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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La administración concursal como sujeto del proceso jurisdiccional español. Su posición en la determinación del patrimonio concursal / Il curatore fallimentare come soggetto del processo giurisdizionale spagnolo. La sua posizione nella determinazione del patrimonio concorsuale / The bankruptcy trustee as subject of the Spanish jurisdictional process. Its position in the determination of the bankruptcy estate

Tomas Tomas, Salvador <1986> 11 April 2014 (has links)
Desde tiempos inmemoriales, la presencia de sujetos encargados de la administración del patrimonio del concursado ha sido consustancial a la existencia de procesos en los que se declaraba la insolvencia del deudor. Tradicionalmente, estos sujetos ostentaban un papel de singular alcance para el correcto desarrollo del concurso. En la actualidad se erigen en el motor del concurso. El vasto cometido atribuido a la administración concursal nos obliga a restringir nuestra investigación. En particular, centraremos nuestra atención en la posición jurídico procesal de la administración concursal en aquellas actuaciones que desarrolla ésta a la hora de determinar el patrimonio concursal. Para ello, partiendo de las líneas generales que a través de la historia han definido a los órganos de administración concursal, analizaremos el régimen jurídico de la actual administración concursal en España. A continuación, estudiaremos la naturaleza jurídica de la limitación a las facultades patrimoniales que sufre el deudor con la declaración de concurso y el reconocimiento que, como parte procesal, le atribuye la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil al patrimonio concursal. Todo ello, nos permitirá pronunciarnos sobre la referida posición de la administración concursal, como parte o como representante. Tras lo descrito, nos ocuparemos de determinar la posición que ocupa la administración concursal en aquellos procesos que ya estuvieran pendientes en el momento de la declaración de concurso y aquellos otros procesos nuevos que inicia aquella por su propia iniciativa. Por último, analizaremos la descrita posición procesal en el ejercicio de acciones de reintegración y demás de impugnación así como en aquellos supuestos en los que se impugna el inventario o la lista de acreedores. / Since immemorial times, the presence of persons in charge of administering the estate of the bankrupt has been integral to the existence of processes in which the insolvency of the debtor was declared. Traditionally, these subjects boasted a role of singular power to the proper conduct of the banckruptcy process. Whereas now It is erected as the engine of the referred bankruptcy process. The vast role attributed to the bankruptcy administration requires us to restrict our research. In particular, we will focus on the procedural legal position of the bankruptcy administration in those activities that it develops when determining the bankruptcy estate. To do this, starting from the outline that through history have defined the bodies of the bankruptcy administration, we will analyze the current legal framework for the bankruptcy administration in Spain. Afterwards, we will study the legal nature of the limitation to economic powers sufferd by the debtor with the insolvency declaration and the that, as a procedural party, is atributed by the Civil Procedure Law to the bankruptcy estate. All this will allow us to rule on the said position of the bankruptcy administration, as part of or as a representative in the process. Moreover, we shall determine the position of the bankruptcy administration in those processes already pending at the time of the bankruptcy declaration and those newly started by the bankruptcy administration on its own initiative. Finally, we will described procedural position of the bankruptcy administration in the exercise of reintegration and other actions to challenge and in those cases in which the inventory or list of creditors is contested.

The impact of intraclonal heterogeneity on the outcomes of Multiple Myeloma patients treated with new drugs

