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Study of innovative methods of control in the cereal productive chain for the production of beer and spiritsSileoni, Valeria <1983> 26 May 2011 (has links)
Researches performed during the PhD course intended to assess innovative applications of near-infrared spectroscopy in reflectance (NIR) in the production chain of beer. The purpose is to measure by NIR the "malting quality" (MQ) parameter of barley, to monitor the malting process and to know if a certain type of barley is suitable for the production of beer and spirits. Moreover, NIR will be applied to monitor the brewing process.
First of all, it was possible to check the quality of the raw materials like barley, maize and barley malt using a rapid, non-destructive and reliable method, with a low error of prediction.
The more interesting result obtained at this level was that the repeatability of the NIR calibration models developed was comparable with the one of the reference method. Moreover, about malt, new kinds of validation were used in order to estimate the real predictive power of the proposed calibration models and to understand the long-term effects. Furthermore, the precision of all the calibration models developed for malt evaluation was estimated and statistically compared with the reference methods, with good results.
Then, new calibration models were developed for monitoring the malting process, measuring the moisture content and other malt quality parameters during germination.
Moreover it was possible to obtain by NIR an estimate of the "malting quality" (MQ) of barley and to predict whether if its germination will be rapid and uniform and if a certain type of barley is suitable for the production of beer and spirits.
Finally, the NIR technique was applied to monitor the brewing process, using correlations between NIR spectra of beer and analytical parameters, and to assess beer quality.
These innovative results are potentially very useful for the actors involved in the beer production chain, especially the calibration models suitable for the control of the malting process and for the assessment of the “malting quality” of barley, which need to be deepened in future studies.
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Advances in understanding of osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation of fruitsTylewicz, Urszula <1982> 26 May 2011 (has links)
Osmotic Dehydration and Vacuum Impregnation are interesting operations in the food industry with applications in minimal fruit processing and/or freezing, allowing to develop new products with specific innovative characteristics.
Osmotic dehydration is widely used for the partial removal of water from cellular tissue by immersion in hypertonic (osmotic) solution. The driving force for the diffusion of water from the tissue is provided by the differences in water chemical potential between the external solution and the internal liquid phase of the cells.
Vacuum Impregnation of porous products immersed in a liquid phase consist of reduction of pressure in a solid-liquid system (vacuum step) followed by the restoration of atmospheric pressure (atmospheric step). During the vacuum step the internal gas in the product pores is expanded and partially flows out while during the atmospheric step, there is a compression of residual gas and the external liquid flows into the pores (Fito, 1994). This process is also a very useful unit operation in food engineering as it allows to introduce specific solutes in the tissue which can play different functions (antioxidants, pH regulators, preservatives, cryoprotectants etc.).
The present study attempts to enhance our understanding and knowledge of fruit as living organism, interacting dynamically with the environment, and to explore metabolic, structural, physico-chemical changes during fruit processing. The use of innovative approaches and/or technologies such as SAFES (Systematic Approach to Food Engineering System), LF-NMR (Low Frequency Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), GASMAS (Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy) are very promising to deeply study these phenomena.
SAFES methodology was applied in order to study irreversibility of the structural changes of kiwifruit during short time of osmotic treatment. The results showed that the deformed tissue can recover its initial state 300 min after osmotic dehydration at 25 °C.
The LF-NMR resulted very useful in water status and compartmentalization study, permitting to separate observation of three different water population presented in vacuole, cytoplasm plus extracellular space and cell wall.
GASMAS techniques was able to study the pressure equilibration after Vacuum Impregnation showing that after restoration of atmospheric pressure in the solid-liquid system, there was a reminding internal low pressure in the apple tissue that slowly increases until reaching the atmospheric pressure, in a time scale that depends on the vacuum applied during the vacuum step.
The physiological response of apple tissue on Vacuum Impregnation process was studied indicating the possibility of vesicular transport within the cells. Finally, the possibility to extend the freezing tolerance of strawberry fruits impregnated with cryoprotectants was proven.
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Depicting the role of CDKN2A/ARF alterations in adult BCR-ABL1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: from genomic deletions to prognostic impactFerrari, Anna <1979> 06 May 2011 (has links)
This 9p21 locus, encode for important proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis containing the p16/CDKN2A (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2a) tumor suppressor gene and two other related genes, p14/ARF and p15/CDKN2B. This locus, is a major target of inactivation in the pathogenesis of a number of human tumors, both solid and haematologic, and is a frequent site of loss or deletion also in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) ranging from 18% to 45% 1.
In order to explore, at high resolution, the frequency and size of alterations affecting this locus in adult BCR-ABL1-positive ALL and to investigate their prognostic value, 112 patients (101 de novo and 11 relapse cases) were analyzed by genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms arrays and gene candidate deep exon sequencing. Paired diagnosis-relapse samples were further available and analyzed for 19 (19%) cases.
