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Application of the photodiode in design and implementation of a 2-D position detectorCha, Jae H. 17 March 2010 (has links)
see document / Master of Science
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System development of a 21st century communications system for mobile usersCoole, Daniel John 17 March 2010 (has links)
see document / Master of Science
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Application of systems engineering methods to the design of an aviation navigation systemAnkrum, Aaron G. 30 March 2010 (has links)
<p>The need for an aviation navigation system is established from examining the
phase out of current systems and the delay in the development of replacement systems.
The systems engineering approach has been applied to ensure that a capable system is
developed. After establishing the need, two GPS based methods of creating an aviation
navigation system are examined. A system based on the differential GPS method is
chosen as the most feasible.</p>
The functional analysis, operational requirements and maintenance concept are
defined based on the differential GPS choice. A conceptual system design is then
described for each system element, the ground beacon element and the aircraft element.
The allocation of requirements, element architecture and element reliability are
examined in the conceptual design.</p> / Master of Science
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Application of the systems engineering process to develop a wide area network communications system upgrade designCole, Carl F. 30 March 2010 (has links)
see document / Master of Science
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Review of multi-use playing field surfacesGavlak, Michael W. 30 March 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project was to gather and present information that
allows the Virginia Tech Athletic Department to make an informed decision on
the best choice of a new multi-use playing surface. The project provides
information on initial costs, different types of surfaces and maintenance costs
of five different potential surfaces.</p> / Master of Science
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Corporate sponsorship: Virginia Tech women's athletics and Sara LeeGillespie, Ann Brett 30 March 2010 (has links)
<p>The cost of putting on major sporting events and running athletic
departments continues to escalate. This produces a need for new ways to
generate money; one way is through corporate sponsorship. To garner a
sponsorship there must be a match between the sponsor and the
university, sport. or event that is receiving the sponsorship. Sara Lee is
the type of corporation that has the make up and interest to explore the
sponsorship of a female athletic program. They are already in a
partnership with the NCAA. Virginia Tech is striving to reach a level of
compliance with Title IX and the mandates of the NCAA regarding
gender-equity. At the present time Virginia Tech fields seven women
sports at the varsity level and has proposed the addition of two - three
additional sports for women in the next four years. In order for this
growth to occur, the athletic department budget will increase by between
twelve and twenty percent.(Virginia Tech Equity Plan) With a strong
support from corporate sponsorship the students will not have to incur
this great cost and other programs funded by the Athletic Department
will not have to suffer substantial cuts. The following is a proposal for
sponsorship of several of Virginia Tech's women's sports by the SARA
LEE corporation.</p> / Master of Science
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The development of a CHAID-based model for CHITRA93Cadiz, Horacio T. 27 April 2010 (has links)
The complexity of the behavior of parallel and distributed programs is the major reason for the difficulties in the analysis and diagnosis of their performance. Complex systems such as these have frequently been studied using models as abstractions of such systems. By capturing only the details of the system which are considered essential, a model is a replica of the complex system which is simpler and easier to understand than the real system. CHITRA92, the second generation of the performance analysis tool CHITRA, builds a continuous time semi-Markov chain to model program behavior. However, this model is limited to representing relationships between states which are only immediate predecessors or successors of each other. This project introduces and implements a new empirical model of the behavior of software programs which is able to represent dependencies between nonsequential program states. The implementation combines deterministic and probabilistic modeling and is based on the Chi Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) statistical technique designed for investigating categorical data. The empirical model, constructed by analyzing an ensemble of program execution sequences, is stochastic and non-Markovian in the form of an N -step Transition Matrix. The algorithm is integrated as one of the modeling subsystems of CHITRA93, the third generation of CHITRA. / Master of Science
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Analysis of potential system improvements concepts for Sunday newspaper insert packagingHarris, Earl D. 24 October 2009 (has links)
The newspaper industry is undergoing changes to its' revenue base that appear to
be leading the industry away from its traditional mission. Throughout history newspapers
have had a mission to research, print and deliver news. The better a newspaper was at
presenting the news, the greater its' circulation, the greater its' circulation the more
revenue it could generate from printed advertisements. Indeed, until the 1970's all of a
newspaper's revenues were tied to its' printing process. Beginning in the late 1960's,
newspapers began to insert pre-printed advertisements into their products. This inserting
has continued to grow steadily over the past twenty years. Recently the growth rate of
advertising revenue generated by many major newspaper's internal printed advertising has
become stagnant. Meanwhile newspaper inserting revenue continues to grow steadily and
it appears that the newspapers are facing the possible need to re-define their mission. This
new mission appears to be: "to distribute varieties of desirable printed products to
subscribers." The word "desirable" is key. Advertisers want to direct their information to
market "niches" and correspondingly, the advertiser wants to reach only the reader
segments most likely to respond positively to the advertisement, i.e. make a purchase.
<p>One important facility that gives newspapers a potential advantage over other
distributors of printed matter is the newspaper's delivery system. Unlike products
delivered through the mail, a newspaper's circulation organization can deliver printed
material within as little as a twenty-four hour notice. This research will examine certain
production process changes that could potentially take advantage of a modern newspaper's
production and distribution strengths.
<p>The research considers trends in magazine production and models a number of
production line scenarios that have the potential of enhancing revenue by inserting greater
varieties of pre-prints into an individually addressed package. It lists a number of changes
that will probably be required for many design up-grade and recommends future research
that would lead to a possible major change in business strategy. / Master of Science
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Proposal to First Union Bank for corporate sponsorship of Virginia Tech athleticsHerbster, David M. 24 October 2009 (has links)
<p>These two service-oriented entities, First Union and Virginia Tech, both stand to benefit
by teaming up to form a partnership in service. First Union would gain exposure in
markets they need to strengthen as well as markets they are interested in entering. First
Union would receive access to all incoming students as well as those already at Virginia
Tech in addition to all alumni. Virginia Tech's positive influence on southwest Virginia
could help reestablish First Union's service oriented image in this area after the merger
with Dominion Bank. In return, Virginia Tech can receive a financial commitment from
First Union, as well as the association with one of the premiere banks in the nation. / Master of Science
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A first step toward the creation of a software maintenance processMartinez, Angel R. 24 October 2009 (has links)
Master of Science
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