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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preaching in transition

Adam, Júlio Cézar 12 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this article is to reflect on homiletics and Christian preaching in the context of Latin America, in the current times of transition. In order to provide a better understanding of the approach, initially aspects of the Latin American religious and cultural context will be analyzed. Then there will be considerations on aspects of the development of Christian preaching, creating a space to think about the relationship between Christian preaching and theologies that are relevant to the context, such as liberation theology. Finally a few challenges to Christian preaching in times of transition will be pointed out. Due to the delimitation of the article, it will focus on the homiletic development of the historical Protestant churches on the continent, above all in the Brazilian context.

Pregação em transição

Adam, Júlio Cézar 12 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Este artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a homilética e a pregação cristã no contexto da América Latina, em tempos atuais de transição. Para tanto, afim de propiciar uma melhor compreensão da abordagem, analisar-se-á aspectos do contexto religioso e cultural latino-americano, num primeiro momento. Em seguida, refletir-se-á sobre aspectos do desenvolvimento da pregação cristã, dando espaço para pensar a relação entre a pregração cristã com teologias relevantes para o contexto, como a Teologia da Libertação, para, finalmente, apontar alguns desafios para a pregação cristã em tempos de transição. Devido a delimitação do artigo, o enfoque estará concentrado no desenvolvimento homilético das igrejas protestantes históricas do continente, sobretudo do contexto brasileiro.


Campbell, Charles L. 15 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Just preaching … in times of transition

Cilliers, Johan 15 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, a brief overview is given of two research projects that were done in South Africa during 1987 (a particularly difficult time under apartheid), and 1994 (the year that the first democratic elections took place), respectively. Some of the findings are discussed under the keywords: silence, transition, reservation, new vision. Reference is made to a historic sermon preached by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town only three days before the first democratic elections were held in South Africa on the 27th of April, 1994. The paper concludes with a reflection on an artwork by the South African artist, Willie Bester.

Preaching as repetition – in times of transition

Ringgaard Lorensen, Marlene 15 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this article, I present insights from an empirical study of a congregation which consists of a medley of refugees from the Middle East who have recently converted from Islam and ethnic Danes whose families have belonged to the Lutheran Church for generations. The empirical material is analyzed in light of Søren Kierkegaard’s category of repetition, in the sense of receiving anew, because this phenomenon appears crucial, not only to the genre of preaching but to preachers and listeners alike – especially, in times and situations of transition. I suggest that the Kierkegaardian notion of repetition may be useful as a homiletical category with regard of scholars’ method, preachers’ preparation and listeners’ appropriation of preaching.

Contemporary Jewish homiletics

Marmur, Michael 15 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This article deals with the derasha, the Jewish sermon and offers an inventory of the key dimensions of the Jewish sermon as practiced today and in the past from a reformed Jewish perspective. It shows its connection to the particular moment, its functions (further distinguished as contextual, intentional, educational, and symbolic), its message, sources, structure, and the techniques involved in its delivery and gives a brief example of one of the author’s own derashot from July 2015.

What’s at stake in a preacher’s spirituality of time?

McCray, Donyelle Charlotte 15 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A preacher’s spirituality of time may seem like a peripheral issue, but this realm is one where much is at stake. In this article I argue that the preacher’s approach to time scaffolds the overall endeavor. I begin by considering the church’s unique position in time, arguing that the church is fundamentally an event or a happening rather than an institution. Then, I explore ways preaching can foreground the church’s identity as an event. After describing preaching as the narration of a theological moment in the church’s life, I turn to practical implications. In addition to homileticians, my primary interlocutors for this piece include two renowned spirituality scholars, Evelyn Underhill and Abraham Joshua Heschel. I conclude that ecclesiology, pneumatology, and performance are all profoundly shaped by a preacher’s appreciation for the holiness of time.