Brioli, Annamaria <1982> 16 March 2015 (has links)
Understanding the biology of Multiple Myeloma (MM) is of primary importance in the struggle to achieve a cure for this yet incurable neoplasm. A better knowledge of the mechanism underlying the development of MM can guide us in the development of new treatment strategies. Studies both on solid and haematological tumours have shown that cancer comprises a collection of related but subtly different clones, a feature that has been termed “intra-clonal heterogeneity”. This intra-clonal heterogeneity is likely, from a “Darwinian” natural selection perspective, to be the essential substrate for cancer evolution, disease progression and relapse. In this context the critical mechanism for tumour progression is competition between individual clones (and cancer stem cells) for the same microenvironmental “niche”, combined with the process of adaptation and natural selection. The Darwinian behavioural characteristics of cancer stem cells are applicable to MM. The knowledge that intra-clonal heterogeneity is an important feature of tumours’ biology has changed our way to addressing cancer, now considered as a composite mixture of clones and not as a linear evolving disease. In this variable therapeutic landscape it is important for clinicians and researchers to consider the impact that evolutionary biology and intra-clonal heterogeneity have on the treatment of myeloma and the emergence of treatment resistance. It is clear that if we want to effectively cure myeloma it is of primarily importance to understand disease biology and evolution. Only by doing so will we be able to effectively use all of the new tools we have at our disposal to cure myeloma and to use treatment in the most effective way possible. The aim of the present research project was to investigate at different levels the presence of intra-clonal heterogeneity in MM patients, and to evaluate the impact of treatment on clonal evolution and on patients’ outcomes.

Iura novit curia

Santini, Marco <1978> 29 June 2012 (has links)
Al principio iura novit curia si assegnano tradizionalmente due significati: il giudice conosce le norme, quindi le parti non hanno onori al riguardo, e il giudice non è vincolato dalle indicazioni delle parti, quanto alle norme di diritto da applicare. La tesi delimita inizialmente la nozione di questione di diritto, quindi affronta partitamente due problemi che si pongono con riferimento alle questioni di diritto e che sono soliti essere risolti con il richiamo al principio iura novit curia: la conoscenza delle norme da una parte e la qualificazione giuridica della domanda e quindi della situazione soggettiva dall’altra. Quanto alla conoscenza delle norme, motivata la scelta per l’obbligatorietà della conoscenza ufficiosa di tutte le fonti di diritto, la tesi verifica la regola in relazione alle diverse fonti descrivendone la disciplina. Quanto alla qualificazione giuridica della domanda, la tesi, verificata la vigenza del principio iura novit curia, descrive sul piano processuale le relazioni del potere-dovere di qualificazione giuridica a) individuandone i limiti oggettivi, ricompresi nei limiti della domanda, e risultanti dal confronto con la regola della corrispondenza del chiesto con il pronunciato, del concorso di diritti, della natura autodeterminata dei diritti, b) tracciandone le modalità legittime di esercizio in conformità al principio del contradditorio; c) verificandone i limiti esterni, ravvisati in quegli istituti che impediscono al giudice di formulare un giudizio sulla questione di diritto: le sentenze non definitive su questioni di diritto, il principio di diritto, il giudicato interno e i limiti alla cognizione del giudice dell’impugnazione tra i gradi di giudizio. / Traditionally the meaning of the iura novit curia principle is twofold. First, the judge has the duty to search the source of law which is applicable to the case he is facing; second, the judge is not bounded by the legal profiles or suggestions which the parties of the proceeding indicate. The present Ph.D. thesis tries to define the concept of “legal issue” and to define the field of application of the iura novit curia principle. The issue represented by the knowledge of the law is considered in conjunction with various sources of law. The issue of the “legal qualification” is evaluated with reference to a) the limits internal to the power of the judge (also with regard to the nemo iudex sine actore principle), b) the way to exercise the above-mentioned power in accordance with the due process principle and with the right of the parties to be heard, c) the limits external to the power to be exercised in relation with the other procedural topics involving legal procedural issues.

La coazione all'adempimento mediante la tecnica delle misure coercitive indirette / The compulsion to the fulfillment by the technique of indirect coercive measures