CDKN2A/ARF and CDKN2B genomic alterations were identified in 29% and 25% of newly diagnosed patients, respectively. Deletions were monoallelic in 72% of cases and in 43% the minimal overlapping region of the lost area spanned only the CDKN2A/2B gene locus. The analysis at the time of relapse showed an almost significant increase in the detection rate of CDKN2A/ARF loss (47%) compared to diagnosis (p = 0.06). Point mutations within the 9p21 locus were found at very low level with only a non-synonymous substition in the exon 2 of CDKN2A. Finally, correlation with clinical outcome showed that deletions of CDKN2A/B are significantly associated with poor outcome in terms of overall survival (p = 0.0206), disease free-survival (p = 0.0010) and cumulative incidence of relapse (p = 0.0014).
The inactivation of 9p21 locus by genomic deletions is a frequent event in BCR-ABL1-positive ALL. Deletions are frequently acquired at the leukemia progression and work as a poor prognostic marker.
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Il Nilotinib nella terapia di prima linea della leucemia mieloide cronicaCastagnetti, Fausto <1978> 06 May 2011 (has links)
Background: Nilotinib is a potent and selective BCR-ABL inhibitor. The phase 3 ENESTnd trial demonstrated superior efficacy nilotinib vs imatinib, with higher and faster molecular responses. After 24 months, the rates of progression to accelerated-blastic phase (ABP) were 0.7% and 1.1% with nilotinib 300mg and 400mg BID, respectively, significantly lower compared to imatinib (4.2%). Nilotinib has been approved for the frontline treatment of Ph+ CML. With imatinib 400mg (IRIS trial), the rate of any event and of progression to ABP were higher during the first 3 years. Consequently, a confirmation of the durability of responses to nilotinib beyond 3 years is extremely important.
Aims: To evaluate the response and the outcome of patients treated for 3 years with nilotinib 400mg BID as frontline therapy.
Methods: A multicentre phase 2 trial was conducted by the GIMEMA CML WP (ClinicalTrials.gov.NCT00481052). Minimum 36-month follow-up data for all patients will be presented. Definitions: Major Molecular Response (MMR): BCR-ABL/ABL ratio <0,1%IS; Complete Molecular Response (CMR): undetectable transcript levels with ≥10,000 ABL transcripts; failures: according to the revised ELN recommendations; events: failures and treatment discontinuation for any reason. All the analysis has been made according to the intention-to-treat principle.
Results: 73 patients enrolled: median age 51 years; 45% low, 41% intermediate and 14% high Sokal risk. The cumulative incidence of CCgR at 12 months was 100%. CCgR at each milestone: 78%, 96%, 96%, 95%, 92% at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, respectively. The overall estimated probability of MMR was 97%, while the rates of MMR at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 52%, 66%, 85%, 81% and 82%, respectively. The overall estimated probability of CMR was 79%, while the rates of CMR at 12 and 24 months were 12% and 27%, respectively. No patient achieving a MMR progressed to AP. Only one patient progressed at 6 months to ABP and subsequently died (high Sokal risk, T315I mutation). Adverse events were mostly grade 1 or 2 and manageable with appropriate dose adaptations. During the first 12 months, the mean daily dose was 600-800mg in 74% of patients. The nilotinib last daily dose was as follows: 800mg in 46 (63%) patients, 600mg in 3 (4%) patients and 400mg in 18 (25%), 6 permanent discontinuations. Detail of discontinuation: 1 patient progressed to ABP; 3 patients had recurrent episodes of amylase and/or lipase increase (no pancreatitis); 1 patient had atrial fibrillation (unrelated to study drug) and 1 patient died after 32 months of mental deterioration and starvation (unrelated to study drug). Two patients are currently on imatinib second-line and 2 on dasatinib third-line. With a median follow-up of 39 months, the estimated probability of overall survival, progression-free survival and failure-free survival was 97%, the estimated probability of event-free survival was 91%.
Conclusions: The rate of failures was very low during the first 3 years. Responses remain stable. The high rates of responses achieved during the first 12 months are being translated into optimal outcome for most of patients.
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L'impugnazione del lodo rituale per contrarietà all'ordine pubblicoTuratto, Silvia <1979> 07 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Il vaglio di ammissibilità dei ricorsi avanti alla Corte di Cassazione francese: premesse per uno studio comparatoBagnara, Giuliana <1981> 07 September 2011 (has links)
Oggetto dell’elaborato è il vaglio di ammissibilità dei ricorsi in materia civile avanti alla Corte di cassazione francese.
