon, \'delta\'13C and 14C dating); (iii) lake sediment (lithology, total organic carbon and total nitrogen, \'delta\'13C and \'delta\'15N, 14C dating, pollen and diatoms). The sampling points were located at Vale Natural Reserve and Sooretama Biologic Reserve, region of tropical rainforest vegetation dominance, with savanna fragments and pioneer vegetation patches. The main conclusions were: (i) the forest retreatment was not observed in the study site during the Holocene (ii) the climate was predominantly humid (iii) vegetation dynamics inside the Barra Seca River valley and surroundings were influenced by relative sea-level fluctuations: at ca. 7700 cal. yr B.P., the forest vegetation started its retreatment and the mangrove ecosystem was installed; from ca. 4700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P., the period of higher marine influence, occurred the higher mangrove detachment from the sampling point; with the marine regression, the valley colonization by the pioneer vegetation started at ca. 2300 cal. yr B.P.; at ca. 1200 cal. yr B.P. started the installation of modern lacustrine environment, with the Forest in the surroundings; (iv) the present location of Lagoa do Macuco was characterized by na estuarine environment during the period from ~7700 to ca. 3000 cal. yr B.P


Yamada, Tetsuya, Ohta, Tomoko, Nakamura, Toshio, 山田, 哲也, 太田, 友子, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)


NAKAMURA, Toshio, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.


NAKAMURA, Toshio, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)


Nakamura, Toshio, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)

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