Bassora, Lara <1985> 01 July 2014 (has links)
La tesi intende offrire una riflessione in merito all’utilizzo della tecnica delle misure coercitive indirette quali strumenti di coartazione della volontà dell’obbligato al fine di indurlo all’esatto adempimento in presenza di statuizioni giudiziali il cui contenuto si sostanzi in prestazioni a carattere infungibile o in un dovere di astensione dal porre in essere determinati comportamenti, che non possono trovare esecuzione secondo le ordinarie forme previste dal Libro Terzo del Codice di procedura civile. Il lavoro prende le mosse dall'analisi storico-comparatistica dello sviluppo dell'esecuzione processuale indiretta nei principali ordinamenti giuridici europei, per poi soffermarsi sulle singole misure coercitive indirette disciplinate dal legislatore italiano nel corso degli anni al fine di far fronte alle esigenze di tutela emergenti in specifici settori del diritto. Segue un'attenta disamina in ordine alla disposizione di cui all'art. 614-bis c.p.c., con cui è stata introdotta per la prima volta nel nostro ordinamento una misura coercitiva indiretta a carattere generale in materia di esecuzione degli obblighi di fare infungibile e di non fare. / The thesis aims to offer a reflection about the use of the technique of indirect coercive measures as a means of coercion of the debtor's will in order to compel the exact fulfillment in the presence of court's judgements whose content is entailed in infungibile performance or a duty to abstain from engaging in certain behaviors, which can not be enforced by the ordinary procedures regulate in the Third Book of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure. The work builds on the historical-comparative analysis of progress of indirect coercive measures in the main European legal systems, then stop on the individual indirect coercive measures governed by the Italian legislator over the years in order to protect emerging needs in specific areas of law. Follows a careful examination about the provision of 614-bis article of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure, who introduced for the first time in our legal system a general indirect coercive measure concerning the enforcement of infungible obligations of do and obligations not to do.

Development of instrumental and sensory analytical methods of food obtained by traditional and emerging technologies

Comandini, Patrizia <1983> 25 May 2012 (has links)
The consumer demand for natural, minimally processed, fresh like and functional food has lead to an increasing interest in emerging technologies. The aim of this PhD project was to study three innovative food processing technologies currently used in the food sector. Ultrasound-assisted freezing, vacuum impregnation and pulsed electric field have been investigated through laboratory scale systems and semi-industrial pilot plants. Furthermore, analytical and sensory techniques have been developed to evaluate the quality of food and vegetable matrix obtained by traditional and emerging processes. Ultrasound was found to be a valuable technique to improve the freezing process of potatoes, anticipating the beginning of the nucleation process, mainly when applied during the supercooling phase. A study of the effects of pulsed electric fields on phenol and enzymatic profile of melon juice has been realized and the statistical treatment of data was carried out through a response surface method. Next, flavour enrichment of apple sticks has been realized applying different techniques, as atmospheric, vacuum, ultrasound technologies and their combinations. The second section of the thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the discrimination and quantification of phenol compounds in vegetable matrix, as chestnut bark extracts and olive mill waste water. The management of waste disposal in mill sector has been approached with the aim of reducing the amount of waste, and at the same time recovering valuable by-products, to be used in different industrial sectors. Finally, the sensory analysis of boiled potatoes has been carried out through the development of a quantitative descriptive procedure for the study of Italian and Mexican potato varieties. An update on flavour development in fresh and cooked potatoes has been realized and a sensory glossary, including general and specific definitions related to organic products, used in the European project Ecropolis, has been drafted.

Individuazione e caratterizzazione dei prodotti di degradazione ossidativa dei secoiridoidi nell'olio vergine di oliva mediante tecniche analitiche innovative / Identification and characterization of oxidative degradation products of secoiridoids in virgin olive oil by innovative analytical techniques.

Di Maio, Ilona <1979> 24 May 2012 (has links)
Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è la caratterizzazione dei prodotti di ossidazione di diversi fenoli idrofili contenuti nell’olio vergine d’oliva come idrossitirosolo, tirosolo e la forma dialdeidica dell’acido decarbossimetil elenolico legato all’idrossitirosolo, e la loro identificazione nel prodotto durante la conservazione. L’obiettivo della ricerca è trovare degli indici analitici che possono essere usati sia come marker di “freschezza” dell’olio vergine di oliva sia nella valutazione della “shelf life” del prodotto stesso. Due sistemi di ossidazione sono stati usati per ossidare le molecole sopracitate: ossidazione enzimatica e ossidazione di Fenton. I prodotti di ossidazione sono stati identificati come chinoni, dimeri e acidi. / The aim of this research is the characterization of the oxidation products of several hydrophilic phenols of virgin olive oil (VOO), such as hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA), tyrosol (p-HPEA) and dialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl elenolic acid linked to 3,4-DHPEA (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) and, their identification in the product during storage. This work is aimed at finding analytical indicators that can be used both as molecular markers of VOO “freshness” and for the evaluation of the shelf life of the product itself. Two oxidation systems were examined for the oxidation of p-HPEA, 3,4-DHPEA and 3,4-DHPEA-EDA: enzymatic oxidation and Fenton oxidation. Reaction products were identified as quinones, dimers, and acids.