Il primo dei tre capitoli ha ad oggetto alcuni aspetti storici ed ordinamentali ritenuti essenziali per una migliore comprensione del giudizio civile di cassation: dalle origini storiche della Corte di cassazione, alle funzioni attualmente attribuite alla Cour de cassation, sino alla presentazione dei membri che la compongono e delle differenti formazioni, non solo giudicanti, nelle quali può riunirsi; in tale capitolo trova, altresì, spazio una rassegna delle riforme che si sono susseguite negli ultimi decenni, volte, in maniera più o meno diretta, a contrastare il sovraccarico di ricorsi che affliggeva la S.C. francese ed a rafforzarne la funzione nomofilattica.
Il secondo capitolo è interamente dedicato all’analisi della disciplina del processo civile avanti alla Cour de cassation. Dopo aver affrontato la questione della classificazione del mezzo di impugnazione, vengono illustrati i caratteri tradizionalmente attribuiti al pourvoi en cassation (assenza di effetto devolutivo e di effetto sospensivo), nonché la c.d. ouverture del ricorso, ossia le condizioni di ammissibilità dello stesso; sono, infine, descritti le fasi in cui si svolge il giudizio e l’esito del procedimento.
L’attenzione si rivolge, nel terzo capitolo, a quel peculiare momento del giudizio rappresentato dal vaglio preliminare di ammissibilità del ricorso. Dopo un breve excursus storico, la tesi si sofferma sulla disciplina odierna, trattando, in particolare, i criteri offerti alle formazioni ridotte per la valutazione di ammissibilità del pourvoi; le peculiarità del procedimento volto alla dichiarazione di non-admission del ricorso; la natura, il contenuto e gli effetti della decisione della formation restreinte. Particolare attenzione è prestata, in tale capitolo, alle prassi applicative che integrano la scarna disciplina dell’istituto ed alla compatibilità del vaglio preliminare con la Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo.
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Perchè si litiga? Ragioni, scelte e conflitti nella giustizia civileSegatti, Marco <1982> 07 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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La privatizzazione del processo civile: esperienza italiana e francese a confrontoPancaldi, Annalisa <1982> 07 September 2011 (has links)
La tesi di dottorato affronta uno dei temi più delicati e attuali relativi al processo civile, vale a dire quello della sua privatizzazione, offrendo una comparazione tra la situazione italiana e quella francese, ed analizzando in particolare gli istituti del calendario del processo e dei protocolli d'udienza.
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Trattamenti termici: valutazione delle degradazioni termossidative di oli da frittura e determinazione di composti aromatici in matrici alimentari complesse / Thermal treatment: evaluation of thermoxidative degradation in frying oils and determination of aromatic compounds in complex food matricesNatale, Daniela <1982> 25 May 2012 (has links)
Lo studio condotto durante il Dottorato di Ricerca è stato focalizzato sulla valutazione e sul monitoraggio delle diverse degradazioni termossidative in oli da frittura. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo si è ritenuto opportuno procedere mediante uno screening dei principali oli presenti sul mercato italiano e successiva messa a punto di due miscele di oli vegetali che sono state sottoposte a due piani sperimentali di frittura controllata e standardizzata in laboratorio, seguiti da due piani di frittura eseguiti in due differenti situazioni reali quali mensa e ristorante. Ognuna delle due miscele è stata messa a confronto con due oli di riferimento.
A tal fine è stata identificato il profilo in acidi grassi, la stabilità ossidativa ed idrolitica, il punto di fumo, i composti polari, il contenuto in tocoferoli totali, ed i composti volatili sia sugli oli crudi che sottoposti ai diversi processi di frittura.
Lo studio condotto ha permesso di identificare una delle miscele ideate come valida alternativa all’impiego dell’olio di palma ampiamente utilizzato nelle fritture degli alimenti, oltre a fornire delle indicazioni più precise sulla tipologia e sull’entità delle modificazioni che avvengono in frittura, a seconda delle condizioni impiegate. / The study conducted during the PhD research was focused on the assessment of various thermoxidative degradations in frying oils. To achieve this objective, it was considered appropriate to firs proceed with a screening of the major frying oils present in the Italian market, followed by the development of two frying blends, which were subjected to two different experimental frying plans at lab-scale, under controlled and standardized conditions. The same frying blends were also utilized under two different catering frying situations (cafeteria and restaurant). Each frying blend was compared with two reference frying oils (palm olein and extra virgin olive oil).