A Virus-Derived Stacked RNAi Construct Confers Robust Resistance to Cassava Brown Streak Disease

Beyene, Getu, Chauhan, Raj Deepika, Ilyas, Muhammad, Wagaba, Henry, Fauquet, Claude M., Miano, Douglas, Alicai, Titus, Taylor, Nigel J. 18 January 2017 (has links)
Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) threatens food and economic security for smallholder farmers throughout East and Central Africa, and poses a threat to cassava production in West Africa. CBSD is caused by two whitefly-transmitted virus species: Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV) (Genus: Ipomovirus, Family Potyviridae). Although varying levels of tolerance have been achieved through conventional breeding, to date, effective resistance to CBSD within East African cassava germplasm has not been identified. RNAi technology was utilized to integrate CBSD resistance into the Ugandan farmer-preferred cassava cultivar TME 204. Transgenic plant lines were generated expressing an inverted repeat construct (p5001) derived from coat-protein (CP) sequences of CBSV and UCBSV fused in tandem. Northern blots using probes specific for each CP sequence were performed to characterize 169 independent transgenic lines for accumulation of CP-derived siRNAs. Transgenic plant lines accumulating low, medium and high levels of siRNAs were bud graft challenged with the virulent CBSV Naliendele isolate alone or in combination with UCBSV. Resistance to CBSD in the greenhouse directly correlated to levels of CP-derived siRNAs as determined by visual assessment of leaf and storage root symptoms, and RT-PCR diagnosis for presence of the pathogens. Low expressing lines were found to be susceptible to CBSV and UCBSV, while medium to high accumulating plant lines were resistant to both virus species. Absence of detectable virus in the best performing p5001 transgenic lines was further confirmed by back-inoculation via sap or graft challenge to CBSD susceptible Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava cultivar 60444, respectively. Data presented shows robust resistance of transgenic p5001 TME 204 lines to both CBSV and UCBSV under greenhouse conditions. Levels of resistance correlated directly with levels of transgene derived siRNA expression such that the latter can be used as predictor of resistance to CBSD.

Svartlistning av störande flygpassagerare

Sverlander, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Störande passagerare kan utgöra ett flygsäkerhetsproblem för flygbolag. Ett möjligt alternativ för flygbolagen att undvika sådana passagerare på sina flygningar är att upprätta svarta listor över dessa passagerare för att sedan hindra sådana att boka flygbiljett med flygbolaget. Detta är en form av behandling av personuppgifter, vilket regleras av bestämmelser i personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) som är ett resultat av ett EG-direktiv. Grunden för tillåten behandling av personuppgifter är att den enskilde har medgivit sitt samtycke till sådan behandling. Eftersom det rimligen kan antas att en passagerare inte kommer att samtycka till att han eller hon kan komma att registreras i en svart lista över störande passagerare, fokuserar uppsatsen på huruvida svartlistning är tillåten utan medgivit samtycke.</p><p>Kärnfrågan i analysen rör huruvida flygbolagens intresse av att trygga säkerheten väger tyngre än passagerarens skydd mot kränkning av sin personliga integritet. Analysen visar på att en intresseavvägning öppnar för möjligheten att upprätta svarta listor. En ytterligare möjlighet att svartlista störande passagerare som utreds är om flygbolagen kan upprätta svarta listor för att fullgöra ett avtal.</p>

Svartlistning av störande flygpassagerare

Sverlander, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Störande passagerare kan utgöra ett flygsäkerhetsproblem för flygbolag. Ett möjligt alternativ för flygbolagen att undvika sådana passagerare på sina flygningar är att upprätta svarta listor över dessa passagerare för att sedan hindra sådana att boka flygbiljett med flygbolaget. Detta är en form av behandling av personuppgifter, vilket regleras av bestämmelser i personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) som är ett resultat av ett EG-direktiv. Grunden för tillåten behandling av personuppgifter är att den enskilde har medgivit sitt samtycke till sådan behandling. Eftersom det rimligen kan antas att en passagerare inte kommer att samtycka till att han eller hon kan komma att registreras i en svart lista över störande passagerare, fokuserar uppsatsen på huruvida svartlistning är tillåten utan medgivit samtycke. Kärnfrågan i analysen rör huruvida flygbolagens intresse av att trygga säkerheten väger tyngre än passagerarens skydd mot kränkning av sin personliga integritet. Analysen visar på att en intresseavvägning öppnar för möjligheten att upprätta svarta listor. En ytterligare möjlighet att svartlista störande passagerare som utreds är om flygbolagen kan upprätta svarta listor för att fullgöra ett avtal.

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