I controlli sulla tutela interinale della crisi della famiglia / Controls over temporary wardship in cases of family crisis

Fasciano, Gaia Maria Teresa <1982> 29 June 2012 (has links)
La tesi affronta il tema dei controlli avverso i provvedimenti nell’interesse della prole e dei coniugi resi nell’ambito dei procedimenti di separazione e di divorzio, dapprima fornendo un inquadramento storico della problematica, attraverso la disamina delle posizioni dottrinali e giurisprudenziali formatesi con riferimento alla natura ed al regime impugnatorio di tali provvedimenti dall’entrata in vigore del codice di rito del 1865 ad oggi, dopodiché analizzando le numerose questioni interpretative cui l’attuale quadro normativo, risultante dalla stratificazione legislativa operata dalla L. 14 maggio 2005, n. 80 e dalla L. 8 febbraio 2006, n. 54, dà origine. In particolare la tesi, dopo aver delineato la struttura del reclamo di cui all’art. 708 c.p.c., cercando di fornire una soluzione ai dubbi che la scarna disciplina contenuta nella menzionata norma solleva, si occupa dei rapporti tra gli istituti del reclamo alla Corte d’appello e della revoca e modifica ad opera del giudice istruttore, riepilogando le varie teorie elaborate dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza sul tema e cercando di individuare quale sia l’ambito di applicazione di ciascuno strumento di controllo. La tesi affronta poi, a fronte della mancata previsione di una forma di riesame avanti ad un organo superiore avverso i provvedimenti resi dal giudice istruttore ai sensi dell’art. 709, ultimo comma, c.p.c., la questione della reclamabilità di tali provvedimenti, cercando di individuare quale sia lo strumento più idoneo cui fare ricorso per colmare la lacuna che si dovesse ritenere esistente nel dato normativo. Il lavoro si conclude con la disamina, in una prospettiva de iure condendo, dei progetti di riforma che sono stati elaborati con riferimento al tema dei controlli avverso i provvedimenti temporanei e urgenti. / The thesis deals with the subject of controls over provisions made on behalf of children and married couples during separation and divorce proceedings. It firstly provides a historical framework for the problem, by examining the opinions of legal doctrine and the case history built up concerning the nature and means of opposing such provisions, from the coming into force of the 1865 procedural code till the present day. It will then analyse the numerous questions of interpretation created by the current regulatory framework as a result of the stratification of rules resulting from Law 14 May 2005, no. 80 and Law 8 February 2006, no. 54. In particular the thesis, after describing the structure for opposing provisions as of art. 708 of the Italian Civil Procedure Code and attempting to resolve the doubts raised by the meagre discipline contained in this regulation, will compare the ways and means of disputing provisions in the Appeal Court and having them revoked or modified by the Investigating Magistrate. It will then summarize the various theories on the subject evolved by legal doctrine and case law and will attempt to identify the area of application of each controlling instrument. Given that no form of re-examination before a higher body is envisaged of the Investigating Magistrate’s provisions, issued as of art. 709, last paragraph, of the Italian Civil Procedure Code, the thesis will discuss whether such provisions can be appealed against, and will try to identify the most suitable instrument with which to overcome the lacuna which must be deemed to exist in the present regulations. The work will conclude by examining, from a de iure condendo perspective, the projects for reform that have been drawn up regarding the question of controls over temporary and urgent provisions.