To evaluate the frying performance of each frying oil and blend, different analytical determinations were carried out; such analysis were performed before, during and at the end of the frying process. The study led to the identification of one of the mixtures here developed as a valid alternative to palm oil, which is widely used for food frying at catering level; in addition, this research allowed a better definition of the modifications (type and entity) that occur during food frying, according to the conditions used. The determination of polar compounds generated during frying were analyzed by both the official method and a high-performance size-exclusion chromatographic method (HPSEC). In the last part of the PhD period, the stability and usage of a special marinade, made of grape seed phenolic extracts encapsulated in liposomal systems, was tested on beef patties. The objective was to evaluate the ability of phenol-enriched liposomes to inhibit the formation of heterocyclic aromatic compounds generated by pan-frying.
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Modulation of hypoxia-inducible factors as a therapeutic target for multiple myeloma / Modulazione della regolazione ipossica come target terapeutico del Mieloma MultiploPerrone, Giulia <1978> 10 May 2012 (has links)
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) plays a critical role in survival and is associated with poor prognosis in solid tumors. The role of HIF-1α in multiple myeloma is not completely known.
In the present study, we explored the effect of EZN2968, an locked nucleic acid antisense oligonucleotide against HIF-1α, as a molecular target in MM.
A panel of MM cell lines and primary samples from MM patients were cultured in vitro in the presence of EZN2968 .
Under normoxia culture condition, HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression was detectable in all MM cell lines and in CD138+ cells from newly diagnosed MM patients samples. Significant up-regulation of HIF-1α protein expression was observed after incubation with IL6 or IGF-I, confirming that HIF-1α can be further induced by biological stimuli. EZN2968 efficiently induces a selective and stable down-modulation of HIF-1α and decreased the secretion of VEGF released by MM cell. Treatment with EZN2968 gave rise to a progressive accumulation of cells in the S and subG0 phase. The analysis of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors controlling cell cycle check point, shows upregulation of protein levels. These results suggest that HIF-1α inhibition is sufficient for cell cycle arrest in normoxia, and for inducing an apoptotic pathways.. In the presence of bone marrow microenvironment, HIF-1α inhibition blocks MAPK kinase pathway and secretion of pro-surviaval cytokines ( IL6,VEGF,IL8)
In this study we provide evidence that HIF-1α, even in the absence of hypoxia signal, is expressed in MM plasma cells and further inducible by bone marrow milieu stimuli; moreover its inhibition is sufficient to induce a permanent cell cycle arrest. Our data support the hypothesis that HIF-1α inhibition may suppress tumor growth by preventing proliferation of plasma cells through p21 activation and blocking pro-survival stimuli from bone marrow microenvironment. / Nonostante l’introduzione nella terapia del mieloma multiplo (MM) di nuovi farmaci, quali inibitori del proteasoma ed agenti immunomodulanti come talidomide e lenalidomide, il MM è a tutt’oggi una malattia incurabile, e nuove strategie terapeutiche sono necessarie per migliorare la risposta alla terapia e superare le resistenze indotte del trattamento. In questo ambito, l’evidenza di una dis-regolazione di geni coinvolti nella risposta ipossica ha aperto la possibilità di testare l’attività antineoplastica di specifici inibitori di fattori di trascrizione coinvolti nella regolazione dell’ipossia identificando una nuova classe terapeutica che attualmente è in fase di sperimentazione clinica in pazienti con neoplasie solide. Recenti studi hanno suggerito che Hypoxia inducible factor 1 α (HIF1-α) sia coinvolto nella patogenesi del MM.
Obiettivo del nostro studio è stata la valutazione del ruolo biologico e terapeutico di inibitori di HIF1-α nel mieloma multiplo (MM). Lo studio è stato effettuato su linee cellulari e su campioni biologici di pazienti affetti da MM tramite l’utilizzo di metodiche standard di analisi di laboratorio quali saggi di tossicità e proliferazione cellulare, analisi citofluorimetrica, studi di proteomica e biologia molecolare, saggi d funzionalità mitocondriale e microscopia elettronica.
L’inibizione dell’espressione di HIF1-α, che nelle linee di MM (MM1S, U266, OPM2, RPMI8226) è costituzionalmente espresso ed ulteriormente inducibile determina una riduzione della sopravvivenza, superando inoltre il vantaggio proliferativo indotto dal microambiente midollare, con induzione della morte cellulare per necrosi ed attivazione dell’ ER stress come principale meccanismo di risposta. Associata all’inibizione di HIF1-α è stata osservata macroscopicamente una alterazione sia della morfologia cellulare che di alcuni organuli citoplasmatici, fra cui il reticolo endoplasmatico e i mitocondri che sono stati ulteriore oggetto di studio.
In conclusione, l’inibizione di HIF1-a in vitro determina una alterazione della omeostasi cellulare nelle linee di mieloma multiplo e suggerisce quindi un suo ruolo come target per la terapia del mieloma.
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