Physico-chemical and microstructural properties of food dispersions

Glicerina, Virginia Teresa <1979> 29 May 2014 (has links)
The macroscopic properties of oily food dispersions, such as rheology, mechanical strength, sensory attributes (e.g. mouth feel, texture and even flavour release) and as well as engineering properties are strongly determined by their microstructure, that is considered a key parameter in the understanding of the foods behaviour . In particular the rheological properties of these matrices are largely influenced by their processing techniques, particle size distribution and composition of ingredients. During chocolate manufacturing, mixtures of sugar, cocoa and fat are heated, cooled, pressurized and refined. These steps not only affect particle size reduction, but also break agglomerates and distribute lipid and lecithin-coated particles through the continuous phase, this considerably modify the microstructure of final chocolate. The interactions between the suspended particles and the continuous phase provide information about the existing network and consequently can be associated to the properties and characteristics of the final dispersions. Moreover since the macroscopic properties of food materials, are strongly determined by their microstructure, the evaluation and study of the microstructural characteristics, can be very important for a through understanding of the food matrices characteristics and to get detailed information on their complexity. The aim of this study was investigate the influence of formulation and each process step on the microstructural properties of: chocolate type model systems, dark milk and white chocolate types, and cocoa creams. At the same time the relationships between microstructural changes and the resulting physico-chemical properties of: chocolate type dispersions model systems dark milk and white chocolate were investigated. / Le proprietà macroscopiche di dispersioni alimentari a base oleosa tra cui quelle reologiche, meccaniche e sensoriali (consistenza, texture, palatabilità, viscosità, stabilità fisica, ecc.) sono fortemente influenzate dalla loro microstruttura che è considerata un parametro chiave nella comprensione del “comportamento macroscopico” degli alimenti. In particolar modo le proprietà reologiche di tali matrici alimentari sono direttamente influenzate sia dalla formulazione che dal processo di produzione. Durante la produzione di cioccolato e/o surrogati a base di cacao, miscele di zucchero, cacao e grassi vengono riscaldate, raffreddate, pressurizzate e raffinate (Beckett 2000). Questi operazioni tecnologiche la contribuiscono a ridurre la dimensione delle particelle, a rompere gli agglomerati e a distribuire grassi e lecitina attorno alle singole particelle, modificandone la loro microstruttura . Poiché le proprietà macroscopiche di tali matrici alimentari sono fortemente determinate dalla loro microstruttura, la valutazione delle caratteristiche microstrutturali risulta essere molto importante al fine di studiare e ottenere dettagliate informazioni sulla loro complessità. Il presente studio si è proposto pertanto di valutare, mediante tecniche dirette di microscopia ed indirette di laser light diffraction, l’influenza delle diverse formulazioni e di ogni singola fase del processo produttivo sulle proprietà microstrutturali di: sistemi modello a base oleosa, cioccolato fondente, al latte e bianco e surrogati a base di cacao. Parallelamente sono state investigate le relazioni esistenti tra le caratteristiche micro strutturali delle suddette matrici e le loro proprietà reologiche e chimico-fisiche.

Sensory and instrumental profiling of apples: a new tool for quality assessment

Corollaro, Maria Laura <1985> 08 May 2014 (has links)
Food suppliers currently measure apple quality considering basic pomological descriptors. Sensory analysis is expensive, does not permit to analyse many samples, and cannot be implemented for measuring quality properties in real time. However, sensory analysis is the best way to precisely describe food eating quality, since it is able to define, measure, and explain what is really perceivable by human senses and using a language that closely reflects the consumers’ perception. On the basis of such observations, we developed a detailed protocol for apple sensory profiling by descriptive sensory analysis and instrumental measurements. The collected sensory data were validated by applying rigorous scientific criteria for sensory analysis. The method was then applied for studying sensory properties of apples and their changes in relation to different pre- and post-harvest factors affecting fruit quality, and demonstrated to be able to discriminate fruit varieties and to highlight differences in terms of sensory properties. The instrumental measurements confirmed such results. Moreover, the correlation between sensory and instrumental data was studied, and a new effective approach was defined for the reliable prediction of sensory properties by instrumental characterisation. It is therefore possible to propose the application of this sensory-instrumental tool to all the stakeholders involved in apple production and marketing, to have a reliable description of apple fruit quality.

Leucemia Acuta Mieloide e signaling purinergico: possibili sviluppi terapeutici / Acute Myloid Leukemia and purinergic signaling: development of innovative therapies

Salvestrini, Valentina <1980> 23 January 2014 (has links)
I nucleotidi trifosfato sono, dal punto di vista evoluzionistico, tra le molecole più antiche e conservate tra le specie. Oltre al ruolo che ricoprono nella sintesi degli acidi nucleici e nel metabolismo energetico della cellula, negli ultimi anni è emerso sempre di più il loro coinvolgimento nella regolazione di numerose funzioni cellulari. Questi importanti mediatori cellulari sono presenti nel microambiente e cambiamenti nella loro concentrazione extracellulare possono modulare la funzionalità cellulare. I nucleotidi trifosfato ATP e UTP, presenti nel microambiente midollare, sono dei potenti stimolatori dei progenitori emopoietici. Essi stimolano la proliferazione e l’attecchimento delle cellule staminali emopoietiche, così come la loro capacità migratoria, attraverso l’attivazione di specifici recettori di membrana, i recettori purinergici (P2R). In questo studio abbiamo dimostrato che ATP e UTP esercitano un effetto opposto sul compartimento staminale leucemico di leucemia acuta mieloide (LAM). Abbiamo dimostrato che le cellule leucemiche esprimono i recettori P2 funzionalmente attivi. Studi di microarray hanno evidenziato che, a differenza di ciò che avviene nelle CD34+, la stimolazione di cellule leucemiche con ATP induce la down-regolazione dei geni coinvolti nella proliferazione e nella migrazione, mentre up-regola geni inibitori del ciclo cellulare. Abbiamo poi confermato a livello funzionale, mediante test in vitro, gli effetti osservati a livello molecolare. Studi di inibizione farmacologica, ci hanno permesso di capire che l’attività inibitoria dell’ATP sulla proliferazione si esplica attraverso l’attivazione del recettore P2X7, mentre i sottotipi recettoriali P2 prevalentemente coinvolti nella regolazione della migrazione sono i recettori P2Y2 e P2Y4. Esperimenti di xenotrapianto, hanno evidenziato che l’esposizione ad ATP e UTP sia dei blasti leucemici sia delle cellule staminali leucemiche CD38-CD34+ diminuisce la loro capacità di homing e di engraftment in vivo. Inoltre, il trattamento farmacologico con ATP, di topi ai quali è stata indotta una leucemia umana, ha diminuito lo sviluppo della leucemia in vivo. / Extracellular adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) and uridine-triphosphate (UTP) nucleotides increase the proliferation and engraftment potential of normal human hematopoietic stem cells via the engagement of purinergic receptors (P2Rs). Here, we show that ATP or UTP have strikingly opposite effects on human acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) cells. Leukemic cells express P2Rs. ATP-stimulated leukemic cells, but not normal CD34+ cells, undergo down-regulation of genes involved in cell proliferation and migration whereas cell cycle inhibitors are up-regulated. Functionally, ATP induced the inhibition of proliferation and accumulation of AML cells, but not of normal cells, in the G0 phase of cell cycle. Exposure to ATP or UTP inhibited AML cell migration in vitro. In vivo, xenotransplant experiments demonstrated that the homing and the engraftment capacity of AML blasts and CD34+CD38- cells to immunodeficient mice bone marrow was significantly inhibited by pre-treatment with nucleotides. P2Rs expression analysis and pharmacological profile suggest that the inhibition of proliferation by ATP was mediated by the down-regulation of the P2X7R, which is up-regulated on untreated blasts, while the inhibition of chemotaxis was mainly mediated via P2Y2R and P2Y4R subtypes. Thus, conversely to normal cells, P2Rs signaling inhibits leukemic cells and its pharmacologic modulation may represent a novel therapeutic strategy.

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